def dispatch_funcs_to_web_app(funcs, input_trans=None, output_trans=None, name='py2api', debug=0): if not isinstance(funcs, (list, tuple)) or callable(funcs): funcs = [funcs] if input_trans is None: input_trans = InputTrans() elif isinstance(input_trans, dict): input_trans = InputTrans(input_trans) if output_trans is None: output_trans = OutputTrans(jsonify) s = Struct(**{func.__name__: func for func in funcs}) wrap = WebObjWrapper( obj_constructor=s, # wrap this current module obj_constructor_arg_names=[], # no construction, so no construction args permissible_attr=[func.__name__ for func in funcs], input_trans=input_trans, output_trans=output_trans, name='/', debug=debug) return mk_app(app_name=name, routes=[wrap])
Run the web service and try things like: etc. """ import os from flask import jsonify from py2api.py2rest.obj_wrap import WebObjWrapper from py2api.py2rest.input_trans import InputTrans from py2api.output_trans import OutputTrans from py2api.py2rest.app_maker import mk_app, dflt_run_app_kwargs os_path_wrap = WebObjWrapper( obj_constructor= os, # if not a callable, the wrapper wraps always the same object obj_constructor_arg_names=[], # no construction, so no construction args permissible_attr='path\..*', # allows all attributes below path. input_trans=InputTrans.from_argname_trans_dict({}), # standard input_trans output_trans=OutputTrans(trans_spec=lambda x: jsonify({'_result': x})), name='/os', debug=0) app = mk_app(app_name='example', routes=[os_path_wrap]) if __name__ == "__main__":**dflt_run_app_kwargs())
return wrapped_func def wf_from_timed_chunk(chunk): return [x[1] for x in chunk] get_data_chunk_bytes = wrap_output(wfsr_to_wav_bytes)( wrap_output(wf_from_timed_chunk)(get_data_chunk)) input_trans = InputTrans( trans_spec={ _ARGNAME: { # these argument can all be floats (don't have to be handled differently) 'n': int, 'freq': int, 'sr': int, 'amplitude': float, 'phase_in_radians': float, 'df': pd.DataFrame } }) output_trans = OutputTrans( trans_spec={ _ATTR: { 'test_func': lambda x: jsonify({'_result': x.to_dict()}) }, _ELSE: lambda x: jsonify({'_result': x})} ) wrap = WebObjWrapper(obj_constructor=sys.modules[__name__], # wrap this current module
if op_func is not None: return op_func else: raise ValueError("No such operation: {}".format(op)) input_trans = InputTrans( trans_spec={ _ATTR: { # the op argument is going to be handled differently according to the calculator type (float or int) 'fcalc.compute': { _ARGNAME: { 'op': get_float_operator_func } }, 'icalc.compute': { _ARGNAME: { 'op': get_int_operator_func } }, }, _ARGNAME: { # these argument can all be floats (don't have to be handled differently) 'x': float, 'y': float } }) output_trans = OutputTrans(lambda x: jsonify({'_result': x})) # wrapper ############################################################################################################## obj_wrapper = WebObjWrapper(obj_constructor=Controller, obj_constructor_arg_names=['user', 'dflt_greeting'],
from py2api.py2rest.obj_wrap import WebObjWrapper from py2api.py2rest.input_trans import InputTrans, _ARGNAME, _ELSE, _ARGS, _JSON, _SOURCE from py2api.output_trans import OutputTrans, _ATTR, _VALTYPE from py2api.py2rest.app_maker import mk_app, dflt_run_app_kwargs, dispatch_funcs_to_web_app import numpy as np import pandas as pd input_trans = InputTrans({ _ARGNAME: { # check the name of the argument to decide on how to convert it 'arr': { # the way we'll convert arr depends on whether it comes from the url (args) or json. _SOURCE: { # the conversion function will be chosen according to where arr was (url-args or json) _ARGS: lambda x: np.array(list(map(float, x.split( ',')))), # convert csv string to numerical array _JSON: lambda x: np.array(x) # convert to numpy array } }, 'x': int # convert to int (this will work regardless of source, since int(10) == int('10') == 10) } }) # the output of pong is all over the place: Sometimes a string, sometimes a dict, sometimes a DataFrame. # So we need to condition how we convert outputs... # Now, we could define a function and pass it on to OutputTrans (see comment at the end of this module). # But know that OutputTrans json language accommodate's for type based choices: output_trans = OutputTrans({ _ATTR: {
self.snips = self.snips.tolist() return to_jdict(self.get_attr_jdict(self.on_fit_return_attr)) # permissions ########################################################################################################## slang_inclusion_list = [ 'fit', ] attr_permissions = {'include': slang_inclusion_list, 'exclude': []} input_trans = InputTrans( trans_spec={ _ARGNAME: { 'sr': int, 'tile_size_frm': int, 'chk_size_frm': int, 'n_snips': int, 'wf': array_or_str } }) output_trans = OutputTrans({_ELSE: lambda x: jsonify(x)}) # wrapper ############################################################################################################## slang_lite = WebObjWrapper( obj_constructor=TaggedWaveformAnalysisForWS, obj_constructor_arg_names=['sr', 'tile_size_frm', 'chk_size_frm'], permissible_attr=attr_permissions, input_trans=input_trans, output_trans=output_trans, name='/slang_lite/',