def test_can_get_record_values_by_slice_using_getslice(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) try: s = record.__getslice__(0, 2) except AttributeError: assert True else: assert s == Record(["one", "two"], ["eins", "zwei"])
def test_record_can_be_converted_to_subgraph(self): keys = ["a", "b", "ab", "msg"] values = [alice, bob, alice_knows_bob, "hello, world"] record = Record(keys, values) subgraph = record.subgraph() assert order(subgraph) == 2 assert size(subgraph) == 1 assert subgraph.nodes() == {alice, bob} assert subgraph.relationships() == {alice_knows_bob}
def test_stream_yields_remainder(self): cursor = "UNWIND range(1, 10) AS n RETURN n, n * n as n_sq") cursor.forward(5) record_list = list(cursor) assert record_list == [ Record(["n", "n_sq"], [6, 36]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [7, 49]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [8, 64]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [9, 81]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [10, 100]) ]
def test_stream_yields_all(self): cursor = "UNWIND range(1, 10) AS n RETURN n, n * n as n_sq") record_list = list(cursor) assert record_list == [ Record(["n", "n_sq"], [1, 1]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [2, 4]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [3, 9]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [4, 16]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [5, 25]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [6, 36]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [7, 49]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [8, 64]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [9, 81]), Record(["n", "n_sq"], [10, 100]) ]
def test_can_build_record(self): record = Record(["name", "age"], ["Alice", 33]) assert len(record) == 2 assert record.keys() == ("name", "age") assert record.values() == ("Alice", 33) print(record.items()) assert record.items() == [("name", "Alice"), ("age", 33)] assert == {"name": "Alice", "age": 33} r = repr(record) assert r.startswith("(") and r.endswith(")")
def test_cannot_get_record_value_by_anything_else(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): _ = record[None]
def test_can_get_record_values_by_slice_using_getitem(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) assert record.__getitem__(slice(0, 2)) == Record(["one", "two"], ["eins", "zwei"])
def test_can_get_record_values_by_slice(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) assert record[0:2] == Record(["one", "two"], ["eins", "zwei"]) assert record[1:2] == Record(["two"], ["zwei"]) assert record[1:3] == Record(["two", "three"], ["zwei", "drei"]) assert record[1:] == Record(["two", "three"], ["zwei", "drei"])
def test_can_get_record_value_by_index(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) assert record[0] == "eins" assert record[1] == "zwei" assert record[2] == "drei" assert record[-1] == "drei"
def test_select_picks_next(self): cursor ="RETURN 1") record = assert record == Record(["1"], [1])
def test_can_get_record_value_by_name(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) assert record["one"] == "eins" assert record["two"] == "zwei" assert record["three"] == "drei"
def test_can_coerce_record(self): record = Record(["name", "age"], ["Alice", 33]) assert tuple(record) == ("Alice", 33) assert list(record) == ["Alice", 33] assert dict(record) == {"name": "Alice", "age": 33}
def test_cannot_build_record_with_mismatched_keys_and_values(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Record(["name"], ["Alice", 33])
def test_can_use_next_function(self): cursor ="RETURN 1") record = next(cursor) assert record == Record(["1"], [1])
def test_record_with_no_graphy_objects_converts_to_null_subgraph(self): keys = ["a", "b", "c"] values = [1, 2.0, "three"] record = Record(keys, values) subgraph = record.subgraph() assert subgraph is None
def test_cannot_get_record_value_by_missing_name(self): record = Record(["one", "two", "three"], ["eins", "zwei", "drei"]) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): _ = record["four"]
def test_current_updates_after_move(self): cursor ="UNWIND range(1, 10) AS n RETURN n") n = 0 while cursor.forward(): n += 1 assert cursor.current() == Record(["n"], [n])
from py2neo.types import order, size from test.util import GraphTestCase alice = Node("Person", "Employee", name="Alice", age=33) bob = Node("Person") carol = Node("Person") dave = Node("Person") alice_knows_bob = Relationship(alice, "KNOWS", bob, since=1999) alice_likes_carol = Relationship(alice, "LIKES", carol) carol_dislikes_bob = Relationship(carol, "DISLIKES", bob) carol_married_to_dave = Relationship(carol, "MARRIED_TO", dave) dave_works_for_dave = Relationship(dave, "WORKS_FOR", dave) record_keys = ["employee_id", "Person"] record_a = Record(record_keys, [1001, alice]) record_b = Record(record_keys, [1002, bob]) record_c = Record(record_keys, [1003, carol]) record_d = Record(record_keys, [1004, dave]) class CursorMovementTestCase(GraphTestCase): """ Tests for move and position """ def test_cannot_move_beyond_end(self): cursor ="RETURN 1") assert cursor.forward() assert not cursor.forward() def test_can_only_move_until_end(self): cursor ="RETURN 1")