def main(argv): # Get command line stuff and store in a dictionary s='verbose sumfile= indir= input_globs= tslice= nPC= sigMul= minPCFail= minRunFail= numRunFile= printVarTest popens jsonfile= mpi_enable nbin= minrange= maxrange= outfile= casejson= npick= pepsi_gm test_failure pop_tol= pop_threshold=' optkeys = s.split() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h",optkeys) except getopt.GetoptError: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) # Set the default value for options opts_dict = {} opts_dict['input_globs'] = '' opts_dict['indir'] = '' opts_dict['tslice'] = 1 opts_dict['nPC'] = 50 opts_dict['sigMul'] = 2 opts_dict['verbose'] = False opts_dict['minPCFail'] = 3 opts_dict['minRunFail'] = 2 opts_dict['numRunFile'] = 3 opts_dict['printVarTest'] = False opts_dict['popens'] = False opts_dict['jsonfile'] = '' opts_dict['mpi_enable'] = False opts_dict['nbin'] = 40 opts_dict['minrange'] = 0.0 opts_dict['maxrange'] = 4.0 opts_dict['outfile'] = 'testcase.result' opts_dict['casejson'] = '' opts_dict['npick'] = 10 opts_dict['pepsi_gm'] = False opts_dict['test_failure'] = True opts_dict['pop_tol'] = 3.0 opts_dict['pop_threshold'] = 0.90 # Call utility library getopt_parseconfig to parse the option keys # and save to the dictionary caller = 'CECT' gmonly = False opts_dict = pyEnsLib.getopt_parseconfig(opts,optkeys,caller,opts_dict) popens = opts_dict['popens'] # Print out timestamp, input ensemble file and new run directory verbose = opts_dict['verbose'] print('--------pyCECT--------') print(' ') print(dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p")) print(' ') print('Ensemble summary file = '+opts_dict['sumfile']) print(' ') print('Testcase file directory = '+opts_dict['indir'] ) print(' ') print(' ') # Create a mpi simplecomm object if opts_dict['mpi_enable']: me=simplecomm.create_comm() else: me=simplecomm.create_comm(not opts_dict['mpi_enable']) ifiles=[] in_files=[] # Random pick pop files from not_pick_files list if opts_dict['casejson']: with open(opts_dict['casejson']) as fin: result=json.load(fin) in_files_first=result['not_pick_files'] in_files=random.sample(in_files_first,opts_dict['npick']) print('Testcase files:') print('\n'.join(in_files)) else: wildname='*'+opts_dict['input_globs']+'*' # Open all input files if (os.path.exists(opts_dict['indir'])): full_glob_str=os.path.join(opts_dict['indir'],wildname) glob_files=glob.glob(full_glob_str) in_files.extend(glob_files) #in_files_temp=os.listdir(opts_dict['indir']) in_files.sort() if popens: #Partition the input file list in_files_list=me.partition(in_files,func=EqualStride(),involved=True) else: # Random pick non pop files in_files_list=pyEnsLib.Random_pickup(in_files,opts_dict) for frun_file in in_files_list: if frun_file.find(opts_dict['indir']) != -1: frun_temp=frun_file else: frun_temp=opts_dict['indir']+'/'+frun_file if (os.path.isfile(frun_temp)): ifiles.append(Nio.open_file(frun_temp,"r")) else: print("COULD NOT LOCATE FILE " +frun_temp+" EXISTING") sys.exit() if popens: # Read in the included var list Var2d,Var3d=pyEnsLib.read_jsonlist(opts_dict['jsonfile'],'ESP') print(' ') print('Z-score tolerance = '+'{:3.2f}'.format(opts_dict['pop_tol'])) print('ZPR = '+'{:.2%}'.format(opts_dict['pop_threshold'])) zmall,n_timeslice=pyEnsLib.compare_raw_score(opts_dict,ifiles,me.get_rank(),Var3d,Var2d) #zmall = np.concatenate((Zscore3d,Zscore2d),axis=0) np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) if opts_dict['mpi_enable']: zmall = pyEnsLib.gather_npArray_pop(zmall,me,(me.get_size(),len(Var3d)+len(Var2d),len(ifiles),opts_dict['nbin'])) if me.get_rank()==0: fout = open(opts_dict['outfile'],"w") for i in range(me.get_size()): for j in zmall[i]: np.savetxt(fout,j,fmt='%-7.2e') else: # Read all variables from the ensemble summary file ens_var_name,ens_avg,ens_stddev,ens_rmsz,ens_gm,num_3d,mu_gm,sigma_gm,loadings_gm,sigma_scores_gm,is_SE_sum=pyEnsLib.read_ensemble_summary(opts_dict['sumfile']) if len(ens_rmsz) == 0: gmonly = True # Add ensemble rmsz and global mean to the dictionary "variables" variables={} if not gmonly: for k,v in ens_rmsz.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables,k,'zscoreRange',v) for k,v in ens_gm.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables,k,'gmRange',v) # Get 3d variable name list and 2d variable name list seperately var_name3d=[] var_name2d=[] for vcount,v in enumerate(ens_var_name): if vcount < num_3d: var_name3d.append(v) else: var_name2d.append(v) # Get ncol and nlev value npts3d,npts2d,is_SE=pyEnsLib.get_ncol_nlev(ifiles[0]) if (is_SE ^ is_SE_sum): print('Warning: please note the ensemble summary file is different from the testing files, they use different grids') # Compare the new run and the ensemble summary file to get rmsz score results={} countzscore=np.zeros(len(ifiles),dtype=np.int32) countgm=np.zeros(len(ifiles),dtype=np.int32) if not gmonly: for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): otimeSeries = fid.variables for var_name in ens_var_name: orig=otimeSeries[var_name] Zscore,has_zscore=pyEnsLib.calculate_raw_score(var_name,orig[opts_dict['tslice']],npts3d,npts2d,ens_avg,ens_stddev,is_SE,opts_dict,0,0,0) if has_zscore: # Add the new run rmsz zscore to the dictionary "results" pyEnsLib.addresults(results,'zscore',Zscore,var_name,'f'+str(fcount)) # Evaluate the new run rmsz score if is in the range of the ensemble summary rmsz zscore range for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): countzscore[fcount]=pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('zscore','zscoreRange',variables,'ens',results,'f'+str(fcount)) # Calculate the new run global mean mean3d,mean2d=pyEnsLib.generate_global_mean_for_summary(ifiles,var_name3d,var_name2d,is_SE,opts_dict['pepsi_gm'],opts_dict) means=np.concatenate((mean3d,mean2d),axis=0) # Add the new run global mean to the dictionary "results" for i in range(means.shape[1]): for j in range(means.shape[0]): pyEnsLib.addresults(results,'means',means[j][i],ens_var_name[j],'f'+str(i)) # Evaluate the new run global mean if it is in the range of the ensemble summary global mean range for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): countgm[fcount]=pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('means','gmRange',variables,'gm',results,'f'+str(fcount)) # Calculate the PCA scores of the new run new_scores=pyEnsLib.standardized(means,mu_gm,sigma_gm,loadings_gm) pyEnsLib.comparePCAscores(ifiles,new_scores,sigma_scores_gm,opts_dict) # Print out if opts_dict['printVarTest']: print('*********************************************** ') print('Variable-based testing (for reference only - not used to determine pass/fail)') print('*********************************************** ') for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): print(' ') print('Run '+str(fcount+1)+":") print(' ') if not gmonly: print('***'+str(countzscore[fcount])," of "+str(len(ens_var_name))+' variables are outside of ensemble RMSZ distribution***') pyEnsLib.printsummary(results,'ens','zscore','zscoreRange',(fcount),variables,'RMSZ') print(' ') print('***'+str(countgm[fcount])," of "+str(len(ens_var_name))+' variables are outside of ensemble global mean distribution***') pyEnsLib.printsummary(results,'gm','means','gmRange',fcount,variables,'global mean') print(' ') print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------') if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) print(' ') print("Testing complete.")
def main(argv): # Get command line stuff and store in a dictionary s = 'verbose sumfile= indir= timeslice= nPC= sigMul= minPCFail= minRunFail= numRunFile= printVarTest' optkeys = s.split() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", optkeys) except getopt.GetoptError: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) # Set the default value for options opts_dict = {} opts_dict['timeslice'] = 1 opts_dict['nPC'] = 50 opts_dict['sigMul'] = 2 opts_dict['verbose'] = False opts_dict['minPCFail'] = 3 opts_dict['minRunFail'] = 2 opts_dict['numRunFile'] = 3 opts_dict['printVarTest'] = False # Call utility library getopt_parseconfig to parse the option keys # and save to the dictionary caller = 'CECT' gmonly = False opts_dict = pyEnsLib.getopt_parseconfig(opts, optkeys, caller, opts_dict) # Print out timestamp, input ensemble file and new run directory dt = verbose = opts_dict['verbose'] print '--------pyCECT--------' print ' ' print dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") print ' ' print 'Ensemble summary file = ' + opts_dict['sumfile'] print ' ' print 'Cam output directory = ' + opts_dict['indir'] print ' ' print ' ' # Open all input files ifiles = [] in_files_temp = os.listdir(opts_dict['indir']) in_files = sorted(in_files_temp) in_files_random = pyEnsLib.Random_pickup(in_files, opts_dict) for frun_file in in_files_random: if (os.path.isfile(opts_dict['indir'] + '/' + frun_file)): ifiles.append( Nio.open_file(opts_dict['indir'] + '/' + frun_file, "r")) else: print "COULD NOT LOCATE FILE " + opts_dict[ 'indir'] + frun_file + " EXISTING" sys.exit() # Read all variables from the ensemble summary file ens_var_name, ens_avg, ens_stddev, ens_rmsz, ens_gm, num_3d, mu_gm, sigma_gm, loadings_gm, sigma_scores_gm = pyEnsLib.read_ensemble_summary( opts_dict['sumfile']) if len(ens_rmsz) == 0: gmonly = True # Add ensemble rmsz and global mean to the dictionary "variables" variables = {} if not gmonly: for k, v in ens_rmsz.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables, k, 'zscoreRange', v) for k, v in ens_gm.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables, k, 'gmRange', v) # Get 3d variable name list and 2d variable name list seperately var_name3d = [] var_name2d = [] for vcount, v in enumerate(ens_var_name): if vcount < num_3d: var_name3d.append(v) else: var_name2d.append(v) # Get ncol and nlev value npts3d, npts2d, is_SE = pyEnsLib.get_ncol_nlev(ifiles[0]) # Compare the new run and the ensemble summary file to get rmsz score results = {} countzscore = np.zeros(len(ifiles), dtype=np.int32) countgm = np.zeros(len(ifiles), dtype=np.int32) if not gmonly: for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): otimeSeries = fid.variables for var_name in ens_var_name: orig = otimeSeries[var_name] Zscore, has_zscore = pyEnsLib.calculate_raw_score( var_name, orig[opts_dict['timeslice']], npts3d, npts2d, ens_avg, ens_stddev, is_SE) if has_zscore: # Add the new run rmsz zscore to the dictionary "results" pyEnsLib.addresults(results, 'zscore', Zscore, var_name, 'f' + str(fcount)) # Evaluate the new run rmsz score if is in the range of the ensemble summary rmsz zscore range for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): countzscore[fcount] = pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus( 'zscore', 'zscoreRange', variables, 'ens', results, 'f' + str(fcount)) # Calculate the new run global mean mean3d, mean2d = pyEnsLib.generate_global_mean_for_summary( ifiles, var_name3d, var_name2d, opts_dict['timeslice'], is_SE, verbose) means = np.concatenate((mean3d, mean2d), axis=0) # Add the new run global mean to the dictionary "results" for i in range(means.shape[1]): for j in range(means.shape[0]): pyEnsLib.addresults(results, 'means', means[j][i], ens_var_name[j], 'f' + str(i)) # Evaluate the new run global mean if it is in the range of the ensemble summary global mean range for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): countgm[fcount] = pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('means', 'gmRange', variables, 'gm', results, 'f' + str(fcount)) # Calculate the PCA scores of the new run new_scores = pyEnsLib.standardized(means, mu_gm, sigma_gm, loadings_gm) pyEnsLib.comparePCAscores(ifiles, new_scores, sigma_scores_gm, opts_dict) # Print out if opts_dict['printVarTest']: print '*********************************************** ' print 'Variable-based testing (for reference only - not used to determine pass/fail)' print '*********************************************** ' for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): print ' ' print 'Run ' + str(fcount + 1) + ":" print ' ' if not gmonly: print '***' + str(countzscore[fcount]), " of " + str( len(ens_var_name) ) + ' variables are outside of ensemble RMSZ distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results, 'ens', 'zscore', 'zscoreRange', (fcount), variables, 'RMSZ') print ' ' print '***' + str(countgm[fcount]), " of " + str( len(ens_var_name) ) + ' variables are outside of ensemble global mean distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results, 'gm', 'means', 'gmRange', fcount, variables, 'global mean') print ' ' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
def main(argv): # Get command line stuff and store in a dictionary s = """verbose sumfile= indir= input_globs= tslice= nPC= sigMul= minPCFail= minRunFail= numRunFile= printVarTest popens jsonfile= mpi_enable nbin= minrange= maxrange= outfile= casejson= npick= pepsi_gm pop_tol= web_enabled pop_threshold= prn_std_mean fIndex= lev= eet= json_case= """ optkeys = s.split() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", optkeys) except getopt.GetoptError: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) # Set the default value for options opts_dict = {} opts_dict['input_globs'] = '' opts_dict['indir'] = '' opts_dict['tslice'] = 1 opts_dict['nPC'] = 50 opts_dict['sigMul'] = 2 opts_dict['verbose'] = False opts_dict['minPCFail'] = 3 opts_dict['minRunFail'] = 2 opts_dict['numRunFile'] = 3 opts_dict['printVarTest'] = False opts_dict['popens'] = False opts_dict['jsonfile'] = '' opts_dict['mpi_enable'] = False opts_dict['nbin'] = 40 opts_dict['minrange'] = 0.0 opts_dict['maxrange'] = 4.0 opts_dict['outfile'] = 'testcase.result' opts_dict['casejson'] = '' opts_dict['npick'] = 10 opts_dict['pepsi_gm'] = False opts_dict['test_failure'] = True opts_dict['pop_tol'] = 3.0 opts_dict['pop_threshold'] = 0.90 opts_dict['prn_std_mean'] = False opts_dict['lev'] = 0 opts_dict['eet'] = 0 opts_dict['json_case'] = '' opts_dict['sumfile'] = '' opts_dict['web_enabled'] = False # Call utility library getopt_parseconfig to parse the option keys # and save to the dictionary caller = 'CECT' gmonly = False opts_dict = pyEnsLib.getopt_parseconfig(opts, optkeys, caller, opts_dict) popens = opts_dict['popens'] #some mods for POP-ECT if popens == True: opts_dict['tslice'] = 0 opts_dict['numRunFile'] = 1 opts_dict['eet'] = 0 opts_dict['mpi_enable'] = False #print opts_dict # Create a mpi simplecomm object if opts_dict['mpi_enable']: me = simplecomm.create_comm() else: me = simplecomm.create_comm(not opts_dict['mpi_enable']) # Print out timestamp, input ensemble file and new run directory dt = verbose = opts_dict['verbose'] if me.get_rank() == 0: print '--------pyCECT--------' print ' ' print dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") print ' ' if not opts_dict['web_enabled']: print 'Ensemble summary file = ' + opts_dict['sumfile'] print ' ' print 'Testcase file directory = ' + opts_dict['indir'] print ' ' print ' ' # Ensure sensible EET value if opts_dict['eet'] and opts_dict['numRunFile'] > opts_dict['eet']: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) ifiles = [] in_files = [] # Random pick pop files from not_pick_files list if opts_dict['casejson']: with open(opts_dict['casejson']) as fin: result = json.load(fin) in_files_first = result['not_pick_files'] in_files = random.sample(in_files_first, opts_dict['npick']) print 'Testcase files:' print '\n'.join(in_files) elif opts_dict['json_case']: json_file = opts_dict['json_case'] if (os.path.exists(json_file)): fd = open(json_file) metainfo = json.load(fd) if 'CaseName' in metainfo: casename = metainfo['CaseName'] if (os.path.exists(opts_dict['indir'])): for name in casename: wildname = '*.' + name + '.*' full_glob_str = os.path.join(opts_dict['indir'], wildname) glob_file = glob.glob(full_glob_str) in_files.extend(glob_file) else: print "ERROR: " + opts_dict['json_case'] + " does not exist." sys.exit() print "in_files=", in_files else: wildname = '*' + str(opts_dict['input_globs']) + '*' # Open all input files if (os.path.exists(opts_dict['indir'])): full_glob_str = os.path.join(opts_dict['indir'], wildname) glob_files = glob.glob(full_glob_str) in_files.extend(glob_files) num_file = len(in_files) if num_file == 0: print "ERROR: no matching files for wildcard=" + wildname + " found in specified --indir" sys.exit() else: print "Found " + str( num_file) + " matching files in specified --indir" if opts_dict['numRunFile'] > num_file: print "ERROR: more files needed (" + str( opts_dict['numRunFile'] ) + ") than available in the indir (" + str(num_file) + ")." sys.exit() #in_files_temp=os.listdir(opts_dict['indir']) in_files.sort() #print in_files if popens: #Partition the input file list in_files_list = me.partition(in_files, func=EqualStride(), involved=True) else: # Random pick non pop files in_files_list = pyEnsLib.Random_pickup(in_files, opts_dict) #in_files_list=in_files for frun_file in in_files_list: if frun_file.find(opts_dict['indir']) != -1: frun_temp = frun_file else: frun_temp = opts_dict['indir'] + '/' + frun_file if (os.path.isfile(frun_temp)): ifiles.append(Nio.open_file(frun_temp, "r")) else: print "ERROR: COULD NOT LOCATE FILE " + frun_temp sys.exit() if opts_dict['web_enabled']: if len(opts_dict['sumfile']) == 0: opts_dict[ 'sumfile'] = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/validation/' opts_dict['sumfile'], machineid, compiler = pyEnsLib.search_sumfile( opts_dict, ifiles) if len(machineid) != 0 and len(compiler) != 0: print ' ' print 'Validation file : machineid = ' + machineid + ', compiler = ' + compiler print 'Found summary file : ' + opts_dict['sumfile'] print ' ' else: print 'Warning: machine and compiler are unknown' if popens: # Read in the included var list if not os.path.exists(opts_dict['jsonfile']): print "ERROR: POP-ECT requires the specification of a valid json file via --jsonfile." sys.exit() Var2d, Var3d = pyEnsLib.read_jsonlist(opts_dict['jsonfile'], 'ESP') print ' ' print 'Z-score tolerance = ' + '{:3.2f}'.format(opts_dict['pop_tol']) print 'ZPR = ' + '{:.2%}'.format(opts_dict['pop_threshold']) zmall, n_timeslice = pyEnsLib.pop_compare_raw_score( opts_dict, ifiles, me.get_rank(), Var3d, Var2d) #zmall = np.concatenate((Zscore3d,Zscore2d),axis=0) np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) if opts_dict['mpi_enable']: zmall = pyEnsLib.gather_npArray_pop( zmall, me, (me.get_size(), len(Var3d) + len(Var2d), len(ifiles), opts_dict['nbin'])) if me.get_rank() == 0: fout = open(opts_dict['outfile'], "w") for i in range(me.get_size()): for j in zmall[i]: np.savetxt(fout, j, fmt='%-7.2e') #cam else: # Read all variables from the ensemble summary file ens_var_name, ens_avg, ens_stddev, ens_rmsz, ens_gm, num_3d, mu_gm, sigma_gm, loadings_gm, sigma_scores_gm, is_SE_sum, std_gm = pyEnsLib.read_ensemble_summary( opts_dict['sumfile']) if len(ens_rmsz) == 0: gmonly = True # Add ensemble rmsz and global mean to the dictionary "variables" variables = {} if not gmonly: for k, v in ens_rmsz.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables, k, 'zscoreRange', v) for k, v in ens_gm.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables, k, 'gmRange', v) # Get 3d variable name list and 2d variable name list separately var_name3d = [] var_name2d = [] for vcount, v in enumerate(ens_var_name): if vcount < num_3d: var_name3d.append(v) else: var_name2d.append(v) # Get ncol and nlev value npts3d, npts2d, is_SE = pyEnsLib.get_ncol_nlev(ifiles[0]) if (is_SE ^ is_SE_sum): print 'Warning: please note the ensemble summary file is different from the testing files, they use different grids' # Compare the new run and the ensemble summary file to get rmsz score results = {} countzscore = np.zeros(len(ifiles), dtype=np.int32) countgm = np.zeros(len(ifiles), dtype=np.int32) if not gmonly: for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): otimeSeries = fid.variables for var_name in ens_var_name: orig = otimeSeries[var_name] Zscore, has_zscore = pyEnsLib.calculate_raw_score( var_name, orig[opts_dict['tslice']], npts3d, npts2d, ens_avg, ens_stddev, is_SE, opts_dict, 0, 0, 0) if has_zscore: # Add the new run rmsz zscore to the dictionary "results" pyEnsLib.addresults(results, 'zscore', Zscore, var_name, 'f' + str(fcount)) # Evaluate the new run rmsz score if is in the range of the ensemble summary rmsz zscore range for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): countzscore[fcount] = pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus( 'zscore', 'zscoreRange', variables, 'ens', results, 'f' + str(fcount)) # Calculate the new run global mean mean3d, mean2d, varlist = pyEnsLib.generate_global_mean_for_summary( ifiles, var_name3d, var_name2d, is_SE, opts_dict['pepsi_gm'], opts_dict) means = np.concatenate((mean3d, mean2d), axis=0) # Add the new run global mean to the dictionary "results" for i in range(means.shape[1]): for j in range(means.shape[0]): pyEnsLib.addresults(results, 'means', means[j][i], ens_var_name[j], 'f' + str(i)) # Evaluate the new run global mean if it is in the range of the ensemble summary global mean range for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): countgm[fcount] = pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('means', 'gmRange', variables, 'gm', results, 'f' + str(fcount)) # Calculate the PCA scores of the new run new_scores, var_list, comp_std_gm = pyEnsLib.standardized( means, mu_gm, sigma_gm, loadings_gm, ens_var_name, opts_dict, ens_avg, me) run_index, decision = pyEnsLib.comparePCAscores( ifiles, new_scores, sigma_scores_gm, opts_dict, me) # If there is failure, plot out standardized mean and compared standardized mean in box plots if opts_dict['prn_std_mean'] and decision == 'FAILED': import seaborn as sns category = { "all_outside99": [], "two_outside99": [], "one_outside99": [], "all_oneside_outside1QR": [] } b = list(pyEnsLib.chunk(ens_var_name, 10)) for f, alist in enumerate(b): for fc, avar in enumerate(alist): dist_995 = np.percentile(std_gm[avar], 99.5) dist_75 = np.percentile(std_gm[avar], 75) dist_25 = np.percentile(std_gm[avar], 25) dist_05 = np.percentile(std_gm[avar], 0.5) c = 0 d = 0 p = 0 q = 0 for i in range(comp_std_gm[f + fc].size): if comp_std_gm[f + fc][i] > dist_995: c = c + 1 elif comp_std_gm[f + fc][i] < dist_05: d = d + 1 elif (comp_std_gm[f + fc][i] < dist_995 and comp_std_gm[f + fc][i] > dist_75): p = p + 1 elif (comp_std_gm[f + fc][i] > dist_05 and comp_std_gm[f + fc][i] < dist_25): q = q + 1 if c == 3 or d == 3: category["all_outside99"].append((avar, f + fc)) elif c == 2 or d == 2: category["two_outside99"].append((avar, f + fc)) elif c == 1 or d == 1: category["one_outside99"].append((avar, f + fc)) if p == 3 or q == 3: category["all_oneside_outside1QR"].append( (avar, f + fc)) part_name = opts_dict['indir'].split('/')[-1] if not part_name: part_name = opts_dict['indir'].split('/')[-2] for key in sorted(category): list_array = [] list_array2 = [] list_var = [] value = category[key] print "value len=", key, len(value) for each_var in value: list_array.append(std_gm[each_var[0]]) list_array2.append(comp_std_gm[each_var[1]]) list_var.append(each_var[0]) if len(value) != 0: ax = sns.boxplot(data=list_array, whis=[0.5, 99.5], fliersize=0.0) sns.stripplot(data=list_array2, jitter=True, color="r") sns.plt.xticks(range(len(list_array)), list_var, fontsize=8, rotation=-45) if decision == 'FAILED': sns.plt.savefig(part_name + "_" + key + "_fail.png") else: sns.plt.savefig(part_name + "_" + key + "_pass.png") sns.plt.clf() ''' if len(run_index)>0: json_file=opts_dict['json_case'] if (os.path.exists(json_file)): fd=open(json_file) metainfo=json.load(fd) caseindex=metainfo['CaseIndex'] enspath=str(metainfo['EnsPath'][0]) #print caseindex if (os.path.exists(enspath)): i=0 comp_file=[] search = '\.[0-9]{3}\.' for name in in_files_list:,name) if in_files_index[1:4] in caseindex: ens_index=str(caseindex[in_files_index[1:4]]) wildname='*.'+ens_index+'.*' full_glob_str=os.path.join(enspath,wildname) glob_file=glob.glob(full_glob_str) comp_file.extend(glob_file) print "comp_file=",comp_file pyEnsLib.plot_variable(in_files_list,comp_file,opts_dict,var_list,run_index,me) ''' # Print out if opts_dict['printVarTest']: print '*********************************************** ' print 'Variable-based testing (for reference only - not used to determine pass/fail)' print '*********************************************** ' for fcount, fid in enumerate(ifiles): print ' ' print 'Run ' + str(fcount + 1) + ":" print ' ' if not gmonly: print '***' + str(countzscore[fcount]), " of " + str( len(ens_var_name) ) + ' variables are outside of ensemble RMSZ distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results, 'ens', 'zscore', 'zscoreRange', (fcount), variables, 'RMSZ') print ' ' print '***' + str(countgm[fcount]), " of " + str( len(ens_var_name) ) + ' variables are outside of ensemble global mean distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results, 'gm', 'means', 'gmRange', fcount, variables, 'global mean') print ' ' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' if me.get_rank() == 0: print ' ' print "Testing complete." print ' '
def main(argv): # Get command line stuff and store in a dictionary s='verbose sumfile= indir= timeslice= nPC= sigMul= minPCFail= minRunFail= numRunFile= printVarTest' optkeys = s.split() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h",optkeys) except getopt.GetoptError: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) # Set the default value for options opts_dict = {} opts_dict['timeslice'] = 1 opts_dict['nPC'] = 50 opts_dict['sigMul'] = 2 opts_dict['verbose'] = False opts_dict['minPCFail'] = 3 opts_dict['minRunFail'] = 2 opts_dict['numRunFile'] = 3 opts_dict['printVarTest'] = False # Call utility library getopt_parseconfig to parse the option keys # and save to the dictionary caller = 'CECT' gmonly = False opts_dict = pyEnsLib.getopt_parseconfig(opts,optkeys,caller,opts_dict) # Print out timestamp, input ensemble file and new run directory verbose = opts_dict['verbose'] print '--------pyCECT--------' print ' ' print dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") print ' ' print 'Ensemble summary file = '+opts_dict['sumfile'] print ' ' print 'Cam output directory = '+opts_dict['indir'] print ' ' print ' ' # Open all input files ifiles=[] in_files_temp=os.listdir(opts_dict['indir']) in_files=sorted(in_files_temp) in_files_random=pyEnsLib.Random_pickup(in_files,opts_dict) for frun_file in in_files_random: if (os.path.isfile(opts_dict['indir'] +'/'+ frun_file)): ifiles.append(Nio.open_file(opts_dict['indir']+'/'+frun_file,"r")) else: print "COULD NOT LOCATE FILE " +opts_dict['indir']+frun_file+" EXISTING" sys.exit() # Read all variables from the ensemble summary file ens_var_name,ens_avg,ens_stddev,ens_rmsz,ens_gm,num_3d,mu_gm,sigma_gm,loadings_gm,sigma_scores_gm=pyEnsLib.read_ensemble_summary(opts_dict['sumfile']) if len(ens_rmsz) == 0: gmonly = True # Add ensemble rmsz and global mean to the dictionary "variables" variables={} if not gmonly: for k,v in ens_rmsz.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables,k,'zscoreRange',v) for k,v in ens_gm.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables,k,'gmRange',v) # Get 3d variable name list and 2d variable name list seperately var_name3d=[] var_name2d=[] for vcount,v in enumerate(ens_var_name): if vcount < num_3d: var_name3d.append(v) else: var_name2d.append(v) # Get ncol and nlev value npts3d,npts2d,is_SE=pyEnsLib.get_ncol_nlev(ifiles[0]) # Compare the new run and the ensemble summary file to get rmsz score results={} countzscore=np.zeros(len(ifiles),dtype=np.int32) countgm=np.zeros(len(ifiles),dtype=np.int32) if not gmonly: for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): otimeSeries = fid.variables for var_name in ens_var_name: orig=otimeSeries[var_name] Zscore,has_zscore=pyEnsLib.calculate_raw_score(var_name,orig[opts_dict['timeslice']],npts3d,npts2d,ens_avg,ens_stddev,is_SE) if has_zscore: # Add the new run rmsz zscore to the dictionary "results" pyEnsLib.addresults(results,'zscore',Zscore,var_name,'f'+str(fcount)) # Evaluate the new run rmsz score if is in the range of the ensemble summary rmsz zscore range for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): countzscore[fcount]=pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('zscore','zscoreRange',variables,'ens',results,'f'+str(fcount)) # Calculate the new run global mean mean3d,mean2d=pyEnsLib.generate_global_mean_for_summary(ifiles,var_name3d,var_name2d,opts_dict['timeslice'],is_SE,verbose) means=np.concatenate((mean3d,mean2d),axis=0) # Add the new run global mean to the dictionary "results" for i in range(means.shape[1]): for j in range(means.shape[0]): pyEnsLib.addresults(results,'means',means[j][i],ens_var_name[j],'f'+str(i)) # Evaluate the new run global mean if it is in the range of the ensemble summary global mean range for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): countgm[fcount]=pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('means','gmRange',variables,'gm',results,'f'+str(fcount)) # Calculate the PCA scores of the new run new_scores=pyEnsLib.standardized(means,mu_gm,sigma_gm,loadings_gm) pyEnsLib.comparePCAscores(ifiles,new_scores,sigma_scores_gm,opts_dict) # Print out if opts_dict['printVarTest']: print '*********************************************** ' print 'Variable-based testing (for reference only - not used to determine pass/fail)' print '*********************************************** ' for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): print ' ' print 'Run '+str(fcount+1)+":" print ' ' if not gmonly: print '***'+str(countzscore[fcount])," of "+str(len(ens_var_name))+' variables are outside of ensemble RMSZ distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results,'ens','zscore','zscoreRange',(fcount),variables,'RMSZ') print ' ' print '***'+str(countgm[fcount])," of "+str(len(ens_var_name))+' variables are outside of ensemble global mean distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results,'gm','means','gmRange',fcount,variables,'global mean') print ' ' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
def main(argv): # Get command line stuff and store in a dictionary s="""verbose sumfile= indir= input_globs= tslice= nPC= sigMul= minPCFail= minRunFail= numRunFile= printVarTest popens jsonfile= mpi_enable nbin= minrange= maxrange= outfile= casejson= npick= pepsi_gm test_failure pop_tol= web_enabled pop_threshold= prn_std_mean fIndex= lev= eet= json_case= """ optkeys = s.split() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h",optkeys) except getopt.GetoptError: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) # Set the default value for options opts_dict = {} opts_dict['input_globs'] = '' opts_dict['indir'] = '' opts_dict['tslice'] = 1 opts_dict['nPC'] = 50 opts_dict['sigMul'] = 2 opts_dict['verbose'] = False opts_dict['minPCFail'] = 3 opts_dict['minRunFail'] = 2 opts_dict['numRunFile'] = 3 opts_dict['printVarTest'] = False opts_dict['popens'] = False opts_dict['jsonfile'] = '' opts_dict['mpi_enable'] = False opts_dict['nbin'] = 40 opts_dict['minrange'] = 0.0 opts_dict['maxrange'] = 4.0 opts_dict['outfile'] = 'testcase.result' opts_dict['casejson'] = '' opts_dict['npick'] = 10 opts_dict['pepsi_gm'] = False opts_dict['test_failure'] = True opts_dict['pop_tol'] = 3.0 opts_dict['pop_threshold'] = 0.90 opts_dict['prn_std_mean'] = False opts_dict['lev'] = 0 opts_dict['eet'] = 0 opts_dict['json_case'] = '' opts_dict['sumfile'] = '' opts_dict['web_enabled'] = False # Call utility library getopt_parseconfig to parse the option keys # and save to the dictionary caller = 'CECT' gmonly = False opts_dict = pyEnsLib.getopt_parseconfig(opts,optkeys,caller,opts_dict) popens = opts_dict['popens'] # Create a mpi simplecomm object if opts_dict['mpi_enable']: me=simplecomm.create_comm() else: me=simplecomm.create_comm(not opts_dict['mpi_enable']) # Print out timestamp, input ensemble file and new run directory verbose = opts_dict['verbose'] if me.get_rank()==0: print '--------pyCECT--------' print ' ' print dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") print ' ' if not opts_dict['web_enabled']: print 'Ensemble summary file = '+opts_dict['sumfile'] print ' ' print 'Testcase file directory = '+opts_dict['indir'] print ' ' print ' ' # Ensure sensible EET value if opts_dict['eet'] and opts_dict['numRunFile'] > opts_dict['eet']: pyEnsLib.CECT_usage() sys.exit(2) ifiles=[] in_files=[] # Random pick pop files from not_pick_files list if opts_dict['casejson']: with open(opts_dict['casejson']) as fin: result=json.load(fin) in_files_first=result['not_pick_files'] in_files=random.sample(in_files_first,opts_dict['npick']) print 'Testcase files:' print '\n'.join(in_files) elif opts_dict['json_case']: json_file=opts_dict['json_case'] if (os.path.exists(json_file)): fd=open(json_file) metainfo=json.load(fd) if 'CaseName' in metainfo: casename=metainfo['CaseName'] if (os.path.exists(opts_dict['indir'])): for name in casename: wildname='*.'+name+'.*' full_glob_str=os.path.join(opts_dict['indir'],wildname) glob_file=glob.glob(full_glob_str) in_files.extend(glob_file) else: print "Error: "+opts_dict['json_case']+" does not exist" sys.exit() print "in_files=",in_files else: wildname='*'+opts_dict['input_globs']+'*' # Open all input files if (os.path.exists(opts_dict['indir'])): full_glob_str=os.path.join(opts_dict['indir'],wildname) glob_files=glob.glob(full_glob_str) in_files.extend(glob_files) num_file=len(in_files) if opts_dict['numRunFile'] > num_file: print "You requested more numRunFile than it is available at the indir, please change" sys.exit() #in_files_temp=os.listdir(opts_dict['indir']) in_files.sort() if popens: #Partition the input file list in_files_list=me.partition(in_files,func=EqualStride(),involved=True) else: # Random pick non pop files in_files_list=pyEnsLib.Random_pickup(in_files,opts_dict) #in_files_list=in_files for frun_file in in_files_list: if frun_file.find(opts_dict['indir']) != -1: frun_temp=frun_file else: frun_temp=opts_dict['indir']+'/'+frun_file if (os.path.isfile(frun_temp)): ifiles.append(Nio.open_file(frun_temp,"r")) else: print "COULD NOT LOCATE FILE " +frun_temp+" EXISTING" sys.exit() if opts_dict['web_enabled']: if len(opts_dict['sumfile'])==0: opts_dict['sumfile']='/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/validation/' opts_dict['sumfile'],machineid,compiler=pyEnsLib.search_sumfile(opts_dict,ifiles) if len(machineid)!=0 and len(compiler)!=0: print ' ' print 'Validation file : machineid = '+machineid+', compiler = '+compiler print 'Found summery file : '+opts_dict['sumfile'] print ' ' else: print 'Warning: machineid and compiler are unknown' if popens: # Read in the included var list Var2d,Var3d=pyEnsLib.read_jsonlist(opts_dict['jsonfile'],'ESP') print ' ' print 'Z-score tolerance = '+'{:3.2f}'.format(opts_dict['pop_tol']) print 'ZPR = '+'{:.2%}'.format(opts_dict['pop_threshold']) zmall,n_timeslice=pyEnsLib.compare_raw_score(opts_dict,ifiles,me.get_rank(),Var3d,Var2d) #zmall = np.concatenate((Zscore3d,Zscore2d),axis=0) np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) if opts_dict['mpi_enable']: zmall = pyEnsLib.gather_npArray_pop(zmall,me,(me.get_size(),len(Var3d)+len(Var2d),len(ifiles),opts_dict['nbin'])) if me.get_rank()==0: fout = open(opts_dict['outfile'],"w") for i in range(me.get_size()): for j in zmall[i]: np.savetxt(fout,j,fmt='%-7.2e') else: # Read all variables from the ensemble summary file ens_var_name,ens_avg,ens_stddev,ens_rmsz,ens_gm,num_3d,mu_gm,sigma_gm,loadings_gm,sigma_scores_gm,is_SE_sum,std_gm=pyEnsLib.read_ensemble_summary(opts_dict['sumfile']) if len(ens_rmsz) == 0: gmonly = True # Add ensemble rmsz and global mean to the dictionary "variables" variables={} if not gmonly: for k,v in ens_rmsz.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables,k,'zscoreRange',v) for k,v in ens_gm.iteritems(): pyEnsLib.addvariables(variables,k,'gmRange',v) # Get 3d variable name list and 2d variable name list seperately var_name3d=[] var_name2d=[] for vcount,v in enumerate(ens_var_name): if vcount < num_3d: var_name3d.append(v) else: var_name2d.append(v) # Get ncol and nlev value npts3d,npts2d,is_SE=pyEnsLib.get_ncol_nlev(ifiles[0]) if (is_SE ^ is_SE_sum): print 'Warning: please note the ensemble summary file is different from the testing files, they use different grids' # Compare the new run and the ensemble summary file to get rmsz score results={} countzscore=np.zeros(len(ifiles),dtype=np.int32) countgm=np.zeros(len(ifiles),dtype=np.int32) if not gmonly: for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): otimeSeries = fid.variables for var_name in ens_var_name: orig=otimeSeries[var_name] Zscore,has_zscore=pyEnsLib.calculate_raw_score(var_name,orig[opts_dict['tslice']],npts3d,npts2d,ens_avg,ens_stddev,is_SE,opts_dict,0,0,0) if has_zscore: # Add the new run rmsz zscore to the dictionary "results" pyEnsLib.addresults(results,'zscore',Zscore,var_name,'f'+str(fcount)) # Evaluate the new run rmsz score if is in the range of the ensemble summary rmsz zscore range for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): countzscore[fcount]=pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('zscore','zscoreRange',variables,'ens',results,'f'+str(fcount)) # Calculate the new run global mean mean3d,mean2d,varlist=pyEnsLib.generate_global_mean_for_summary(ifiles,var_name3d,var_name2d,is_SE,opts_dict['pepsi_gm'],opts_dict) means=np.concatenate((mean3d,mean2d),axis=0) # Add the new run global mean to the dictionary "results" for i in range(means.shape[1]): for j in range(means.shape[0]): pyEnsLib.addresults(results,'means',means[j][i],ens_var_name[j],'f'+str(i)) # Evaluate the new run global mean if it is in the range of the ensemble summary global mean range for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): countgm[fcount]=pyEnsLib.evaluatestatus('means','gmRange',variables,'gm',results,'f'+str(fcount)) # Calculate the PCA scores of the new run new_scores,var_list,comp_std_gm=pyEnsLib.standardized(means,mu_gm,sigma_gm,loadings_gm,ens_var_name,opts_dict,ens_avg,me) run_index,decision=pyEnsLib.comparePCAscores(ifiles,new_scores,sigma_scores_gm,opts_dict,me) # If there is failure, plot out standardized mean and compared standardized mean in box plots if opts_dict['prn_std_mean'] and decision == 'FAILED': import seaborn as sns category={"all_outside99":[],"two_outside99":[],"one_outside99":[],"all_oneside_outside1QR":[]} b=list(pyEnsLib.chunk(ens_var_name,10)) for f,alist in enumerate(b): for fc,avar in enumerate(alist): dist_995=np.percentile(std_gm[avar],99.5) dist_75=np.percentile(std_gm[avar],75) dist_25=np.percentile(std_gm[avar],25) dist_05=np.percentile(std_gm[avar],0.5) c=0 d=0 p=0 q=0 for i in range(comp_std_gm[f+fc].size): if comp_std_gm[f+fc][i]>dist_995: c=c+1 elif comp_std_gm[f+fc][i]<dist_05: d=d+1 elif (comp_std_gm[f+fc][i]<dist_995 and comp_std_gm[f+fc][i]>dist_75): p=p+1 elif (comp_std_gm[f+fc][i]>dist_05 and comp_std_gm[f+fc][i]<dist_25): q=q+1 if c == 3 or d == 3: category["all_outside99"].append((avar,f+fc)) elif c == 2 or d == 2: category["two_outside99"].append((avar,f+fc)) elif c == 1 or d == 1: category["one_outside99"].append((avar,f+fc)) if p == 3 or q == 3: category["all_oneside_outside1QR"].append((avar,f+fc)) part_name=opts_dict['indir'].split('/')[-1] if not part_name: part_name=opts_dict['indir'].split('/')[-2] for key in sorted(category): list_array=[] list_array2=[] list_var=[] value=category[key] print "value len=",key,len(value) for each_var in value: list_array.append(std_gm[each_var[0]]) list_array2.append(comp_std_gm[each_var[1]]) list_var.append(each_var[0]) if len(value) !=0 : ax=sns.boxplot(data=list_array,whis=[0.5,99.5],fliersize=0.0) sns.stripplot(data=list_array2,jitter=True,color="r") sns.plt.xticks(range(len(list_array)),list_var,fontsize=8,rotation=-45) if decision == 'FAILED': sns.plt.savefig(part_name+"_"+key+"_fail.png") else: sns.plt.savefig(part_name+"_"+key+"_pass.png") sns.plt.clf() ''' if len(run_index)>0: json_file=opts_dict['json_case'] if (os.path.exists(json_file)): fd=open(json_file) metainfo=json.load(fd) caseindex=metainfo['CaseIndex'] enspath=str(metainfo['EnsPath'][0]) #print caseindex if (os.path.exists(enspath)): i=0 comp_file=[] search = '\.[0-9]{3}\.' for name in in_files_list:,name) if in_files_index[1:4] in caseindex: ens_index=str(caseindex[in_files_index[1:4]]) wildname='*.'+ens_index+'.*' full_glob_str=os.path.join(enspath,wildname) glob_file=glob.glob(full_glob_str) comp_file.extend(glob_file) print "comp_file=",comp_file pyEnsLib.plot_variable(in_files_list,comp_file,opts_dict,var_list,run_index,me) ''' # Print out if opts_dict['printVarTest']: print '*********************************************** ' print 'Variable-based testing (for reference only - not used to determine pass/fail)' print '*********************************************** ' for fcount,fid in enumerate(ifiles): print ' ' print 'Run '+str(fcount+1)+":" print ' ' if not gmonly: print '***'+str(countzscore[fcount])," of "+str(len(ens_var_name))+' variables are outside of ensemble RMSZ distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results,'ens','zscore','zscoreRange',(fcount),variables,'RMSZ') print ' ' print '***'+str(countgm[fcount])," of "+str(len(ens_var_name))+' variables are outside of ensemble global mean distribution***' pyEnsLib.printsummary(results,'gm','means','gmRange',fcount,variables,'global mean') print ' ' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' if me.get_rank() == 0: print ' ' print "Testing complete." print ' '