Пример #1
    def init(self):
        self.I2C     = I2C(self)
        self.rgbEyes = RGBEyes(self)

        # preset
        self.rgbEyes.setColor(xrange(18), 0, 0, 0)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([0,1,2,9,10,11], 0, 0, 7)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([4,13], 7, 7, 7)

Пример #2
    def init(self):
        self.I2C = I2C(self)
        self.rgbEyes = RGBEyes(self)

        # preset
        self.rgbEyes.setColor(xrange(18), 0, 0, 0)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11], 0, 0, 7)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([4, 13], 7, 7, 7)

Пример #3
class EZB(object):

    # Default IP Address and Port for the JD Humanoid Robot.
    ConnectedEndPointAddress = ""
    ConnectedEndPointPort = 23

    CmdUnknown = 0
    CmdReleaseAllServos = 1
    CmdGetUniqueID = 2
    CmdEZBv3 = 3
    CmdEZBv4 = 4
    CmdSoundBeep = 5
    CmdEZServo = 6
    CmdI2CWrite = 10
    CmdI2CRead = 11
    CmdBootLoader = 14
    CmdSetPWMSpeed = 15  # +23 (38)
    CmdSetServoSpeed = 39  # +23 (62)
    CmdPing = 0x55
    CmdSetDigitalPortOn = 100  # +23 (123)
    CmdSetDigitalPortOff = 124  # +23 (147)
    CmdGetDigitalPort = 148  # +23 (171)
    CmdSetServoPosition = 172  # +23 (195)
    CmdGetADCValue = 196  # +7 (203)
    CmdSendSerial = 204  # +23 (227)
    CmdHC_SR04 = 228  # +23 (251)
    CmdSoundStreamCmd = 254

    # Existing motor ID's are D0-D9, D12-D14 and D16-D18 there are more limits
    LIMITS = [
        (30, 180),
        (70, 170),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 160),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 130),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 160),
        (0, 180),
        (50, 130),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),
        (0, 180),

    SERVOS = 23


    CmdSoundInitStop = 0
    CmdSoundLoad = 1
    CmdSoundPlay = 2

    DEFAULT_P = [
        (0, 110),  # head left - right
        (1, 90),  # neck up - down
        (6, 90),  # right hand closed
        (5, 110),  # right elbow
        (4, 160),  # right shoulder close - open
        (3, 170),  # right shoulder rotation
        (9, 90),  # left hand
        (8, 70),  # left elbow
        (7, 20),  # left shoulder close - open
        (2, 10),  # left shoulder rotation
        (14, 90),  # right feet
        (13, 80),  # right knee
        (12, 79),  # right hip
        (18, 80),  # left feet
        (17, 80),  # left knee
        (16, 90),  # left hip

    DEFAULT_POSE = [-1] * 23
    for servo, position in DEFAULT_P:
        DEFAULT_POSE[servo] = position

    def __init__(self, ip=ConnectedEndPointAddress, port=ConnectedEndPointPort):
        self.ip = ip
        self.port = port
        self.sock = None
        self.isConnected = False
        self._currentPose = [-1] * 24

    def init(self):
        self.I2C = I2C(self)
        self.rgbEyes = RGBEyes(self)

        # preset
        self.rgbEyes.setColor(xrange(18), 0, 0, 0)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11], 0, 0, 7)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([4, 13], 7, 7, 7)


    def connect(self):
            self.sock = socket.create_connection((self.ip, self.port), timeout=10)
            self.isConnected = True
            raise RuntimeError(EMSG_ROBOT_NOT_FOUND % (self.ip, self.port))

    def sendCommand(self, bytesToExpect, cmd, params=None):

        # check command
        if cmd == EZB.CmdUnknown:
            raise ValueError, "unknown command: %s" % cmd

        # prepare data
        cmd_data = bytearray([cmd])
        if params:
            cmd_data += bytearray([params]) if not isinstance(params, bytearray) else params

        # send data

        if bytesToExpect > 0:
            return self.sock.recv(bytesToExpect)

    def __del__(self):
        if self.isConnected and self.sock:

    def setPosition(self, servo, position):
        """ This method sets a position of the specified servo.

        The joint position values are clipped to the values defined in LIMITS.

        @param servo    - id of the servo
        @param position - absolute value for the given servo position
        position = int(position)

        # check general limits
        if 0 <= servo < EZB.SERVOS and 0 <= position <= 180:

            # clip joint limits
            low, high = self.LIMITS[servo]
            position = min(max(low, position), high)

            # send command
            self.sendCommand(0, EZB.CmdSetServoPosition + servo, position)
            self._currentPose[servo] = position

    def setServoSpeed(self, servo, speed):
        """ This method sets the speed of the specified servo.

        @param servo    - id of the servo
        @param position - absolute value for the given servo position
        speed = int(speed)

        # check general limits
        if 0 <= servo < EZB.SERVOS and EZB.SERVO_SPEED_FASTEST <= speed <= EZB.SERVO_SPEED_SLOWEST:
            self.sendCommand(0, EZB.CmdSetServoSpeed + servo, speed)

    def getCurrentPose(self):
        """ This method returns a copy of the current pose.

        @return list - [ <position>* ] The index in the list is the id of the servo.
        return [x for x in self._currentPose]

    def setPose(self, pose):
        """ This methods sets a full pose to the robot.

        @param pose - [ <position>* ] The index in the list is the id of the servo.
        for servo, position in enumerate(pose):
            self.setPosition(servo, position)
Пример #4
class EZB(object):

    # Default IP Address and Port for the JD Humanoid Robot.
    ConnectedEndPointAddress    = ''
    ConnectedEndPointPort       = 23

    CmdUnknown                  = 0
    CmdReleaseAllServos         = 1
    CmdGetUniqueID              = 2
    CmdEZBv3                    = 3
    CmdEZBv4                    = 4
    CmdSoundBeep                = 5
    CmdEZServo                  = 6
    CmdI2CWrite                 = 10
    CmdI2CRead                  = 11
    CmdBootLoader               = 14
    CmdSetPWMSpeed              = 15        # +23 (38)
    CmdSetServoSpeed            = 39        # +23 (62)
    CmdPing                     = 0x55
    CmdSetDigitalPortOn         = 100       # +23 (123)
    CmdSetDigitalPortOff        = 124       # +23 (147)
    CmdGetDigitalPort           = 148       # +23 (171)
    CmdSetServoPosition         = 172       # +23 (195)
    CmdGetADCValue              = 196       # +7 (203)
    CmdSendSerial               = 204       # +23 (227)
    CmdHC_SR04                  = 228       # +23 (251)
    CmdSoundStreamCmd           = 254

    # Existing motor ID's are D0-D9, D12-D14 and D16-D18 there are more limits
    LIMITS      = [ (30, 180),
                    (70, 170),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 160),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 130),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 160),
                    (0, 180),
                    (50, 130),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180),
                    (0, 180) ]

    SERVOS              = 23


    CmdSoundInitStop = 0
    CmdSoundLoad     = 1
    CmdSoundPlay     = 2

    DEFAULT_P    = [ ( 0, 110 ),    # head left - right
                     ( 1, 90  ),    # neck up - down
                     ( 6, 90  ),    # right hand closed
                     ( 5, 110 ),    # right elbow
                     ( 4, 160 ),    # right shoulder close - open
                     ( 3, 170 ),   # right shoulder rotation

                     ( 9, 90  ),    # left hand
                     ( 8, 70  ),    # left elbow
                     ( 7, 20  ),    # left shoulder close - open
                     ( 2, 10  ),    # left shoulder rotation

                     ( 14, 90 ),   # right feet
                     ( 13, 80 ),   # right knee
                     ( 12, 79 ),   # right hip

                     ( 18, 80 ),   # left feet
                     ( 17, 80 ),   # left knee
                     ( 16, 90 ),   # left hip

    DEFAULT_POSE = [-1] * 23
    for servo, position in DEFAULT_P:
        DEFAULT_POSE[servo] = position

    def __init__(self, ip = ConnectedEndPointAddress, port = ConnectedEndPointPort):
        self.ip           = ip
        self.port         = port
        self.sock         = None
        self.isConnected  = False
        self._currentPose = [-1] * 24

    def init(self):
        self.I2C     = I2C(self)
        self.rgbEyes = RGBEyes(self)

        # preset
        self.rgbEyes.setColor(xrange(18), 0, 0, 0)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([0,1,2,9,10,11], 0, 0, 7)
        self.rgbEyes.setColor([4,13], 7, 7, 7)


    def connect(self):
            self.sock        = socket.create_connection((self.ip, self.port), timeout = 10)
            self.isConnected = True
            raise RuntimeError(EMSG_ROBOT_NOT_FOUND % (self.ip, self.port))

    def sendCommand(self, bytesToExpect, cmd, params = None):

        # check command
        if cmd == EZB.CmdUnknown:
            raise ValueError, "unknown command: %s" % cmd

        # prepare data
        cmd_data = bytearray([cmd])
        if params:
            cmd_data += bytearray([params]) if not isinstance(params, bytearray) else params

        # send data

        if bytesToExpect > 0:
            return self.sock.recv(bytesToExpect)

    def __del__(self):
        if self.isConnected and self.sock:

    def setPosition(self, servo, position):
        """ This method sets a position of the specified servo.

        The joint position values are clipped to the values defined in LIMITS.

        @param servo    - id of the servo
        @param position - absolute value for the given servo position
        position = int(position)

        # check general limits
        if 0 <= servo < EZB.SERVOS and 0 <= position <= 180:

            # clip joint limits
            low, high = self.LIMITS[servo]
            position  = min(max(low, position), high)

            # send command
            self.sendCommand(0, EZB.CmdSetServoPosition + servo, position)
            self._currentPose[servo] = position

    def setServoSpeed(self, servo, speed):
        """ This method sets the speed of the specified servo.

        @param servo    - id of the servo
        @param position - absolute value for the given servo position
        speed = int(speed)

        # check general limits
        if 0 <= servo < EZB.SERVOS and EZB.SERVO_SPEED_FASTEST <= speed <= EZB.SERVO_SPEED_SLOWEST:
            self.sendCommand(0, EZB.CmdSetServoSpeed + servo, speed)

    def getCurrentPose(self):
        """ This method returns a copy of the current pose.

        @return list - [ <position>* ] The index in the list is the id of the servo.
        return [x for x in self._currentPose]

    def setPose(self, pose):
        """ This methods sets a full pose to the robot.

        @param pose - [ <position>* ] The index in the list is the id of the servo.
        for servo, position in enumerate(pose):
            self.setPosition(servo, position)