def validate_eids(eids): if len(eids) < 1: print("No experiment ids found, nothing to do.") sys.exit() for eid in eids: if not plbCore.validID(eid): print("Experiment id '" + eid + "' contains invalid characters.") sys.exit()
def create(labbook_id, ids): # verify if not plbCore.validID(args.labbook): print("'" + labbook_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # does module exist already? modfile = labbook_id + ".py" modffn = os.path.join(plbLabbookRoot, modfile) if os.path.isfile(modffn): printwarn("A module already exists for " + labbook_id + ".") print("You can delete this labbook by using the delete command.") sys.exit() if args.dbfile != "": if not os.path.isfile(args.dbfile): print("Can't find database file " + args.dbfile + "...") sys.exit() try: labbook = pyLabbook( id=labbook_id, root=plbRoot, repositoryPath=os.path.join(plbRepositoryRoot_REL, labbook_id), sheetFormat=args.sheetformat, databasePath=plbDatabaseRoot_REL, databaseFile=labbook_id + ".sqlite3", databaseFormat=args.dbformat, ) except Exception as e: print("Error initializing: " + str(e)) sys.exit() serialized = labbook.exportSerialized() with open(modffn, 'w') as fh: fh.write(labbook.exportSerialized()) # now try to import and create structure try: labbook = plbCore.import_initialize_labbook(labbook_id, plbRoot) except Exception as e: print("error importing: " + str(e)) sys.exit() try: labbook.createFileStructure() except Exception as e: print("error creating repository: " + str(e)) sys.exit() if args.dbfile != "": try: dstfile = os.path.join(plbRoot, labbook.databasePath, labbook.databaseFile) plbCore.copyfile(args.dbfile, dstfile) except Exception as e: print("error copying " + args.dbfile + ": " + str(e)) print("Labbook will be created with empty database.") print("You can copy " + args.dbfile + " manually to: \n" + dstfile) print("Created " + ansi.magenta + modffn + ansi.clear) print("Done.")
def delete(protocol_id): # verify id if not plbCore.validID(protocol_id): print("'" + protocol_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # check for no module modfile = protocol_id + ".py" modffn = os.path.join(plbProtocolRoot, modfile) if not os.path.isfile(modffn): print("Can't find a module for " + protocol_id + "...") print("Exiting.") sys.exit() # warn user printwarn("Without a module file for " + protocol_id + " you will " + ansi.br_red + "NOT" + ansi.clear + " be able to access any of its " + "data in any labbook.") printwarn("You will have to recreate this module exactly, to access " + "those data.") try: rsp = prompt("Are you really sure you want to do this", ['y', 'n'], default='n') if rsp == 'n': print("Phew! That was close...") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I don't understand that...") sys.exit() # one more time try: rsp = prompt("Seriously", ['y', 'n'], default='n') if rsp == 'n': print("Wow! That was really close...") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I don't understand that...") sys.exit() print( + "DELETING PROTOCOL MODULE " + ansi.br_red + protocol_id + + "..." + ansi.clear) try: plbCore.rmfile(modffn) except Exception as e: print("Error deleting " + modffn + ": " + str(e)) sys.exit() print("Successfully deleted " + modffn + ".") print("Done")
def remove(labbook_id, ids): if len(ids) < 1: print("No protocol ids specified... Nothing to do.") sys.exit() # validate ids if not plbCore.validID(args.labbook): print("'" + labbook_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() for pid in ids: if not plbCore.validID(pid): print("'" + pid + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # warn user printwarn("About to remove repository paths for:") print("\n".join([ ansi.magenta + labbook_id + ansi.cyan + '@' + ansi.magenta + pid + ansi.clear for pid in ids ])) print("This will delete ALL associated files and subfolders including +" "raw data files.") try: if prompt("is this what you want", ['y', 'n'], default='n') == 'n': print("Okay, exiting.") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I didn't understand that.") sys.exit() # confirm try: if prompt("Are your really really sure", ['y', 'n'], default='n') == 'n': print("Okay, exiting.") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I didn't understand that.") sys.exit() # initialize labbook and import protocols try: labbook = plbCore.import_initialize_labbook(labbook_id, plbRoot) except Exception as e: print("Error importing " + labbook_id + ": " + str(e)) sys.exit() print("Removing protocol paths:") for pid in ids: try: protocol = plbCore.import_initialize_protocol(pid, labbook) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print("couldn't initialize: " + str(e)) continue print("Deleting path " + + protocol.protocolroot() + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) try: plbCore.rmpath(protocol.protocolroot(), require_empty=False) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print("Couldn't delete: " + str(e)) continue print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Done.")
def drop(labbook_id, ids): if len(ids) < 1: print("No protocol ids specified... Nothing to do.") sys.exit() # validate ids if not plbCore.validID(args.labbook): print("'" + labbook_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() for pid in ids: if not plbCore.validID(pid): print("'" + pid + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # warn user printwarn("About to drop the following protocol set/sample tables:") print("\n".join([ ansi.magenta + labbook_id + ansi.cyan + '@' + ansi.magenta + pid + ansi.clear for pid in ids ])) print("This will delete all associated database records.") try: if prompt("is this what you want", ['y', 'n'], default='n') == 'n': print("Okay, exiting.") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I didn't understand that.") sys.exit() # confirm try: if prompt("Are your really really sure", ['y', 'n'], default='n') == 'n': print("Okay, exiting.") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I didn't understand that.") sys.exit() # initialize labbook and import protocols try: labbook = plbCore.import_initialize_labbook(labbook_id, plbRoot) except Exception as e: print("Error importing " + labbook_id + ": " + str(e)) sys.exit() print("Dropping protocol tables:") for pid in ids: print(ansi.magenta + + ansi.cyan + '@' + ansi.magenta + pid + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) try: protocol = plbCore.import_initialize_protocol(pid, labbook) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print("couldn't initialize: " + str(e)) continue protocol.connect() try: protocol.dropSetSampleTables() except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print("Couldn't drop tables: " + str(e)) continue protocol.disconnect() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Done.")
def delete(labbook_id, ids): # verify if not plbCore.validID(args.labbook): print("'" + labbook_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # does module exist? modfile = labbook_id + ".py" modffn = os.path.join(plbLabbookRoot, modfile) if not os.path.isfile(modffn): print("No module found for " + labbook_id + "... Nothing to do.") sys.exit() # warn user printwarn( + "This action will delete all repository files and " + "databases belonging to " + labbook_id + "." + ansi.clear) try: if prompt("Are you really really sure", ['y', 'n'], default='n') == 'n': print("Phew! That would have been awful...") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I don't understand that... Exiting.") sys.exit() # confirm try: if prompt("Are you sure you're sure", ['y', 'n'], default='n') == 'n': print("Phew! That would have been awful...") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print("Sorry, I don't understand that... Exiting.") sys.exit() # import and initialize and delete... try: labbook = plbCore.import_initialize_labbook(labbook_id, plbRoot) except Exception as e: print("can't import " + labbook_id + ": " + str(e)) sys.exit() print("Deleting " + ansi.magenta + + ansi.clear + " repository: ", end='', flush=True) try: labbook.deleteFileStructure(require_empty=False) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print(str(e)) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Deleting " + ansi.magenta + modffn + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) try: os.remove(modffn) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print(str(e)) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Done.")
print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print("Couldn't delete: " + str(e)) continue print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Done.") ################################################################################ # Argument Processing ################################################################################ # dict of available commands mapped to their function refs command_map = { 'create': create, 'delete': delete, 'drop': drop, 'remove': remove, } # validate command if not args.command in command_map.keys(): print("Unrecognized command '" + args.command + "'...") sys.exit() # validate labbook if not plbCore.validID(args.labbook): print("'" + args.labbook + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # call command command_map[args.command](args.labbook, args.ids) #
'drop': drop, } # validate command if not args.command in command_map.keys(): print("Unrecognized command '" + args.command + "'...") sys.exit() # validate source format if not '@' in args.source: print("Source should be formatted as labbook_id@protocol_id.") sys.exit() source_parse = args.source.split('@') if len(source_parse) != 2: print("Source should be formatted as labbook_id@protocol_id.") sys.exit() labbook_id, protocol_id = source_parse[0:2] if not plbCore.validID(labbook_id): print("labbook '" + labbook_id + "' has invalid characters.") sys.exit() if not plbCore.validID(protocol_id): print("labbook '" + protocol_id + "' has invalid characters.") sys.exit() # check for source labbook and protocol modules protocol_module = protocol_id + '.py' labbook_module = labbook_id + '.py' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(plbLabbookRoot, labbook_module)): print("Can't find labbook module file " + labbook_module + ".") sys.exit() if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(plbProtocolRoot, protocol_module)): print("Can't find protocol module file " + protocol_module + ".") sys.exit() # import and initialize source
def lp(labbook, protocol): return str(ansi.magenta + + ansi.cyan + '@' + ansi.magenta + protocol.PROTOCOLID + ansi.clear) ################################################################################ # Argument Processing ################################################################################ items = [] for item_list in args.lp: if '@' not in item_list[0]: print("Invalid labbook_id@protocol_id format.") sys.exit() labbook_id, protocol_id = item_list[0].split('@') if not plbCore.validID(labbook_id): print("Labbook id '" + labbook_id + "' contains invalid characters.") sys.exit() if not plbCore.validID(protocol_id): print("Labbook id '" + protocol_id + "' contains invalid characters.") sys.exit() for esid in item_list[1:]: if '.' in esid: eid, sid = esid.split('.') else: eid = esid sid = None if not plbCore.validID(eid): print("Experiment id '" + eid + "' contains invalid characters.") sys.exit() if sid != "" and not plbCore.validID(eid):
def create(protocol_id): # verify id if not plbCore.validID(protocol_id): print("'" + protocol_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # check set/sam description files file_setdesc = os.path.join(root, protocol_id + "_SET_DESC.csv") file_samdesc = os.path.join(root, protocol_id + "_SAMPLE_DESC.csv") print("Checking for " + + file_setdesc + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) if not os.path.isfile(file_setdesc): print( + "NOT FOUND" + ansi.clear) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Checking for " + + file_samdesc + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) if not os.path.isfile(file_samdesc): print( + "NOT FOUND" + ansi.clear) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) # check for existing module file modfile = protocol_id + ".py" modffn = os.path.join(plbProtocolRoot, modfile) if os.path.isfile(modffn): print("There is already a module for " + protocol_id + "...") print("Exiting.") sys.exit() # load and check records setdesc = pd.read_csv(file_setdesc, index_col=None, header=0) samdesc = pd.read_csv(file_samdesc, index_col=None, header=0) if len(setdesc) == 0: print("Set description is empty... Nothing to do.") sys.exit() # empty sample description is okay. # dummy labbook object try: dummy_labbook = pyLabbook( id="dummy", root=plbRoot, repositoryPath=plbRoot, sheetFormat='csv', databasePath=plbRoot, databaseFile="temp.sqlite3", databaseFormat='SQLITE3', ) except Exception as e: print("Error initializing placeholder pyLabbook: " + str(e)) sys.exit() # initialize empty protocol try: protocol = pyProtocol(dummy_labbook) except Exception as e: print("Error initializing empty pyProtocol: " + str(e)) sys.exit() protocol.PROTOCOLID = protocol_id # confirm set/sample description columns desc_columns = pd.Series(protocol.setDesc().columns.sort_values().tolist()) if not (pd.Series(setdesc.columns.sort_values().tolist()) == desc_columns).all(): print("Set description file contains invalid or missing columns...") print("Exiting.") sys.exit() if not (pd.Series(samdesc.columns.sort_values().tolist()) == desc_columns).all(): print("Sample description file contains invalid or missing columns...") print("Exiting.") sys.exit() # TODO: need a more universal way to deal with these casting issues # a little data formatting and type enforcement for df in [setdesc, samdesc]: # preliminary casting df['notnull'] = df['notnull'].astype(str) df['unique'] = df['unique'].astype(str) df['primary_key'] = df['primary_key'].astype(str) for i, r in df.iterrows(): # casting for more complicated issues... --> np.nan's... # set all pd.null's to "" and let SQL engine figure it out. if pd.isnull(r['default']): df.loc[i, 'default'] = "" # convert ALL string values manually to avoid "nan" # TODO: more elegant solution for this... for strcol in ['description', 'name', 'type']: if pd.isnull(r[strcol]): df.loc[i, strcol] = "" # true/false for boolcol in ['notnull', 'unique', 'primary_key']: if str(r[boolcol]).upper() == "TRUE" or r[boolcol] == "1": df.loc[i, boolcol] = True elif str(r[boolcol]).upper() == "FALSE" or r[boolcol] == "0": df.loc[i, boolcol] = False else: print("Invalid boolean identifier: " + r[boolcol] + ".") sys.exit() # last minute formatting df['type'] = df['type'].str.upper() # build protocol = protocol_id for table in ['set', 'sam']: if table == 'set': df = setdesc addColumn = protocol.addSetColumn print("Building set description:") if table == 'sam': df = samdesc addColumn = protocol.addSamColumn print("Building sample description:") if len(df) < 1: print("\tNo columns to process...") continue for i, r in df.iterrows(): # build keyword args and use addSetColumn kwa = {} for k in desc_columns: # special case for default if k == 'default' and r[k] == '': kwa[k] = None # otherwise just map else: kwa[k] = r[k] print("\t" + ansi.magenta + str(r['name']) + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) try: addColumn(**kwa) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print(str(e)) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Serializing...") serialized = protocol.exportSerialized() print("Writing to " + + modffn + ansi.clear + ": ", end="", flush=True) try: with open(modffn, 'w') as fh: fh.write(serialized) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print(str(e)) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Done.")
def initialize(protocol_id): # verify id if not plbCore.validID(protocol_id): print("'" + protocol_id + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # check for no module modfile = protocol_id + ".py" modffn = os.path.join(plbProtocolRoot, modfile) if os.path.isfile(modffn): print("There is already a module for " + protocol_id + "...") print("Exiting.") sys.exit() # dummy labbook object try: dummy_labbook = pyLabbook( id="dummy", root=plbRoot, repositoryPath=plbRoot, sheetFormat='csv', databasePath=plbRoot, databaseFile="temp.sqlite3", databaseFormat='SQLITE3', ) except Exception as e: print("Error initializing placeholder pyLabbook: " + str(e)) sys.exit() # initialize empty protocol try: protocol = pyProtocol(dummy_labbook) except Exception as e: print("Error initializing empty pyProtocol: " + str(e)) sys.exit() # get empty set and sample descriptions set_desc = pd.DataFrame(columns=protocol.setDesc().columns) sam_desc = pd.DataFrame(columns=protocol.samDesc().columns) # save csv format only outfile_setdesc = os.path.join(root, protocol_id + "_SET_DESC.csv") outfile_samdesc = os.path.join(root, protocol_id + "_SAMPLE_DESC.csv") if os.path.isfile(outfile_setdesc): print("There is already a set description called " + outfile_setdesc + "...") sys.exit() print("Writing to " + + outfile_setdesc + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) try: set_desc.to_csv(outfile_setdesc, index=False, header=True) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print(str(e)) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) if os.path.isfile(outfile_samdesc): print("There is already a set description called " + outfile_samdesc + "...") sys.exit() print("Writing to " + + outfile_samdesc + ansi.clear + ": ", end='', flush=True) try: sam_desc.to_csv(outfile_samdesc, index=False, header=True) except Exception as e: print( + "ERROR" + ansi.clear) print(str(e)) sys.exit() print( + "OK" + ansi.clear) print("Fill out these forms and use the " + ansi.br_cyan + "create" + ansi.clear + " command to create " + protocol_id + ".")
except Exception as e: print("Error deleting " + modffn + ": " + str(e)) sys.exit() print("Successfully deleted " + modffn + ".") print("Done") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ################################################################################ # Argument Processing ################################################################################ # dict of available commands mapped to their function refs command_map = { 'initialize': initialize, 'create': create, 'delete': delete, } # validate command if not args.command in command_map.keys(): print("Unrecognized command '" + args.command + "'...") sys.exit() # validate labbook if not plbCore.validID(args.protocol): print("'" + args.protocol + "' contains invalid characters") sys.exit() # call command command_map[args.command](args.protocol) #