Пример #1
    lrnmap[0, 1] = 0
    lrnmap[0, 2] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].lrnmap = lrnmap

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[0, N_INPUTS[0], 2] = 100
    W[1, N_INPUTS[0], 1] = 0

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0, N_INPUTS[0], 2] = True
    CW[1, N_INPUTS[0], 1] = True

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Generate spike events (external events)
    # rates = np.random.randint(5, 20, (N_INPUTS,), dtype='i')
    # rates = np.hstack([np.random.randint(5, 10, (N_INPUTS[0]//2,), 'int'),
    #                   np.random.randint(10, 20, (N_INPUTS[0]//2,), 'int')])

    # Build external spikes
    freqs = 5
    SL = PeriodicPrePostSpikingStimulus(freqs, -5, sim_ticks)
    import copy
    spk0 = copy.deepcopy(SL)
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)
Пример #2
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [17]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_INPUTS = [16]  # Number of inputes per core
    N_STATES = [8]  # Number of states per core
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total number of units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-3, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [2, -5, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, -7, -5, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, 0, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                               1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Transition matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = [[0, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [0, -10, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [0, OFF, -8, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[1] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [+1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [-1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                               1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                               1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Transition matrix group 2
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[2] = [[0, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [-3, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, -13, -6, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, -15, OFF, -8, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [0, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, -7, -8, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, -7, OFF, -3, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix group 2
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[2] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = np.array([-12000, 0, -7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[1] = np.array([-40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[2] = np.array([-40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 0
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 30
    # Spike increment value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XspikeIncrVal[1] = np.array([-1000] + [0] * 7, 'int')
    # Additive noise variance
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sigma[0] = np.array([15000] + [0] * 7, 'int')
    # refractory period
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 0
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0] + [XMAX] * 7, 'int')

    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True] + [False] * 7, 'bool')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[1] = np.array([False] * 8, 'bool')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[2] = np.array([False] * 8, 'bool')

    # Mapping function between neurons and NSAT parameters groups
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap[-2] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap[-1] = 2

    # Synaptic strength
    from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
    col = np.zeros((N_INPUTS[0] - 1, ))
    col[0] = 1
    row = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0] - 2, ))
    row[0:3] = np.array([1, 2, 1])
    T = toeplitz(col, row)
    W = np.zeros((N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]), 'i')
    W[:N_INPUTS[0] - 1, N_INPUTS[0]:-2, 1] = T
    W[N_INPUTS[0]:, N_UNITS - 2, 1] = 100
    W[N_INPUTS[0]:, N_UNITS - 2, 2] = 100
    W[N_INPUTS[0]:, N_UNITS - 1, 2] = 1
    W[N_INPUTS[0]:, N_UNITS - 1, 3] = 1
    W[N_INPUTS[0] - 1, N_UNITS - 1, 5] = 100
    W[N_INPUTS[0] - 1, N_UNITS - 1, 6] = 100

    CW = W.astype('bool')

    # np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan)
    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Generate external events firing rates from 5 to 50 inc by 5
    freqs = np.random.randint(300, 400, (N_INPUTS[0], ))
    SL = RegularSpikingStimulus(freqs, sim_ticks)
    # SL.raster_plot()
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Set external events

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_td')

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #3
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %
    np.random.seed(30)  # Numpy RNG seed
    sim_ticks = 5000  # Simulation ticks
    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [10]  # Number of neurons
    N_INPUTS = [10]  # Number of inputs
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total number of units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = np.array([30, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    # Synaptic strengths gain
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Wgain[0] = 1

    # Mapping neurons and NSAT parameters groups
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

    # Synaptic strengths matrix
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, 4], 'int')
    W[0, 10, 0] = 50
    W[1, 11, 0] = 50
    W[2, 12, 0] = 50
    W[3, 13, 0] = 50
    W[4, 14, 0] = 50
    W[5, 15, 0] = 50
    W[6, 16, 0] = 50
    W[7, 17, 0] = 50
    W[8, 18, 0] = 50
    W[9, 19, 0] = 50

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0, 10, 0] = 1
    CW[1, 11, 0] = 1
    CW[2, 12, 0] = 1
    CW[3, 13, 0] = 1
    CW[4, 14, 0] = 1
    CW[5, 15, 0] = 1
    CW[6, 16, 0] = 1
    CW[7, 17, 0] = 1
    CW[8, 18, 0] = 1
    CW[9, 19, 0] = 1

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Generate external events
    freqs = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
    ext_evts_data = RegularSpikingStimulus(freqs, sim_ticks)

    # Set external events

    # Write C NSAT parameters files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg,

    # Write Intel FPGA hex parameters files
    #    intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    #                                             prefix='test_ext_evts_wgain')
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write()
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #4
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    sim_ticks = 100  # Simulation time
    N_CORES = 2  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [1, 1]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_INPUTS = [5, 5]  # Number of inputes per core
    N_STATES = [2, 2]  # Number of states per core

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    OFF = -16

    # Class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    for i in range(N_CORES):
        # Transition matrix
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].A[0] = [[-1, 1], [-1, OFF]]

        # Sign matrix
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].sA[0] = [[-1, 1], [1, -1]]

        # Bias
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].b[0] = np.array([0, 0], dtype='int')
        # Threshold
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xth[0] = 100
        # Reset value
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, XMAX], 'int')
        # Turn reset on
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False], 'bool')

        W = np.zeros((6, 6, 2), dtype='i')
        W[0, 5, 0] = 10
        W[1, 5, 0] = 10
        W[2, 5, 0] = 0
        W[3, 5, 0] = 0
        W[3, 5, 0] = 0

        CW = np.zeros(W.shape, 'i')
        CW[0, 5, 0] = 1
        CW[1, 5, 0] = 1
        CW[2, 5, 0] = 1
        CW[3, 5, 0] = 1
        CW[3, 5, 0] = 1

        wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].wgt_table = wgt_table
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].ptr_table = ptr_table

        # Mapping function between neurons and NSAT parameters groups
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

    cfg.ext_evts = True

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_davis')
    build_davis_file("/tmp/test_davis_davis_events", num_ticks=sim_ticks)

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #5
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [2]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_INPUTS = [1]  # Number of inputs per core
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Configuration NSAT class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-5, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Transition matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = [[-2, OFF, OFF, OFF], [0, -5, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, 0, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Sign matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[1] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, -1]]

    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[1] = 175
    # Refractory period
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[1] = 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 120
    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = [5, 0, 0, 0]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[1] = [5, 0, 5, 0]
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[1] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Turn on reset
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = [True, False, False, False]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[1] = [True, False, False, False]

    # Enable plasticity per state
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].plastic[1] = True
    # Enable STDP per state group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[0] = True
    # Enable STDP per state group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[1] = True
    # Global modulator state group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[1] = 2

    # Set NSAT parameters mapping function
    nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')
    nmap[0] = 0
    nmap[1] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = nmap

    # Set learning parameters mapping function
    lrnmap = np.zeros((nsat.N_GROUPS, N_STATES[0]), dtype='int')
    lrnmap[nmap[0], 1] = 0
    lrnmap[nmap[1], 1] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].lrnmap = lrnmap

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[0, 1, 0] = 40
    W[1, 2, 1] = 50

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0, 1, 0] = True
    CW[1, 2, 1] = True

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Build external events (spikes)
    freqs = [5]
    ext_evts_data = RegularSpikingStimulus(freqs, sim_ticks)

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg,

    # Write Intel FPGA parameters hex files
    ##    intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    ##                                             prefix='test_two_neurons_stdp')
    ##    intel_fpga_writer.write()
    ##    intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #6
def setup():
    global SL
    print('Begin %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))

    N_CORES = 1             # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [1]         # Number of neurons per core (list)
    N_INPUTS = [1]          # Number of inputs per core (list)
    N_STATES = [4]          # Number of states per core (list)
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]        # Total number of units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix A (parameters group 0)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-5, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [2, -5,  OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, -7, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Transition matrix A (parameters group 1)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = [[OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix A (parameters group 0)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, -1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, -1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, -1]]

    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = [0,  0, 0, 0]
    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 25000
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0] for _
                                         in range(N_NEURONS[0])],
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, MAX, MAX, MAX], 'int')
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    # STDP kernel height of acausal part
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].hiac = [[-1, 4, 0] for _ in range(8)]

    cfg.core_cfgs[0].plastic[0] = True          # Plastic states group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[0] = False         # STDP enabled for group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sigma[0] = [0, 0, 5, 0]    # Additive noise
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[0] = 2            # Global modulator state
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 40              # Refractory period

    # Mapping between neurons and parameter groups
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0],), dtype='int')

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[0, 1, 1] = 100

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0, 1, 1] = 1

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Generate external event spikes (firing rate 50Hz)
    stim = [50]
    SL = SimSpikingStimulus(stim, t_sim=sim_ticks)
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Set external events

    # Write the C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_modstate')

    # Write Intel FPGA parameters hex files
#    intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
#                                             prefix='test_modstate')
#    intel_fpga_writer.write()
#    intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #7
def setup():
    global SL
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_test = 2  # Number of tests
    Nv = 100  # Visible neurons
    Nh = 100  # Hidden neurons
    N_NEURONS = [Nh]  # Total number of inputes per core
    N_INPUTS = [Nv]  # Total number of inputs per core
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total number of units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-3, OFF, OFF, OFF], [2, -5, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, -7, -5], [OFF, OFF, OFF, 0]]

    # Sign matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, -1],
                              [1, 1, 1, -1]]

    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = [-12000, 0, -7, 0]
    # Refractory period
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 40
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.zeros((N_STATES[0], ), 'int')
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, MAX, MAX, MAX], 'int')
    # Turn on reset
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    # Spike increment value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XspikeIncrVal[1] = np.array([-1000, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Additive noise variance
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sigma[0] = np.array([15000, 0, 0, 0], 'int')

    # Set parameters
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

    # Set weight matrix
    extW = np.zeros([N_INPUTS[0], N_NEURONS[0], N_STATES[0]])
    extCW = np.zeros([N_INPUTS[0], N_NEURONS[0], N_STATES[0]])
    extW[:Nv, :Nh, 1] = np.eye(N_INPUTS[0]) * 127
    extCW[:Nv, :Nh, 1] = np.eye(N_INPUTS[0]).astype('bool')

    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[:N_INPUTS[0], N_INPUTS[0]:] = extW

    # Set adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    CW[:N_INPUTS[0], N_INPUTS[0]:] = extCW

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Set external events
    stim = np.linspace(1, 1000, N_NEURONS[0])
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(
        SimSpikingStimulus(stim, sim_ticks, t_sim=sim_ticks))

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg,

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #8
def setup():
    global SL
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [1]  # Number of neurons per core (list)
    N_INPUTS = [1000]  # Number of inputs per core (list)
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core (list)
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total inputs

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [0, -2, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, 0, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, -1]]

    # Refractory period
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 20
    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 25
    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = [0, 0, 1, 0]
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = [True, False, False, False]

    # Enable plasticity at states
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].plastic[0] = True
    # Enable STDP
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[0] = True
    # Global modulator state
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[0] = 2

    # Parameters for the STDP kernel function
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].tstdp = np.array([32 for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].tca = np.array([[6, 15] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].hica = np.array([[2, 1, 0] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].sica = np.array([[1, 1, 1] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].tac = np.array([[6, 15] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].hiac = np.array([[-16, -16, 16] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS],
    #                                  'int')
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].siac = np.array([[-1, -1, -1] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS],
    #                                  'int')

    # Set parameters mapping
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[:N_INPUTS[0], N_INPUTS[0], 1] = 50

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[:N_INPUTS[0], N_INPUTS[0], 1] = True

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Generate spike events (external events)
    # rates = np.random.randint(5, 20, (N_INPUTS,), dtype='i')
    rates = np.hstack([
        np.random.randint(5, 10, (N_INPUTS[0] // 2, ), 'int'),
        np.random.randint(10, 20, (N_INPUTS[0] // 2, ), 'int')
    SL = SimSpikingStimulus(rates, t_sim=sim_ticks)
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Write the C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_stdp')

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #9
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    sim_ticks = 5000
    N_CORES = 2
    N_NEURONS = [100, 100]
    N_INPUTS = [100, 100]
    N_STATES = [4, 4]
    N_UNITS = [sum(i) for i in zip(N_INPUTS, N_NEURONS)]

    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    for i in range(N_CORES):
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].A[0] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                 [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

        cfg.core_cfgs[i].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                                  [1, 1, 1, 1]]

        # if i == 1:
        #     cfg.core_cfgs[i].A[0] = [[-2,  OFF, OFF, OFF],
        #                              [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
        #                              [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
        #                              [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

        cfg.core_cfgs[i].b[0] = np.array([30, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xth[0] = 100
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xthup[0] = np.array([XMAX, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xthlo[0] = np.ones(4, 'int') * XMIN
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    for i in range(N_CORES):
        # Mapping NSAT parameters (per core)
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

        # Assigning synaptic strength to each core
        W = np.zeros([N_UNITS[i], N_UNITS[i], 4], 'int')
        tmp = np.zeros((N_INPUTS[i], N_NEURONS[i]))
        np.fill_diagonal(tmp, 50)
        W[:N_INPUTS[i], N_INPUTS[i]:, 0] = tmp

        # Assigning adjacent matrix to each core
        CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='bool')
        CW[:N_INPUTS[i], N_INPUTS[i]:, 0] = tmp.astype('bool')

        wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].wgt_table = wgt_table
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].ptr_table = ptr_table

        (0, 102): ((1, 1), (1, 50), (1, 73)),
        (0, 103): ((1, 15), (1, 95), (1, 7)),
        (0, 105): ((1, 89), (1, 65), (1, 56)),
        (0, 143): ((1, 21), (1, 45), (1, 33)),
        (0, 113): ((1, 5), (1, 50), (1, 7)),
        (0, 133): ((1, 41), (1, 5), (1, 77)),
        (0, 123): ((1, 19), (1, 75), (1, 57)),
        (0, 104): ((1, 3), )

    # Generate external events
    # freqs = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
    freqs = np.arange(5, 1000, 10)
    SL = []
    for i in range(1):
        SL.append(RegularSpikingStimulus(freqs, sim_ticks))
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Set external events

    # Generate all the CNSAT parameters files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_routing')

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #10
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    sim_ticks = 100  # Simulation time
    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [2]  # Number of neurons per core (list)
    N_INPUTS = [0]  # Number of input units per core (list)
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core (list)
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Instance of main class
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Define transition matrices
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrices
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[1] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = np.array([50, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[1] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
    # Thresholds
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[1] = 100
    # Set reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[1] = np.array([0, MAX, MAX, MAX], 'int')
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[1] = np.array([True, False, False, False],
    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[0, 1, 0] = 50

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0, 1, 0] = 1

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Tested value
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print('Missing argument! Default value is used[prob=0]!')
        cfg.core_cfgs[0].prob_syn[1] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
        p = int(sys.argv[1])
        cfg.core_cfgs[0].prob_syn[1] = np.array([p, p, p, p], 'int')

    # NSAT parameters and neurons mapping function
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.array([0, 1], dtype='int')

    # Write C NSAT parameter files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_prob')

    # Write Intel FPGA parameters files
    #    # intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    #    #                                         prefix='test_prob')
    #    # intel_fpga_writer.write()
    #    # intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #11
def setup():
    global SL, t_start, t_stop
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [4]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_INPUTS = [3]  # Number of inputs per core
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total number of units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Configuration class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-7, OFF, OFF, OFF], [0, -5, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Transition matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = [[-7, OFF, OFF, OFF], [0, -7, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [+1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Sign matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[1] = cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0].copy()

    # Refractory period group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 40
    # Refractory period group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[1] = 30
    # Bias group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    # Bias group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[1] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    # Threshold group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100
    # Threshold group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[1] = 80
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Reset value group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Reset value group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[1] = cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0].copy()
    # Turn reset on group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],
    # Turn reset on group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[1] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    # Global modulator state group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[0] = 3
    # Global modulator state group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[1] = 3

    # Parameters groups mapping function
    nmap = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype='int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = nmap

    # Synaptic weights and adjacent matrix
    W, CW = build_synaptic_w(N_INPUTS[0], N_NEURONS[0], N_STATES[0])

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Set external events
    rates = [60, 30, 30]
    SL = SimSpikingStimulus(rates, t_start, t_stop)
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_wta')

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #12
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1
    N_NEURONS = [100]
    N_INPUTS = [100]
    N_STATES = [4]

    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-2, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]

    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = np.array([-5, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 20
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xthup[0] = np.array([XMAX, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xthlo[0] = np.ones(4, 'int') * XMIN
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([False, False, False, False],

    # Synaptic weights
    # Bump
    tmp_w = kernel(N_NEURONS[0], amp=(7, 3), sigma=(0.1, 0.35))
    # Selection
    # tmp_w = kernel(N_NEURONS, amp=(6, 3), sigma=(0.1, 1.0))
    # Tracking
    # tmp_w = kernel(N_NEURONS, amp=(6, 3), sigma=(0.1, 1.0))
    # tmp_w = kernel_(N_NEURONS, (3, 4), (0.01, 0.03))

    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    # W[:N_INPUTS, N_INPUTS+40:N_INPUTS+60, 0] = np.ones((20,)) * 30
    np.fill_diagonal(W[:N_INPUTS[0], N_INPUTS[0]:, 0], 30)
    W[N_INPUTS[0]:, N_INPUTS[0]:, 0] = tmp_w

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    # CW[:N_INPUTS, N_INPUTS+40:N_INPUTS+60, 0] = 1
    np.fill_diagonal(CW[:N_INPUTS[0], N_INPUTS[0]:, 0], 1)
    CW[N_INPUTS[0]:, N_INPUTS[0]:, 0] = 1

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Parameters groups mapping function
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

    # Set external events
    rates = [20] * N_INPUTS[0]
    ext_evts_data, sl = PoissonSpikingStimulus(rates, n_inputs=N_INPUTS[0])
    events_i = sl.convert()
    mat = np.zeros((sim_ticks, N_INPUTS[0]))
    mat[events_i[0].astype('i'), events_i[1].astype('i')] = 1

    # ext_evts_data = None
    # f = [i for i in np.random.randint(0, 15, (N_INPUTS,))]
    # ext_evts_data = RegularSpikingStimulus(f, 300)


    # Write C NSAT parameters files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_nf')

    # Write FPGA NSAT parameters files
    #    intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    #                                             prefix='test_nf')
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write()
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #13
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %
    np.random.seed(30)  # Numpy random number generator seed
    sim_ticks = 5000  # Total simulation time
    N_CORES = 2  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [10, 10]  # Number of neurons per core (list)
    N_INPUTS = [10, 10]  # Number of inputs per core (list)
    N_STATES = [4, 4]  # Number of states per core (list)
    N_UNITS = [sum(i) for i in zip(N_INPUTS, N_NEURONS)]

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Loop over the cores and set the parameters
    for i in range(N_CORES):
        # Transition matrix A
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].A[0] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                 [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

        # Sign matrix sA
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                                  [1, 1, 1, 1]]

        # Bias
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].b[0] = np.array([30, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int')
        # Threshold
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xth[0] = 100
        # Reset value
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, XMAX, XMAX, XMAX], 'int')
        # Turn reset on per state
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    for i in range(N_CORES):
        # Mapping NSAT parameters (per core)
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

        if i == 0:
            # Assigning synaptic strength to each core
            W = np.zeros([N_UNITS[i], N_UNITS[i], 4], 'int')
            W[0, 10, 0] = 50
            W[1, 11, 0] = 50
            W[2, 12, 0] = 50
            W[3, 13, 0] = 50
            W[4, 14, 0] = 50
            W[5, 15, 0] = 50
            W[6, 16, 0] = 50
            W[7, 17, 0] = 50
            W[8, 18, 0] = 50
            W[9, 19, 0] = 50

            # Assigning adjacent matrix to each core
            CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
            CW[0, 10, 0] = 1
            CW[1, 11, 0] = 1
            CW[2, 12, 0] = 1
            CW[3, 13, 0] = 1
            CW[4, 14, 0] = 1
            CW[5, 15, 0] = 1
            CW[6, 16, 0] = 1
            CW[7, 17, 0] = 1
            CW[8, 18, 0] = 1
            CW[9, 19, 0] = 1

            wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
            cfg.core_cfgs[i].wgt_table = wgt_table
            cfg.core_cfgs[i].ptr_table = ptr_table
        if i == 1:
            W = np.zeros([N_UNITS[i], N_UNITS[i], 4], 'int')
            CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
            W[1, 11, 0] = 50
            W[5, 15, 0] = 50
            CW[1, 11, 0] = 1
            CW[5, 15, 0] = 1
            wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
            cfg.core_cfgs[i].wgt_table = wgt_table
            cfg.core_cfgs[i].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Connect core 0 neuron 9 with core 1 neurons 1 and 5
    cfg.set_L1_connectivity({(0, 9): ((1, 1), (1, 5))})

    # Generate external events firing rates from 5 to 50 inc by 5
    freqs = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
    SL = []
    for i in range(N_CORES - 1):
        SL.append(RegularSpikingStimulus(freqs, sim_ticks))
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Set external events

    # Generate all the CNSAT parameters files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg,

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #14
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [4]  # Number of neurons per core (list)
    N_INPUTS = [4]  # Number of inputs per core (list)
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core (list)
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total inputs

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF], [0, -1, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, 0, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0].copy()

    # Sign matrix
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[1] = cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0].copy()

    # Refractory period
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[1] = 2
    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[1] = 100
    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = [30, 0, 5, 0]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[1] = [30, 0, 5, 0]
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[1] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[1] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = [True, False, False, False]
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[1] = [True, False, False, False]

    # Enable plasticity at states
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].plastic[0] = True
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].plastic[1] = False
    # Enable STDP
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[0] = True
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[1] = False
    # Global modulator state
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[0] = 2
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[1] = 2

    # Parameters for the STDP kernel function
    rNLRN_GROUPS = list(range(8))
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].tstdp = np.array([64 for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].tca = np.array([[16, 36] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].hica = np.array([[1, 0, -1] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sica = np.array([[1, 1, 1] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].tac = np.array([[-16, -36] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].hiac = np.array([[1, 0, -1] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS], 'int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].siac = np.array([[-1, -1, -1] for _ in rNLRN_GROUPS],

    # Set parameters mapping
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap[0] = 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap[1] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap[2] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap[3] = 1

    # Learning parameters groups mapping
    lrnmap = np.zeros((nsat.N_GROUPS, N_STATES[0]), dtype='int')
    lrnmap[0, :] = 1
    lrnmap[0, 1] = 0
    lrnmap[1, 2] = 0
    lrnmap[1, 0] = 0
    # lrnmap[:] = 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].lrnmap = lrnmap

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[0, 4, 1] = 50
    W[1, 5, 1] = 50
    W[2, 6, 1] = 50
    W[3, 7, 1] = 50

    W[4, 5, 1] = 5
    W[4, 6, 1] = 5
    W[4, 7, 1] = 5

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = W.astype('bool')

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Generate spike events (external events)
    # spk_train = np.array([0, 1, 2, 50, 60, 70,  100, 110, 120])
    SL = SimSpikingStimulus(t_sim=sim_ticks)
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Write the C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_stdp')

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #15
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %
    pyST.STCreate.seed(130)  # pyNCSre random number generator
    np.random.seed(30)  # Numpy random number generator

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [1]  # Number of neurons per core (list)
    N_INPUTS = [1]  # Number of inputs per core (list)
    N_STATES = [8]  # Number of states per core (list)
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total number of units

    # Number of states (8)
    rN_STATES = list(range(N_STATES[0]))
    # Number of parameters groups
    rN_GROUPS = list(range(nsat.N_GROUPS))

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class isntance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix A
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = np.array([[-1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                      [-3, -1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                      [OFF, -2, -1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                      [OFF, OFF, -1, -1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                      [OFF, OFF, OFF, -1, -1, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                      [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, -2, -1, OFF, OFF],
                                      [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, -3, -1, OFF],
                                      [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, 0, -1]],

    # Sign matrix sA
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = np.array(
        [[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1]], 'int')

    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Initiali conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([[0] * 8
                                          for _ in range(N_NEURONS[0])], 'int')
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array(
        [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False], 'bool')
    # Synaptic probability
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].prob = np.ones(8, dtype='int') * 15
    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100

    # Mapping between neurons and NSAT parameters groups
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')

    # Sunaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, 8], dtype='int')
    W[0, 1, 7] = 50

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='bool')
    CW[0, 1, 7] = True

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Set external events (spikes)
    freqs = [15]
    ext_evts_data = RegularSpikingStimulus(freqs, ticks=sim_ticks)

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg,

    # Write Intel FPGA parameters hex files
    #    intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    #                                             prefix='test_eight_states_neuron')
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write()
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #16
def setup():
    global SL
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    np.random.seed(100)  # Numpy RNG seed
    pyST.STCreate.seed(130)  # PyNCS RNG seed
    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [100]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_INPUTS = [101]  # Number of inputs per core
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states pare core
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN
    N_GROUPS = 8

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,
                                 plasticity_en=np.array([True], 'bool'),

    cfg.core_cfgs[core].sigma[0] = [0, 0, 10, 0]

    # Transition matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].A[0] = [[-5, OFF, OFF, OFF], [3, -5, OFF, OFF],
                                [OFF, OFF, -6, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Transition matrix group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].A[1] = [[OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                                [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1],
                                 [1, 1, 1, -1]]

    # Threshold
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].Xth[0] = 25000
    # Refractory period
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].t_ref[0] = 40
    # Bias
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].b[0] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    # Initial conditions
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].Xinit = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0]
                                          for _ in range(N_NEURONS[0])])
    # Reset value
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].Xreset[0] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Turn reset on
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].XresetOn[0] = [True, False, False, False]

    # Turn plasticity per state on
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].plastic[0] = True
    # Turn stdp per state on
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].stdp_en[0] = True
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].is_stdp_exp_on[0] = True

    # Global modulator state
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].modstate[0] = 2

    # Parameters groups mapping function
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')
    lrnmap = 1 + np.zeros((N_GROUPS, N_STATES[0]), dtype='int')
    lrnmap[0, 1] = 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].lrnmap = lrnmap

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[core]], 'int')
    W[0:100, N_INPUTS[core]:, 1] = np.eye(N_NEURONS[core]) * 100
    W[100, N_INPUTS[core]:, 2] = 100

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0:100, N_INPUTS[core]:, 1] = np.eye(N_NEURONS[core])
    CW[100, N_INPUTS[core]:, 2] = 1

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Learning STDP parameters
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].tca = [[24, 48] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].hica = [[-3, -5, -6] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].sica = [[1, 1, 1] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].slca = [[16, 16, 16] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].tac = [[-32, -64] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].hiac = [[-6, -8, -9] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].siac = [[-1, -1, -1] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]
    cfg.core_cfgs[core].slac = [[16, 16, 16] for _ in range(NLRN_GROUPS)]

    # Prepare external stimulus (spikes events)
    stim = [50] * N_NEURONS[core]
    SL = SimSpikingStimulus(stim, t_sim=sim_ticks)
    SLr = pyST.SpikeList(id_list=[100])
    SLr[100] = pyST.STCreate.inh_poisson_generator(rate=np.array(
        [0., 100., 0.]),
                                                   t=np.array([0, 400, 600]),
    SL = pyST.merge_spikelists(SL, SLr)
    ext_evts_data = nsat.exportAER(SL)

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary file
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_rSTDP')
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
Пример #17
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %

    N_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_NEURONS = [2]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_INPUTS = [0]  # Number of inputs per core
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core
    N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[0] + N_NEURONS[0]  # Total units

    # Constants
    XMAX = nsat.XMAX
    XMIN = nsat.XMIN
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    # Main class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # Transition matrix (group 0)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[0] = [[-5, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Transition matrix (group 0)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].A[1] = [[-2, OFF, OFF, OFF], [2, -5, OFF, OFF],
                             [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF], [OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF]]

    # Sign matrix (group 0)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, 1]]

    # Sign matrix (group 0)
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].sA[1] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1],
                              [1, 1, 1, -1]]

    # Refractory period group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[0] = 0
    # Refractory period group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].t_ref[1] = 20

    # Threshold group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[0] = 100
    # Threshold group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xth[1] = 2500
    # Bias group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[0] = np.array([5, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Bias group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].b[1] = np.array([5, 0, 5, 0], 'int')
    # Initial conditions group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xinit[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], 'int')
    # Reset value group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[0] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Reset value group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].Xreset[1] = [0, MAX, MAX, MAX]
    # Turn reset on group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, False, False],
    # Turn reset on group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].XresetOn[1] = np.array([True, False, False, False],

    # Enable plastic states for group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].plastic[1] = True

    # Turn on STDP per state for group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[0] = True
    # Turn on STDP per state for group 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].stdp_en[1] = True

    # Global modulator state group 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[1] = 2
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].modstate[0] = 2

    # K = 40
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].tstdp[0] = K
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].tca[0] = np.array([K, K])
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].hica[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].sica[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].tac[0] = np.array([-K, -K])
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].hiac[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    # cfg.core_cfgs[0].siac[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])

    # Parameters groups mapping function
    nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[0], ), dtype='int')
    nmap[0] = 0
    nmap[1] = 1
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].nmap = nmap

    # Learning parameters groups mapping
    lrnmap = np.zeros((nsat.N_GROUPS, N_STATES[0]), dtype='int')
    lrnmap[nmap[0], 1] = 0
    lrnmap[nmap[1], 1] = 1
    lrnmap[:] = 0
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].lrnmap = lrnmap

    # Synaptic weights
    W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, N_STATES[0]], 'int')
    W[0, 1, 1] = 100
    # W[1, 0, 1] = 100

    # Adjacent matrix
    CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
    CW[0, 1, 1] = 1
    # CW[1, 0, 1] = 1

    wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].wgt_table = wgt_table
    cfg.core_cfgs[0].ptr_table = ptr_table

    # Write C NSAT paramters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg, path='/tmp', prefix='test_iSTDP')

    # Write Intel FPGA hex parameters files
    #    intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    #                                             prefix='test_iSTDP')
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write()
    #    intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()
    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))
    return c_nsat_writer.fname
Пример #18
def setup():
    print('Begin %s:setup()' %
    OFF = -16
    MAX = nsat.MAX
    MIN = nsat.XMIN

    sim_ticks = 500  # Simulation ticks
    NUM_CORES = 1  # Number of cores
    N_INPUTS = [0]  # Number of inputes per core
    N_NEURONS = [1]  # Number of neurons per core
    N_STATES = [4]  # Number of states per core per neuron

    # Class instance
    cfg = nsat.ConfigurationNSAT(sim_ticks=sim_ticks,

    # For every core set the parameters
    for i in range(NUM_CORES):
        # Transition matrix
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].A[0] = [[-4, -8, OFF, OFF], [OFF, -7, OFF, OFF],
                                 [0, OFF, -2, OFF], [0, OFF, OFF, -6]]
        # Sign matrix
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].sA[0] = [[-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1],
                                  [1, 1, 1, -1]]
        # Adaptive threshold enabled
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].flagXth[0] = True
        # Threshold
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xth[0] = MAX
        # Bias
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].b[0] = np.array([-250, -10, 0, 0], 'int')
        # Initial conditions
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xinit[0] = np.array([-7000, -5000, 100, 10], 'int')
        # Reset value
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].Xreset[0] = np.array([-7000, -6000, 0, 0], 'int')
        # Turn on reset
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].XresetOn[0] = np.array([True, False, True, False],

    # For every core set the synaptic strengths
    for i in range(NUM_CORES):
        # Synaptic strength
        N_UNITS = N_INPUTS[i] + N_NEURONS[i]
        W = np.zeros([N_UNITS, N_UNITS, 4], 'int')
        W[0, 0, 1] = 5
        W[0, 0, 3] = 0

        # Adjacent matrix
        CW = np.zeros(W.shape, dtype='int')
        CW[0, 0, 1] = 1
        CW[0, 0, 3] = 1

        wgt_table, ptr_table = gen_ptr_wgt_table_from_W_CW(W, CW, [])
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].wgt_table = wgt_table
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].ptr_table = ptr_table

        # NSAT parameters mapping
        cfg.core_cfgs[i].nmap = np.zeros((N_NEURONS[i], ), dtype='int')

    # Write C NSAT parameters binary files
    c_nsat_writer = nsat.C_NSATWriter(cfg,

    # Write Intel FPGA parameters hex files
    #    # intel_fpga_writer = nsat.IntelFPGAWriter(cfg, path='.',
    #    #                                          prefix='test_mn_neuron')
    #    # intel_fpga_writer.write()
    #    # intel_fpga_writer.write_globals()

    print('End %s:setup()' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]))