Пример #1
    def load_hdf5_file(self, hdf5_file, encoding):
        from pyNastran.utils.dict_to_h5py import _cast

        keys = list(hdf5_file.keys())
        for key in keys:
            if key in ['_begin_count', 'debug', 'write_begin_bulk']:  # scalars
                value = _cast(hdf5_file[key])
                setattr(self, key, value)
            elif key in [
                    'reject_lines', 'begin_bulk', 'lines', 'output_lines'
            ]:  # lists of strings
                value_bytes = _cast(hdf5_file[key]).tolist()
                value_str = [line.decode(encoding) for line in value_bytes]
            elif key == 'subcases':
                subcase_group = hdf5_file[key]
                keys = list(subcase_group.keys())
                subcases = {}
                for key in keys:
                    sub_group = subcase_group[key]
                    ikey = int(key)
                    subcase = Subcase(id=ikey)
                    subcase.log = self.log
                    subcase.load_hdf5_file(sub_group, encoding)
                    subcases[ikey] = subcase
                self.subcases = subcases
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                self.log.warning('skipping CaseControlDeck/%s' % key)
                raise RuntimeError('error loading hdf5 CaseControlDeck/%s' %
Пример #2
    def load_hdf5_file(self, hdf5_file, encoding: str) -> None:
        """loads the case control deck section from a hdf5 file"""
        from pyNastran.utils.dict_to_h5py import _cast

        keys = list(hdf5_file.keys())
        for key in keys:
            if key in ['_begin_count', 'debug', 'write_begin_bulk']:  # scalars
                value = _cast(hdf5_file[key])
                setattr(self, key, value)
            elif key in [
                    'reject_lines', 'begin_bulk', 'lines', 'output_lines'
            ]:  # lists of strings
                unused_lines_str = decode_lines(_cast(hdf5_file[key]),
            elif key == 'subcases':
                subcase_group = hdf5_file[key]
                keys = list(subcase_group.keys())
                subcases = {}
                for key2 in keys:
                    sub_group = subcase_group[key2]
                    ikey2 = int(key2)
                    subcase = Subcase(id=ikey2)
                    subcase.log = self.log
                    subcase.load_hdf5_file(sub_group, encoding)
                    subcases[ikey2] = subcase
                self.subcases = subcases
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                self.log.warning('skipping CaseControlDeck/%s' % key)
                raise RuntimeError('error loading hdf5 CaseControlDeck/%s' %
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, lines: List[str], log: Optional[Any] = None) -> None:
        lines : List[str]
            list of lines that represent the case control deck
            ending with BEGIN BULK
        log : log()
            a :mod: `logging` object

        self.use_card_dict = True

        # pulls the logger from the BDF object
        self.log = get_logger(log, level="debug")
        self.debug = False

        self.sol_200_map = {
            'STATICS': 101,
            'STATIC': 101,
            'MODES': 103,
            'MODE': 103,
            'BUCK': 105,
            'BUCKLING': 105,
            'DFREQ': 108,
            'MFREQ': 111,
            'SAERO': 144,
            'FLUTTER': 145,
            'FLUT': 145,
            'DIVERGE': 144,
            'DIVERG': 145,

            # 'HEAT' : ,
            # 'STRUCTURE' : ,
            'NLSTATICS': 400,
            'LNSTATICS': 400,
            'MTRAN': 112,
            'DCEIG': 107,
        #self.debug = True

        #: stores a single copy of 'BEGIN BULK' or 'BEGIN SUPER'
        self.reject_lines = []  # type: List[str]
        self.begin_bulk = ['BEGIN', 'BULK']

        # allows BEGIN BULK to be turned off
        self.write_begin_bulk = True
        self._begin_count = 0

        self.lines = lines
        self.subcases = {0: Subcase(id=0)}  # type: Dict[int, Subcase]
            self.log.error('Invalid Case Control Deck:\n' +
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, lines, log=None):
        :param self:  the CaseControlDeck object
        :param lines: list of lines that represent the case control deck
                ending with BEGIN BULK
        :param log:   a :mod: `logging` object
        # pulls the logger from the BDF object
        self.log = get_logger(log, "debug")
        self.debug = False
        #self.debug = True

        #: stores a single copy of 'BEGIN BULK' or 'BEGIN SUPER'
        self.begin_bulk = ['BEGIN', 'BULK']

        # allows BEGIN BULK to be turned off
        self.write_begin_bulk = True
        self._begin_count = 0

        self.lines = lines
        self.subcases = {0: Subcase(id=0)}
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, lines, log=None):
        @param self
          the case control deck object
        @param lines
          list of lines that represent the case control deck ending with
          BEGIN BULK
        @param log
          a logger object
        if log is None:
            #if 1:
            from pyNastran.general.logger import dummyLogger
            word = 'debug'
            loggerObj = dummyLogger()
            log = loggerObj.startLog(word)  # or info
        self.debug = False
        #self.debug = True

        self.log = log
        self.lines = lines
        self.subcases = {0: Subcase(id=0)}
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, lines: List[str], log: Optional[Any]=None) -> None:
        Creates the CaseControlDeck from a set of lines

        lines : List[str]
            list of lines that represent the case control deck
            ending with BEGIN BULK
        log : log()
            a :mod: `logging` object

        # pulls the logger from the BDF object
        self.log = get_logger(log, level="debug")
        self.debug = False

        self.sol_200_map = {
            #101 - Linear Static
            #103 - Modal
            #105 - Buckling
            #106 - Non-Linear Static
            #107 - Direct Complex Eigenvalue
            #108 - Direct Frequency Response
            #109 - Direct Transient Response
            #110 - Modal Complex Eigenvalue
            #111 - Modal Frequency Response
            #112 - Modal Transient Response
            #129 - Nonlinear Transient
            #144 - Static Aeroelastic Analysis
            #145 - Flutter / Aeroservoelastic analysis
            #146 - Dynamic Aeroelastic Analysis
            #153 - Non-Linear static coupled with heat transfer
            #159 - Nonlinear Transient coupled with Heat transfer
            #187 - Dynamic Design Analysis Method
            #200 - Design Optimization and Sensitivity analysis
            #400 - Non-Linear Static and Dynamic (implicit) (MSC.NASTRAN native, supersedes 106, 129, 153 and 159 - part of MSC.NASTRAN)
            #401 - Non-Linear Static (SAMCEF based for NX.NASTRAN)
            #402 - Non-Linear Static and Dynamic (implicit) (SAMCEF based for NX.NASTRAN)
            #600 - Non-Linear Static and Dynamic (implicit) (front end to MSC.Marc - part of MSC.NASTRAN)
            #601 - Implicit Non-Linear (ADINA for NX Nastran, will no longer be available in NX NASTRAN after 2020)
            #700 - Explicit Non-Linear (LS Dyna plus MSC.Dytran - part of MSC.NASTRAN)
            #701 - Explicit Non-Linear (ADINA for NX Nastran, will no longer be available in NX NASTRAN after 2020)
            'STATICS' : 101,
            'STATIC' : 101,

            'MODES' : 103,
            'MODE' : 103,

            'BUCK' : 105,
            'BUCKLING' : 105,

            'DFREQ' : 108,
            'MFREQ' : 111,
            'SAERO' : 144,

            'FLUTTER' : 145,
            'FLUT' : 145,

            'DIVERGE' : 144,
            'DIVERG' : 145,

            # 'HEAT' : ,
            # 'STRUCTURE' : ,
            'NLSTATICS' : 400,
            'LNSTATICS' : 400,
            'MTRAN' : 112,
            'DCEIG' : 107,
        #self.debug = True

        #: stores a single copy of 'BEGIN BULK' or 'BEGIN SUPER'
        self.reject_lines = []  # type: List[str]
        self.begin_bulk = ['BEGIN', 'BULK']

        # allows BEGIN BULK to be turned off
        self.write_begin_bulk = True
        self._begin_count = 0

        self.lines = lines
        self.subcases = {0: Subcase(id=0)}  # type: Dict[int, Subcase]
            self.log.error('Invalid Case Control Deck:\n' + '\n'.join(self.lines))