def ldinstable(nparr=None,nmhd=None,w_dir=None,**kwargs): if nmhd == None : nmhd = 319 if nparr == None : nparr = [198,199,200] Vref = 1.0e-5*np.sqrt((phc.G*phc.Msun*kwargs.get('Mstar',30.0))/(*kwargs.get('ul',1.0))) print '---------------------------------------------' print 'Mass of Star :',kwargs.get('Mstar',30) print 'Inner disk radius :',kwargs.get('ul',1.0) print 'UNIT VELOCITY [km/s] :',Vref print '----------------------------------------------' Fc = jana.Force() Data_List=[plp.pload(nmhd,w_dir=w_dir)] for j in nparr: Data_List.append(plp.pload(j,w_dir=w_dir)) Vp_Dict_List =[] for p in Data_List: Vp_Dict_List.append(Fc.proj_force(p,p.v1,p.v2,**kwargs)) f1 = plt.figure(num=1) ax2 = f1.add_subplot(212) plt.plot( Vp_Dict_List[0]['Qy'], Vref*Vp_Dict_List[0]['para_flvalues'][0,:],'k--') for q in Vp_Dict_List[1:]: plt.plot(q['Qy'],Vref*q['para_flvalues'][0,:]) plt.xlabel(r'Distance Along the Field Line : s [AU]',labelpad=6) plt.ylabel(r'Poloidal Velocity : $V_{\rm pol} [\rm km\, \rm s^{-1}]$',labelpad=10)
def animate_plot(w_dir=None, **kwargs): if w_dir == None: w_dir=os.getcwd() cdir = os.getcwd() files = [] os.chdir(w_dir) os.system('mkdir j_movie') D0 = plp.pload(0,w_dir=w_dir) fig = plt.figure(num=1,figsize=[7,7]) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.15) frnum = kwargs.get('frames',plp.time_info(w_dir=w_dir)['time']) for i in [0,10,25,50,150,250,319,325,340,450,638]: # 50 frames D = plp.pload(i,w_dir=w_dir) Ra = da.Rad_Average() xitem = D.x1 yitem = D.x1*D.v3[:,32] # yitem = Ra.Sigma(D,ul=1.0,urho=1.0e-9,Mstar=10.0,Gammae=5.0/3.0) ax.cla() if kwargs.get('pltype','normal') == 'normal': ax.plot(xitem,yitem,'k-') if kwargs.get('pltype','normal') == 'logx': ax.semilogx(xitem,yitem,'k-') if kwargs.get('pltype','normal') == 'logy': ax.semilogy(xitem,yitem,'k-') if kwargs.get('pltype','normal') == 'loglog': ax.loglog(xitem,yitem,'k-') ax.minorticks_on() ax.set_xlabel(kwargs.get('xlabel',r'XLabel')) ax.set_ylabel(kwargs.get('ylabel',r'YLabel')) ax.set_title(kwargs.get('title',r'Title')) #ax.text(90.0,1.3,r'$N_{\rm rot} = %04d$'%i) axcolor = 'white' axtime = plt.axes([0.1, 0.01, 0.8, 0.02], axisbg=axcolor) axtime.cla() stime = Slider(axtime, 'Nsteps', 0, frnum , valinit=D.time) #plt.draw() fname = w_dir+'j_movie/_tmp%03d.png'%i print 'Saving frame', fname fig.savefig(fname) files.append(fname) print 'Making movie animation.mpg - this make take a while' os.system("mencoder 'mf://j_movie/_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o j_movie/animation.mpg") os.chdir(cdir)
def compare_images(*args,**kwargs): I = plp.Image() fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(121) cdir = os.getcwd()+'/' if kwargs.get('pureimages',False)==True: var1 = args[1] var2 = args[2] Data1 = args[0] Data2 = args[0] else: if kwargs.get('log',False)==True: var1 = np.log(args[0].__getattribute__(args[2])) var2 = np.log(args[1].__getattribute__(args[2])) Data1 = args[0] Data2 = args[1] else: var1 = args[0].__getattribute__(args[2]) var2 = args[1].__getattribute__(args[2]) Data1 = args[0] Data2 = args[1] if kwargs.get('scalefact')==None: scaling = 1.0 else: scaling = kwargs.get('scalefact') I.pldisplay(scaling*var1,x1 = Data1.x1,x2=Data1.x2,cbar=(True,'vertical')) plt.axis([0.0,52.0,0.0,152.0]) if kwargs.get('flines',(False,[3.0,6.0,9.0],[0.01,0.01,0.01]))[0] == True: I.myfieldlines(args[0],kwargs.get('flines')[1],kwargs.get('flines')[2],stream=True,colors='r',ls='-',lw=2.0) if kwargs.get('MHDflines',(False,319,cdir))[0] == True: data1MHD = plp.pload(kwargs.get('MHDflines',(True,319,cdir))[1],w_dir=kwargs.get('MHDflines',(True,319,cdir))[2]) I.myfieldlines(data1MHD,kwargs.get('flines')[1],kwargs.get('flines')[2],stream=True,colors='w',ls='--',lw=2.0) plt.xlabel(kwargs.get('label1',2*['Xlabel'])[0]) plt.ylabel(kwargs.get('label2',2*['Ylabel'])[0]) plt.title(kwargs.get('title',2*['Title'])[0]) fig.add_subplot(122) I.pldisplay(scaling*var2,x1 = Data2.x1,x2=Data2.x2,cbar=(True,'vertical')) plt.axis([0.0,52.0,0.0,152.0]) if kwargs.get('flines',(False,[3.0,6.0,9.0],[0.01,0.01,0.01]))[0] == True: I.myfieldlines(args[1],kwargs.get('flines')[1],kwargs.get('flines')[2],stream=True,colors='r',ls='-',lw=2.0) if kwargs.get('MHDflines',(False,319,cdir))[0] == True: data2MHD = plp.pload(kwargs.get('MHDflines',(True,319,cdir))[1],w_dir=kwargs.get('MHDflines',(True,319,cdir))[2]) I.myfieldlines(data2MHD,kwargs.get('flines')[1],kwargs.get('flines')[2],stream=True,colors='w',ls='--',lw=2.0) plt.xlabel(kwargs.get('label1',2*['Xlabel'])[1]) plt.ylabel(kwargs.get('label2',2*['Ylabel'])[1]) plt.title(kwargs.get('title',2*['Title'])[1])
def single(ty, t, E, rho, sigma, wdir): #D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D D = pp.pload(t / 1000 - 1, w_dir=wdir) flux = D.rho * (D.bx1**2 + D.bx2**2)**1.25 * (D.vx1**2 + D.vx2**2)**0 flux = (flux - np.mean(flux)) * 1 + np.mean(flux) * 1 flux = nd.gaussian_filter(flux, sigma=(sigma, sigma), order=0) if ty == 'flux': fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(flux).T, origin='lower', extent=[D.x1[0], D.x1[-1], D.x2[0], D.x2[-1]]) levels = np.arange(-5.5, -4, 0.5) # plt.contour(np.log10(flux).T, levels, # origin='lower', # linewidths=2, # extent=[D.x1[0],D.x1[-1],D.x2[0],D.x2[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log(S)') ax.set_xlabel('l offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('b offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't=' + str(t) + r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$=' + str(rho) + ' E=' + str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.1, left=0.11, right=0.97) fig.savefig('t=' + str(t) + ' density=' + str(rho) + ' E=' + str(E) + '.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(D.rho).T, origin='lower', extent=[D.x1[0], D.x1[-1], D.x2[0], D.x2[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log($\mathregular{\rho/cm^{-3}}$)') ax.set_xlabel('l offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('b offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't=' + str(t) + r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$=' + str(rho) + ' E=' + str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.1, left=0.11, right=0.97) T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2 * (20, ) Xmesh, Ymesh = np.meshgrid(D.x1.T, D.x2.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh, newdims, method='linear') ycong = T.congrid(Ymesh, newdims, method='linear') velxcong = T.congrid(D.vx1.T, newdims, method='linear') velycong = T.congrid(D.vx2.T, newdims, method='linear') plt.gca().quiver(xcong, ycong, velxcong, velycong, color='black', scale=0.2) # fig.savefig('rho-t=' + str(t) + ' density=' + str(rho) + ' E=' + str(E) + '.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg
def loaddata(self): try: int(self.enstep.get().strip().split()[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): print "Specify the proper value of Nstep" else: mynstep=int(self.enstep.get()) self.D = pp.pload(mynstep,w_dir=self.wdir,datatype=self.datatype) self.LoadedNstep.set("Loaded Nstep = "+self.enstep.get()) self.PresentTime.set("Present Time = "+str(self.D.time_info(self.datatype)['time'])+" [cu]") return self.D
def loaddata(self): try: int(self.enstep.get().strip().split()[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): print "Specify the proper value of Nstep" else: mynstep = int(self.enstep.get()) self.D = pp.pload(mynstep, w_dir=self.wdir) self.LoadedNstep.set("Loaded Nstep = " + self.enstep.get()) self.PresentTime.set("Present Time = " + str(self.D.time_info()['time']) + " [cu]") return self.D
def stellar_wind(pcdata,width,rho_constant,wdir,number,r): import pyPLUTO as pp nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(number,w_dir=wdir) print(D.rho.shape) for i in range(width): for j in range(width): if (i-256)**2+(j-256)**2<r**2: pcdata[i,j] = D.rho[i,j] return pcdata
def stellar_wind(pcdata, width, rho_constant, wdir, number, r): import pyPLUTO as pp nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(number, w_dir=wdir) print(D.rho.shape) for i in range(width): for j in range(width): if (i - 256)**2 + (j - 256)**2 < r**2: pcdata[i, j] = D.rho[i, j] return pcdata
def temp(wdir): D = pp.pload(30,w_dir=wdir) I = pp.Image() flux=D.prs*1.67e-7/D.rho/1000000/1.3806488e-23 # print flux.shape # flux= (flux-np.mean(flux))*5+np.mean(flux)*5.3 # flux=nd.gaussian_filter(flux,sigma=(4,4),order=0) I.pldisplay(D, flux,x1=D.x1, \ x2=D.x2,label1='l offset (pc)',label2='b offset (pc)', \ title='Temperature', cbar=(True,'vertical')) # savefig('MHD_Blast.png') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg
def zetaper(xfl=None,nmhd=None,nrad=None,w_dir=None): if xfl==None : print "The time step for MHD run not given - Default xfl=5.0" xfl=5.0 if nmhd == None : print "The time step for MHD run not given - Default 319" nmhd = 319 if nrad == None : print "The time step for RAD run not given - Default 319" nrad = 319 if w_dir==None : print w_dir dMHD = plp.pload(nmhd,w_dir=w_dir) dRAD = plp.pload(nrad,w_dir=w_dir) I = plp.Image() fldictMHD = I.field_line(dMHD.b1,dMHD.b2,dMHD.x1,dMHD.x2,dMHD.dx1,dMHD.dx2,xfl,0.01) ZetaMHD = (180.0/np.pi)*np.arctan2(fldictMHD.get('qx'),fldictMHD.get('qy')) fldictRAD = I.field_line(dRAD.b1,dRAD.b2,dRAD.x1,dRAD.x2,dRAD.dx1,dRAD.dx2,xfl,0.01) ZetaRAD = (180.0/np.pi)*np.arctan2(fldictRAD.get('qx'),fldictRAD.get('qy')) nlenmin = np.min([len(ZetaRAD),len(ZetaMHD)]) Diffinper = 100.0*((ZetaRAD[:nlenmin]-ZetaMHD[:nlenmin])/(ZetaMHD[:nlenmin])) return [dMHD.x2[:nlenmin].T,Diffinper.T]
def plot_jet(): set_pretty() nlinf = pp.nlast_info() D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast']) I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, D.rho,x1=D.x1,x2=D.x2,label1='$x$',label2='$y$', title=r'Density $\rho$ [MHD jet]',cbar=(True,'vertical'),figsize=[7,12]) print (I.pldisplay.__doc__) # Code to plot field lines. Requires 2 arrays xarr and yarr as # the starting point of integration i.e. x and y co-ordinate of the field point. I.myfieldlines(D,linspace(D.x1.min(),D.x1.max(),10),linspace(D.x2.min(),D.x2.min(),10), colors='w',ls='-',lw=1.5) savefig('jet_final.png') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg
def stellar_wind(wdir, number): import pyPLUTO as pp pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(number, w_dir=wdir) print(D.rho.shape) rho = D.rho vx1 = D.vx1 vx2 = D.vx2 rho = np.transpose(rho) vx1 = np.transpose(vx1) vx2 = np.transpose(vx2) return rho, vx1, vx2
def stellar_wind(wdir,number): import pyPLUTO as pp pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(number,w_dir=wdir) print(D.rho.shape) rho = D.rho vx1 = D.vx1 vx2 = D.vx2 rho = np.transpose(rho) vx1 = np.transpose(vx1) vx2 = np.transpose(vx2) return rho,vx1,vx2
def single(ty,t,E,rho,sigma,wdir): #D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D D = pp.pload(t/1000-1,w_dir=wdir) flux=D.rho*(D.bx1**2+D.bx2**2)**1.25*(D.vx1**2+D.vx2**2)**0 flux= (flux-np.mean(flux))*1+np.mean(flux)*1 flux=nd.gaussian_filter(flux,sigma=(sigma,sigma),order=0) if ty == 'flux': fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(flux).T,origin='lower',extent=[D.x1[0],D.x1[-1],D.x2[0],D.x2[-1]]) levels = np.arange(-5.5, -4, 0.5) plt.contour(np.log10(flux).T, levels, origin='lower', linewidths=2, extent=[D.x1[0],D.x1[-1],D.x2[0],D.x2[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg,ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log(S)') ax.set_xlabel('l offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('b offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't='+str(t)+r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9,bottom=0.1,left=0.11,right=0.97) fig.savefig('t='+str(t)+' density='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)+'.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(D.rho).T,origin='lower',extent=[D.x1[0],D.x1[-1],D.x2[0],D.x2[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg,ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log($\mathregular{\rho/cm^{-3}}$)') ax.set_xlabel('l offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('b offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't='+str(t)+r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9,bottom=0.1,left=0.11,right=0.97) T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2*(20,) Xmesh, Ymesh = np.meshgrid(D.x1.T,D.x2.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh,newdims,method='linear') ycong = T.congrid(Ymesh,newdims,method='linear') velxcong = T.congrid(D.bx1.T,newdims,method='linear') velycong = T.congrid(D.bx2.T,newdims,method='linear') plt.gca().quiver(xcong, ycong, velxcong, velycong,color='w') # fig.savefig('rho-t='+str(t)+' density='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)+'.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg
def multiple(wdir): #D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D for i in range(30): D = pp.pload(i,w_dir=wdir) #print D.rho.shape[0] I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, np.log(D.rho),x1=D.x1, \ x2=D.x2,label1='l offset (pc)',label2='b offset (pc)', \ title=r'$Density (ln(cm^{-3})) - Velocity (km/s)$ '+str(i*1000)+' years', cbar=(True,'vertical')) T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2*(20,) Xmesh, Ymesh = np.meshgrid(D.x1.T,D.x2.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh,newdims,method='linear') ycong = T.congrid(Ymesh,newdims,method='linear') velxcong = T.congrid(D.vx1.T,newdims,method='linear') velycong = T.congrid(D.vx2.T,newdims,method='linear') plt.gca().quiver(xcong, ycong, velxcong, velycong,color='w') plt.savefig('20_'+str(i)+'.png') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg plt.close()
def analyze(ty,t,E,rho,sigma,wdir): D = pp.pload(t/1000-1,w_dir=wdir) flux = D.rho*(D.bx1**2+D.bx2**2)**1.25*(D.vx1**2+D.vx2**2)**0 flux = nd.gaussian_filter(flux,sigma=(sigma,sigma),order=0) mid = np.rot90(flux) mid = mid*np.eye(mid.shape[0]) mid = mid.sum(axis=0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(D.x1*np.sqrt(2),mid) ax.set_xlabel('offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('S') ax.set_title(r't='+str(t)+r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)) ax.set_xlim(D.x1.min()*np.sqrt(2),D.x1.max()*np.sqrt(2)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.5f')) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9,bottom=0.1,left=0.11,right=0.97) fig.savefig('flux_t='+str(t)+' density='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)+'.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg
def Quantities(self, *args,**kwargs): RefVel = np.sqrt(phc.G*phc.Msun/*np.sqrt(kwargs.get('Mstar',10.0)/kwargs.get('ul',1.0)) nstep = args[0]+1 wdir = args[1] Timeyr = np.zeros(nstep) Mdisk = np.zeros(nstep) dV = np.zeros(nstep) IntEdisk = np.zeros(nstep) Sigdisk = np.zeros(nstep) Csdisk = np.zeros(nstep) Omdisk = np.zeros(nstep) Qdisk = np.zeros(nstep) for ns in range(nstep): D = pp.pload(ns,w_dir=wdir) dV = np.zeros(D.rho.shape) Sigma = np.zeros(D.rho.shape) if (D.n3 == 1): dV = D.x1[:,np.newaxis]*D.x1[:,np.newaxis]*np.sin(D.x2[np.newaxis,:])*D.dx1[:,np.newaxis]*D.dx2[np.newaxis,:]*D.dx3 Sigma = (D.rho*dV)*(D.rho*D.x1[:,np.newaxis]*np.sin(D.x2[np.newaxis,:])*D.dx2[np.newaxis,:]) else: dV = D.x1[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*D.x1[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*np.sin(D.x2[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis])*D.dx1[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*D.dx2[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*D.dx3[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] Sigma = (D.rho*dV)*(D.rho*D.x1[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*np.sin(D.x2[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis])*D.dx2[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]) Csound = (D.rho*dV)*(np.sqrt(kwargs.get('Gammae',1.0001)*( IntE = (Csound*Csound)/(kwargs.get('Gammae',1.0001)*((kwargs.get('Gammae',1.0001)-1.0))) Omega = (D.rho*dV)*(D.v3/D.x1[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]) Timeyr[ns] = ns*2.0*np.pi*((kwargs.get('ul',1.0)* Mdisk[ns] = ((D.rho*dV).sum())*((kwargs.get('urho',1.0e-8)*(kwargs.get('ul',1.0)***3)/phc.Msun) Sigdisk[ns] = (1.0/(D.rho*dV).sum())*(Sigma.sum())*(kwargs.get('urho',1.0e-8)*(kwargs.get('ul',1.0)* Csdisk[ns] = (1.0/(D.rho*dV).sum())*(Csound.sum())*RefVel IntEdisk[ns] = (1.0/(D.rho*dV).sum())*(IntE.sum())*(RefVel**2) Omdisk[ns] = (1.0/(D.rho*dV).sum())*(Omega.sum())*(RefVel/(kwargs.get('ul',1.0)* Qdisk[ns] = Csdisk[ns]*Omdisk[ns]/(2.0*np.pi*phc.G*Sigdisk[ns]) return {'Time':Timeyr,'Mdisk':Mdisk,'Sigma':Sigdisk,'Csound':Csdisk*1.0e-5,'Omega':Omdisk,'ToomreQ':Qdisk, 'IntE':IntEdisk}
def stellar_wind(wdir, number): import pyPLUTO as pp pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(number, w_dir=wdir) print(D.rho.shape) rho = D.rho bx1 = D.bx1 bx2 = D.bx2 bx3 = D.bx3 vx1 = D.vx1 vx2 = D.vx2 vx3 = D.vx3 rho = np.transpose(rho) bx1 = np.transpose(bx1) bx2 = np.transpose(bx2) bx3 = np.transpose(bx3) vx1 = np.transpose(vx1) vx2 = np.transpose(vx2) vx3 = np.transpose(vx3) return rho, bx1, bx2, bx3, vx1, vx2, vx3
def stellar_wind(wdir,number): import pyPLUTO as pp pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(number,w_dir=wdir) print(D.rho.shape) rho = D.rho bx1 = D.bx1 bx2 = D.bx2 bx3 = D.bx3 vx1 = D.vx1 vx2 = D.vx2 vx3 = D.vx3 rho = np.transpose(rho) bx1 = np.transpose(bx1) bx2 = np.transpose(bx2) bx3 = np.transpose(bx3) vx1 = np.transpose(vx1) vx2 = np.transpose(vx2) vx3 = np.transpose(vx3) return rho,bx1,bx2,bx3,vx1,vx2,vx3
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp wdir = './' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) #D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D D = pp.pload(10,w_dir=wdir) print D.rho.shape #f=open('rho.txt','r+') #temp= I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, (D.bx1**2+D.bx2**2)**0.5,x1=D.x1,x2=D.x2,label1='x',label2='y',title=r'Density $\rho$ [MHD_Blast test]',cbar=(True,'vertical')) #savefig('MHD_Blast.png') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg show()
def loaddata(self): mynstep=int(self.enstep.get()) self.D = pp.pload(mynstep,w_dir=self.wdir) return self.D
#Compute how long the simulation takes start_time = time.time() start = np.array((100, 75, 20, 14, 5, 2)) amp = np.array((0.005, 0.02, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 2.5)) mach = ((0.24, 0.43, 0.76, 0.90, 1.25, 2.1)) no_bins = 200 for i in xrange(0, start.size): #Load data files #Declare all parameters and filenames, file location filedir = '/mnt/lustre/ug4/ugrajs/fiducial_runs/256/amp' + str( int(amp[i] * 10000)).rjust(5, '0') + '/run1/' data = pp.pload(start[i], w_dir=filedir) Rho_mean = np.mean(data.rho) Prs_mean = np.mean(data.prs) Rhon = np.log(np.ndarray.flatten(data.rho) / Rho_mean) Prsn = np.log(np.ndarray.flatten(data.prs) / Prs_mean) H = np.zeros((no_bins, no_bins)) H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(Rhon, Prsn, bins=(no_bins, no_bins), normed=True) x_bin_sizes = (xedges[1:] - xedges[:-1]).reshape((1, no_bins)) y_bin_sizes = (yedges[1:] - yedges[:-1]).reshape((no_bins, 1)) pdf = (H * (x_bin_sizes * y_bin_sizes)) X, Y = 0.5 * (xedges[1:] + xedges[:-1]), 0.5 * (yedges[1:] + yedges[:-1])
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp #To run this example it is suggested to get data in 2D using pluto_01.ini and set the data in flt datatype instead of dbl.h5 plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir + '/Test_Problems/HD/Stellar_Wind/' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir, datatype='float') D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'], w_dir=wdir, datatype='float') # Loading the data into a pload object D. I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, log10(D.rho), x1=D.x1, x2=D.x2, label1='x', label2='y', title=r'Log Density $\rho$ [Stellar Wind]', cbar=(True, 'vertical'), figsize=[8, 12]) # Code to plot arrows. --> Spacing between the arrow can be adjusted by modifying the newdims tuple of conrid function. T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2 * (20, ) Xmesh, Ymesh = meshgrid(D.x1.T, D.x2.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh, newdims, method='linear')
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir + '/Test_Problems/HD/Sod/' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'], w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D. f1 = figure() ax1 = f1.add_subplot(111) plot(D.x1, D.rho, 'r', D.x1, D.prs, 'k', D.x1, D.vx1, 'g') xlabel(r'x') ylabel(r'$\rho$ [red], P [black], $V_{\rm x}$ [green]') title(r'Sod shock Tube test') axis([0.0, 1.0, -0.2, 1.2]) savefig('sod_1.pdf') show()
k3 = np.zeros((no_files, no_bins)) Ek3 = np.zeros((no_files, no_bins)) for j in xrange(no_files): filedir = '/mnt/lustre/phy/phyprtek/RAJ_RUNS/fiducial_data/amp' + str( int(amp[i] * 10000)).rjust(5, '0') + '/run' + str( int(start[i][:, 0][j])) + '/' fileno = str(int(start[i][:, 1][j] / time_step)).rjust(4, '0') filename = filedir + 'Rhoks' + str(fileno) + '.txt' data = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) k2[j] = data[:, 0] Ek2[j] = data[:, 1] filename = filedir + 'Prsk' + str(fileno) + '.txt' data = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) k3[j] = data[:, 0] Ek3[j] = data[:, 1] all_data = pp.pload(int(start[i][:, 1][j] / time_step + 0.5), w_dir=filedir) Ek3_mean = np.average(all_data.prs) Ek3[j] = Ek3[j] / (Ek3_mean**2.) #Calculate average energy injection k2 = k2[0] ratiok = Ek2 * cs[i]**2. / Ek1 del_ratiok = np.std(ratiok, 0) ratio_k = np.average(ratiok, 0) #Calculate standard deviation and mean del_Ek1 = np.std(Ek1, 0) Ek1 = np.average(Ek1, 0) del_Ek2 = np.std(Ek2, 0) Ek2 = np.average(Ek2, 0) del_Ek3 = np.std(Ek3, 0)
""" Created on Fri Aug 10 12:17:34 2018 @author: tedoreve """ import numpy as np import pyPLUTO as pp import plot_flux as pf if __name__ == '__main__': t = 6 sigma = 1.0 vindex = 0.0 i = 1 wdir = './' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) #============================================================================== D = pp.pload(t,w_dir=wdir) xlabel = 'x (pc)' ylabel = 'y (pc)' name = 't'+str(t)+'_xy.eps' print(D.rho.shape,D.bx1.shape) b = np.fromfile("a.bin",dtype = 'float64') b.shape = [128,128,128,10] for n in range(10): pf.plot(D,i,np.log(b[:,:,:,n]),xlabel,ylabel,'t'+str(t)+str(n)+'_xy.png',sigma)
start = np.array((10., 51., 10., 42., 10.4, 42., 15.)) no_bins = 200 wdir = ('tabulated_cooling/256/k0-2/', 'tabulated_cooling/256/k12/', 'thermal_heating/256/tabulated_cooling/F5e-1/k0-2/', 'thermal_heating/256/tabulated_cooling/F5e-1/k12/', 'no_turb/2e-1/', 'turb_perturb/DkHC2e-1/', 'turb_perturb/DBh2e-1/F5e-1/') labels = ('Tl', 'Th', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'QD', 'TDh', 'BDh') time_step = 0.2 for i in xrange(0, start.size): #Load data files #Declare all parameters and filenames, file location filedir = '/mnt/lustre/ug4/ugrajs/cooling/' + wdir[i] data = pp.pload(int(start[i] / time_step), w_dir=filedir) Rho_mean = np.mean(data.rho) Prs_mean = np.mean(data.prs) Rhon = np.log(np.ndarray.flatten(data.rho) / Rho_mean) #print np.average(Rhon) Prsn = np.log(np.ndarray.flatten(data.prs) / Prs_mean) H = np.zeros((no_bins, no_bins)) H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(Rhon, Prsn, bins=(no_bins, no_bins), normed=True) x_bin_sizes = (xedges[1:] - xedges[:-1]).reshape((1, no_bins)) y_bin_sizes = (yedges[1:] - yedges[:-1]).reshape((no_bins, 1)) pdf = (H * (x_bin_sizes * y_bin_sizes))
#Declare all parameters and filenames, file location k1 = np.zeros((no_files, no_bins)) Ek1 = np.zeros((no_files, no_bins)) filedir = '/mnt/lustre/phy/phyprtek/RAJ_RUNS/cooling_data/' + wdir[i] for j in xrange(no_files): fileno = str(int(start[i] / time_step + 0.5 + j)).rjust(4, '0') filenamex1 = filedir + 'Ekx' + str(fileno) + '.txt' filenamex2 = filedir + 'Eky' + str(fileno) + '.txt' filenamex3 = filedir + 'Ekz' + str(fileno) + '.txt' datax1 = np.loadtxt(filenamex1, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) datax2 = np.loadtxt(filenamex2, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) datax3 = np.loadtxt(filenamex3, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) k1[j] = datax1[:, 0] Ek1[j] = datax1[:, 1] + datax2[:, 1] + datax3[:, 1] all_data = pp.pload(int(start[i] / time_step + 0.5 + j), w_dir=filedir) cs = np.sqrt(np.mean(gamma * all_data.prs / all_data.rho)) Ek1[j] = Ek1[j] / cs**2. k1 = k1[0] k2 = np.zeros((no_files, no_bins)) Ek2 = np.zeros((no_files, no_bins)) for j in xrange(no_files): fileno = str(int(start[i] / time_step + 0.5 + j)).rjust(4, '0') filename = filedir + 'Rhoks' + str(fileno) + '.txt' data = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) k2[j] = data[:, 0] Ek2[j] = data[:, 1] #Calculate average energy injection k2 = k2[0]
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir+'/Test_Problems/HD/Rayleigh_Taylor/' D0 = pp.pload(0,w_dir=wdir) D1 = pp.pload(1,w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D. D2 = pp.pload(2,w_dir=wdir) ## SMART WAY## I = pp.Image() I.multi_disp(D0.rho,D1.rho,D2.rho,x1=D0.x1,x2=D0.x2,Ncols=3,label1=3*['x'], label2=3*['y'],title=[r'$\tau=0$',r'$\tau=1$',r'$\tau=2$'], cbar=(True,'vertical','each'),figsize=[12,7]) ##BRUTE FORCE WAY## ## f1 = figure(figsize=[12,7]) ## ax1 = f1.add_subplot(131) ## pcolormesh(D0.x1,D0.x2,D0.rho.T) ## colorbar() ## ax1.set_xlabel(r'x') ## ax1.set_ylabel(r'y') ## ax1.axis([-0.5,0.5,0.0,4.0]) ## ax1.set_aspect('equal') ## ax1.set_title(r'$\tau$ = 0')
import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os, sys sys.path.append( "/Users/prateek/Desktop/codes/Galaxy-Cluster-PLUTO/Tools/pyPLUTO/pyPLUTO/" ) #access linux environment variable import pyPLUTO as pp # script to make 2-D snapshots of various quantities D = pp.pload(0) x = D.x1 y = D.x2 for i in range(0, 1): #plt.clf() D = pp.pload(i) plt.subplot(111) plt.contourf(x, y, D.vx1) #plt.xlim(0.0, 5.0) #plt.ylim(-5.0, 5.0) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.colorbar() #fname = 'log10d_%03d.png'%i #print 'Saving frame', i #plt.savefig(fname)
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir+'/Test_Problems/MHD/Jet/' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D. I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D.rho,x1=D.x1,x2=D.x2,label1='x',label2='y',title=r'Density $\rho$ [MHD jet]',cbar=(True,'vertical'),figsize=[7,12]) #Code to plot field lines. Requires 2 arrays xarr and yarr as the starting point of integration i.e. x and y co-ordinate of the field point. I.myfieldlines(D,linspace(D.x1.min(),D.x1.max(),10),linspace(D.x2.min(),D.x2.min(),10),colors='w',ls='-',lw=1.5) savefig('jet_final.png') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg show()
def td(ty,t,E,rho,sigma,wdir): D = pp.pload(t,w_dir=wdir) if ty == 'flux': for k in range(D.rho.shape[2]): for j in range(D.rho.shape[1]): for i in range(D.rho.shape[0]): # if (i-D.rho.shape[0]/2)**2+(j-D.rho.shape[1]/2)**2+(k-D.rho.shape[2]/2)**2 > 30**2: # D.rho[k,j,i] = rho if D.rho[k,j,i] > 10: D.rho[k,j,i] = rho flux = D.rho*(D.bx1**2+D.bx2**2+D.bx3**2)**1.25*(D.vx1**2+D.vx2**2+D.vx3**2)**0 flux = (flux-np.mean(flux))*1+np.mean(flux)*1 flux = flux.sum(axis=0) flux = nd.gaussian_filter(flux,sigma=(sigma,sigma),order=0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(flux).T,origin='lower',extent=[D.x2[0],D.x2[-1],D.x3[0],D.x3[-1]]) levels = np.arange(-5.5, -4, 0.5) plt.contour(np.log10(flux).T, levels, origin='lower', linewidths=2, extent=[D.x1[0],D.x1[-1],D.x2[0],D.x2[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg,ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log(S)') ax.set_xlabel('l offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('b offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't='+str(t)+r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9,bottom=0.1,left=0.11,right=0.97) fig.savefig('t'+str(t)+'_density'+str(rho)+'_E'+str(E)+'.eps') fig.clear() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot((np.rot90(np.eye(len(flux)))*flux.T).sum(axis=0)) ax.set_xlim(0,256) fig.savefig('change.eps') elif ty == 'rho': # t = 850 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(D.rho[:,:,128]).T,origin='lower',extent=[D.x2[0],D.x2[-1],D.x3[0],D.x3[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg,ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log($\mathregular{\rho/cm^{-3}}$)') ax.set_xlabel('x offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('y offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't='+str(t)+r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$='+str(rho)+' E='+str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9,bottom=0.1,left=0.11,right=0.97) T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2*(20,) Xmesh, Ymesh = np.meshgrid(D.x2.T,D.x3.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh,newdims,method='linear') ycong = T.congrid(Ymesh,newdims,method='linear') velxcong = T.congrid(D.bx1[:,:,128].T,newdims,method='linear') velycong = T.congrid(D.bx2[:,:,128].T,newdims,method='linear') plt.gca().quiver(xcong, ycong, velxcong, velycong,color='w') fig.savefig('rho-t='+str(t)+'_density='+str(rho)+'_E='+str(E)+'.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg # close() else: print(D.x1.shape) # arr = np.meshgrid(D.x1,D.x2,D.x3) # mlab.points3d(arr[0][0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8], arr[1][0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8], arr[2][0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8], D.rho[0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8]) vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(np.log10(D.prs*D.rho))) ctf = ColorTransferFunction() ctf.add_hsv_point(-8, 0.8, 1, 1) ctf.add_hsv_point(-6.5, 0.45, 1, 1) ctf.add_hsv_point(-5.4, 0.15, 1, 1) vol._volume_property.set_color(ctf) vol._ctf = ctf vol.update_ctf = True otf = PiecewiseFunction() otf.add_point(-8, 0) otf.add_point(-5.7, 0.082) otf.add_point(-5.4, 0.0) vol._otf = otf vol._volume_property.set_scalar_opacity(otf)
def plot_surface_brightness(timestep, unit_values, run_dirs, filename, redshift=0.1, beamsize=5 * u.arcsec, showbeam=True, xlim=(-200, 200), ylim=(-750, 750), #actually z in arcsec xticks=None, pixel_size=1.8 * u.arcsec, beam_x=0.8, beam_y=0.8, png=True, contours=True, convolve=True, half_plane=True, vmin=-3.0, vmax=2.0, no_labels=False, with_hist=False, #set to false ): from plutokore import radio from numba import jit from astropy.convolution import convolve, Gaussian2DKernel @jit(nopython=True) def raytrace_surface_brightness(r, theta, x, y, z, raytraced_values, original_values): phi = 0 rmax = np.max(r) thetamax = np.max(theta) x_half_step = (x[1] - x[0]) * 0.5 pi2_recip = (1 / (2 * np.pi)) visited = np.zeros(original_values.shape) for x_index in range(len(x)): for z_index in range(len(z)): visited[:,:] = 0 for y_index in range(len(y)): # Calculate the coordinates of this point ri = np.sqrt(x[x_index] **2 + y[y_index] ** 2 + z[z_index] ** 2) if ri == 0: continue if ri > rmax: continue thetai = np.arccos(z[z_index] / ri) if thetai > thetamax: continue phii = 0 # Don't care about φi!! chord_length = np.abs(np.arctan2(y[y_index], x[x_index] + x_half_step) - np.arctan2(y[y_index], x[x_index] - x_half_step)) # Now find index in r and θ arrays corresponding to this point r_index = np.argmax(r>ri) theta_index = np.argmax(theta>thetai) # Only add this if we have not already visited this cell (twice) if visited[r_index, theta_index] <= 1: raytraced_values[x_index, z_index] += original_values[r_index, theta_index] * chord_length * pi2_recip visited[r_index, theta_index] += 1 #return raytraced_values return fig, ax = newfig(1, 1.8) #fig, ax = figsize(10,50) # calculate beam radius sigma_beam = (beamsize / 2.355) # calculate kpc per arcsec kpc_per_arcsec = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(redshift).to(u.kpc / u.arcsec) # load timestep data file d = pp.pload(timestep,w_dir = run_dir) X1, X2 = pk.simulations.sphericaltocartesian(d) X1 = X1 * (unit_values.length / kpc_per_arcsec).to(u.arcsec).value X2 = X2 * (unit_values.length / kpc_per_arcsec).to(u.arcsec).value l = radio.get_luminosity(d, unit_values, redshift, beamsize) f = radio.get_flux_density(l, redshift).to(u.Jy).value #sb = radio.get_surface_brightness(f, d, unit_values, redshift, beamsize).to(u.Jy) xmax = (((xlim[1] * u.arcsec + pixel_size) * kpc_per_arcsec) / unit_values.length).si xstep = (pixel_size * kpc_per_arcsec / unit_values.length).si zmax = (((ylim[1] * u.arcsec + pixel_size) * kpc_per_arcsec) / unit_values.length).si zstep = (pixel_size * kpc_per_arcsec / unit_values.length).si ymax = max(xmax, zmax) ystep = min(xstep, zstep) ystep = 0.5 if half_plane: x = np.arange(-xmax, xmax, xstep) z = np.arange(-zmax, zmax, zstep) else: x = np.arange(0, xmax, xstep) z = np.arange(0, zmax, zstep) y = np.arange(-ymax, ymax, ystep) raytraced_flux = np.zeros((x.shape[0], z.shape[0])) # print(f'xlim in arcsec is {xlim[1]}, xlim in code units is {xlim[1] * u.arcsec * kpc_per_arcsec / unit_values.length}') # print(f'zlim in arcsec is {ylim[1]}, zlim in code units is {ylim[1] * u.arcsec * kpc_per_arcsec / unit_values.length}') # print(f'xmax is {xmax}, ymax is {ymax}, zmax is {zmax}') # print(f'x shape is {x.shape}; y shape is {y.shape}; z shape is {z.shape}') raytrace_surface_brightness( r=d.x1, theta=d.x2, x=x, y=y, z=z, original_values=f, raytraced_values=raytraced_flux ) raytraced_flux = raytraced_flux * u.Jy # beam information sigma_beam_arcsec = beamsize / 2.355 area_beam_kpc2 = (np.pi * (sigma_beam_arcsec * kpc_per_arcsec) **2).to(u.kpc**2) beams_per_cell = (((pixel_size * kpc_per_arcsec) ** 2) / area_beam_kpc2).si #beams_per_cell = (area_beam_kpc2 / ((pixel_size * kpc_per_arcsec) ** 2)).si # radio_cell_areas = np.full(raytraced_flux.shape, xstep * zstep) * (unit_values.length ** 2) # n beams per cell #n_beams_per_cell = (radio_cell_areas / area_beam_kpc2).si raytraced_flux /= beams_per_cell stddev = sigma_beam_arcsec / beamsize beam_kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev) if convolve: flux = convolve(, beam_kernel, boundary='extend') * u.Jy else: flux = #flux = radio.convolve_surface_brightness(raytraced_flux, unit_values, redshift, beamsize) #flux = raytraced_flux #return (x, z, flux) # x_coords, z_coords, surfb = plot_surface_brightness(...) X1 = x * (unit_values.length / kpc_per_arcsec).to(u.arcsec).value X2 = z * (unit_values.length / kpc_per_arcsec).to(u.arcsec).value return (X1, X2, flux) # x_coords, z_coords, surfb = plot_surface_brightness(...) # plot data keep ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) contour_color = 'k' contour_linewidth = 0.33 #contour_levels = [-3, -1, 1, 2] contour_levels = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] # Contours start at 10 μJy #with'flux-plot.mplstyle'): keep im = ax.pcolormesh( X1, X2, np.log10(, shading='flat', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) im.set_rasterized(True) if contours: ax.contour(X1, X2, np.log10(, contour_levels, linewidths=contour_linewidth, colors=contour_color) im = ax.pcolormesh( -X1, X2, np.log10(, shading='flat', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) im.set_rasterized(True) if contours: ax.contour(-X1, X2, np.log10(, contour_levels, linewidths=contour_linewidth, colors=contour_color) if not half_plane: im = ax.pcolormesh( X1, -X2, np.log10(, shading='flat', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) im.set_rasterized(True) if contours: ax.contour(X1, -X2, np.log10(, contour_levels, linewidths=contour_linewidth, colors=contour_color) im = ax.pcolormesh( -X1, -X2, np.log10(, shading='flat', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) im.set_rasterized(True) if contours: ax.contour(-X1, -X2, np.log10(, contour_levels, linewidths=contour_linewidth, colors=contour_color) if with_hist: div = make_axes_locatable(ax) #from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable ax_hist = div.append_axes('right', '30%', pad=0.0) s = np.sum(, axis=0) ax_hist.plot(np.concatenate([s, s]), np.concatenate([X2, -X2])) ax_hist.set_yticklabels([]) if not no_labels: (ca, div, cax) = create_colorbar( im, ax, fig, position='right', padding=0.5) ca.set_label(r'$\log_{10}\mathrm{mJy / beam}$') circ = plt.Circle( (xlim[1] * beam_x, ylim[0] * beam_y), color='w', fill=True,, alpha=0.7) #circ.set_rasterized(True) if showbeam: ax.add_artist(circ) # reset limits if not no_labels: ax.set_xlabel('X ($\'\'$)') ax.set_ylabel('Y ($\'\'$)') ax.set_aspect('equal') if xticks is not None: ax.set_xticks(xticks) if no_labels: ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.axis('off') ax.set_aspect('equal') if no_labels: savefig(filename, fig, png=png, kwargs={ 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'pad_inches': 0} ) else: savefig(filename, fig, png=png, dpi = 300)
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp #To run this example it is suggested to get data in 2D using pluto_01.ini and set the data in flt datatype instead of dbl.h5 plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir+'/Test_Problems/HD/Stellar_Wind/' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir,datatype='float') D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir,datatype='float') # Loading the data into a pload object D. I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, log10(D.rho),x1=D.x1,x2=D.x2,label1='x',label2='y', title=r'Log Density $\rho$ [Stellar Wind]',cbar=(True,'vertical'),figsize=[8,12]) # Code to plot arrows. --> Spacing between the arrow can be adjusted by modifying the newdims tuple of conrid function. T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2*(20,) Xmesh, Ymesh = meshgrid(D.x1.T,D.x2.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh,newdims,method='linear') ycong = T.congrid(Ymesh,newdims,method='linear') velxcong = T.congrid(D.vx1.T,newdims,method='linear') velycong = T.congrid(D.vx2.T,newdims,method='linear') gca().quiver(xcong, ycong, velxcong, velycong,color='w') savefig('stellar_wind_1.png') show()
import os import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir + '/Test_Problems/HD/Rayleigh_Taylor/' D0 = pp.pload(0, w_dir=wdir) D1 = pp.pload(1, w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D. D2 = pp.pload(2, w_dir=wdir) ## SMART WAY## I = pp.Image() I.multi_disp(D0.rho, D1.rho, D2.rho, x1=D0.x1, x2=D0.x2, Ncols=3, label1=3 * ['x'], label2=3 * ['y'], title=[r'$\tau=0$', r'$\tau=1$', r'$\tau=2$'], cbar=(True, 'vertical', 'each'), figsize=[12, 7]) ##BRUTE FORCE WAY## ## f1 = figure(figsize=[12,7]) ## ax1 = f1.add_subplot(131) ## pcolormesh(D0.x1,D0.x2,D0.rho.T)
phi=float(phi) #User input for the Azimuth angle theta=float(theta) #User input for the polar angle lengthunit=float(lengthunit) #User input for the length of a cell m=int(m) n=int(n) #Avoid division by zero if theta==0: theta=1e-40 if phi==0: phi=1e-40 #Loading dataframe start_time=time.time() D = pp.pload(fr,datatype="vtk") sqz_m = int(len(D.x1)/m) sqz_n = int(len(D.x2)/n) lengthunit = lengthunit*sqz_m #Determining the dimensions of the loaded data sx=2*len(D.x1)/sqz_m sy=2*len(D.x1)/sqz_m sz=2*len(D.x2)/sqz_n sr=len(D.x1)/sqz_m print("Grid size") print("x1: %f" %(sx)) print("x2: %f" %(sy)) print("x3: %f" %(sz))
dt = 1.0/32 #omega = 1e-3 #dt = omega * 1 nt = int (tmax/dt) #nt=6 import pyPLUTO as pp # Animate wave as it's advected by the background shear for it in range (nt): # Increment time t += dt # Advance radial wave number kx -= S*dt*ky # New wave profile testarr = sin (kx[iy,ix]*x + ky[iy,ix]*y) D=pp.pload(it) sim=D.vx1[:,:,0] f=sim fft_test = fft_sheet (testarr, t) sim =D.vx1[:,:,0] fft_sim = fft_sheet (sim, t) fft_test_p=log(abs(roll(roll(fft_test,64,axis=0),64,axis=1 ) )) fft_sim_p=log(abs(roll(roll(fft_sim,64,axis=0),64,axis=1 ) )) #plt.imshow(f) # Array of Fourier amplitudes fk = fft_sheet (f, t) # Print out wave numbers and amplitude at ix and iy ampl = abs (fk[iy,ix])*2/(nx*ny) print 'kx = %.05f, ky = %.05f, ampl = %g' % (kx[iy,ix], ky[iy,ix], ampl)
fig.savefig(name) #flux_vol = (flux-np.mean(flux))*1+np.mean(flux)*1 #============================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': t = 4 sigma = 1.0 vindex = 0.0 wdir = './' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) #============================================================================== D = pp.pload(t, w_dir=wdir) v_mean = np.mean(D.vx1**2 + D.vx2**2 + D.vx3**2) print(np.max(D.rho), np.min(D.rho), np.max((D.bx1**2 + D.bx2**2 + D.bx3**2)**0.5), np.min((D.bx1**2 + D.bx2**2 + D.bx3**2)**0.5)) #print(np.sign(D.vx1**2+D.vx2**2+D.vx3**2-v_mean)) for i in range(3): if i == 0: xlabel = 'y (pc)' ylabel = 'z (pc)' name = 't' + str(t) + '_yz.eps' # flux_vol = np.log10(D.prs/D.rho)*(D.bx2**2+D.bx3**2)**0.0*1e5**(-(np.sign(D.vx1**2+D.vx2**2+D.vx3**2-v_mean)+1)*(D.vx1**2+D.vx2**2+D.vx3**2)/2) flux_vol = D.prs / D.rho
def loaddata(self): mynstep = int(self.enstep.get()) self.D = pp.pload(mynstep, w_dir=self.wdir) return self.D
start_time = time.time() #bin_size denotes the division of k space into bins of size 2*pi*bin_size bin_size = 1 #n is an array that stores the size of the simulation domain n = np.array([256, 256, 256]) #Declare all parameters and filenames, file location filedir = "/home/rajsekhar/PLUTO41_old/3D_turb/Tau_c_2/256/" for filenumber in xrange(3, 4): #Load data files using pp.pload D = pp.pload(filenumber, w_dir=filedir) #Perform fourier transform from real to complex rho_k = (float(1) / * np.fft.rfftn(D.rho, s=n) rho_k = np.fft.fftshift(rho_k, axes=(0, 1)) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) #Square and add the absolute values of Vk1, Vk2, Vk3 rhok_sq = np.square(np.absolute(rho_k)) #Write k_sq as a functional 3d array, with value at each element given by (nx/2-i)^2+(ny/2-j)^2+(k)^2 k_sq = np.fromfunction(
import os import sys from math import pi from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * import pyPLUTO as pp plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = './' print(wdir) nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) print(nlinf) for timestep in range(1, 2): D = pp.pload(timestep, w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D. x = D.x1 y = D.x2 z = D.x3 vx = D.vx1 vy = D.vx2 vz = D.vx3 rho = D.rho nx = size(x) ny = size(y) nz = size(z) r = zeros((nx, ny, nz)) for ix in range(nx): for iy in range(ny):
import pyPLUTO as pp wdir = './' D = pp.pload(1,w_dir=wdir) I = pp.Image() f1 = pp.figure() ax1 = f1.add_subplot(111) I.pldisplay(D.vx2,x1=D.x1,x2=D.x2,cbar=(True,'vertical'),title='Velocity') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(D.vx2)
import pylab import pyPLUTO as pp import string import numpy # Write only every Sk cells Sk = 8 for Mach100 in range(74, 178): D = pp.pload(Mach100, datatype='hdf5', level=4) # Write rho,prs,vx1,vx2,bx1,bx2 to file Mach = Mach100 / 100. filename = string.join(('rhoM', '{0:.2f}'.format(Mach), '.dbl'), sep='') D.rho[0::Sk, 0::Sk].transpose().tofile(filename) filename = string.join(('prsM', '{0:.2f}'.format(Mach), '.dbl'), sep='') D.prs[0::Sk, 0::Sk].transpose().tofile(filename) filename = string.join(('vx1M', '{0:.2f}'.format(Mach), '.dbl'), sep='') D.vx1[0::Sk, 0::Sk].transpose().tofile(filename) filename = string.join(('vx2M', '{0:.2f}'.format(Mach), '.dbl'), sep='') D.vx2[0::Sk, 0::Sk].transpose().tofile(filename) filename = string.join(('bx1M', '{0:.2f}'.format(Mach), '.dbl'), sep='') D.bx1[0::Sk, 0::Sk].transpose().tofile(filename) filename = string.join(('bx2M', '{0:.2f}'.format(Mach), '.dbl'), sep='') D.bx2[0::Sk, 0::Sk].transpose().tofile(filename)
array input is accessible ''' cooling = np.loadtxt('cooling.dat') if plot: plt.loglog(cooling[:, 0], cooling[:, 1]) plt.loglog(temperature, np.interp(temperature, cooling[:, 0], cooling[:, 1]), 'o') return np.interp(temperature, cooling[:, 0], cooling[:, 1]) wdir = './' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) #D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D D = pp.pload(2, w_dir=wdir) T = (D.prs * un.Ba / (D.rho ***-3) / con.k_B * 1.67e-6).to('K') print cf(T.value).shape #f=open('rho.txt','r+') #temp= #imshow(T.value) I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, cf(T.value), x1=D.x1, x2=D.x2, label1='x', label2='y', title=r'Density $\rho$ [MHD_Blast test]',
import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os, sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] + "/Tools/pyPLUTO/pyPLUTO") #access linux environment variable import pyPLUTO as pp # script to make 2-D snapshots of various quantities D = pp.pload( 0, w_dir= "/home/prateek/Desktop/Public_Codes/Galaxy-Cluster-PLUTO/Bondi_PS_Cluster/" ) x = np.outer(D.x1, np.sin(D.x2)) z = np.outer(D.x1, np.cos(D.x2)) for i in range(0, 10): plt.clf() D = pp.pload( i, w_dir= "/home/prateek/Desktop/Public_Codes/Galaxy-Cluster-PLUTO/Bondi_PS_Cluster/" ) plt.subplot(111) plt.contourf(x, z, np.log10(D.rho), np.linspace(-4.0, 0.0, 40)) plt.xlim(0.0, 5.0) plt.ylim(-5.0, 5.0) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.colorbar()
import pyPLUTO as pp import pylab as pl D=pp.pload(1) print D.bx1.shape pl.imshow(D.bx1[:,:,0]) pl.draw()
def td(ty, t, E, rho, sigma, wdir): D = pp.pload(t, w_dir=wdir) if ty == 'flux': for k in range(D.rho.shape[2]): for j in range(D.rho.shape[1]): for i in range(D.rho.shape[0]): # if (i-D.rho.shape[0]/2)**2+(j-D.rho.shape[1]/2)**2+(k-D.rho.shape[2]/2)**2 > 30**2: # D.rho[k,j,i] = rho if D.rho[k, j, i] > 10: D.rho[k, j, i] = rho flux = D.rho * (D.bx1**2 + D.bx2**2 + D.bx3**2)**1.25 * (D.vx1**2 + D.vx2**2 + D.vx3**2)**0 flux = (flux - np.mean(flux)) * 1 + np.mean(flux) * 1 flux = flux.sum(axis=0) flux = nd.gaussian_filter(flux, sigma=(sigma, sigma), order=0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(flux).T, origin='lower', extent=[D.x2[0], D.x2[-1], D.x3[0], D.x3[-1]]) levels = np.arange(-5.5, -4, 0.5) plt.contour(np.log10(flux).T, levels, origin='lower', linewidths=2, extent=[D.x1[0], D.x1[-1], D.x2[0], D.x2[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log(S)') ax.set_xlabel('l offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('b offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't=' + str(t) + r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$=' + str(rho) + ' E=' + str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.1, left=0.11, right=0.97) fig.savefig('t' + str(t) + '_density' + str(rho) + '_E' + str(E) + '.eps') fig.clear() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot((np.rot90(np.eye(len(flux))) * flux.T).sum(axis=0)) ax.set_xlim(0, 256) fig.savefig('change.eps') elif ty == 'rho': # t = 850 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neg = ax.imshow(np.log10(D.rho[:, :, 128]).T, origin='lower', extent=[D.x2[0], D.x2[-1], D.x3[0], D.x3[-1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(neg, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(r'log($\mathregular{\rho/cm^{-3}}$)') ax.set_xlabel('x offset (pc)') ax.set_ylabel('y offset (pc)') ax.set_title(r't=' + str(t) + r'$\ \mathregular{\rho}$=' + str(rho) + ' E=' + str(E)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, bottom=0.1, left=0.11, right=0.97) T = pp.Tools() newdims = 2 * (20, ) Xmesh, Ymesh = np.meshgrid(D.x2.T, D.x3.T) xcong = T.congrid(Xmesh, newdims, method='linear') ycong = T.congrid(Ymesh, newdims, method='linear') velxcong = T.congrid(D.bx1[:, :, 128].T, newdims, method='linear') velycong = T.congrid(D.bx2[:, :, 128].T, newdims, method='linear') plt.gca().quiver(xcong, ycong, velxcong, velycong, color='w') fig.savefig('rho-t=' + str(t) + '_density=' + str(rho) + '_E=' + str(E) + '.eps') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg # close() else: print(D.x1.shape) # arr = np.meshgrid(D.x1,D.x2,D.x3) # mlab.points3d(arr[0][0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8], arr[1][0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8], arr[2][0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8], D.rho[0:256:8,0:256:8,0:256:8]) vol = mlab.pipeline.volume( mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(np.log10(D.prs * D.rho))) ctf = ColorTransferFunction() ctf.add_hsv_point(-8, 0.8, 1, 1) ctf.add_hsv_point(-6.5, 0.45, 1, 1) ctf.add_hsv_point(-5.4, 0.15, 1, 1) vol._volume_property.set_color(ctf) vol._ctf = ctf vol.update_ctf = True otf = PiecewiseFunction() otf.add_point(-8, 0) otf.add_point(-5.7, 0.082) otf.add_point(-5.4, 0.0) vol._otf = otf vol._volume_property.set_scalar_opacity(otf)
density_scaling = scaling_dict['density'] pressure_scaling = scaling_dict['pressure'] speed_scaling = scaling_dict['speed'] # Defining the run directory: run_dir = '/Users/Katie/Desktop/PLUTO1/KatiesSims/Offset/M25_m14.5_OFF4R_Q38/' # # The Environment # In[ ]: # Choosing the initial time step tstep = 0 initial = pp.pload(tstep,w_dir = run_dir) theta_index_first = 0 theta_index_last = -1 r_physical = curObject.x1*length_scaling.value # loading the density data, and taking a slice along the x-axis globalVar_density = getattr(initial,'rho').T globalVar_density = globalVar_density * density_scaling.value density_slice = np.asarray(np.log10(globalVar_density)) f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) f.set_figheight(5) f.set_figwidth(10)
import pylab import pyPLUTO as pp import string for N in range(74, 178): D = pp.pload(N, datatype='hdf5', level=4) I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, D.rho, x1=D.x1, x2=D.x2, cbar=(True, 'vertical'), polar=[True, True]) figname = string.join(('Plot', str(N), '.png')) pylab.savefig(figname) pylab.close()
def cf(temperature,plot=False): ''' calculate cooling function lambda(T) temperature(K), return(erg cm^-3 s^-1) array input is accessible ''' cooling = np.loadtxt('cooling.dat') if plot: plt.loglog(cooling[:,0],cooling[:,1]) plt.loglog(temperature,np.interp(temperature, cooling[:,0],cooling[:,1]),'o') return np.interp(temperature, cooling[:,0],cooling[:,1]) wdir = './' nlinf = pp.nlast_info(w_dir=wdir) #D = pp.pload(nlinf['nlast'],w_dir=wdir) # Loading the data into a pload object D D = pp.pload(2,w_dir=wdir) T= (D.prs*un.Ba/(D.rho***-3)/con.k_B*1.67e-6).to('K') print cf(T.value).shape #f=open('rho.txt','r+') #temp= #imshow(T.value) I = pp.Image() I.pldisplay(D, cf(T.value),x1=D.x1,x2=D.x2,label1='x',label2='y',title=r'Density $\rho$ [MHD_Blast test]',cbar=(True,'vertical')) #savefig('MHD_Blast.png') # Only to be saved as either .png or .jpg
import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyPLUTO as pp import numpy as np I = pp.Image() plutodir = os.environ['PLUTO_DIR'] wdir = plutodir+'/Test_Problems/HD/Viscosity/Flow_Past_Cylinder/' try: D = pp.pload(10,datatype='hdf5',level=3, w_dir=wdir) except IndexError: print 'data.0010.hdf5 not found .. Loading data.0000.hdf5 at level 0' D = pp.pload(0,datatype='hdf5',w_dir=wdir) #Plot 2D AMR R-Phi Polar Data on Cartesian X-Y Plane. I.pldisplay(D, D.rho, x1=D.x1, x2=D.x2, polar=[True, True], fignum=1, cbar=[True, 'horizontal'],figsize=[8,8], label1='X', label2='Y',title=r'Density [$\rho$]') ax1 = plt.gca() ax1.axis([-10, 50,-20.0, 20.0]) #Using the OplotBox routine to overplot sublevels. I.oplotbox(D.AMRLevel,lrange=[0,3],geom=D.geometry) plt.savefig('amr_flowcyc.png')