Пример #1
def test_add_2_result_in_empty_file(fs):
    Use a CSVOutput instance to write 2 result in an empty csv file named 'toto.csv'
    Each result contains power consumption of two sockets

    Test if:
      - Before calling the save method, the csv file contains only the header
      - After calling the save method, the csv file contains 4 lines containing the result values
    output = CSVOutput('toto.csv')
    result_list = [
        Result('toto', 0, 0.1, [0.1111, 0.2222], [0.3333, 0.4444]),
        Result('titi', 0, 0.2, [0.5555, 0.6666], [0.7777, 0.8888]),

    for result in result_list:

    assert os.path.exists('toto.csv')

    csv_file = open('toto.csv', 'r')
    assert csv_file.readline() == 'label,timestamp,duration,pkg,dram,socket\n'

    for result in result_list:
        line1 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[0]},{result.dram[0]},0\n"""
        line2 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[1]},{result.dram[1]},1\n"""

        assert line1 == csv_file.readline()
        assert line2 == csv_file.readline()
    assert csv_file.readline() == ''
Пример #2
def test_add_2_result_in_empty_file_semicolon_separator(fs):
    Use a CSVOutput instance to write 2 result in an empty csv file named 'toto.csv'
    Each result contains power consumption of two sockets
    Each values must be separated with a semicolong

    Test if:
      - Before calling the save method, the csv file contains only the header
      - After calling the save method, the csv file contains 4 lines containing the result values separated with
    output = CSVOutput('toto.csv', separator=';')
    result_list = [
        Result('toto', 0, 0.1, [0.1111, 0.2222], [0.3333, 0.4444]),
        Result('titi', 0, 0.2, [0.5555, 0.6666], [0.7777, 0.8888]),

    for result in result_list:

    assert os.path.exists('toto.csv')

    csv_file = open('toto.csv', 'r')
    assert csv_file.readline() == 'label;timestamp;duration;pkg;dram;socket\n'

    for result in result_list:
        line1 = f"""{result.label};{result.timestamp};{result.duration};{result.pkg[0]};{result.dram[0]};0\n"""
        line2 = f"""{result.label};{result.timestamp};{result.duration};{result.pkg[1]};{result.dram[1]};1\n"""

        assert line1 == csv_file.readline()
        assert line2 == csv_file.readline()
    assert csv_file.readline() == ''
Пример #3
def test_fulldiv():
    val = Result('toto', 0, 0.23456, [0.34567], [0.45678, 0.56789])
    correct_value = Result('toto', 0, 0.023456, [0.034567],
                           [0.045678, 0.056789])
    result = val / 10
    assert result.label == correct_value.label
    assert result.timestamp == correct_value.timestamp
    assert round(result.duration, 6) == correct_value.duration
    assert [round(x, 6) for x in result.pkg] == correct_value.pkg
    assert [round(x, 6) for x in result.dram] == correct_value.dram
    assert len(result.pkg) == 1
    assert len(result.dram) == 2
Пример #4
def test_two_save_call(fs):
    Use a CSVOutput instance to write 1 result in an empty csv file named 'toto.csv'

    After saving the first result, write another result in the csv file

    Each result contains power consumption of two sockets

    Test if:
      - Before calling the fisrt save method, the csv file contains only the header and one line
      - After calling the fisrt save method, the csv file contains 2 lines containing the result values
      - After calling the second save method, the csv file contains 4 lines containing the results values

    result_list = [
        Result('toto', 0, 0.1, [0.1111, 0.2222], [0.3333, 0.4444]),
        Result('titi', 0, 0.2, [0.5555, 0.6666], [0.7777, 0.8888]),

    output = CSVOutput('toto.csv')
    assert os.path.exists('toto.csv')
    csv_file = open('toto.csv', 'r')
    assert csv_file.readline() == 'label,timestamp,duration,pkg,dram,socket\n'
    assert csv_file.readline() == ''  # end of file

    result = result_list[0]

    line1 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[0]},{result.dram[0]},0\n"""
    line2 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[1]},{result.dram[1]},1\n"""

    assert line1 == csv_file.readline()
    assert line2 == csv_file.readline()
    assert csv_file.readline() == ''

    csv_file = open('toto.csv', 'r')

    assert csv_file.readline() == 'label,timestamp,duration,pkg,dram,socket\n'
    for result in result_list:
        line1 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[0]},{result.dram[0]},0\n"""
        line2 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[1]},{result.dram[1]},1\n"""

        assert line1 == csv_file.readline()
        assert line2 == csv_file.readline()
    assert csv_file.readline() == ''
Пример #5
def test_dataframe():
    Add 2 result to a dataframe

    output = DataFrameOutput()
    result_list = [
        Result('toto', 0, 0.1, [0.1111, 0.2222], [0.3333, 0.4444]),
        Result('titi', 0, 0.2, [0.5555, 0.6666], [0.7777, 0.8888]),


    assert_line_equal_result(output.data, 0, result_list[0])


    for i in range(2):
        assert_line_equal_result(output.data, 2 * i, result_list[i])
Пример #6
def test_add_2_result_in_non_empty_file_non_append(fs):
    Use a CSVOutput instance to overwrite 2 results on a non empty csv file named 'toto.csv'
    Each result contains power consumption of two sockets

    before adding result, the csv file contains a header an a line of result containing only 0 values

    Test if:
      - Before calling the save method, the csv file contains only the header and one line
      - After calling the save method, the csv file contains 2 lines containing the new results values

    output = CSVOutput('toto.csv', append='')

    result_list = [
        Result('toto', 0, 0.1, [0.1111, 0.2222], [0.3333, 0.4444]),
        Result('titi', 0, 0.2, [0.5555, 0.6666], [0.7777, 0.8888]),

    for result in result_list:

    assert os.path.exists('toto.csv')

    csv_file = open('toto.csv', 'r')
    assert csv_file.readline() == 'label,timestamp,duration,pkg,dram,socket\n'

    for result in result_list:
        line1 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[0]},{result.dram[0]},0\n"""
        line2 = f"""{result.label},{result.timestamp},{result.duration},{result.pkg[1]},{result.dram[1]},1\n"""

        assert line1 == csv_file.readline()
        assert line2 == csv_file.readline()
    assert csv_file.readline() == ''
Пример #7
    def end(self):
        End energy consumption recording
        ts_end = time_ns()
        energy_end = self._sensor.energy()

        delta = energy_end - self._energy_begin
        duration = ts_end - self._ts_begin
        pkg = delta[0::2]  # get odd numbers
        pkg = pkg if empty_energy_result(pkg) else None  # set result to None if its contains only -1
        dram = delta[1::2]  # get even numbers
        dram = dram if empty_energy_result(dram) else None  # set result to None if its contains only -1

        self._results = Result(self.label, self._ts_begin / 1000000000, duration / 1000, pkg, dram)
Пример #8
def test_save(_):

    output = MongoOutput(None, None, None)
    output._collection.insert_many = Mock()
    result = Result('toto', 0, 0.1, [0.1111, 0.2222], [0.3333, 0.4444])

    args = output._collection.insert_many.call_args[0][0]

    for i in range(2):
        assert args[i]['label'] == result.label
        assert args[i]['timestamp'] == result.timestamp
        assert args[i]['duration'] == result.duration
        assert args[i]['pkg'] == result.pkg[i]
        assert args[i]['dram'] == result.dram[i]
        assert args[i]['socket'] == i
Пример #9
def test_non_raw_output():
    run PrintOutput._format_output to print non raw result

    Test if:
      the returned string is correct
    result = Result('toto', 0, 0.23456, [0.34567], [0.45678, 0.56789])
    correct_value = f"""Label : toto
Begin : {time.ctime(result.timestamp)}
Duration :     0.2346 us
\tsocket 0 :     0.3457 uJ
\tsocket 0 :     0.4568 uJ
\tsocket 1 :     0.5679 uJ
    output = PrintOutput()
    assert output._format_output(result) == correct_value