Пример #1
 def visible_crescent(self, date):
     """Return S. K. Shaukat's criterion for likely
     visibility of crescent moon on eve of date 'date',
     at location 'location'."""
     tee = self.universal_from_standard(self.dusk(date - 1, mpf(4.5)))
     phase = Lunar.lunar_phase(tee)
     altitude = self.lunar_altitude(tee)
     arc_of_light = arccos_degrees(cos_degrees(Lunar.lunar_latitude(tee)) * cos_degrees(phase))
     return ((Lunar.NEW < phase < Lunar.FIRST_QUARTER) and
             (mpf(10.6) <= arc_of_light <= 90) and
             (altitude > mpf(4.1)))
Пример #2
 def lunar_altitude(self, tee):
     """Return the geocentric altitude of moon at moment, tee,
     at location, location, as a small positive/negative angle in degrees,
     ignoring parallax and refraction.  Adapted from 'Astronomical
     Algorithms' by Jean Meeus, Willmann_Bell, Inc., 1998."""
     lamb = Lunar.lunar_longitude(tee)
     beta = Lunar.lunar_latitude(tee)
     alpha = Astro.right_ascension(tee, beta, lamb)
     delta = Astro.declination(tee, beta, lamb)
     theta0 = Astro.sidereal_from_moment(tee)
     cap_H = mod(theta0 + self.longitude - alpha, 360)
     altitude = arcsin_degrees(
         (sin_degrees(self.latitude) * sin_degrees(delta)) +
         (cos_degrees(self.latitude) * cos_degrees(delta) * cos_degrees(cap_H)))
     return mod(altitude + 180, 360) - 180
Пример #3
 def phasis_on_or_before(self, date):
     """Return the closest fixed date on or before date 'date', when crescent
     moon first became visible at location 'location'."""
     mean = date - ifloor(Lunar.lunar_phase(date + 1) / 360.0 * Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH)
     tau = ((mean - 30)
            if (((date - mean) <= 3) and (not self.visible_crescent(date)))
            else (mean - 2))
     return  next_int(tau, lambda d: self.visible_crescent(d))
Пример #4
 def lunar_parallax(self, tee):
     """Return the parallax of moon at moment, tee, at location, location.
     Adapted from "Astronomical Algorithms" by Jean Meeus,
     Willmann_Bell, Inc., 1998."""
     geo = self.lunar_altitude(tee)
     Delta = Lunar.lunar_distance(tee)
     alt = 6378140 / Delta
     arg = alt * cos_degrees(geo)
     return arcsin_degrees(arg)
Пример #5
 def moonrise(self, date):
     """Return the standard time of moonrise on fixed, date,
     and location, location."""
     t = self.universal_from_standard(date)
     waning = (Lunar.lunar_phase(t) > 180)
     alt = self.observed_lunar_altitude(t)
     offset = alt / 360
     if waning and (offset > 0):
         approx =  t + 1 - offset
     elif waning:
         approx = t - offset
         approx = t + (1 / 2) + offset
     rise = binary_search(approx - Clock.days_from_hours(3),
                          approx + Clock.days_from_hours(3),
                          lambda u, l: ((u - l) < Clock.days_from_hours(1/60)),
                          lambda x: self.observed_lunar_altitude(x) > 0)
     if rise < (t + 1):
         return self.standard_from_universal(rise)
     raise ValueError()
Пример #6
def sidereal_lunar_longitude(tee):
    """Return sidereal lunar longitude at moment, tee."""
    return mod(Lunar.lunar_longitude(tee) - Astro.precession(tee) + SIDEREAL_START, 360)
Пример #7
 def new_moon_on_or_after(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date (Beijing) of first new moon on or after
     fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     tee = Lunar.new_moon_at_or_after(cls.midnight(fixed_date))
     return ifloor(cls.chinese_location(tee).standard_from_universal(tee))
Пример #8
 def new_moon_before(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date (Beijing) of first new moon before fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     tee = Lunar.new_moon_before(cls.midnight(fixed_date))
     return ifloor(cls.location(tee).standard_from_universal(tee))
Пример #9
 def phasis_on_or_after(cls, fixed_date, location):
     """Return closest fixed date on or after date, date, on the eve
     of which crescent moon first became visible at location, location."""
     mean = fixed_date - ifloor(Lunar.lunar_phase(fixed_date + 1) / mpf(360) * Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH)
     tau = fixed_date if fixed_date - mean <= 3 and not location.visible_crescent(fixed_date - 1) else mean + 29
     return next_int(tau, lambda d: location.visible_crescent(d))