Пример #1
def test_sub_field_type_wrong():
    bd = bdl(a=(uw(8), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", sw(8))
    assert not check(sf)

    bd = bdl(a=(bdl(c=(uw(8), True)), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", bdl(c=(uw(9), True)))
    assert not check(sf)
Пример #2
def test_sub_field_non_exist():
    bd = bdl(a=(uw(8), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "c", uw(8))
    assert not check(sf)

    bd = bdl(a=(bdl(c=(uw(8), True)), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "c", bdl(c=(uw(8), True)))
    assert not check(sf)
Пример #3
def test_type_eq():
    assert equal(UnknownType(), UnknownType())
    assert equal(ClockType(), ClockType())
    assert equal(uw(10), uw(10))
    assert equal(sw(10), sw(10))
    assert equal(vec(uw(10), 8), vec(uw(10), 8))
    assert equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), True)),
                 bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), True)))
Пример #4
def test_neg():
    serialize_equal(Neg(u(20, w(5)), sw(6)),
    serialize_equal(Neg(s(-20, w(6)), sw(7)),
Пример #5
def test_init_register_reset_wrong():
    r1 = DefInitRegister("r1", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), n("r", sw(1)),
                         u(5, w(8)))
    assert not check(r1)

    r2 = DefInitRegister("r2", sw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), s(0, w(1)),
                         s(5, w(8)))
    assert not check(r2)
Пример #6
def test_sub():
    serialize_equal(Sub([u(20, w(5)), u(15, w(4))], sw(6)),
                    'sub(UInt<5>("h14"), UInt<4>("hf"))')
    serialize_equal(Sub([s(-20, w(6)), s(-15, w(5))], sw(7)),
                    'sub(SInt<6>("h-14"), SInt<5>("h-f"))')
Пример #7
def test_mux_tf_value_type_wrong():
    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(7)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", sw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), sw(8))
    assert not check(mux)
Пример #8
def test_mux_basis():
    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert check(mux)
    serialize_equal(mux, "mux(c, a, b)")

    mux = Mux(u(1, w(1)), n("b", vec(sw(8), 10)), n("c", vec(sw(8), 10)),
              vec(sw(8), 10))
    assert check(mux)
    serialize_equal(mux, 'mux(UInt<1>("h1"), b, c)')
Пример #9
def test_assint():
    serialize_equal(AsSInt(u(20, w(5)), sw(5)),
    serialize_equal(AsSInt(s(-20, w(6)), sw(5)),
    serialize_equal(AsSInt(n("clock", ClockType()), sw(1)),
Пример #10
def test_sub_field_basis():
    bd = bdl(a=(uw(8), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", uw(8))
    assert check(sf)
    serialize_equal(sf, "bd.a")

    bd = bdl(a=(bdl(c=(uw(8), True)), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", bdl(c=(uw(8), True)))
    assert check(sf)
    serialize_equal(sf, "bd.a")
Пример #11
def test_connect_type_wrong():
    cn = Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", sw(8)))
    assert not check(cn)

    cn = Connect(n("a", sw(8)), n("b", uw(8)))
    assert not check(cn)

    cn = Connect(n("a", uw(8)), s(20, w(8)))
    assert not check(cn)

    cn = Connect(n("a", sw(8)), n(-20, w(8)))
    assert not check(cn)
Пример #12
def test_conditionally_type_wrong():
    s1 = EmptyStmt()
    s2 = Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)))
    cn = Conditionally(n("a", sw(1)), s1, s2)
    assert not check(cn)

    s1 = Block([
        Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8))),
        Connect(n("c", sw(8)), n("d", sw(8))),
    s2 = EmptyStmt()
    cn = Conditionally(u(1, w(2)), s1, s2)
    assert not check(cn)
Пример #13
def test_connect_basis():
    cn = Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)))
    assert check(cn)
    serialize_stmt_equal(cn, "a <= b")

    cn = Connect(n("a", sw(8)), n("b", sw(8)))
    assert check(cn)
    serialize_stmt_equal(cn, "a <= b")

    cn = Connect(n("a", uw(8)), u(20, w(8)))
    assert check(cn)
    serialize_stmt_equal(cn, 'a <= UInt<8>("h14")')

    cn = Connect(n("a", sw(8)), s(-20, w(8)))
    assert check(cn)
    serialize_stmt_equal(cn, 'a <= SInt<8>("h-14")')
Пример #14
def test_rem():
    serialize_equal(Rem([u(20, w(5)), u(15, w(4))], uw(4)),
                    'rem(UInt<5>("h14"), UInt<4>("hf"))')
    serialize_equal(Rem([s(-20, w(6)), s(-15, w(5))], sw(5)),
                    'rem(SInt<6>("h-14"), SInt<5>("h-f"))')
Пример #15
def test_sub_access_idx_non_uint():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", vc), s(2, w(3)), uw(8))
    assert not check(sa)

    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", vc), n("a", sw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(sa)
Пример #16
def test_sub_index_type_wrong():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 5, sw(8))
    assert not check(si)

    vc = vec(vec(uw(8), 10), 20)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 19, vec(uw(8), 20))
    assert not check(si)
Пример #17
def test_wire_basis():
    wire = DefWire("w1", uw(8))
    assert check(wire)
    serialize_stmt_equal(wire, 'wire w1 : UInt<8>')

    wire = DefWire("w2", bdl(a=(uw(8), True), b=(sw(8), False)))
    assert check(wire)
    serialize_stmt_equal(wire, 'wire w2 : {flip a : UInt<8>, b : SInt<8>}')
Пример #18
def test_mul():
    serialize_equal(Mul([u(20, w(5)), u(15, w(4))], uw(9)),
                    'mul(UInt<5>("h14"), UInt<4>("hf"))')
    serialize_equal(Mul([s(-20, w(6)), s(-15, w(5))], sw(11)),
                    'mul(SInt<6>("h-14"), SInt<5>("h-f"))')
Пример #19
def test_mux_cond_type_wrong():
    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(2)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", sw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", vec(uw(1), 1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)
Пример #20
def s_gen():
    if random.randint(0, 1):
        rand_s_value = random.randint(-1024, 1024)
        rand_s_value_width = signed_num_bin_len(rand_s_value)
        rand_s_width = random.randint(rand_s_value_width,
                                      2 * rand_s_value_width)
        return s(rand_s_value, w(rand_s_width))
        rand_ns_name = name_gen()
        rand_ns_width = random.randint(1, 20)
        return n(rand_ns_name, sw(rand_ns_width))
Пример #21
def test_conditionally_basis():
    s1 = EmptyStmt()
    s2 = Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)))
    cn = Conditionally(n("a", uw(1)), s1, s2)
    assert check(cn)
    serialize_stmt_equal(cn, "when a :\n" "  skip\n" "else :\n" "  a <= b")

    s1 = Block([
        Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8))),
        Connect(n("c", sw(8)), n("d", sw(8))),
    s2 = EmptyStmt()
    cn = Conditionally(u(1, w(1)), s1, s2)
    assert check(cn)
        cn, 'when UInt<1>("h1") :\n'
        '  a <= b\n'
        '  c <= d\n'
        'else :\n'
        '  skip')
Пример #22
def test_init_register_basis():
    r1 = DefInitRegister("r1", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), n("r", uw(1)),
                         u(5, w(8)))
    assert check(r1)
        r1, 'reg r1 : UInt<8>, clock with :\n'
        '  reset => (r, UInt<8>("h5"))')

    r2 = DefInitRegister("r2", sw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), u(0, w(1)),
                         s(5, w(8)))
    assert check(r2)
        r2, 'reg r2 : SInt<8>, clock with :\n'
        '  reset => (UInt<1>("h0"), SInt<8>("h5"))')
Пример #23
def type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen(op):
    wrong_cases = [
        op_args(op, UnknownType, UnknownType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, UnknownType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, UnknownType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, UnknownType, VectorType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, UnknownType, BundleType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, UIntType, VectorType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, UIntType, BundleType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, UIntType, UnknownType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, SIntType, VectorType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, SIntType, BundleType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, SIntType, UnknownType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, VectorType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, VectorType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(32)),
        op_args(op, VectorType, VectorType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, VectorType, BundleType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, BundleType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, BundleType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, BundleType, VectorType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, BundleType, UnknownType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
        op_args(op, BundleType, BundleType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(32)),
    return wrong_cases
Пример #24
            class B:
                def tpe(res_type):
                    return OpCase(Shr) \
                        .arg_types(*arg_types) \
                        .const_arg_types(*const_types) \

            return B

    return A

shr_basis_cases = [
    args(UIntType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(max(1, width(x) - y))),
    args(SIntType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(max(1, width(x) - y))),

shr_type_wrong_cases = [
    args(UnknownType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(max(1, y))),
    args(VectorType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(max(1, y))),
    args(BundleType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(max(1, y))),

shr_width_wrong_cases = [
    args(UIntType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(max(1, width(x) - y) + 1)),
    args(SIntType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(max(1, width(x) - y) + 1)),
    args(UIntType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(max(1, width(x) - y) - 1)),
    args(SIntType).const(int).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(max(1, width(x) - y) - 1)),
Пример #25
def args(*arg_types):
    class C:
        def tpe(res_type):
            return OpCase(Leq).arg_types(*arg_types).res_type(res_type)

    return C

leq_basis_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(1)),

leq_type_wrong_cases = type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen(Leq) + [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(1)),

leq_width_wrong_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(2)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(2)),
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(3)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(3)),

def test_leq():
Пример #26
from .helper import OpCase, basis_tester, \
    encounter_error_tester, type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen, min_width

def args(*arg_types):
    class C:
        def tpe(res_type):
            return OpCase(Rem).arg_types(*arg_types).res_type(res_type)

    return C

rem_basis_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(min_width(x, y))),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(min_width(x, y))),

rem_type_wrong_cases = type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen(Rem)

rem_width_wrong_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(min_width(x, y) + 1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(min_width(x, y) + 1)),
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(min_width(x, y) - 1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(min_width(x, y) - 1)),

def test_rem():
Пример #27
def test_type_neq():
    assert not equal(UnknownType(), ClockType())
    assert not equal(UnknownType(), uw(10))
    assert not equal(UnknownType(), sw(10))
    assert not equal(UnknownType(), vec(uw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(UnknownType(), vec(sw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(UnknownType(),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)))

    assert not equal(ClockType(), UnknownType())
    assert not equal(ClockType(), uw(10))
    assert not equal(ClockType(), sw(10))
    assert not equal(ClockType(), vec(uw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(ClockType(), vec(sw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(ClockType(),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)))

    assert not equal(uw(10), UnknownType())
    assert not equal(uw(10), ClockType())
    assert not equal(uw(10), uw(8))
    assert not equal(uw(10), sw(10))
    assert not equal(uw(10), sw(10))
    assert not equal(uw(10), vec(uw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(uw(10), vec(sw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(uw(10),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)))

    assert not equal(sw(10), UnknownType())
    assert not equal(sw(10), ClockType())
    assert not equal(sw(10), sw(8))
    assert not equal(sw(10), uw(10))
    assert not equal(sw(10), uw(10))
    assert not equal(sw(10), vec(uw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(sw(10), vec(sw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(sw(10),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)))

    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), UnknownType())
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), ClockType())
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), sw(8))
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), uw(10))
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), uw(10))
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), vec(uw(8), 8))
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), vec(uw(10), 9))
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8), vec(sw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(vec(uw(10), 8),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)))

    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
                     vec(sw(10), 8))
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), True), b=(uw(10), False)))
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
                     bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 2), False), b=(uw(10), False)))
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(uw(3), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
                     bdl(a=(uw(3), False), b=(uw(10), False), c=(sw(2), True)))
    assert not equal(bdl(a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False), b=(uw(10), False)),
                     bdl(b=(uw(10), False), a=(vec(uw(10), 8), False)))
Пример #28
def args(*arg_types):
    class C:
        def tpe(res_type):
            return OpCase(Cat).arg_types(*arg_types).res_type(res_type)

    return C

cat_basis_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(sum_width(x, y))),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(sum_width(x, y))),

cat_type_wrong_cases = type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen(Cat) + [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(sum_width(x, y))),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(sum_width(x, y))),

cat_width_wrong_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(sum_width(x, y) + 1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(sum_width(x, y) + 1)),
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(sum_width(x, y) - 1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(sum_width(x, y) - 1)),

def test_cat():
Пример #29
from .helper import OpCase, basis_tester, \
    encounter_error_tester, type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen, width

def args(*arg_types):
    class C:
        def tpe(res_type):
            return OpCase(Dshr).arg_types(*arg_types).res_type(res_type)

    return C

dshr_basis_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(width(x))),
    args(SIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(width(x))),

dshr_type_wrong_cases = type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen(Dshr)

dshr_width_wrong_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(width(x) + 1)),
    args(SIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(width(x) + 1)),
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(width(x) - 1)),
    args(SIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(width(x) - 1)),

def test_dshr():
Пример #30
from .helper import OpCase, basis_tester, \
    encounter_error_tester, type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen, width

def args(*arg_types):
    class C:
        def tpe(res_type):
            return OpCase(Div).arg_types(*arg_types).res_type(res_type)

    return C

div_basis_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(width(x))),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(width(x) + 1)),

div_type_wrong_cases = type_wrong_cases_2_args_gen(Div)

div_width_wrong_cases = [
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(width(x) + 1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(width(x) + 2)),
    args(UIntType, UIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: uw(width(x) - 1)),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(width(x))),
    args(SIntType, SIntType).tpe(lambda x, y: sw(1)),

def test_div():