Пример #1
    def fill_in_fields(self):
        # The following is from BSF
        d = self.first.date()
        s = sun.Sun(lat=self.lat, lng=self.lng)
        sunrise = s.sunrise_hr(d) + self.utc_offset
        sunset = s.sunset_hr(d) + self.utc_offset
        # default Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) step function
        default_pbl = lambda hr, sunrise, sunset: 1000.0 if (
            sunrise + 1) < hr < sunset else 100.0

        for dt, hp in list(self.hourly_profile.items()):
            hr = (dt - self.first).total_seconds() / 3600.0
            hp['lat'] = self.lat
            hp['lng'] = self.lng
            for k in [
                    'pressure', 'TPOT', 'WSPD', 'WDIR', 'WWND', 'TEMP', 'SPHU'
                hp[k] = hp.get(k)
            if not hp.get('HGTS'):
                hp['HGTS'] = self.calc_height(hp['pressure'])
            if not hp.get('RELH'):
                hp['RELH'] = self.calc_rh(hp['pressure'], hp['SPHU'],
            hp['dew_point'] = self.calc_dew_point(hp['RELH'], hp['TEMP'])
            hp['sunrise_hour'] = sunrise
            hp['sunset_hour'] = sunset
            # Note: Based on what they stand for and on looking at the SEV
            #  plumerise logic, it appears that 'PBLH' and 'HPBL' are aliases
            #  for one anohther. ('Planetary Boundary Layer Height' vs 'Height
            #  of Planetary Boundary Layer'.) If so, I don't see why the two
            #  values aren't consolidated into a single variable here, as opposed
            #  to storing them as separate values and only defaulting 'HPBL' to
            #  `default_pbl(hr, sunrise, sunset)` (which is the current logic
            #  that was taken from BSF).  The logic could be replace with
            #  something like:
            #    _pblh = self.list_to_scalar(hp, pblh, lambda: None)
            #    _hpbl = self.list_to_scalar(hp, hpbl, lambda: None)
            #    if _pblh is not None:
            #        hp['pblh'] = _pblh
            #    elif _hpbl is not None:
            #        hp['pblh'] = _pblh
            #    else:
            #        hp['pblh'] = default_pbl(hr, sunrise, sunset)
            for k in [
                self.list_to_scalar(hp, k, lambda: None)
            self.list_to_scalar(hp, 'HPBL',
                                lambda: default_pbl(hr, sunrise, sunset))
Пример #2
        def _f(fire, working_dir):
            # TODO: create and change to working directory here (per fire),
            #   above (one working dir per all fires), or below (per activity
            #   window)...or just let plumerise create temp workingdir (as
            #   it's currently doing?
            for aa in fire.active_areas:
                start = aa.get('start')
                if not start:
                    raise ValueError(MISSING_START_TIME_ERROR_MSG)
                start = datetimeutils.parse_datetime(aa.get('start'), 'start')

                if not aa.get('timeprofile'):
                    raise ValueError(MISSING_TIMEPROFILE_ERROR_MSG)

                for loc in aa.locations:
                    if not loc.get('consumption', {}).get('summary'):
                        raise ValueError(MISSING_CONSUMPTION_ERROR_MSG)

                    # Fill in missing sunrise / sunset
                    if any([
                            loc.get(k) is None
                            for k in ('sunrise_hour', 'sunset_hour')

                        # default: UTC
                        utc_offset = datetimeutils.parse_utc_offset(
                            loc.get('utc_offset', 0.0))

                        # Use NOAA-standard sunrise/sunset calculations
                        latlng = locationutils.LatLng(loc)
                        s = sun.Sun(lat=latlng.latitude, lng=latlng.longitude)
                        d = start.date()
                        # just set them both, even if one is already set
                        loc["sunrise_hour"] = s.sunrise_hr(d, utc_offset)
                        loc["sunset_hour"] = s.sunset_hr(d, utc_offset)

                    fire_working_dir = _get_fire_working_dir(fire, working_dir)
                    plumerise_data = pr.compute(aa['timeprofile'],
                    loc['plumerise'] = plumerise_data['hours']

                    if config.get("load_heat"):
                        if 'fuelbeds' not in loc:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "Fuelbeds should exist before loading heat in plumerise"
                        loc["fuelbeds"][0]["heat"] = _loadHeat(
Пример #3
 def _fill_fire_location_info(self, fire_loc, fire_location_info):
     for k, v in list(self.FIRE_LOCATION_INFO_DEFAULTS.items()):
         if fire_location_info.get(k) is None:
             fire_location_info[k] = v
     if fire_location_info.get('sunset_hour') is None:
         dt = fire_loc['start']
         utc_offset = fire_loc['utc_offset']
         tmidday = datetime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, int(12))
             s = sun.Sun(lat=float(fire_loc["specified_points"][0]['lat']),
             fire_location_info['sunrise_hour'] = s.sunrise_hr(
                 tmidday, int(utc_offset))
             fire_location_info['sunset_hour'] = s.sunset_hr(
                 tmidday, int(utc_offset))
             # this calculation can fail near the North/South poles
             fire_location_info['sunrise_hour'] = 6
             fire_location_info['sunset_hour'] = 18
Пример #4
        def _f(fire):
            # TODO: create and change to working directory here (per fire),
            #   above (one working dir per all fires), or below (per activity
            #   window)...or just let plumerise create temp workingdir (as
            #   it's currently doing?
            for a in fire.activity:
                if not a.get('consumption', {}).get('summary'):
                    raise ValueError("Missing fire activity consumption data "
                        "required for FEPS plumerise")

                # Fill in missing sunrise / sunset
                if any([a['location'].get(k) is None for k in
                        ('sunrise_hour', 'sunset_hour')]):
                    start = datetimeutils.parse_datetime(a['start'], 'start')
                    if not start:
                        raise ValueError("Missing fire activity start time "
                            "required by FEPS plumerise")

                    # default: UTC
                    utc_offset = datetimeutils.parse_utc_offset(
                        a['location'].get('utc_offset', 0.0))

                    # Use NOAA-standard sunrise/sunset calculations
                    latlng = locationutils.LatLng(a['location'])
                    s = sun.Sun(lat=latlng.latitude, lng=latlng.longitude)
                    d = start.date()
                    # just set them both, even if one is already set
                    a['location']["sunrise_hour"] = s.sunrise_hr(d, utc_offset)
                    a['location']["sunset_hour"] = s.sunset_hr(d, utc_offset)

                if not a.get('timeprofile'):
                    raise ValueError("Missing timeprofile data required for "
                        "computing FEPS plumerise")

                plumerise_data = pr.compute(a['timeprofile'],
                    a['consumption']['summary'], a['location'],
                a['plumerise'] = plumerise_data['hours']