class Pacman: """ alpm wrapper :ivar handle: pyalpm root `Handle` """ def __init__(self, configuration: Configuration) -> None: """ default constructor :param configuration: configuration instance """ root = configuration.get("alpm", "root") pacman_root = configuration.getpath("alpm", "database") self.handle = Handle(root, str(pacman_root)) for repository in configuration.getlist("alpm", "repositories"): self.handle.register_syncdb(repository, 0) # 0 is pgp_level def all_packages(self) -> List[str]: """ get list of packages known for alpm :return: list of package names """ result: Set[str] = set() for database in self.handle.get_syncdbs(): result.update({ for package in database.pkgcache}) return list(result)
def download_package(package, arch='x86_64'): global makechrootpkg_args dbpath = f'/var/lib/archbuild/extra-{arch}/root/var/lib/pacman/' gpgpath = f'/var/lib/archbuild/extra-{arch}/root/etc/pacman.d/gnupg' mirror = '' handle = Handle('/', dbpath) for i in ['core', 'extra', 'community']: repo = handle.register_syncdb(i, 0) for repo in handle.get_syncdbs(): result = repo.get_pkg(package) if result: if arch == 'x86_64': url = f'{mirror}/{}/os/{arch}/{result.filename}' makechrootpkg_args += ['-I', 'tmp/' + result.filename] break run_cmd(['wget', '-nc', '-P', 'tmp', url, url + '.sig']) run_cmd([ 'gpg', '--homedir', gpgpath, '--verify', 'tmp/' + result.filename + '.sig', 'tmp/' + result.filename ])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from lilaclib import * from pyalpm import Handle arch = 'x86_64' package = 'glfw-wayland' dbpath = '/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root/var/lib/pacman/' gpgpath = '/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root/etc/pacman.d/gnupg' mirror = '' handle = Handle('/', dbpath) for i in ['core', 'extra', 'community']: repo = handle.register_syncdb(i, 0) for repo in handle.get_syncdbs(): result = repo.get_pkg(package) if result: url = f'{mirror}/{}/os/{arch}/{result.filename}' break repo_depends = [ 'mumps-par', 'oce', 'hypre', 'mmg', 'libnn-git', 'libcsa-git', 'scalapack' ] build_prefix = 'extra-x86_64' time_limit_hours = 8 makechrootpkg_args = ['-I', 'tmp/' + result.filename] def pre_build(): vcs_update() run_cmd(['wget', '-nc', url, url + '.sig']) run_cmd([
def get_syncdb(): # Return syncdb, so handle should go out of scope handle = Handle('/', '/tmp/') repo = handle.register_syncdb(REPO_1, 0) repo.servers = [TEST_MIRROR.format(repo=REPO_1, arch=ARCH)] return handle.get_syncdbs()[0]