Пример #1
    def _preprocess(self, reference, hypothesis):

        if not isinstance(reference, Annotation):
            raise TypeError('reference must be an instance of `Annotation`')

        if isinstance(hypothesis, Annotation):
            hypothesis = hypothesis.get_timeline()

        # reference where short intra-label gaps are removed
        filled = Timeline()
        for label in reference.labels():
            label_timeline = reference.label_timeline(label)
            for gap in label_timeline.gaps():
                if gap.duration < self.tolerance:

            for segment in label_timeline.coverage():

        # reference coverage after filling gaps
        coverage = filled.coverage()

        reference_partition = self._partition(filled, coverage)
        hypothesis_partition = self._partition(hypothesis, coverage)

        return reference_partition, hypothesis_partition
Пример #2
    def _get_collar(self, reference, duration):

        # initialize empty timeline
        collar = Timeline(uri=reference.uri)

        if duration == 0.:
            return collar

        # iterate over all segments in reference
        for segment in reference.itersegments():

            # add collar centered on start time
            t = segment.start
            collar.add(Segment(t - .5 * duration, t + .5 * duration))

            # add collar centered on end time
            t = segment.end
            collar.add(Segment(t - .5 * duration, t + .5 * duration))

        # merge overlapping collars and return
        return collar.coverage()
Пример #3
    def run(self):

        # wav file duration
        wav = self.in_wav().path
        with contextlib.closing(wave.open(wav, 'r')) as f:
            frames = f.getnframes()
            rate = f.getframerate()
        duration = frames / rate
        extent = Segment(0., duration)

        with self.in_speaker().open('r') as fp:
            speaker = pyannote.core.json.load(fp)

        timeline = Timeline()
        for segment, _ in speaker.itertracks():

        # fill gaps
        for gap in timeline.gaps(extent):
            if gap.duration < self.fill_gaps:

        timeline = timeline.coverage()

        # dump as annotation...
        if self.to_annotation:

            annotation = Annotation()
            for s, segment in enumerate(timeline):
                annotation[segment] = s
            annotation = annotation.anonymize_labels(generator='string')

            with self.out_put().open('w') as fp:
                pyannote.core.json.dump(annotation, fp)

        # ... or as timeline

            with self.out_put().open('w') as fp:
                pyannote.core.json.dump(timeline, fp)
Пример #4
    def apply(self, predictions, dimension=0):
        predictions : SlidingWindowFeature
            Must be mono-dimensional
        dimension : int, optional
            Which dimension to process

        if len(predictions.data.shape) == 1:
            data = predictions.data
        elif predictions.data.shape[1] == 1:
            data = predictions.data[:, 0]
            data = predictions.data[:, dimension]

        n_samples = predictions.getNumber()
        window = predictions.sliding_window
        timestamps = [window[i].middle for i in range(n_samples)]

        # initial state
        start = timestamps[0]
        label = data[0] > self.onset

        # timeline meant to store 'active' segments
        active = Timeline()

        for t, y in zip(timestamps[1:], data[1:]):

            # currently active
            if label:
                # switching from active to inactive
                if y < self.offset:
                    segment = Segment(start - self.pad_onset,
                                      t + self.pad_offset)
                    start = t
                    label = False

            # currently inactive
                # switching from inactive to active
                if y > self.onset:
                    start = t
                    label = True

        # if active at the end, add final segment
        if label:
            segment = Segment(start - self.pad_onset, t + self.pad_offset)

        # because of padding, some 'active' segments might be overlapping
        # therefore, we merge those overlapping segments
        active = active.coverage()

        # remove short 'active' segments
        active = Timeline(
            [s for s in active if s.duration > self.min_duration[1]])

        # fill short 'inactive' segments
        inactive = active.gaps()
        for s in inactive:
            if s.duration < self.min_duration[0]:
        active = active.coverage()

        return active