Пример #1
def LoadKM():
    """ Loads m and k matrices from a full file """

    # Create file reader object
    fobj = pyansys.FullReader(fullfile)
    dofref, k, m = fobj.LoadKM()

    # print results
    ndim = k.shape[0]
    print('Loaded {:d} x {:d} mass and stiffness matrices'.format(ndim, ndim))
    print('\t k has {:d} entries'.format(k.indices.size))
    print('\t m has {:d} entries'.format(m.indices.size))

    # compute natural frequencies if installed
        from scipy.sparse import linalg
        from scipy import sparse
    except ImportError:

    k += sparse.triu(k, 1).T
    m += sparse.triu(m, 1).T
    k += sparse.diags(np.random.random(k.shape[0]) / 1E20, shape=k.shape)

    # Solve
    w, v = linalg.eigsh(k, k=20, M=m, sigma=10000)

    # System natural frequencies
    f = np.real(w)**0.5 / (2 * np.pi)

    print('First four natural frequencies:')
    for i in range(4):
        print('{:.3f} Hz'.format(f[i]))
Пример #2
def LoadKM():
    """ Loads m and k matrices from a full file """
    import numpy as np

    # Create file reader object
    fobj = pyansys.FullReader(fullfile)
    dofref, k, m = fobj.LoadKM(utri=False)

    # print results
    ndim = k.shape[0]
    print('Loaded {:d} x {:d} mass and stiffness matrices'.format(ndim, ndim))
    print('\t k has {:d} entries'.format(k.indices.size))
    print('\t m has {:d} entries'.format(m.indices.size))

    # compute natural frequencies if installed
        from scipy.sparse import linalg
    except BaseException:

    # removing constrained nodes (this is not efficient)
    free = np.logical_not(fobj.const).nonzero()[0]
    k = k[free][:, free]
    m = m[free][:, free]

    import numpy as np
    # Solve
    w, v = linalg.eigsh(k, k=20, M=m, sigma=10000)

    # System natural frequencies
    f = np.real(w)**0.5 / (2 * np.pi)

    print('First four natural frequencies:')
    for i in range(4):
        print('{:.3f} Hz'.format(f[i]))
Пример #3
def SolveKM():
    Loads and solves a mass and stiffness matrix from an ansys full file
        from scipy.sparse import linalg
        from scipy import sparse
    except ImportError:
        print('scipy not installed, aborting')

    # load the mass and stiffness matrices
    full = pyansys.FullReader(pyansys.examples.fullfile)
    dofref, k, m = full.LoadKM(sort=True)

    # make symmetric
    k += sparse.triu(k, 1).T
    m += sparse.triu(m, 1).T
    k += sparse.diags(np.random.random(k.shape[0]) / 1E20, shape=k.shape)

    # Solve
    w, v = linalg.eigsh(k, k=20, M=m, sigma=1000)

    # System natural frequencies
    f = (np.real(w))**0.5 / (2 * np.pi)

    # %% Plot result

    # Get the 4th mode shape
    full_mode_shape = v[:, 3]  # x, y, z displacement for each node

    # reshape and compute the normalized displacement
    disp = full_mode_shape.reshape((-1, 3))
    n = (disp * disp).sum(1)**0.5
    n /= n.max()  # normalize

    # load an archive file and create a vtk unstructured grid
    archive = pyansys.Archive(pyansys.examples.hexarchivefile)
    grid = archive.parse_vtk()

    # Fancy plot the displacement
    plobj = vtki.Plotter()

    # add two meshes to the plotting class
    plobj.add_mesh(grid.copy(), style='wireframe')
    # Update the coordinates by adding the mode shape to the grid
    plobj.update_coordinates(grid.GetNumpyPoints() + disp / 80, render=False)
    plobj.add_text('Cantliver Beam 4th Mode Shape at {:.4f}'.format(f[3]),
Пример #4
def load_km():
    """ Loads m and k matrices from a full file """

    # Create file reader object
    fobj = pyansys.FullReader(fullfile)
    dofref, k, m = fobj.load_km()

    # print results
    ndim = k.shape[0]
    print('Loaded {:d} x {:d} mass and stiffness matrices'.format(ndim, ndim))
    print('\t k has {:d} entries'.format(k.indices.size))
    print('\t m has {:d} entries'.format(m.indices.size))

    # compute natural frequencies if installed
        from scipy.sparse import linalg
        from scipy import sparse
    except ImportError:

    k += sparse.triu(k, 1).T
    m += sparse.triu(m, 1).T
    k += sparse.diags(np.random.random(k.shape[0]) / 1E20, shape=k.shape)

    # Solve
    w, v = linalg.eigsh(k, k=20, M=m, sigma=10000)

    # System natural frequencies
    f = np.real(w)**0.5 / (2 * np.pi)

    print('First four natural frequencies:')
    for i in range(4):
        print('{:.3f} Hz'.format(f[i]))
    # breakpoint()

    known_result = np.array([
        1283.20036921, 1283.20036921, 5781.97486169, 6919.39887714,
        6919.39887714, 10172.61497694, 16497.85701889, 16497.85701889,
        17343.9939669, 27457.18472747, 27457.18472747, 28908.52552073,
        30326.16886062, 39175.76412419, 39175.76412419, 40503.70406456,
        49819.91597612, 51043.03965541, 51043.03965541, 52193.86143879

    assert np.allclose(f, known_result)
Пример #5
# Plot the displacement of Mode 0 in the x direction
result.PlotNodalResult(0, 'x', label='Displacement')

# Load KM

# Load the reader from pyansys
import pyansys
from pyansys import examples

filename = examples.fullfile

# Create result reader object and read in full file
fobj = pyansys.FullReader(filename)

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, linalg
ndim = fobj.nref.size
k = csc_matrix((fobj.kdata, (fobj.krows, fobj.kcols)), shape=(ndim, ndim))
m = csc_matrix((fobj.mdata, (fobj.mrows, fobj.mcols)), shape=(ndim, ndim))

# Solve
w, v = linalg.eigsh(k, k=20, M=m, sigma=10000)
# System natural frequencies
f = (np.real(w))**0.5 / (2 * np.pi)

print('First four natural frequencies')
for i in range(4):
Пример #6
def test_fullreader():
    fobj = pyansys.FullReader(fullfile)
    dofref, k, m = fobj.LoadKM()
    assert dofref.size
    assert k.size
    assert m.size
Пример #7
def SolveKM():
    Loads and solves a mass and stiffness matrix from an ansys full file
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.sparse import linalg
    import pyansys

    # load the mass and stiffness matrices
    full = pyansys.FullReader(pyansys.examples.fullfile)
    dofref, k, m = full.LoadKM(utri=False)

    # removing constrained nodes (this is not efficient)
    free = np.logical_not(full.const).nonzero()[0]
    k = k[free][:, free]
    m = m[free][:, free]

    # Solve
    w, v = linalg.eigsh(k, k=20, M=m, sigma=10000)

    # System natural frequencies
    f = (np.real(w))**0.5 / (2 * np.pi)

    #%% Plot result
    import vtkInterface

    # Get the 4th mode shape
    mode_shape = v[:, 3]  # x, y, z displacement for each node

    # create the full mode shape including the constrained nodes
    full_mode_shape = np.zeros(dofref.shape[0])
    full_mode_shape[np.logical_not(full.const)] = mode_shape

    # reshape and compute the normalized displacement
    disp = full_mode_shape.reshape((-1, 3))
    n = (disp * disp).sum(1)**0.5
    n /= n.max()  # normalize

    # load an archive file and create a vtk unstructured grid
    archive = pyansys.ReadArchive(pyansys.examples.hexarchivefile)
    grid = archive.ParseVTK()

    # plot the normalized displacement
    #    grid.Plot(scalars=n)

    # Fancy plot the displacement
    plobj = vtkInterface.PlotClass()

    # add two meshes to the plotting class.  Meshes are copied on load
    plobj.AddMesh(grid, style='wireframe')

    # Update the coordinates by adding the mode shape to the grid
    plobj.UpdateCoordinates(grid.GetNumpyPoints() + disp / 80, render=False)
    plobj.AddText('Cantliver Beam 4th Mode Shape at {:.4f}'.format(f[3]),
    del plobj