Пример #1
def inverse_transform_sampling_1d(var, ab, ii, u_samples):
    name = var.dist.name
    if is_bounded_discrete_variable(var):
        xk, pk = get_probability_masses(var)
        if type(var.dist) == float_rv_discrete and name != 'discrete_chebyshev':
            lb, ub = xk.min(), xk.max()
            xk = (xk-lb)/(ub-lb)*2-1
        return float_rv_discrete_inverse_transform_sampling_1d(
            xk, pk, ab, ii, u_samples)
    elif name in _continuous_distns._distn_names:
        return continuous_induced_measure_ppf(var, ab, ii, u_samples)
        msg = 'induced sampling not yet implemented for var type %s' % name
        raise Exception(msg)
    return samples
Пример #2
def get_recursion_coefficients_from_variable(var, num_coefs, opts):
    Generate polynomial recursion coefficients by inspecting a random variable.
    var_name, _, shapes = get_distribution_info(var)
    if var_name == "continuous_monomial":
        return None

    loc, scale = transform_scale_parameters(var)

    if var_name == "rv_function_indpndt_vars":
        shapes["loc"] = loc
        shapes["scale"] = scale
        return get_function_independent_vars_recursion_coefficients(
            shapes, num_coefs)

    if var_name == "rv_product_indpndt_vars":
        shapes["loc"] = loc
        shapes["scale"] = scale
        return get_product_independent_vars_recursion_coefficients(
            shapes, num_coefs)

    if (var_name in askey_variable_names
            and opts.get("numeric", False) is False):
        return get_askey_recursion_coefficients_from_variable(var, num_coefs)

    orthonormality_tol = opts.get("orthonormality_tol", 1e-8)
    truncated_probability_tol = opts.get("truncated_probability_tol", 0)
    if (not is_continuous_variable(var)):
        if hasattr(shapes, "xk"):
            xk, pk = shapes["xk"], shapes["pk"]
            xk, pk = get_probability_masses(var, truncated_probability_tol)
        xk = (xk - loc) / scale

        return get_numerically_generated_recursion_coefficients_from_samples(
            xk, pk, num_coefs, orthonormality_tol, truncated_probability_tol)

    # integration performed in canonical domain so need to map back to
    # domain of pdf
    lb, ub = var.interval(1)

    # Get version var.pdf without error checking which runs much faster
    pdf = get_pdf(var)

    def canonical_pdf(x):
        # print(x, lb, ub, x*scale+loc)
        # print(var.pdf(x*scale+loc)*scale)
        # assert np.all(x*scale+loc >= lb) and np.all(x*scale+loc <= ub)
        return pdf(x * scale + loc) * scale
        # return var.pdf(x*scale+loc)*scale

    if (is_bounded_continuous_variable(var)
            or is_bounded_discrete_variable(var)):
        can_lb, can_ub = -1, 1
    elif is_continuous_variable(var):
        can_lb = (lb - loc) / scale
        can_ub = (ub - loc) / scale

    return predictor_corrector_known_pdf(num_coefs, can_lb, can_ub,
                                         canonical_pdf, opts)