Пример #1
def test_geographic_to_cartesian():
    # Example taken from:
    # Snyder, J.P. Map Projections A Working Manual, 1987, page 338.
    R = 3.0
    lat_0 = 40.0        # 40 degrees North latitude
    lon_0 = -100.       # 100 degrees West longitude
    lat = -20.0         # 20 degrees S latitude
    lon = 100.0         # 100.0 E longitude
    x = -5.8311398
    y = 5.5444634

    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # invalid divide is handled by code
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
        projparams = {
            'proj': 'pyart_aeqd', 'lon_0': lon_0, 'lat_0': lat_0, 'R': R}
        x, y = transforms.geographic_to_cartesian(lon, lat, projparams)
    assert_almost_equal(x, -5.8311398, 7)
    assert_almost_equal(y, 5.5444634, 7)

    # Use the default R value
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # invalid divide is handled by code
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
        projparams = {
            'proj': 'pyart_aeqd', 'lon_0': lon_0, 'lat_0': lat_0}
        x, y = transforms.geographic_to_cartesian(lon, lat, projparams)
    x /= 6370997. / 3.
    y /= 6370997. / 3.
    assert_almost_equal(x, -5.8311398, 7)
    assert_almost_equal(y, 5.5444634, 7)
Пример #2
def _find_offsets(radars, projparams, grid_origin_alt):
    """ Find offset between radars and grid origin. """
    # loop over the radars finding offsets from the origin
    offsets = [] # offsets from the grid origin, in meters, for each radar
    for radar in radars:
        x_disp, y_disp = geographic_to_cartesian(
            radar.longitude['data'], radar.latitude['data'], projparams)
            z_disp = float(radar.altitude['data']) - grid_origin_alt
            offsets.append((z_disp, float(y_disp), float(x_disp)))
        except TypeError:
            z_disp = np.mean(radar.altitude['data']) - grid_origin_alt
            offsets.append((z_disp, np.mean(y_disp), np.mean(x_disp)))
    return offsets
Пример #3
def test_geographic_to_cartesian_pyproj():
    # Example taken from:
    # Snyder, J.P. Map Projections A Working Manual, 1987, page 338.
    R = 3.0
    lat_0 = 40.0        # 40 degrees North latitude
    lon_0 = -100.       # 100 degrees West longitude
    lat = -20.0         # 20 degrees S latitude
    lon = 100.0         # 100.0 E longitude
    x = -5.8311398
    y = 5.5444634

    projparams = {'proj': 'aeqd', 'lon_0': lon_0, 'lat_0': lat_0, 'R': R}
    x, y = transforms.geographic_to_cartesian(lon, lat, projparams)
    assert_almost_equal(x, -5.8311398, 7)
    assert_almost_equal(y, 5.5444634, 7)
Пример #4
def map_gates_to_grid(
        radars, grid_shape, grid_limits, grid_origin=None,
        grid_origin_alt=None, grid_projection=None,
        fields=None, gatefilters=False, map_roi=True,
        weighting_function='Barnes', toa=17000.0, roi_func='dist_beam',
        constant_roi=None, z_factor=0.05, xy_factor=0.02, min_radius=500.0,
        h_factor=1.0, nb=1.5, bsp=1.0, analysis_time=None, **kwargs):
    Map gates from one or more radars to a Cartesian grid.

    Generate a Cartesian grid of points for the requested fields from the
    collected points from one or more radars. For each radar gate that is not
    filtered a radius of influence is calculated. The weighted field values
    for that gate are added to all grid points within that radius. This
    routine scaled linearly with the number of radar gates and the effective
    grid size.

    Parameters not defined below are identical to those in

    roi_func : str or RoIFunction
        Radius of influence function. A function which takes an
        z, y, x grid location, in meters, and returns a radius (in meters)
        within which all collected points will be included in the weighting
        for that grid points. Examples can be found in the
        Typically following strings can use to specify a built in
        radius of influence function:

            * constant: constant radius of influence.
            * dist: radius grows with the distance from each radar.
            * dist_beam: radius grows with the distance from each radar
              and parameter are based of virtual beam sizes.

        A custom RoIFunction can be defined using the RoIFunction class
        and defining a get_roi method which returns the radius. For efficient
        mapping this class should be implemented in Cython.

    grids : dict
        Dictionary of mapped fields. The keys of the dictionary are given by
        parameter fields. Each elements is a `grid_size` float64 array
        containing the interpolated grid for that field.

    # make a tuple if passed a radar object as the first argument
    if isinstance(radars, Radar):
        radars = (radars, )

    skip_transform = False
    if len(radars) == 1 and grid_origin_alt is None and grid_origin is None:
        skip_transform = True

    if grid_origin_alt is None:
            grid_origin_alt = float(radars[0].altitude['data'])
        except TypeError:
            grid_origin_alt = np.mean(radars[0].altitude['data'])

    gatefilters = _parse_gatefilters(gatefilters, radars)
    cy_weighting_function = _determine_cy_weighting_func(weighting_function)
    projparams = _find_projparams(grid_origin, radars, grid_projection)
    fields = _determine_fields(fields, radars)
    grid_starts, grid_steps = _find_grid_params(grid_shape, grid_limits)
    offsets = _find_offsets(radars, projparams, grid_origin_alt)
    roi_func = _parse_roi_func(roi_func, constant_roi, z_factor, xy_factor,
                               min_radius, h_factor, nb, bsp, offsets)

    # prepare grid storage arrays
    nfields = len(fields)
    grid_sum = np.zeros(grid_shape + (nfields, ), dtype=np.float32)
    grid_wsum = np.zeros(grid_shape + (nfields, ), dtype=np.float32)
    gatemapper = GateToGridMapper(
        grid_shape, grid_starts, grid_steps, grid_sum, grid_wsum)

    # project gates from each radar onto the grid
    for radar, gatefilter in zip(radars, gatefilters):

        # Copy the field data and masks.
        # TODO method that does not copy field data into new array
        shape = (radar.nrays, radar.ngates, nfields)
        field_data = np.empty(shape, dtype='float32')
        field_mask = np.empty(shape, dtype='uint8')
        for i, field in enumerate(fields):
            fdata = radar.fields[field]['data']
            field_data[:, :, i] = np.ma.getdata(fdata)
            field_mask[:, :, i] = np.ma.getmaskarray(fdata)

        # find excluded gates from the gatefilter
        if gatefilter is False:
            gatefilter = GateFilter(radar)  # include all gates
        elif gatefilter is None:
            gatefilter = moment_based_gate_filter(radar, **kwargs)
        excluded_gates = gatefilter.gate_excluded.astype('uint8')

        # calculate gate locations relative to the grid origin
        if skip_transform:
            # single radar, grid centered at radar location
            gate_x = radar.gate_x['data']
            gate_y = radar.gate_y['data']
            gate_x, gate_y = geographic_to_cartesian(
                radar.gate_longitude['data'], radar.gate_latitude['data'],
        gate_z = radar.gate_altitude['data'] - grid_origin_alt

        # Range and offset params (OpenMosiac addition)
        gate_range = radar.range['data']
        if analysis_time is None:
            gate_timedelta = np.zeros(radar.nrays)
            gate_timedelta = np.array([
                (t - analysis_time.replace(tzinfo=None)).total_seconds()
                for t in num2date(radar.time['data'], radar.time['units'])

        # map the gates onto the grid (modified with OpenMosaic addition)
            radar.ngates, radar.nrays, gate_z.astype('float32'),
            gate_y.astype('float32'), gate_x.astype('float32'),
            gate_range.astype('float32'), gate_timedelta.astype('float32'),
            field_data, field_mask, excluded_gates,
            toa, roi_func, cy_weighting_function)

    # create and return the grid dictionary
    mweight = np.ma.masked_equal(grid_wsum, 0)
    msum = np.ma.masked_array(grid_sum, mweight.mask)
    grids = dict(
        [(f, msum[..., i] / mweight[..., i]) for i, f in enumerate(fields)])
    if map_roi:
        roi_array = np.empty(grid_shape, dtype=np.float32)
        gatemapper.find_roi_for_grid(roi_array, roi_func)
        grids['ROI'] = roi_array
    return grids