def call(self): v = self.LOCATIONS['call'] gui.moveTo(v[0][0] + self.x + 50, v[0][1] + self.y + 10, duration = .3) time.sleep(.3) gui.mouseDown() time.sleep(.2) gui.mouseUp()
def buscar_test(): msg = '' pyautogui.PAUSE = 0.5 pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False pyperclip.copy('') findTest = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('buscar-tests.png') if findTest is None: msg = 'La opcion LOGIN TO CONSOLE no esta seleccionada' return (False, msg) #exit(0) else: testPos = list(findTest) #print testPos centroTest = print centroTest pyautogui.moveTo(centroTest),None,1) pyautogui.moveRel(10, 30),None,1) #pyautogui.screenshot('menu-screen2.png'),None,1) #pyautogui.screenshot('menu-screen1.png') findLogin = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('imagenx.png') print findLogin return (True, msg)
def buscar_campo_id(): msg = '' pyautogui.PAUSE = 0.5 pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False pyperclip.copy('') dondeEstaElCampoID = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('operator-id-field.png') if dondeEstaElCampoID is None: msg = 'El campo de OPERATOR-ID no fue encontrado' return (False, msg) else: campoIDPos = list(dondeEstaElCampoID) #print campoIDPos centrocampoID = #print centrocampoID pyautogui.moveTo(centrocampoID),None,2) pyautogui.typewrite('operador1')'enter')'enter')'enter') return (True, msg)
def moveNClickIfFindIt (**options): displayMagnification = 2 if sysvar_ratina == True else 1 pyautogui.moveTo((options.get('top')/displayMagnification) + (options.get('width')/(displayMagnification*2)), (options.get('left')/displayMagnification) + (options.get('height')/(displayMagnification*2)), 2) pyautogui.moveTo(10, 10)
def episode_get_mcn_and_ref(): # get mcn mcn = pyperclip.copy('na') pya.moveTo(424, 474, duration=0.1) pya.dragTo(346, 474, duration=0.1) pya.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') mcn = pyperclip.paste() pya.moveTo(424, 474, duration=0.1)'right') pya.moveTo(481, 268, duration=0.1) mcn = pyperclip.paste() mcn = mcn.replace(' ', '') # get ref ref = pyperclip.copy('na') pya.moveTo(500, 475, duration=0.1) pya.dragRel(-8, 0, duration=0.1) pya.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') ref = pyperclip.paste() pya.moveRel(8, 0, duration=0.1)'right') pya.moveTo(577, 274, duration=0.1) ref = pyperclip.paste() return mcn, ref
def onscreen_keyboard_input(keyboard,input_str,sleep_time =0.5): try: pyautogui.moveTo(keyboard_in["begin1"]) for i in list(input_str): if keyboard.has_key(i):[i]) time.sleep(sleep_time) elif i.isupper(): i = i.lower() if keyboard.has_key(i):["begin1"])["left_shift"])["begin1"])[i])["begin1"]) time.sleep(sleep_time) else:["begin1"])["left_shift"])["begin1"])[shift_keyboard[i]])["begin1"]) time.sleep(sleep_time) #except: except Exception,e: print("have issue. exit input string") msg = "onscreen_keyboard_input funcation:" + e print time.ctime(),msg
def enterTimetableCalculator(): enterPlanningOffice() #move to Timetable Calculator pyautogui.moveTo(1280, 386) click(1) delay(0.5) return
def enterPlanningOffice(): removeInactivityScreen() #move to Planning Office pyautogui.moveTo(1110, 1000) click() delay(1) return
def move_to(self, *coordinates): '''Moves the mouse pointer to an absolute coordinates. ``coordinates`` can either be a Python sequence type with two values (eg. ``(x, y)``) or separate values ``x`` and ``y``: | Move To | 25 | 150 | | | @{coordinates}= | Create List | 25 | 150 | | Move To | ${coordinates} | | | | ${coords}= | Evaluate | (25, 150) | | | Move To | ${coords} | | | X grows from left to right and Y grows from top to bottom, which means that top left corner of the screen is (0, 0) ''' if len(coordinates) > 2 or (len(coordinates) == 1 and type(coordinates[0]) not in (list, tuple)): raise MouseException('Invalid number of coordinates. Please give ' 'either (x, y) or x, y.') if len(coordinates) == 2: coordinates = (coordinates[0], coordinates[1]) else: coordinates = coordinates[0] try: coordinates = [int(coord) for coord in coordinates] except ValueError: raise MouseException('Coordinates %s are not integers' % (coordinates,)) ag.moveTo(*coordinates)
def selectTimetableCalculatorBestRoute(): pyautogui.moveTo(1003, 673) click(0.3) delay(0.3) click(0.2) delay(0.5) return
def clickAndReturnMouse(img): orig_x,orig_y = pyautogui.position() pyautogui.moveTo(img['points'][0]['center'][0],img['points'][0]['center'][1])'CLICK') pyautogui.moveTo(orig_x, orig_y) return
def cut(link, FolderName): global UserName global Password global WaitTime global ChromiumBinary global UserNameLocation global PasswordLocation global PrepdButtonLocation global FolderSelectLocation global CatchButtonLocation global FirstBool print "Link: " + link print "Folder Name: " + FolderName + "\n" Popen([ChromiumBinary, "--incognito", link]) print "went to rss link" time.sleep(WaitTime) pyautogui.moveTo(PrepdButtonLocation[0], PrepdButtonLocation[1]) print "clicked on prepd button" time.sleep(WaitTime) if FirstBool == True: #login time.sleep(WaitTime) pyautogui.moveTo(PasswordLocation[0], PasswordLocation[1]) pyautogui.typewrite(Password, interval=0.05) print "typed password" pyautogui.moveTo(UserNameLocation[0], UserNameLocation[1]) pyautogui.typewrite(UserName, interval=0.05) print "typed username"'enter') print "logged in" time.sleep(WaitTime) pyautogui.moveTo(FolderSelectLocation[0], FolderSelectLocation[1]) print "clicked on folder selection" pyautogui.typewrite(FolderName, interval=0.05)'enter') print "typed into folder selection" pyautogui.moveTo(CatchButtonLocation[0], CatchButtonLocation[1]) time.sleep(WaitTime) print "caught article""esc") pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'w') print "closed tab\n"
def clickAndReturnMouseCoords(coords): orig_x,orig_y = pyautogui.position() pyautogui.moveTo(coords[0],coords[1])'CLICK') pyautogui.moveTo(orig_x, orig_y) return
def clickAndReturnMouse_point(point): orig_x,orig_y = pyautogui.position() pyautogui.moveTo(point['center'][0],point['center'][1])'CLICK') pyautogui.moveTo(orig_x, orig_y) return
def setUp(self): self.oldFailsafeSetting = pyautogui.FAILSAFE = P(*pyautogui.size()) // 2 pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False pyautogui.moveTo(* # make sure failsafe isn't triggered during this test pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True
def drag_to(self, name, loader=_imageLoader, offset=(0, 0)): if GameStatus().game_stage == GameStage.Stopped: return self.log('try drag' + name) p = loader.get(name) max_val = 0 x, y = 0, 0 while max_val < 0.8: if GameStatus().game_stage == GameStage.Stopped: return self.capture() res = cv2.matchTemplate(self.screen, p, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(res) self.log(name + ' ' + str(max_val)) x, y = max_loc time.sleep(self._delay) m, n, q = p.shape x += n / 2 y += m / 2 pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, 0) pyautogui.dragTo(0, 200)
def test_moveRel(self): # start at the center desired = pyautogui.moveTo(*desired) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move down and right desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(42, 42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move up and left desired -= P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(-42, -42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move right desired += P(42, 0) pyautogui.moveRel(42, None) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move down desired += P(0, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(None, 42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move left desired += P(-42, 0) pyautogui.moveRel(-42, None) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move up desired += P(0, -42) pyautogui.moveRel(None, -42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a list instead of separate x and y. desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel([42, 42]) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a tuple instead of separate x and y. desired -= P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel((-42, -42)) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a sequence-like object instead of separate x and y. desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(P(42, 42)) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired)
def attack(): # 使用match修改 global AttackPos sleep(2) # sleep(0.001) p.moveTo(AttackPos[0], AttackPos[1])
def buscar_campo_serial(serial_number): msg = '' pyautogui.PAUSE = 0.5 pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False pyperclip.copy('') dondeEstaElCampoSerial = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('operator-id-field.png') if dondeEstaElCampoSerial is None: msg = 'El campo de SERIAL NUMBER no fue encontrado' return (False, msg) else: campoSerialPos = list(dondeEstaElCampoSerial) #print campoSerialPos centrocampoSerial = #print centrocampoSerial pyautogui.moveTo(centrocampoSerial),None,2) #pyautogui.typewrite('C3WB4E768226230') pyautogui.typewrite(serial_number)'enter')'enter')'enter') return (True, msg)
def address_scrape(): dob = pyperclip.copy('na') pya.moveTo(600, 175, duration=0.1)'right') pya.moveRel(55, 65) dob = pyperclip.paste() street = pyperclip.copy('na') pya.moveTo(500, 240, duration=0.1)'right') pya.moveRel(55, 65) street = pyperclip.paste() suburb = pyperclip.copy('na') pya.moveTo(330, 285, duration=0.1)'right') pya.moveRel(55, 65) suburb = pyperclip.paste() postcode = pyperclip.copy('na') pya.moveTo(474, 285, duration=0.1) pya.dragTo(450, 285, duration=0.1) pya.moveTo(474, 285, duration=0.1)'right') pya.moveRel(55, 65) postcode = pyperclip.paste() address = street + ' ' + suburb + ' ' + postcode return (address, dob)
def findTarget(img): template_tg = cv2.imread('template_target2.png', 0) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret,th1 = cv2.threshold(gray,253,255,cv2.THRESH_TOZERO_INV) ret,th3 = cv2.threshold(th1,251,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (20, 15)) closed = cv2.morphologyEx(th3, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) closed = cv2.erode(closed, None, iterations = 3) closed = cv2.dilate(closed, None, iterations = 2) (cnts, hierarchy) = cv2.findContours(closed,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) approxes = [] hulls = [] for cnt in cnts: approxes.append(cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt,0.01*cv2.arcLength(cnt,True),True)) hulls.append(cv2.convexHull(cnt)) left = list(cnt[cnt[:,:,0].argmin()][0]) right = list(cnt[cnt[:,:,0].argmax()][0]) print 'left x' + str(left[0])+ 'y '+ str(left[1]) print 'right x' + str(right[0])+ 'y '+ str(right[1]) center = round((right[0]+left[0])/2) center = int(center) moveMouse(center-10,left[1]+70) if (findFromTargeted(template_tg, left, right)): autoit.mouse_click('left', center-10, left[1]+70) return True pyautogui.moveTo(center,left[1]+70) moveMouse(center,left[1]+70) if (findFromTargeted(template_tg, left, right)): autoit.mouse_click('left', center+10, left[1]+70) return True
def scrollPage (**options): displayMagnification = 2 if sysvar_ratina == True else 1 pyautogui.moveTo((options.get('top')/displayMagnification) + (options.get('width')/(displayMagnification*2)), (options.get('left')/displayMagnification) + (options.get('height')/(displayMagnification*2)), 2) pyautogui.scroll(options.get('scroll'))
def clicker(coordinate): # generate click event on a particular coordinate x = coordinate pyautogui.keyDown('ctrlleft') print(x) pyautogui.moveTo(x[0], x[1], duration=0.1) # This duration specifies how speed the mouse travels[0], x[1]) pyautogui.keyUp('ctrlleft') return True
def bet(self, n): v = self.LOCATIONS['textBar'] gui.moveTo(np.random.randint(v[0][0] + self.x, v[1][0] + self.x), np.random.randint(v[0][1] + self.y, v[1][1] + self.y), duration = .5) gui.typewrite(str(n), interval=0.25)'enter')
def loadSymbolInChart(msComponents, symbol): pyautogui.moveTo(msComponents['symbolEntry']['x'], msComponents['symbolEntry']['y'], 0.25) safeClick(msComponents['symbolEntry']['x'], msComponents['symbolEntry']['y']) pyautogui.hotkey(platform.primary_key_modifier, 'a')'delete') pyautogui.typewrite(symbol) pyautogui.typewrite(['enter']) wait(DELAY_CHART_LOAD)
def unlockMouse(self): if self.mouseLocked: global mouseMovementLock self.mouseLocked = False pyautogui.moveTo(glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_X) + self.mouseLockX, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_Y) + self.mouseLockY) mouseMovementLock = threading.Lock() glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT)
def drag_screen_region_to_screen_region(self, start_screen_region=None, end_screen_region=None, duration=1, offset=(0, 0), game=None): start_screen_region_coordinates = self._extract_screen_region_coordinates(start_screen_region, game=game) end_screen_region_coordinates = self._extract_screen_region_coordinates(end_screen_region, game=game) pyautogui.moveTo(*start_screen_region_coordinates) coordinates = (end_screen_region_coordinates[0] + offset[0], end_screen_region_coordinates[1] + offset[1]) pyautogui.dragTo(*coordinates, duration=duration)
def setDatabaseFoodmart(): offset = adjustXOffset() pyautogui.moveTo(200+offset, 300) pyautogui.moveTo(200+offset, 360) time.sleep(shortSleep) time.sleep(shortSleep)
def hourChime(numChimes): p.moveTo(UL_X, UL_Y, duration=SWEEP_TIME) for x in range(numChimes): p.moveTo(UR_X, UR_Y, duration=SWEEP_TIME) p.moveTo(LR_X, LR_Y, duration=SWEEP_TIME) p.moveTo(LL_X, LL_Y, duration=SWEEP_TIME) p.moveTo(UL_X, UL_Y, duration=SWEEP_TIME) time.sleep(1)
def click(self): currentMouseX, currentMouseY = gui.position() left, top, right, bottom = + right)) // 2, (top + bottom) // 2) gui.moveTo(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)
def on_frame(self, controller): global swipeLeft global swipeRight global fistTimer global turnDir global swipeDir global swipeFinger global tapFinger global screenTapFinger global pinch global grab global fingerCount # Get the most recent frame and report some basic information frame = controller.frame() turns = 0 #Configurating Gesture Settings controller.config.set("Gesture.Swipe.MinLength", 220) controller.config.set("Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity", 100) controller.config.set("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity", 40.0) controller.config.set("Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds", .3) controller.config.set("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDistance", 1.0) controller.config.set("Gesture.ScreenTap.MinForwardVelocity", 20.0) controller.config.set("Gesture.ScreenTap.HistorySeconds", .5) controller.config.set("Gesture.ScreenTap.MinDistance", 1.0) for gesture in frame.gestures(): #Circle Gesture if gesture.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_CIRCLE: circle = CircleGesture(gesture) if (circle.pointable.direction.angle_to(circle.normal) <= Leap.PI / 2): turnDir = "CW" turns += circle.progress if (turns > 2.5): pyautogui.hotkey('volumeup') #sleep(.1) else: turnDir = "CCW" turns -= circle.progress if (turns < -2.5): pyautogui.hotkey('volumedown') #sleep(.1) print(turnDir + " " + str(turns)) ######SWAP WITH FUCNTION #Swipe Gesture if gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SWIPE: swipe = Leap.SwipeGesture(gesture) swipeDir = swipe.direction swipeFinger = swipe.pointable if (swipeDir[0] < 0): pyautogui.moveTo(980, 540, 0) pyautogui.hotkey('left') pyautogui.hotkey('alt', 'tab') sleep(1.2) elif (swipeDir[0] > 0): pyautogui.moveTo(980, 540, 0) pyautogui.hotkey('right') pyautogui.hotkey('alt', 'tab') sleep(1.2) print("Swipe " + str(swipeFinger) + " " + str(swipeDir[0]) ) ######SWAP WITH FUCNTION #Key-Tap Gesture if gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_KEY_TAP: tap = Leap.KeyTapGesture(gesture) tapFinger = tap.pointable tapDir = tap.direction print("Tap " + str(tapDir)) ######SWAP WITH FUCNTION #Screen-Tap Gesture if gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP: screenTap = Leap.ScreenTapGesture(gesture) screenTapFinger = screenTap.pointable print("ScreenTap " + str(screenTapFinger) ) ######SWAP WITH FUCNTION for hand in frame.hands: #Identifies the hand handType = "Left" if hand.is_left else "Right" grab = hand.grab_strength pinch = hand.pinch_strength #print(handType + " p:" + str(pinch) + " g:"+ str(grab)) ######SWAP WITH FUCNTION if grab == 1: if (fistTimer > 2): pyautogui.hotkey('volumemute') print("g" + str(grab)) sleep(1.2) fistTimer = 0 else: fistTimer += 1 '''elif pinch > 0.99:
def BoardFocus(): if (pausex == -1 or pausey == -1): return False pyautogui.moveTo(pausex - 125, pausey) return True
def iometer_start(self): start_btn = pyautogui.locateOnScreen( r'D:\tools\IOMeter\btn\start_btn.png') x, y = pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=0.5, tween=pyautogui.easeInOutQuad)
def droidListCard(price): # clicks on the "List on Transfer Market" tab moveX = utility.r(droidListTab[0], droidListTab[2]) moveY = utility.r(droidListTab[1], droidListTab[3]) pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY, utility.r(0.3, 0.2)) # x, y, duration, moveY, 1, utility.r(1, 0.2)) # x, y, number of clicks, pause # scrolls down to reveal price buttons pygui.mouseDown() pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY - scroll, utility.r(0.3, 0.2)) # x, y, duration pygui.mouseUp() utility.s(0.5) # inputs the start price moveX = utility.r(droidStartPrice[0], droidStartPrice[2]) moveY = utility.r(droidStartPrice[1], droidStartPrice[3]) pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY, utility.r(0.2, 0.2)) # x, y, duration, moveY, 1, utility.r(0, 0.2)) # x, y, number of clicks, pause utility.s(0.5) pygui.typewrite(str(price)) utility.s(1) # inputs the BIN price moveX = utility.r(droidBINPrice[0], droidBINPrice[2]) moveY = utility.r(droidBINPrice[1], droidBINPrice[3]) pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY, utility.r(0.2, 0.2)) # x, y, duration, moveY, 1, utility.r(0, 0.2)) # x, y, number of clicks, pause utility.s(0.5) pygui.typewrite(str(price)) utility.s(1) # clicks on the "List Item" button moveX = utility.r(droidListButton[0], droidListButton[2]) moveY = utility.r(droidListButton[1], droidListButton[3]) pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY, utility.r(0.2, 0.2)) # x, y, duration, moveY, 1, utility.r(3, 0.2)) # x, y, number of clicks, pause utility.s(0.5) # scrolls up to reveal card pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY - scroll, utility.r(0.3, 0.2)) # x, y, duration pygui.mouseDown() pygui.moveTo(moveX, moveY, utility.r(0.3, 0.2)) # x, y, duration pygui.mouseUp()
def Coletar_Facebook(): global curtidas, output def facebooktoexcel(letra): global curtidas, output if letra == "C": prefix = "\\r\\n\\r\\n" elif letra == "B": prefix = "\\r\\n" else: prefix = '' if prefix + "Ana Beatriz Farias" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Beatriz Mendon\\xc3\\xa" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Bianca Felipe" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Taynara Ramalho" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Ernane Matheus" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Giovanny Silva" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Jo\\xc3\\xa3o Vin\\xc3\\xadcius Pereira" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Pedro Paulo Pinheiro Moura" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "J\\xc3\\xbalia Caroline" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Luiz Andr\\xc3\\xa9 Fialho Oliveira" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Emanuelle Paiva" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Izabele Vitoria" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "J\\xc3\\xbalia Vieira" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Tuiza Galgani" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" if prefix + "Victor Duarte" in curtidas: output = output + letra + " \t \t \t" else: output = output + "\t \t \t" output = output + '\n' Tudo = '' def alt_tab_to_chrome(a,b,c, extra, alttab): if alttab: pyautogui.keyDown('alt')'tab') c_x, c_y = dar_coordenadas_cor_print(a,b,c,0),c_y + extra, duration = 0.2) pyautogui.keyUp('alt') def double_key(a,b): pyautogui.keyDown(a) pyautogui.keyUp(a) def multiple_alttab(a): pyautogui.keyDown('alt') for i in range(a):'tab') time.sleep(0.5) pyautogui.keyUp('alt') def check_cor_print_limite_y(a_,b_,c,limite): time.sleep(2) a = printar_tela() b = np.array(a) j = 0 parar = False a1 = np.asarray([a_,b_,c]) for eachRow in b: if parar == True: break j += 1 i = 0 for eachPix in eachRow: if parar == True: break i += 1 if (a1 == eachPix).all() and GetSystemMetrics(1)*limite > j: print(eachPix) print(' : Row = ' + str(j) + '; Column = ' +str(i)) x_encontrado = i y_encontrado = j parar = True return True # ABRIR CHROME alt_tab_to_chrome(220,76,64, 40, True) alt_tab_to_chrome(68,103,177, 0, False) # Arrastar página para o final pyautogui.moveTo(628, 400, 0.1) for aosjf in range(2): time.sleep(3) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) coord = {} if check_cor_print_limite_y(52,159,253,0.5): coord[0] = 731 else: coord[0] = 527 c_x, c_y = dar_coordenadas_cor_print(51 , 158 , 253,0.5) # Abrir Quadro de Reações pyautogui.moveTo(c_x+50,c_y, 0.5) # Selecionar tudo pyautogui.moveTo(575, 246, 2) pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') pyautogui.moveTo(1000, 661, 0.5) time.sleep(2) pyautogui.mouseUp(button='left') # Dar ctl+c pyautogui.keyDown('ctrl')'c') pyautogui.keyUp('ctrl') time.sleep(0.5) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() novo = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) Tudo = Tudo + ' ComecouCurtidas: ' + novo win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() # Fechar janela de reações,600, duration = 0.5) # Abrir compartilhamentos e ir até o final pyautogui.moveTo(c_x+330,c_y, 0.5) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) # Selecionar compartilhamentos if coord[0] == 731: pyautogui.moveTo(1056,757, 0.5) pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') pyautogui.moveTo(524, 77, 0.5) time.sleep(5) pyautogui.mouseUp(button='left') else: pyautogui.moveTo(1056,725, 0.5) pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') pyautogui.moveTo(520, 725, 0.5) pyautogui.moveTo(520, 250, 0.5) time.sleep(5) pyautogui.mouseUp(button='left') # Copiar compartilhamentos pyautogui.keyDown('ctrl')'c') pyautogui.keyUp('ctrl') time.sleep(0.5) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() novo = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) Tudo = Tudo + ' ComecouCompartilhamentos: ' + novo win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() # Fechar compartilhamentos,700, duration = 0.5) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) time.sleep(1) # Abrir caixa de comentários c_x, c_y = dar_coordenadas_cor_print(51 , 158 , 253,0.5) + 270,c_y, duration = 0.5) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) # Expandir caixa de comentários if coord[0] == 731:,778, duration = 0.5) else:,714, duration = 0.5) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) time.sleep(2) pyautogui.scroll(-10000) # Copiar comentários if coord[0] == 731: pyautogui.moveTo(841,790,0.5) time.sleep(2) pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') pyautogui.moveTo(343, 790, 0.5) pyautogui.moveTo(343, 79, 0.5) time.sleep(5) else: pyautogui.moveTo(800,686,0.5) time.sleep(2) pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') pyautogui.moveTo(317, 686, 0.5) pyautogui.moveTo(317, 86, 0.5) time.sleep(5) pyautogui.mouseUp(button='left') pyautogui.keyDown('ctrl')'c') pyautogui.keyUp('ctrl') time.sleep(0.5) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() novo = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) Tudo = Tudo + 'ComecouComentarios' + novo win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() ## Convertendo tudo para uma linguagem aceitavel pelo python (sem emojis). Tudo = Tudo.encode('utf-8') Tudo = str(Tudo) print(Tudo) ### PARTE 2 ### EXTRAÇÃO DE INFORMAÇÕES DA STRING curtidas = Tudo[:Tudo.index('ComecouCompartilhamentos')] output = '' facebooktoexcel('A') curtidas = Tudo[Tudo.index('ComecouComentarios'):] facebooktoexcel('B') curtidas = Tudo[Tudo.index('ComecouCompartilhamentos'):Tudo.index('ComecouComentarios')] print('\n\n' + curtidas + '\n\n') facebooktoexcel('C') win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT, output) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() print(output) double_key('alt','tab') return output
import pyautogui as ptg ''' import PIL as pl import playsound as play #setting fail safes ptg.FAIL_SAFE=True ptg.PAUSE=1 #moving the pointer to screen center screenWidth, screenHeight = ptg.size() ptg.moveTo(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2) #click!! ptg.PAUSE = 10 #moving mouse like in staircase pattern distance=20 for i in range(0,20): if i%2==0: ptg.moveRel(0,-distance,0.5) else : ptg.moveRel(distance,0,0.5) #ptg.screenshot('foo.png') #locaaion= ptg.locateOnScreen('start.png') #locaaion=ptg.locateCenterOnScreen('click button.png') #print(locaaion) #print(locaaion.x) #ptg.moveTo(locaaion) #ptg.PAUSE = 5
def moveAndClick(location): gui.moveTo(location) gui.leftClick()
curses.halfdelay(1) screen.keypad(True) curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, -1) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLUE, -1) xmbase, ymbase = pyautogui.size() xmbase = xmbase / 2 ymbase = ymbase / 2 d_one = 150 #distance from shoulder to elbow d_two = 150 #distance from elbow to wrist pyautogui.moveTo(xmbase, ymbase, duration=.1) while True: #to end loop if 'q' is hit key = screen.getch() screen.clear() xread, yread = pyautogui.position() x = xread - xmbase y = yread - ymbase sqd_one = math.pow(d_one, 2) sqd_two = math.pow(d_two, 2) d_three = math.sqrt( math.pow(y, 2) + math.pow(x, 2)) # determining distance from shoulder to wrist ^ screen.addstr(1, 1, "Press q to quit")
# Open the file in read only mode with open(file_name, 'r') as read_obj: # Read all lines in the file one by one for line in read_obj: # For each line, check if line contains the string if string_to_search in line: return True return False time.sleep(2) list_of_working = [] for each in range(445, 10000): bot.moveTo(450, 50, .2) time.sleep(.1) time.sleep(.1) bot.hotkey('ctrl', 'a') time.sleep(.1)'backspace') time.sleep(.1) bot.typewrite('' + str(each) + ' ') time.sleep(.1)'enter') time.sleep(.75) bot.moveTo(650, 350) time.sleep(.1) time.sleep(.1)
import pyautogui pyautogui.moveTo(100, 150) pyautogui.moveRel(0, 10) # move mouse 10 pixels down pyautogui.dragTo(100, 150) pyautogui.dragRel(0, 10) # drag mouse 10 pixels down, 100), 100)
def open_card(point): if (point == None): return gui.moveTo(point) gui.leftClick()
def adjustCursor(x, y): width, height = pyautogui.size(); wrongKeyAttempts = 3; print('x-axis: ' + str(x) + '% from the left'); print('y-axis: ' + str(y) + '% from the bottom'); print('Adjust the cursor using your arrow keys (do not hold down or press too fast). Press \'c\' to cancel.\n'); while(True): # Update cursor and get user key press pyautogui.moveTo(width * x/100, height * (100 - y)/100, duration=0.1); key = readchar.readkey(); # Map keyboard press to cursor movement, cancel, or continue if (key == readchar.key.UP): wrongKeyAttempts = 3; if (y < 100): y = y + 1; else: print("Can not move any further up!"); elif (key == readchar.key.DOWN): wrongKeyAttempts = 3; if (y > 0): y = y - 1; else: print("Can not move any further down!"); elif (key == readchar.key.LEFT): wrongKeyAttempts = 3; if (x > 0): x = x - 1; else: print("Can not move any further left!"); elif (key == readchar.key.RIGHT): wrongKeyAttempts = 3; if (x < 100): x = x + 1; else: print("Can not move any further right!"); elif (key == readchar.key.ENTER): print("New x-axis val: " + str(x) + "% from the left"); print('New y-axis val: ' + str(y) + '% from the bottom'); break; elif (key == 'c'): print("Configuration cancelled."); return -1, -1; else: print("Invalid key pressed! Please enter a valid key. ") wrongKeyAttempts = wrongKeyAttempts - 1; print("Wrong key attempts left: " + str(wrongKeyAttempts)); if (wrongKeyAttempts <= 0): print("Clearly this is too complicated for you to handle..."); break; return x, y;
def click_image(image, pos, action, timestamp, offset=5): img = cv2.imread(image) height, width, channels = img.shape pyautogui.moveTo(pos[0] + r(width / 2, offset), pos[1] + r(height / 2, offset), timestamp)
def active_eve(): pyautogui.moveTo(*active_eve_pos, duration=1.0)
for file in files: n=1 filename = file methodpaste = Methods_dict[file] n+=1['NeutralLeft']) #pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 's') #save as new file'file.png') pyautogui.moveTo(45, 266, duration=1, tween=pyautogui.easeInOutQuad) pyautogui.typewrite(filename)'enter') time.sleep(0.5)'left')'enter') #change method SetMethod_MRM() time.sleep(10) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 's')
def click_pos(click_target_pos, duration=0.5, pause=0.1): pyautogui.moveTo(*click_target_pos, duration=duration)
def run(self): for action in self._actions: if not self._running: self.sbMessage.emit(["Program stopped.", 4000]) self.finished.emit() break if action[0] == "Delay": delay = int(action[2]) sleep(delay / 1000) # ============================================================================= # loop = QEventLoop() # QTimer.singleShot(delay, loop.quit) # loop.exec_() # ============================================================================= ##ÿQTest.qWait(delay) # MOUSE if action[0] == "Move To": x, y, duration = int(action[2]), int(action[4]), float( action[6]) pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration) if action[0] == "Move Relative": x, y, duration = int(action[2]), int(action[4]), float( action[6]) pyautogui.moveRel(x, y, duration) if action[0] == "Drag To": x, y, duration = int(action[2]), int(action[4]), float( action[6]) pyautogui.dragTo(x, y, duration) if action[0] == "Drag Relative": x, y, duration = int(action[2]), int(action[4]), float( action[6]) pyautogui.dragRel(x, y, duration) if action[0] == "Click To": x, y, button, clicks, interval, duration = int(action[2]), int( action[4]), action[6], int(action[8]), float( action[10]), float(action[12]), y=y, button=button, clicks=clicks, interval=interval, duration=duration) if action[0] == "Click": button, clicks, interval, duration = action[2], int( action[4]), float(action[6]), float(action[8]), clicks=clicks, interval=interval, duration=duration) if action[0] == "Scroll": clicks = int(action[2]) pyautogui.scroll(clicks=clicks) # KEYBOARD if action[0] == "Write": interval, text = float(action[2]), action[4] pyautogui.typewrite(text, interval=interval) if action[0] == "Press": presses, interval, text = int(action[2]), float( action[4]), action[6], interval=interval, presses=presses) if action[0] == "Hotkey": hotkey = action[2].split() pyautogui.hotkey(*hotkey) if action[0] == "Key Down": hotkey = action[2] pyautogui.keyDown(hotkey) if action[0] == "Key Up": hotkey = action[2] pyautogui.keyUp(hotkey) # SCREEN if action[0] == "Screenshot": overwrite, dir_path, file_name = action[2], action[4], action[ 6] if overwrite == "yes": path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name) + ".png" pyautogui.screenshot(path) if overwrite == "no": path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name) path = self.notOverwrite(path) pyautogui.screenshot(path) if action[0] == "Find Image": cb1, cb2, cb3, wait, path = action[2], action[4], action[ 6], float(action[8]), action[10] if cb1 == "yes": while self._running: a = None try: if cb3: a = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen( path, grayscale=True) else: a = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(path) except: pass if a: break sleep(wait) if cb2 == "yes" and a:[0], a[1]) if cb1 == "no": a = None try: if cb3: a = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(path, grayscale=True) else: a = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(path) except: pass if cb2 == "yes" and a:[0], a[1])
def run(): # print("ok")Hello. # plt.switch_backend('Agg') global showvid gg = gest.States(5) hands = gest.MH(buffer_size=100) plt.switch_backend('Agg') try: # print("hi bithc") cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # print("hi ok") while cap.isOpened(): success, image = if not success: print("Ignoring empty") continue # print("hi sigh") res =, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) hshape = "" if hands.his: hshape = gest.Train( "/Users/leonachen/mediapipe/CmdSpaceOX/Interface/data_folder" ).getshape(hands.his[-1]), hands.his[-1], hands.his) print(f"state={gg.state}, click={gg.ic}, shape={hshape}") if gg.state == "cursor": point = hands.his[-1][gest.LM.INDEX_FINGER_TIP] point =[-1], axis=0) SENSE = 1.5 relativeX = int(point[0] * pag.size()[0] * SENSE) relativeY = int(point[1] * pag.size()[1] * SENSE) pag.FAILSAFE = False pag.moveTo(relativeX, relativeY, _pause=False) if gg.ic: gg.ic = False # if gd.state == "ctrlw": # gui.hotkey('command','w', _pause=False) if gg.state == "audio": try: speech_input.from_mic() except AssertionError as e: print( "Speech recognition currently not available because " + str(e)) gg.state = "none" # if gd.state == "volume": # if gd.scroll_height > 0.5: #'volumeup', _pause=False) # else: #'volumedown', _pause=False) # if gd.state == "scroll": # SCROLLSENSE = 15 # gd.ic=False # if gd.scroll_height > 0.5: # pag.scroll( # int(gd.scroll_height * SCROLLSENSE), _pause=False) # else: # pag.scroll(int(gd.scroll_height * - # SCROLLSENSE), _pause=False) if showvid: # Overlaying the mediapipe "skeleton" # print("hi lmfaooooo") img = hands.drawlol(image, res) # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # cv2.imshow('KEK XD LMFAO', img) # print("hi bro sigh") if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27: break except: cv2.destroyAllWindows() hands.close() cap.release() print("\n>>> Error caught. Program closed gracefully. <<<\n") raise
def set_expedition_path(expedition_pos): pyautogui.moveTo(*expedition_pos, duration=0.5)'right') pyautogui.moveRel(25, 30, duration=0.2)
import pyautogui pyautogui.PAUSE = 2 pyautogui.moveTo(300, 300), 300) while 1: #for i in range(200): # print(i) #pyautogui.scroll(-100) pyautogui.moveTo(300, 300, duration=0.75) pyautogui.moveTo(300, 400, duration=0.75) # # #, 200) # pyautogui.typewrite('Hello world!',0.25) # for i in range(10): # pyautogui.moveTo(300, 300, duration=0.25) # pyautogui.moveTo(400, 300, duration=0.25) # pyautogui.moveTo(400, 400, duration=0.25) # pyautogui.moveTo(300, 400, duration=0.25) # from PIL import ImageGrab # # im = ImageGrab.grab() # #"E:\\a.jpg",'jpeg') # coding=utf-8 import time
def jump_through_gate(): pyautogui.moveTo(*travel_title_pos, duration=0.5)'right') pyautogui.moveRel(25, 10, duration=0.2)
import pyautogui # take ss pyautogui.screenshot("example.png") # locate png on screen print(pyautogui.locateOnScreen("examplegmailicon.png")) # locate center of png print(pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("examplegmailicon.png")) pyautogui.moveTo((62, 19), duration=1)
def output_sys_tokatsu(cntr): time.sleep(3) print('#--------------【利用システムをクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(1121, 434, 0.5), 434) time.sleep(2) print('#--------------【システム選択をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(1105, 496, 0.5), 496) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【選択をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(903, 525, 0.5), 525) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【新規作成をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(643, 269, 0.5), 269) time.sleep(1) if cntr == 1: #1回目だけ print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(643, 269, 0.5), 269) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(666, 117, 0.5), 117) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【請求年月をクリックしました】-------------------#'), 393) pyperclip.copy(denpyo_hiduke7) print("denpyo_hiduke7:", denpyo_hiduke7) #pyperclip.copy("2019/06") pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【部署コードをクリックしました】-------------------#'), 428) pyautogui.typewrite("1036") #固定 time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【OKをクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(954, 473, 0.5), 473) time.sleep(2) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(1360, 222, 0.5), 222) time.sleep(2) print('#--------------【請求日付を入力しました】-------------------#'), 218) pyperclip.copy(denpyo_hiduke10) print("kanri_bango:", kanri_bango) #pyperclip.copy("2019/05/31") pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(1338, 170, 0.5), 170) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#'), 120) pyautogui.typewrite(str(kanri_bango)) #管理番号 print("kanri_bango:", kanri_bango) #pyautogui.typewrite("103635001") time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(1409, 121, 0.5), 121) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(1405, 122, 0.5), 122) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(974, 616, 0.5), 616) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#'), 387) pyautogui.dragTo(480, 387, 2, button='left') pyperclip.copy(tekiyo) #適用 #pyperclip.copy("恋するには遅すぎると言われる私でも、遠い昔に・・・") pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(640, 174, 0.5), 174) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(896, 452, 0.5), 452) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(920, 610, 0.5), 610) time.sleep(1) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(964, 609, 0.5), 609) time.sleep(2) print('#--------------【●●をクリックしました】-------------------#') pyautogui.moveTo(974, 612, 0.5), 612) time.sleep(4)
for i in range(4): print(x) time.sleep(1) x -= 1 print('Executing!'), 1051) random_key = ['w', 'a', 's', 'd'] pyautogui.hotkey('enter') pyautogui.hotkey('enter') pyautogui.hotkey('e') while True: sq = pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen('square1.png', confidence=0.5) sq = list(sq) for i in range(0, len(sq), 25): pyautogui.moveTo([i])) #pyautogui.moveTo( if len(sq) == 0: x = choice(random_key) y = choice(random_key) z = choice(random_key) a = choice(random_key) pyautogui.keyDown(x, 4) pyautogui.keyDown(y, 5) pyautogui.keyDown(z, 3) pyautogui.keyDown(a, 2) pyautogui.keyUp(x) pyautogui.keyUp(y) pyautogui.keyUp(z) pyautogui.keyUp(a) upgrade_button_1 = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('Upgrade1.png', confidence=0.7)
import pyautogui import time pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False while True: time.sleep(15) for i in range(0, 100): pyautogui.moveTo(0, i * 5) for i in range(0, 3):'shift')
def click(self, button=MouseButton.LEFT, y=None, x=None, duration=0.25): if self.game_is_focused: pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=duration), "left"))
def moveMouseToPosition(pos, gameWindow): newPosX = pos[0] newPosY = pos[1] newPosX += gameWindow[0] newPosY += gameWindow[1] pyautogui.moveTo(newPosX, newPosY)
(x, y, w, h) = frame('lastchild')) if abs(w - pw) > 5: while x + w > Px + Pw: pyautogui.hscroll(-10) (x, y, w, h) = frame('lastchild')) pyautogui.moveTo(x + w - 1, y + h / 2) pyautogui.dragTo(x + pw - 1, y + h / 2, button='left') if lastforce != force:'setforce', force) lastforce = force lastw = pw'brint_to_front')'setxzoom') #so that we have a fixed width time.sleep(1) (Px, Py, Pw, Ph) = frame('parentframe')) #we now know which part are shown now pyautogui.moveTo(Px + Pw / 2, Py + Ph / 2) deleteall() p = getP() idx = 1 while p != False: print 'insert', p insertP(p, idx) idx += 1 p = getP()
import pyautogui pyautogui.moveTo(1372, 670) # move mouse to the window pyautogui.dragTo(1372, 670, button='left') # focus the window, 670, button='left') # simulate left click
def move_screen_centre(): w = gui.size().width h = gui.size().height gui.moveTo(w / 2, h / 2, 1) return