Пример #1
 def get_clipped_section_data(cls, sectiondata, inlet_height, angle):
     '''Function to get a SectionAIRFOILData instance from a SectionData as 
     required for a parafoil by clipping the front portion as specified by
     the inlet height and angle of cut
     dx = sectiondata.data_points[:, 0]
     xmin, xmax = numpy.min(dx), numpy.max(dx)
     xchange = numpy.argmax(dx) if dx[1] > dx[0] else numpy.argmin(dx)
     x = numpy.unique(dx)
     # datax, datay
     dxu, dyu = sectiondata.data_points[:xchange+1, 0], sectiondata.data_points[:xchange+1, 1]
     a = numpy.argsort(dxu)
     dxu, dyu = dxu[a], dyu[a]
     dxl, dyl = sectiondata.data_points[xchange:, 0], sectiondata.data_points[xchange:, 1]
     a = numpy.argsort(dxl)
     dxl, dyl = dxl[a], dyl[a]
     angle_r = angle * numpy.pi / 180
     #def err_angle
     err_angle = lambda x,x1,y1: angle_r - numpy.arctan2(y1 - numpy.interp(x, dxl, dyl), x1 - x)
     get_err_angle = lambda x1,y1: lambda x: err_angle(x,x1,y1)
     def get_inlet_height(x, angle):
         x1 = x
         y1 = numpy.interp(x1, dxu, dxu)
         x2 = false_position_method(get_err_angle(x1,y1), x1, x1 + 0.01, angle_r / 100, max_iter=100)
         y2 = numpy.interp(x, dxl, dyl)
         return y1 - y2
     err_height = lambda x: get_inlet_height(x, angle) - inlet_height
     x1 = x_inlet = false_position_method(err_height, 0.1, 0.11, inlet_height / 1000, max_iter=100)[0]
     x2_inlet = false_position_method(get_err_angle(x1,numpy.interp(x1, dxu, dxu)), x1, x1 + 0.01, angle_r / 100, max_iter=100)[0]
     dxu_new = dxu[dxu>x_inlet]
     dxu_new = numpy.concatenate(([x_inlet],dxu_new))
     dyu_new = numpy.interp(dxu_new, dxu, dyu)
     dxl_new = dxl[dxl>x2_inlet]
     dxl_new = numpy.concatenate(([x2_inlet],dxl_new))
     dyl_new = numpy.interp(dxl_new, dxl, dyl)
     dx_new = numpy.concatenate((dxl_new[::-1],dxu_new))
     dy_new = numpy.concatenate((dyl_new[::-1],dyu_new))
     # now translate the data to get x_le = 0.0
     dx_new = dx_new-x_inlet
     # now scale to get initial chord to compensate for the cut
     dx_new = dx_new/(1-x_inlet)
     dy_new = dy_new/(1-x_inlet)
     data_points = numpy.array([dx_new,dy_new]).T
     print data_points.shape
     ret = SectionAIRFOILData(data_points=data_points)
     return ret
Пример #2
 def get_inlet_height(x, angle):
     x1 = x
     y1 = numpy.interp(x1, dxu, dxu)
     x2 = false_position_method(get_err_angle(x1,y1), x1, x1 + 0.01, angle_r / 100, max_iter=100)
     y2 = numpy.interp(x, dxl, dyl)
     return y1 - y2