def download(tags, pages): try: randomint = randint(1000, 10000000) randompage = randint(1, int(pages)) client = Danbooru('danbooru', username='******', api_key='your_api_key') if len(x) == 0: #Checks if the array is empty of links posts = client.post_list(tags=str(tags), page=str(randompage), limit=200) for post in posts: fileurl = '' + post['file_url'] x.append(fileurl) else: pass try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(x[1], "tmp/danbooru_" + str(randomint) + ".jpg") x.pop(0) except Exception as e: print(e) except: download(tags, pages)
def download(tags, pages): try: client = Danbooru('danbooru', username='******', api_key='your_api_key') # Collect links while len(x) is not 200: # Checks if the list is full randompage = randint(1, pages) posts = client.post_list(tags=tags, page=randompage, limit=200) for post in posts: try: fileurl = '' + post['file_url'] except: fileurl = '' + post['source'] x.append(fileurl) # Download images for url in x: try: randomint = randint(1000, 10000000) urllib.request.urlretrieve( url, "tmp/danbooru_/{0}.jpg".format(randomint)) except: continue except Exception as e: raise e
def collect(tags, pages): try: #authentication client = Danbooru('danbooru', username="******", api_key="12d62QBEC2XbxnEoEV6iRu1G") #Global variables to make the download function happy global fileurl global posts #getting max page, tags, and creating output.txt randompage = int(input("What are the maximum amount of pages? ")) chosenpage = random.choice(range(0, randompage)) #chooses a random page between 1 and the specified max page, prevents empty files posts = client.post_list(tags=tags, page=chosenpage, limit=200) #seems to be a hardcoded limit of 200, documentation says 100? output = open("output.txt", "a+") #creates output.txt if it doesn't exist, appends to output.txt if it does exist output.write("From page " + str(chosenpage) + " with tag(s) " + tags + ": \n") #writes page number and tag(s) before links #getting links... i think? for post in posts: try: fileurl = post['file_url'] except: fileurl = post['source'] #writing links output.write(fileurl + "\n") #outputs URLs to output.txt print("Done! Written links to output.txt... hopefully") except Exception as err: print(err) raise err #doesn't really do shit honestly unless something goes catastrophically wrong
async def dhentai(self, ctx, tags): dClient = Danbooru('danbooru') s = dClient.post_list(limit=1, tags=tags, random=True) embed = discord.Embed(title="Danbooru hentai!", color=0xff00f6) try: embed.set_image(url=s[0]['file_url']) embed.set_footer(text=s[0]['tag_string']) await ctx.send(embed=embed) except: await ctx.send('попробуй ещё раз')
class Photos(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.danbooru_client = Danbooru(site_name='danbooru') def _get_url_list_danbooru(self, tag, request_number): posts = self.danbooru_client.post_list(limit=request_number, tags=tag, random=True) pictures = [] for post in posts: pictures += [post['file_url']] return pictures @commands.command() async def unleash_load_danbooru(self, ctx, arg1): urls = self._get_url_list_danbooru(arg1, 5) # Check if at least 1 image is found if urls == []: await ctx.send('no images found') return fmt = "" for url in urls: fmt += url + "\n" await ctx.send(fmt) @commands.command() async def danbooru(self, ctx, arg1): urls = self._get_url_list_danbooru(arg1, 1) # construct embedded image discord_embed = discord.Embed(colour=0x4286f4) discord_embed.set_author(name=arg1) discord_embed.set_footer( # check if danbooru tag returns url if urls == []: discord_embed.title = 'No image found' else: discord_embed.set_image(url=urls[0]) try: await ctx.send(embed=discord_embed) except discord.HTTPException: print('sending the message failed') finally: print(discord_embed.to_dict())
class anime(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.client=Danbooru('danbooru', api_key=dbexec('danbooruKey', log=True)) = bot @commands.command(aliases=['dnb']) async def danbooru(self, ctx, *, tags1: str): """Gets an image from Danbooru, tags must be valid tags on the website""" #replacement_table = { # r' ': '_', # r',': ' ' #} #for regex, replace_with in replacement_table.items(): # tags1 = re.sub(regex, replace_with, tags1) try: #Create post object class post: def __init__(self, data): = data[0]['id'] self.score = data[0]['score'] self.rating = data[0]['rating'] self.img = data[0]['file_url'] self.uploadername = data[0]['uploader_name'] try: while True: counter=1 print("Attempt {}".format(counter)) data = self.client.post_list(limit=1,tags=tags1, random=True) if (not data): await ctx.send("Invalid tag*(s)*") return bnd = post(data) if(bnd.rating =='s'): break except(Exception) as e: print(e) await ctx.send('An error occured') return em = discord.Embed(title="Search result", url=bnd.img) em.add_field(name='Uploaded by', value=bnd.uploadername, inline=True) em.add_field(name="Score", value=bnd.score, inline=True) em.set_image(url=bnd.img) print("img={}".format(bnd.img)) await ctx.send(embed=em) except(Exception) as e: print(e)
def get_from_danbooru_by_tag(tag): client = Danbooru('danbooru') tags = client.tag_list(name_matches=tag, hide_empty="yes", order="count") tag = "" for x in tags: if len(x) != 0: #making sure that the particular tag isn't empty. If it is, then a random image is displayed. tag = x["name"] break #got the tags. Now what? Images! posts = client.post_list(tags=tag, random=True, raw=True) return posts
def danbooru(tags): for i in range(0,5): dan = Danbooru('danbooru', username=config.get('danbooru_username'), api_key=config.get('danbooru_key')) while True: try: posts = dan.post_list(tags=tags, limit=1, random="True") return posts[0]['file_url'], posts[0]['id'], posts[0]['created_at'], posts[0]['source'] except KeyError: continue except IndexError: break except: continue break
async def get_anime(ctx, *, tag: str = None): if tag is None: return await ctx.send('Enter a tag') client = Danbooru('danbooru') get_image = client.post_list(**{ 'limit': 1, 'page': 1, 'tags': tag, 'random': True }) for image in get_image: response = image['large_file_url'] await ctx.send(response)
async def lewd(message, attempts=0): if attempts == 5: return try: query = message.content[message.content.index(' ') + 1:] bclient = Danbooru('danbooru') pic = bclient.post_list(tags=query, random=True) try: fileurl = pic[0]['file_url'] except: fileurl = pic[0]['source'] except: await lewd(message, attempts + 1) await core.reply(, fileurl)
async def safebooru(self, ctx): """Same as danbooru, but looks for safe images.""" client = Danbooru('danbooru', username='******', image_found = False while not image_found: temp = self.fixDanbooruJSON(str(client.post_list(random=True, limit=1, tags="rating:s -status:deleted"))) data = json.loads(temp) if 'file_url' in data: image_found = True url = data['file_url'] if ctx.message.guild is not None: color = else: color = embed = discord.Embed(color=color, title="Image from Project Danbooru!", description="Here's your image, {}~".format( embed.set_image(url=url) embed.set_footer(text="Powered by Project Danbooru.") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def get_from_danbooru(char_name, anime_name): full_tag = char_name + " (" + anime_name + ")" #print(full_tag) client = Danbooru('danbooru') #getting full tag AKA Character_Nme(Anime Name) format tags = client.tag_list(name_matches=full_tag, hide_empty="yes", order="count") print(tags) tag = "" #Checking if there were no search results, and then getting tags with merely the character name if (len(tags) == 0): tags = client.tag_list(name_matches=char_name, hide_empty="yes", order="count") if (len(tags) == 0): #searching for last name, first name format, if the other doesn't work reverse_name = "" name = char_name.split(' ') n = len(name) - 1 while (n >= 0): reverse_name = reverse_name + " " + name[n] n -= 1 print(reverse_name) tags = client.tag_list(name_matches=reverse_name, hide_empty="yes", order="count") for x in tags: if len(x) != 0: tag = x["name"] break print(tag) #get posts for tag. posts = client.post_list(tags=tag, random=True, raw=True) #print(posts[0]['large_file_url']) return posts
def pic(update: Update, context: CallbackContext, ind: int, uind: int, is_group: bool, lang: str): message = update.effective_message ab = message.text.split(' ') if (len(ab) == 1): sendtext = other.proc(other.getl(lang).error_pic_noTag), sendtext, parse_mode='HTML') return client = Danbooru('danbooru') temp = None if (ab[1] == 'hentai'): temp = client.post_list(tags='rating:e', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0] elif (ab[1] == 'anime'): temp = client.post_list(tags='rating:s', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0] elif (ab[1] == 'ecchi'): temp = client.post_list(tags='rating:q', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0] elif (ab[1] == 'yuri'): temp = client.post_list(tags='yuri', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0] elif (ab[1] == 'uncensored'): temp = client.post_list(tags='uncensored', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0] elif (ab[1] == 'neko'): temp = client.post_list(tags='cat_ears', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0] elif (ab[1] == 'wallpaper'): temp = client.post_list(tags='wallpaper', page=random.randint(1, 200), limit=1)[0], temp['file_url'], caption='Tags: ' + temp['tag_string']) print('done')
async def danbooru(ctx, *, search: str): from pybooru import Danbooru, exceptions client = Danbooru('danbooru') try: posts = client.post_list(tags=search, random=True, limit=1) except exceptions.PybooruHTTPError: await ctx.send('Danbooru only allows you to search with 2 tags. Consider donating $20 if you want to search with more tags') url = '' for post in posts: id = str(post['id']) dblink = url + id if str(post['file_url']).startswith('/data/'): file = '{}'.format(post['file_url']) else: file = post['file_url'] if post['rating'] == "s": rating = 'Safe' elif post['rating'] == 'q': rating = 'Questionable' elif post['rating'] == 'e': rating = 'Explicit' score = post['score'] source = post['source'] emb = discord.Embed( title='Click here to view in your browser', url=dblink, colour=0xEC40DF, description='__Post ID: {}__'.format(id) ) emb.set_image(url=file) emb.set_author(name='Danbooru', url='', icon_url='') emb.add_field(name='Rating: ', value=rating, inline=True) emb.add_field(name='Score: ', value=score, inline=True) emb.add_field(name='Source: ', value='[Click Here]({})'.format(source), inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=emb)
async def danbooru(self, ctx): """Posts an image directly from Project Danbooru.""" client = Danbooru('danbooru', username='******', if image_found = False while not image_found: temp = self.fixDanbooruJSON(str(client.post_list(random=True, limit=1, tags="rating:e -status:deleted"))) data = json.loads(temp) if 'file_url' in data: image_found = True url = data['file_url'] else: await ctx.send("Sorry, but I can't load anything from Project Danbooru unless you're in a NSFW channel.") return if ctx.message.guild is not None: color = else: color = embed = discord.Embed(color=color, title="Image from Project Danbooru!", description="Here's your image, {}~".format( embed.set_image(url=url) embed.set_footer(text="Powered by Project Danbooru.") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def send_found_photos(message): msg_args = message.text.split(' ') POST_PER_REQUEST = 200 bot.send_message(, 'Начинаю...') tag_names = msg_args[1] client = Danbooru('danbooru') total_posts = client.tag_list(name=tag_names)[0]['post_count'] pages_found = (total_posts // POST_PER_REQUEST) + 1 params = {'limit': total_posts, 'tags': tag_names, 'page': None} for page in range(1, pages_found + 1): params['page'] = page founded_posts = client.post_list(**params) for post in founded_posts: if not 'file_url' in post.keys(): continue file_url = post['file_url'] response = requests.get(file_url) file_content = response.content bot.send_photo(, file_content)
def getEroPic() -> str: reqTags = 'rating:s -male_focus' pages = 100 client = Danbooru('danbooru') randompage = randint(1, pages) posts = client.post_list(tags=reqTags, page=randompage, limit=1) post = posts[0] try: picUrl = post['file_url'] except: picUrl = post['source'] picUrl = re.sub('^https', 'http', picUrl, count=1) #改为返回图片的url # picDat = requests.get(picUrl).content # picFormat = re.findall('.[a-zA-Z]+$', picUrl) # picName = randint(1000, 10000000) # picAddr = './plugins/eroPic/{0}'.format(picName)+picFormat[0] # with open(picAddr, 'wb') as handle: # handle.write(picDat) return picUrl
def download(tags, pages): try: client = Danbooru('danbooru', username='******', api_key='your_api_key') # Collect links while len(x) is not 200: # Checks if the list is full randompage = randint(1, pages) posts = client.post_list(tags=tags, page=randompage, limit=200) for post in posts: try: fileurl = post['file_url'] except: fileurl = '' + post['source'] x.append(fileurl) # Download images for url in x: try: randomint = randint(1000, 10000000) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, "tmp/danbooru_/{0}.jpg".format(randomint)) except: continue except Exception as e: raise e
class anime(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.client = Danbooru('danbooru', api_key=dbexec('danbooruKey', log=True)) = bot @commands.command(aliases=['dnb']) async def danbooru(self, ctx, *, tags1: str): """Gets an image from Danbooru, tags must be valid tags on the website""" # replacement_table = { # r' ': '_', # r',': ' ' # } # for regex, replace_with in replacement_table.items(): # tags1 = re.sub(regex, replace_with, tags1) try: # Create post object class post: def __init__(self, data): = data[0]['id'] self.score = data[0]['score'] self.rating = data[0]['rating'] self.img = data[0]['file_url'] self.uploadername = data[0]['uploader_name'] try: while True: counter = 1 print("Attempt {}".format(counter)) data = self.client.post_list(limit=1, tags=tags1, random=True) if (not data): await ctx.send("Invalid tag*(s)*") return bnd = post(data) if (bnd.rating == 's'): break except (Exception) as e: print(e) await ctx.send('An error occured') return em = discord.Embed(title="Search result", url=bnd.img) em.add_field(name='Uploaded by', value=bnd.uploadername, inline=True) em.add_field(name="Score", value=bnd.score, inline=True) em.set_image(url=bnd.img) await ctx.send(embed=em) except (Exception) as e: print(e) @commands.command() async def charinfo(self, ctx, *, name: str): """Gets info about anime/manga character""" content = doALrequest(q="""query ($s: String, $page: Int) { Page(page: $page, perPage: 1) { pageInfo { total currentPage lastPage hasNextPage perPage } characters(search: $s) { name{ first last native alternative } image{ large } description(asHtml: false) } } }""", v={"s": name}) if content['data']['Page']['characters']: c = content['data']['Page']['characters'][0] em = discord.Embed( title= f"{c['name']['first']} {c['name']['last']if c['name']['last'] is not None else ''} ({c['name']['native']})" ) em.add_field(name='Description', value=c['description'] if len(c['description']) < 1024 else c['description'][0:1023], inline=True) em.set_image(url=c['image']['large']) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send("This character doesn't exist") @commands.command(aliases=['ainfo', 'anime']) async def animeinfo(self, ctx, *, name: str): """Gets info about an anime""" content = doALrequest(q="""query ($s: String, $page: Int) { Page(page: $page, perPage: 1) { pageInfo { total currentPage lastPage hasNextPage perPage } media(search: $s) { title { romaji english native } status startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } episodes duration source genres averageScore popularity coverImage { large } description(asHtml: false) } } }""", v={"s": name}) if content['data']['Page']['media']: c = content['data']['Page']['media'][0] em = discord.Embed( title= f"{c['title']['english'] if c['title']['english'] else ''} | {c['title']['romaji']} ({c['title']['native']})" ) em.add_field(name=c['status'], value='lol') em.add_field(name="Episodes", value=f"{c['episodes']}", inline=True) em.add_field(name="Duration", value=f"{c['duration']}min per ep", inline=True) em.add_field(name='Description', value=c['description'] if len(c['description']) < 1024 else c['description'][0:1023], inline=True) em.set_image(url=c['coverImage']['large']) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send("This character doesn't exist")
# encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function from pybooru import Danbooru from pybooru import Moebooru konachan = Moebooru("konachan") kona_tags = konachan.tag_list(order='date') print(konachan.last_call) kona_post = konachan.post_list() print(konachan.last_call) danbooru = Danbooru('danbooru') dan_tags = danbooru.tag_list(order='name') print(danbooru.last_call) dan_post = danbooru.post_list(tags="computer") print(danbooru.last_call)
from pybooru import Danbooru from pathlib import Path import urllib.request import os client = Danbooru('danbooru') min_pages = 0 max_pages = min_pages + 2 count = 0 for page in range(min_pages, max_pages): posts = client.post_list(limit=100, page=page, random=False, raw=False) for post in posts: if 'file_url' in post: image_url = post['file_url'] FILE = image_url.split("/")[-1] if not os.path.exists("images"): os.makedirs("images") imagepath = Path("./images") if not imagepath.joinpath(FILE).exists(): try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, "./images/%s" % FILE) count = count + 1 print("*%i: %s" % (count, FILE)) except: print("%s cannot be retrieved from %s ." % (FILE, image_url)) else: count = count + 1 print("%i: %s" % (count, image_url))
import subprocess subprocess.check_call(["python", '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'requests']) # install requests import requests client = Danbooru('danbooru', username=DanbooruUsername, api_key=DanbooruAPIKey) links = [] #create link list fileNumber = int(000000000) #i doubt you'll need more space than this showMoreInfo = False #change to true if you need to find errors bannedExtensions = ["zip", "swf", "ebm"] #put problematic extensions here posts = client.post_list(tags=tagList, limit=amountOfImages) #get list of posts ending = saveLocation[-1] if ending == "\\" or ending == "/": pass #good file path else: print("Please add two slashes to the end of your save location!") os._exit(0) for post in posts: try: links.append(post["file_url"]) #get tally of links if showMoreInfo == True: #debug info print("Image path: {0}".format(post['file_url'])) except: continue
# encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function from pybooru import Danbooru from pybooru import Moebooru konachan = Moebooru("konachan") kona_tags = konachan.tag_list(order='date') print(konachan.last_call) kona_post = konachan.post_list() print(konachan.last_call) lolibooru = Moebooru("lolibooru") kona_tags = lolibooru.tag_list(order='date') print(lolibooru.last_call) kona_post = lolibooru.post_list() print(lolibooru.last_call) danbooru = Danbooru('danbooru') dan_tags = danbooru.tag_list(order='name') print(danbooru.last_call) dan_post = danbooru.post_list(tags="computer") print(danbooru.last_call)
def parser(bot, update, tags, pages, chat_id, info=None, ch_id=None): #Usual parser for usual commands global x global p_id randomint = randint(1000, 10000000) if ch_id == '9': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, "upload_document") client = Danbooru('danbooru', username='******', api_key=danbooru_key) else: bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, "upload_photo") client = Moebooru('yandere') try: randompage = randint(1, int(pages)) if len(x[str(ch_id)]['url']) == 0: posts = client.post_list(tags=str(tags), page=randompage, limit=40) for post in posts: if ch_id == '9': fileurl = post['file_url'] else: fileurl = post['sample_url'] x[str(ch_id)]['url'].append(fileurl) x[str(ch_id)]['id'].append(post['id']) if ch_id == '9': ikeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Donate", url='') ], [InlineKeyboardButton("Music", url='')], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "More", callback_data="{'data':'More', 'c_id':%s}" % ch_id) ]]) else: ikeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Donate", url='') ], [InlineKeyboardButton("Music", url='')], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "Download", callback_data="{'data':'Download', 'id':%s}" % x[str(ch_id)]['id'][0]) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "More", callback_data="{'data':'More', 'c_id':%s}" % ch_id) ]]) reply_markup = ikeyboard if ch_id != '9': bot.sendPhoto(chat_id, photo=x[str(ch_id)]['url'][0], reply_markup=reply_markup, caption=info) else: bot.sendDocument(chat_id, document=x[str(ch_id)]['url'][0], reply_markup=reply_markup, caption=info) try: x[str(ch_id)]['url'].pop(0) except: traceback.print_exc() try: x[str(ch_id)]['id'].pop(0) except: traceback.print_exc() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() bot.sendMessage( chat_id, 'Oops... Something went wrong, please call the command again!') try: os.remove('tmp/uncensored_bot_' + str(randomint) + ".jpg") except: pass try: x[str(ch_id)]['url'].pop(0) except: traceback.print_exc() try: x[str(ch_id)]['id'].pop(0) except: traceback.print_exc()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from pybooru import Danbooru client = Danbooru('danbooru') posts = client.post_list(tags='blue_eyes', limit=5) for post in posts: print("Image path: {0}".format(post['file_url']))
class ImageBot: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.api = get_api(self.config) self.danbooru = Danbooru(site_url=DANBOORU_URL) self.image_list = [] self.last_notification = -1 if os.path.exists(self.config.state_file): with open(self.config.state_file) as f: try: self.last_notification = int( logging.debug( 'Recovering state, last notification id is %d', self.last_notification) except ValueError: logging.debug('No previous state found') def handle_notifications(self): try: notifications = self.api.notifications() except Exception as e: logging.error('Exception while fetching notifications: %s', e) return ln_changed = False if isinstance(notifications, dict) and ('error' in notifications): raise Exception('API error: {}'.format(notifications['error'])) if self.last_notification == -1: # if this is the first time the bot is running, don't autorespond # retroactively if len(notifications) > 0: self.last_notification = int(notifications[0]['id']) logging.debug('Ignoring previous notifications up to %d', self.last_notification) else: self.last_notification = 0 ln_changed = True else: # reversed order to process notification in chronological order for notification in notifications[::-1]: if int(notification['id']) <= self.last_notification: continue if notification['type'] != 'mention': continue logging.debug('Handling notification %s', notification['id']) self.last_notification = int(notification['id']) ln_changed = True text = html_to_text(notification['status']['content']) text = sanitize_forwarded_toot(text) sender = notification['status']['account']['acct'] sent_by_maintainer = (sender == self.config.maintainer) if DELETE_CMD in text: if not sent_by_maintainer: continue try: self.api.status_delete( notification['status']['in_reply_to_id']) except Exception as e: logging.error('exception while deleting status %d: %s', notification['status']['in_reply_to_id'], e) if sent_by_maintainer: continue if not self.config.forward_messages: continue if self.config.maintainer in { account['acct'] for account in notification['status']['mentions'] }: # maintainer is already mentioned, no need to forward this message continue response = '@{} {}'.format(self.config.maintainer, self.config.message) response_sent = self.api.status_post( response, in_reply_to_id=notification['status']['id'], visibility='direct') if notification['status']['visibility'] != 'public': # the bot was sent a DM, we should forward that too recipient_prefix = ' '.join( '@' + x for x in [self.config.maintainer]) prev_part_id = response_sent['id'] for part in split_into_toots(recipient_prefix, text): part_sent = self.api.status_post( part, in_reply_to_id=prev_part_id, visibility='direct') prev_part_id = part_sent['id']'Responded to status %d from %s', notification['status']['id'], notification['status']['account']['acct']) if ln_changed: with open(self.config.state_file, 'a') as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(str(self.last_notification)) f.flush() def post_image(self): while not self.image_list: try: unfiltered_images = self.danbooru.post_list(tags=' '.join( self.config.required_tags), limit=100, random=True) self.image_list = [ image for image in unfiltered_images if 'file_url' in image and image['source'] and 'bad_id' not in image['tag_string_meta'] and not any( tag in image['tag_string'] for tag in self.config.forbidden_tags) ] except Exception as e: logging.error('exception while fetching candidate images: %s', e) self.image_list = None image = self.image_list.pop() source = (PIXIV_SOURCE_PATTERN % image['pixiv_id']) if image['pixiv_id'] else image['source'] try: req = urllib.request.Request( image['file_url'], headers={ "Referer": DANBOORU_URL + "/posts/" + str(image['id']), "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0" }) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as u: image_data = image_type = mime.from_buffer(image_data) if image_type not in ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES: logging.error('unknown mime type %s for file %s', image_type, image['file_url']) return media = self.api.media_post(image_data, image_type) self.api.status_post('{0}/posts/{1}\nsource: {2}'.format( DANBOORU_URL, image['id'], source), media_ids=[media['id']], visibility='unlisted', sensitive=True)'posted image: %d', image['id']) except Exception as e: logging.error('exception while posting image %d: %s', image['id'], e) def run(self): countdown = 0 while True: if countdown <= 0: self.post_image() countdown = self.config.post_interval countdown -= 1 self.handle_notifications() time.sleep(60)
class BotClass: def __init__(self, line, reddit, dvart, tw, youtube): self.client = Danbooru(site_url='') self.limit = 3 self.bpm = 660 self.line_bot_api = line self.reddit = reddit self.da = dvart = tw = youtube # Check input and reply according def check(self, event): check = re.match(r"(!\w+)(\s)?(\D+)?", event.message.text) # Command list if == "!help": message = TextSendMessage( text= "Commands:\n!tag [query]\n!random\n!dvart [query]\n!rs\n!reddit [subreddit]\n!rsearch [subreddit] [query]\n!tw [name] {#}\n!yt [keywords]\n!bpm set [###]\n!bpm [###]" ) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !random !tag - Image functions elif == "!random": self.reply(event) elif == "!tag": self.reply(event, # !site - Check current site elif == "!site": message = TextSendMessage(text=self.client.site_url) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !hiyuki - Safe mode toggle elif == "!hiyuki" and == "lewd": self.client = Danbooru('danbooru') message = TextSendMessage(text="Safe Mode Off.") self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) elif == "!hiyuki": self.client = Danbooru(site_url='') message = TextSendMessage(text="Hiyuki Online!") self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !reddit - Reddit Hot elif == "!reddit": check = re.match(r"!reddit\s(\w+)?", event.message.text) subreddit = self.reddit.subreddit( search = "r/{0}\n\n".format( for submission in search += "{0}\n{1}\n\n".format(submission.title, submission.url) message = TextSendMessage(text=search) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !rsearch - Reddit Search elif == "!rsearch": check = re.match(r"!rsearch\s(\w+)?(\s)?(\w+)?", event.message.text) search = "Searching for \"{0}\" in r/{1}:\n\n".format(, for submission in self.reddit.subreddit(, limit=self.limit): search += "{0}\n{1}\n\n".format(submission.title, submission.url) message = TextSendMessage(text=search) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !limit - Reddit Limit elif == "!limit": check = re.match(r"!limit\s(\d)?", event.message.text) if is not None: self.limit = int( message = TextSendMessage( text="Limit set to {0}.".format(self.limit)) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !rs - Display information about a random Runescape item elif == "!rs": random = randint(0, 23100) url = ("{0}.json". format(random)) response = urlopen(url) data ="utf-8") json_obj = json.loads(data) message = TextSendMessage(text="{0}\n\n{1}".format( json_obj["name"], json_obj["examine"])) image = ImageSendMessage( original_content_url= '{0}.png'. format(random), preview_image_url= '{0}.png'. format(random)) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [image, message]) # !dvart - DeviantArt elif == "!dvart": loop = 0 max = 30000 self.dvart(event, loop, max, # !bpm - BPM calculator elif == "!bpm": check = re.match(r"(!bpm+?)(\s)*(set)*(\s)*(\d+)*", event.message.text) # Set the target BPM if == "set": self.bpm = int( message = TextSendMessage( text="BPM set to {0}.".format(self.bpm)) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # Do BPM multiplication calculations else: if is not None: input = int( calc = self.bpm / input multi = [ 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 ] lower = min(multi, key=lambda x: abs(x - calc)) if lower * input > self.bpm: upper = multi[multi.index(lower) - 1] elif multi.index(lower) < 23: upper = multi[multi.index(lower) + 1] else: upper = lower low = lower * input up = upper * input if upper == lower or calc == lower: message = TextSendMessage( text="Target: {0}\nInput: {1}\n\n{2}x = {3}". format(self.bpm, input, lower, low)) else: message = TextSendMessage( text= "Target: {0}\nInput: {1}\n\n{2}x = {3}\n{4}x = {5}" .format(self.bpm, input, lower, low, upper, up)) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # Show the current target BPM if nothing is specified else: message = TextSendMessage( text="BPM is currently set to {0}.".format(self.bpm)) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !tw - Retrieve latest Tweet from specified username elif == "!tw": check = re.match(r"!tw\s(\w+)?\s?(\d+)?", event.message.text) # Check for count if is None or int( < 0: i = 0 else: i = int( # Check for user's existence try: obj =, count=i + 1) text = TextSendMessage(text="@{0} ({1})\n\n{2}".format( obj[i]['user']['screen_name'], obj[i]['created_at'], obj[i] ['text'])) # Check for video try: video = VideoSendMessage( original_content_url='{0}'.format( obj[i]['extended_entities']['media'][0] ['video_info']['variants'][0]['url']), preview_image_url='{0}'.format( obj[i]['entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https'])) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [text, video]) # If no video is posted, check for image. except KeyError: try: image = ImageSendMessage( original_content_url=obj[i]['entities']['media'][0] ['media_url_https'], preview_image_url=obj[i]['entities']['media'][0] ['media_url_https']) self.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, [text, image]) # If no image is posted, send text only. except KeyError: self.line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, text) # If user is not found. except: message = TextSendMessage(text="User not found.") self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # !yt - Retrieve search results of videos in YouTube using keywords elif == "!yt": check = re.match(r"!yt\s(.+)?", event.message.text) search_response = part="snippet", maxResults=5, videos = [] for search_result in search_response.get('items', []): if search_result['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#video': videos.append('%s %s' % (search_result['snippet']['title'], "\n" + search_result['id']['videoId'])) message = TextSendMessage( text="YouTube results for \"{0}\":\n\n{1}".format(, '\n\n'.join(videos))) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) # DeviantArt search, multiple tries or else not found def dvart(self, event, loop, max, search): while loop < 10: send = "" deviations = [] fetched_deviations = self.da.browse(endpoint='newest', q=search, limit=1, offset=randint(0, max)) deviations += fetched_deviations['results'] for deviation in deviations: send += "{0}".format(deviation.content) message = re.match(r"{'src': '(\w.+)',", send) if message is not None: image = ImageSendMessage(, self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, image) loop = 10 else: if loop == 9: message = TextSendMessage(text="Not Found.") self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) loop += 1 else: self.dvart(event, loop + 1, max // 3, search) # Image reply function def reply(self, event, *tag): for post in self.client.post_list(tags=tag, limit=1, random=True): try: image = ImageSendMessage(original_content_url=post['file_url'], preview_image_url=post['file_url']) self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, image) except KeyError: message = TextSendMessage(text="Too Lewd!") self.line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message)
else: if contact.print_name == recipient: contactFound = True break if not contactFound: print('No matching contact found!') print('Contact found!') client = Danbooru('danbooru') tags = args.tags if args.tags != '' else input( 'Enter a tag or a collection of tags seperated by ` `: ') limit = args.amount if args.amount != 0 else input( 'Enter the amount of photos to send (default is 10): ') page = args.number if args.number != 0 else input( 'Enter the page number to send images from (default is 1st page): ') #posts = client.post_list(limit=2, page=randint(1, 50), tags=tags) posts = client.post_list(limit=limit, page=page, tags=tags) print('Found {0} photos'.format(len(posts))) if isdir('tmp'): rmtree('tmp') mkdir('tmp') for post in posts: if not 'file_url' in post: break url = '' + post['file_url'] path = 'tmp/' + url.split('/')[::-1][0] print(url, end='', flush=True) request = get(url) if request.ok: with open(path, 'wb') as file: file.write(request.content) try:
class DanbooruSearcher(): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.danbooru_client = Danbooru('danbooru') self.safe_channels = ["general", "robot-shop"] self.blacklisted_tags = set() async def react(self, ctx, *tags: str): if len(tags) == 0: tags = ('trap', ) safe_search_enabled = str( in self.safe_channels if len(tags) > 2: await 'Sorry. Danbooru only lets me search for two tags at a time. You searched for \'{}\'. If this channel is SFW, you can only search for one tag at a time.' .format(', '.join(tags))) return print('Seeking image for ' + ' '.join(tags)) try: posts = await self.safe_search( ctx, tags) if safe_search_enabled else await if posts: url = '' + posts[0]['file_url'] await else: return except Exception as e: print('{} : {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e)) await 'Sorry. I couldn\'t find any images using these tags: ' + ' '.join(tags)) async def search(self, tags: str): return self.danbooru_client.post_list(tags=' '.join(tags), random=True, limit=1) async def safe_search(self, ctx, tags: str): print('This is a SFW channel! Adding non-explicit rating tag!') tags = tags + ('rating:safe', ) posts = await attempts = 0 while self.blacklisted_tags & set( posts[0]['tag_string_general'].split(' ')) and attempts < 5: posts = await attempts = attempts + 1 if attempts >= 5: await'Couldn\'t find any clean images.') await, 'images/guess_ill_die.jpg') return None return posts async def blacklist(self, ctx): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await'Blacklisted tags are: {}'.format(', '.join( self.blacklisted_tags))) @blacklist.command() async def add(self, *tags: str): await'Adding tag(s) \'{}\' to blacklist') for tag in tags: self.blacklisted_tags.add(tag)
class Bean: def __init__(self, bot): = bot configParser = configparser.RawConfigParser() configfilepath = 'config.txt' self.danbooruUsername = configParser.get('danbooru', 'username') self.danbooruPassword = configParser.get('danbooru', 'password') self.imgurToken = configParser.get('imgur', 'token') self.fuccboiname = 'bonkery' self.fuccboidate = date(2018, 12, 6) self.dbclient = Danbooru('danbooru', username=self.danbooruUsername, api_key=self.danbooruPassword) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def mymmr(self, ctx): """Check your true MMR""" mmr = randint(0,9999) reply_message = 'Hey ' + str('#', 1)[0] if == None else 'Hey ' + str( reply_message += ', your MMR is ' + str(mmr) reply_message += ' PogChamp' if mmr > 5999 else ' LUL' await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def gei(self, ctx, *member: discord.User): """big gei""" gei_percent = randint(0,100) if(member): reply_message = member[0].mention + ' is ' else: reply_message = 'Hey ' + + ', you are ' reply_message += str(gei_percent) + '% gei' categorylist = [(100, 'Tidp#9927'), (99, 'nitro members'), (97, '4Head'), (96, 'twin turbine c**k'), (86, 'maybe touches your dick'), (76, 'nice butt'), (61, 'arguably gay'), (46, 'wears boating shoes'), (30, 'average european'), (26, '**DO NOT DISTURB THE STATUES**'), (11, '*How did we match clothes again*'), (1, "basic understanding of fashion"), (0, 'HYPERION CHAD PogChamp')] for i in range(len(categorylist)): if gei_percent >= categorylist[i][0]: category = categorylist[i][1] break await + ' - ' + category) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def weeb(self, ctx, *member: discord.User): """VoHiYo""" weeb_percent = 100 if( == "106822120276832256") else randint(0,100) if(member): if(member[0].id == "106822120276832256"): weeb_percent = 100 reply_message = member[0].mention + ' is ' else: reply_message = 'Hey ' + + ', you are ' reply_message += str(weeb_percent) + '% weeb' reply_message += ' VoHiYo' if weeb_percent > 50 else ' FeelsGoodMan' await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def mydong(self, ctx): """ur mum knows about it anyway haHAA""" dicc = randint(0,25) reply_message = 'Hey ' + str('#', 1)[0] if == None else 'Hey ' + str( reply_message = reply_message + ', your dong hangs ' + str(dicc) reply_message = reply_message + ' cms low KappaPride' if dicc > 17 else reply_message + ' cms low Jebaited' await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def mylove(self, ctx): """gachiGASM""" if == None: reply_message = 'Hey ' + str('#', 1)[0] else: reply_message = 'Hey ' + str( reply_message = reply_message + ' your true love is ' server = member_list = [x for x in server.members] online_member_list = [i for i in member_list if str(i.status) == 'online'] loveboy = random.choice(online_member_list) await + loveboy.display_name) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def love(self, ctx, *member: discord.User): """KappaPride""" if member == None: reply_message = "You need to mention a name." else: mmr = randint(0,100) reply_message = 'Hey ' + str('#', 1)[0] if == None else 'Hey ' + str( reply_message += ' '.join[', your love for ', member[0].display_name, ' is around ', str(mmr), '%'] reply_message = reply_message + ' KappaPride' if(mmr > 50) else reply_message + ' FeelsBadMan' await, invoke_without_command=True) async def kumiko(self, ctx): """ehhhhhh""" with open("cogs/res/kumiko.txt", "r+") as f: kumiko_img_list = reply_message = random.choice(kumiko_img_list) await @kumiko.command(pass_context=True, name='add') async def add_kumiko(self, ctx, *args): kumiko_link = list(args) link = ' '.join(kumiko_link) with open("cogs/res/kumiko.txt", "a+") as f: if( in ['106822120276832256', '77462706893881344']): f.write(link) f.write("\n") reply_message = 'Image added' else: reply_message = "You are not authorized to add rarekumikos" await @commands.command() async def koi(self): """bad taste""" reply_message = '' await @commands.command() async def msking(self): await"") @commands.command() async def gorgcblame(self): await"Rolling the Gorgc Wheel of Blame") time.sleep(2) with open("cogs/res/gorgcblame.txt", "r") as f: blame = f.readlines() await @commands.command() async def vlecc(self): """Retard""" await""), invoke_without_command=True) async def grill(self, ctx): """not gay""" with open("cogs/res/grill_list.txt", "r+") as f: trap_list = reply_message = random.choice(trap_list) await @grill.command(pass_context=True, name='add') async def add_grill(self, ctx, *, query:str): with open("cogs/res/grill_list.txt", "a+") as f: if( in ['120473568382418945', '77462706893881344']): print(query) f.write(query) f.write("\n") reply_message = 'Image added' else: reply_message = "You are not authorized to add traps" await @commands.command() async def explosion(self): """EKSUPUROOOOOSHUN""" expfile = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "explosion.txt") with open(expfile, "r") as f: explist = f.readlines() await, invoke_without_command=True) async def smug(self, ctx): """no explanation needed""" with open("cogs/res/smug.txt", "r+") as f: smug_list = f.readlines() reply_message = random.choice(smug_list) await @smug.command(pass_context=True, name='add') async def add_smug(self, ctx, *args): smug_link = list(args) link = ' '.join(smug_link) with open("cogs/res/smug.txt", "a+") as f: if( in ['106822120276832256', '77462706893881344']): f.write(link) f.write("\n") reply_message = 'Image added' else: reply_message = "You are not authorized to add rarekumikos" await @commands.command() async def mycolor(self): """cmonBruh""" colors = ['TriHard', 'C-Word', 'KKona', 'jew', 'pajeet', 'ANELE', 'Ruski'] reply_message = "You're a " + random.choice(colors) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def gender(self, ctx, *args): """HotPokket""" dir = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "gender.txt") with open(dir) as f: lines = auth = str('#', 1)[0] if == None else if(len(args) == 0): reply_message = auth + " identifies themselves as " + random.choice(lines) else: genderlist = list(args) gender = ' '.join(genderlist) print(gender) reply_message = gender + " identifies themselves as " + random.choice(lines) if gender.startswith('<@') or gender.startswith('@') else "Enter a valid username or role" await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def avatar(self, ctx, *member: discord.User): """the fucc do you need a description for""" reply_message = member[0].avatar_url if member else await, invoke_without_command=True, aliases=['f']) async def frenzlin(self, ctx): """love u m8""" dir = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "frenzlin.txt") with open(dir) as f: lines = f.readlines() await @frenzlin.command(pass_context=True, name='add') async def add_ritsu(self, ctx, *args): ritsu_link = list(args) link = ' '.join(ritsu_link) with open("cogs/res/frenzlin.txt", "a+") as f: if( in ['110840185155010560', '77462706893881344']): f.write(link) f.write("\n") reply_message = 'Image added' else: reply_message = "You are not authorized to add ritsus" await @commands.command() async def haidomo(self): """bacchuaru youtuba""" dir = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "kizuna.txt") with open(dir) as f: lines = await @commands.command() async def havocc(self): """gei""" dir = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "havok.txt") with open(dir) as f: lines = f.readlines() await @commands.command() async def bean(self): """BEANED""" await""), invoke_without_command=True) async def danbooru(self, ctx, *query : str): search_string = ' '.join(query) print(search_string) response = self.dbclient.post_list(tags=search_string, limit=1, random=True) print(response) try: response_url = response[0]["file_url"] if response_url.startswith("https") == False: response_url = response_url.replace("/data/", "/data/__") response_url = "" + response_url await except: await"There's something wrong with your query, because I can't find anything with that tag.") @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def nyx(self, ctx): img = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "nyx.png") await, fp=img) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def nyxkoi(self, ctx): await"") @commands.command() async def christmas(self): dir = os.path.join("cogs", "res", "padoruids.txt") with open(dir) as f: lines = f.readlines() await"" + random.choice(lines)) @commands.command() async def givemetheipofeveryoneinthischat(self): reply_message = '.'.join([str(randint(0, 255)) for x in range(4)]) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def tidp(self,ctx): if(random.randint(0, 1) == 0): await await'The tiddest of') await await'P\'s') else: for i in range(5): await await":crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: :crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: :crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: :crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: :crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: :crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: :crab: TIDP IS ALIVE :crab: ") @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def fuccboi(self, ctx): server = member_list = [x for x in server.members] self.fuccboiname = random.choice(member_list).display_name if self.fuccboidate != else self.fuccboiname self.fuccboidate = if self.fuccboidate != else self.fuccboidate reply_message = "Today's fuccboi is " + self.fuccboiname await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def imgur(self, ctx, *query : str): search_string = ' '.join(query) url = '{{window}}/{{page}}?q=' + search_string payload = {} headers = { 'Authorization': 'Client-ID ' + self.imgurToken } response = requests.request('GET', url, headers = headers, data = payload, allow_redirects=False) responsejson = json.loads(response.text) imgurls = [] for data in responsejson["data"]: try: for image in data["images"]: imgurls.append(image["link"]) except Exception as e: pass await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def block(self, ctx, *member: discord.User): message = await"292869746293211146"), 423951424217677824) await"*"+ message.content + "* - Vlecxius, March 15, 2018.") @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def chetp(self, ctx): message = ''' I open up chetp. Koi has already posted lolis. Tidp is frogposting and there's three different conversations about anime studios. "Ugh, this shit again," I groan. I unzip my pants. I try my hardest to jerk my soft penis but to no avail. Then Donk astolfo-posts. Instant d-d-d-diamonds. The thought of the little penis is enough to get me going. Then Koi posts a doujin screencap of astolfo falling onto railing. I'm soft again. No, I sob internally. This can't be happening. Tidp posts another frog emote. Sheep joins the chat and he's typing single word posts. They're all song lyrics. Donk is thinking now; he's posting the thinking face so he has to be thinking. But my saving grace finally arrives. Vlecxius posts something revolutionary. "COLLEGE BOY <:gachigasm:293953451023663116> PEPEPLS" he proudly proclaims. D... d... D-d-d-d.... DIAMONDS My prostate almost explodes from the ground shattering nut. Thoughts begin rushing through my head: the Golden Age. Calbee, the eastern slavic white supremacist invasion, the First Bean, Daniel, arcana giveaways, the drawing games, and so much more. I enter a seizure and let the darkness consume me. My last thought: "die tidp."''' await
class Danbooru(commands.Cog): """Commands for Danbooru integration""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.client = Client('danbooru')['db'], pass_context=True, invoke_without_command=True) @commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.member) async def danbooru(self, ctx, *, query: str): """Return a random image from danbooru""" exceptions = (custom_exceptions.NSFWException, custom_exceptions.ResourceNotFound, custom_exceptions.Error, Exception) try: adapted_query = check_query(query) post = self.client.post_list(tags='rating:safe ' + adapted_query, limit=1, random=True) embed = discord.Embed( url=return_valid_image(post)) await ctx.message.add_reaction('\U00002705') await ctx.send(embed=embed) except exceptions as e: await ctx.message.add_reaction('\U0000274c') await ctx.send(e, delete_after=10) @danbooru.command(aliases=['n']) @commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.member) async def nsfw(self, ctx, *, query: str): """Return a random NSFW image from danbooru""" exceptions = (custom_exceptions.NSFWException, custom_exceptions.ResourceNotFound, custom_exceptions.Error, Exception) try: check_nsfw(ctx) adapted_query = check_nsfw_query(query) post = self.client.post_list(tags=adapted_query, limit=1, random=True) embed = discord.Embed( url=return_valid_image(post)) await ctx.message.add_reaction('\U00002705') await ctx.send(embed=embed) except exceptions as e: await ctx.message.add_reaction('\U0000274c') await ctx.send(e, delete_after=10) @danbooru.command(aliases=['t']) @commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.member) async def tags(self, ctx, *, query: str): """Return name matches from your query""" exceptions = (custom_exceptions.ResourceNotFound, Exception) try: list_tags = self.client.tag_list(name_matches=query) tags = return_tags(list_tags) pages = Pages(ctx, lines=tags) await ctx.message.add_reaction('\U00002705') await pages.paginate() except exceptions as e: await ctx.message.add_reaction('\U0000274c') await ctx.send(e, delete_after=10)
def __init__(self, _tags): client = Danbooru('danbooru') self.posts = client.post_list(limit=1, tags=_tags)