def test_it_does_not_add_import_metadata_to_autoimporter_if_is_import_job(self, create, send_mail): create.return_value = ImportReport(message='1 new task was imported successfully', metadata="meta", total=1) form_data = {'type': 'csv', 'csv_url': ''} project = ProjectFactory.create(info=dict(autoimporter=form_data)) subject = 'Tasks Import to your project %s' % body = 'Hello,\n\n1 new task was imported successfully to your project %s!\n\nAll the best,\nThe PYBOSSA team.' % email_data = dict(recipients=[project.owner.email_addr], subject=subject, body=body) import_tasks(, 'The Hound', from_auto=False, **form_data) autoimporter = project.get_autoimporter() assert autoimporter.get('last_import_meta') == None, autoimporter
def test_sends_email_to_user_with_result_on_success(self, create, send_mail): uploader_name = 'Cersei Lannister' create.return_value = ImportReport(message='1 new task was imported successfully', metadata=None, total=1) project = ProjectFactory.create() form_data = {'type': 'csv', 'csv_url': ''} subject = 'Tasks Import to your project %s' % body = 'Hello,\n\n1 new task was imported successfully to your project %s by %s.\n\nAll the best,\nThe PYBOSSA team.' % (, uploader_name) email_data = dict(recipients=[project.owner.email_addr], subject=subject, body=body) import_tasks(, uploader_name, **form_data) send_mail.assert_called_once_with(email_data)