Пример #1
 def _setInitEvaluable(self, evaluable):
     if evaluable is None:
         # if there is no initial point specified, we start at one that's sampled 
         # normally around the origin.
         if self.numParameters is not None:
             evaluable = randn(self.numParameters)
             raise ValueError('Could not determine the dimensionality of the evaluator. '+\
                              'Please provide an initial search point.')   
     if isinstance(evaluable, list):
         evaluable = array(evaluable)
     # If the evaluable is provided as a list of numbers or as an array,
     # we wrap it into a ParameterContainer.
     if isinstance(evaluable, ndarray):            
         pc = ParameterContainer(len(evaluable))
         self._wasWrapped = True
         evaluable = pc
     self._initEvaluable = evaluable
     if isinstance(self._initEvaluable, ParameterContainer):
         if self.numParameters is None:            
             self.numParameters = len(self._initEvaluable)
         elif self.numParameters != len(self._initEvaluable):
             raise ValueError("Parameter dimension mismatch: evaluator expects "+str(self.numParameters)\
                              +" but the evaluable has "+str(len(self._initEvaluable))+".")
task.N = 10
# for the simple evolvable class defined below
evoEval = lambda e: e.x

# starting points
# ----------------------
xlist1 = [2.]
xlist2 = [0.2, 10]
xlist100 = list(range(12, 112))

xa1 = array(xlist1)
xa2 = array(xlist2)
xa100 = array(xlist100)

pc1 = ParameterContainer(1)
pc2 = ParameterContainer(2)
pc100 = ParameterContainer(100)

# for the task object, we need a module
nnet = buildNetwork(task.outdim, 2, task.indim)

# a mimimalistic Evolvable subclass that is not (like usual) a ParameterContainer
class SimpleEvo(Evolvable):
    def __init__(self, x): self.x = x
    def mutate(self):      self.x += random() - 0.3
    def copy(self):        return SimpleEvo(self.x)
    def randomize(self):   self.x = 10 * random() - 2
Пример #3
# ------------------------

# here's the default way of setting it up: provide a function and an initial point
f = TabletFunction(2)
x0 = [2.1, 4]
l = algo(f, x0)

# f can also be a simple lambda function
l = algo(lambda x: sum(x)**2, x0)

# in the case of continuous optimization, the initial point
# can be provided as a list (above), an array...
l = algo(f, array(x0))

# ... or a ParameterContainer
pcontainer = ParameterContainer(2)
l = algo(f, pcontainer)

# the initial point can be omitted if:
# a) the problem dimension is specified manually
l = algo(f, numParameters = 2)

# b) the function is a FunctionEnvironment that specifies the problem dimension itself
l = algo(f)

# but if none is the case this leads to an error:
    l = algo(lambda x: sum(x)**2)
except ValueError as e:
    print('Error caught:', e)
Пример #4
from pybrain.rl.learners.meta import * #@UnusedWildImport
from pybrain.rl.agents.finitedifference import FiniteDifferenceAgent
from pybrain.rl.tasks.episodic import EpisodicTask
from pybrain.rl.environments.functions import SphereFunction
from pybrain.rl.tasks.polebalancing import CartPoleTask
from pybrain.rl.tasks.pomdp import CheeseMaze

""" The problem we we would like to solve can be anything that has something like a fitness
function. The following switches between 4 different examples. 

The variable 'thenet' contains the trainable parameters that affect the fitness. """

if False:
    # simple function optimization
    thetask = SphereFunction(3)
    thenet = ParameterContainer(3)
elif True:
    # simple pole-balancing task
    thetask = CartPoleTask(1, markov = True)
    thenet = buildNetwork(thetask.outdim, thetask.indim, bias = False)
elif False:
    # hard pole-balancing task
    thetask = CartPoleTask(2, markov = False)
    thenet = buildNetwork(thetask.outdim, 3, thetask.indim)
    thenet.addRecurrentConnection(FullConnection(thenet['hidden0'], thenet['hidden0']))
elif False:
    # maze-navigation