Пример #1
    def trainUntilConvergence(self, dataset=None, maxEpochs=None, verbose=None,
                              continueEpochs=10, validationProportion=0.25):
        """Train the module on the dataset until it converges.

        Return the module with the parameters that gave the minimal validation

        If no dataset is given, the dataset passed during Trainer
        initialization is used. validationProportion is the ratio of the dataset
        that is used for the validation dataset.

        If maxEpochs is given, at most that many epochs
        are trained. Each time validation error hits a minimum, try for
        continueEpochs epochs to find a better one."""
        epochs = 0
        if dataset == None:
            dataset = self.ds
        if verbose == None:
            verbose = self.verbose
        # Split the dataset randomly: validationProportion of the samples for
        # validation.
        trainingData, validationData = (
            dataset.splitWithProportion(1 - validationProportion))
        if not (len(trainingData) > 0 and len(validationData)):
            raise ValueError("Provided dataset too small to be split into training " +
                             "and validation sets with proportion " + str(validationProportion))
        self.ds = trainingData
        bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
        bestverr = self.testOnData(validationData)
        trainingErrors = []
        validationErrors = [bestverr]
        while True:
            if epochs == 0 or validationErrors[-1] < bestverr:
                # one update is always done
                bestverr = validationErrors[-1]
                bestweights = self.module.params.copy()

            if maxEpochs != None and epochs >= maxEpochs:
                self.module.params[:] = bestweights
            epochs += 1

            if len(validationErrors) >= continueEpochs * 2:
                # have the validation errors started going up again?
                # compare the average of the last few to the previous few
                old = validationErrors[-continueEpochs * 2:-continueEpochs]
                new = validationErrors[-continueEpochs:]
                if min(new) > max(old):
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights
        self.ds = dataset
        if verbose:
            print 'train-errors:', fListToString(trainingErrors, 6)
            print 'valid-errors:', fListToString(validationErrors, 6)
        return trainingErrors, validationErrors
Пример #2
 def testSimple(self):        
     r = self.runSequences(num_actions=3, num_features=5, num_states=4, num_interactions=2000,
                           lr=0.1, _lambda=0.5, gamma=0.5)        
     if self.verbose:
         for x, l in r:
             print x
             for a in l:
                 print fListToString(a[0], 2)        
     for _, l in r:
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[0][0]), max(l[0][0]), places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[1][0]), max(l[1][0]), places=0)
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[2][0]) + len(l[2][0]) - 1, max(l[2][0]), places=0)             
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[3][0]), max(l[3][0]), places=0) 
Пример #3
 def testSingleAction(self):        
     r = self.runSequences(num_actions=1, r_states=map(array, [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]),
                           num_interactions=1000, lr=0.1, _lambda=0.5, gamma=0.5)
     if self.verbose:
         for x, l in r:
             print x
             for a in l:
                 print fListToString(a, 2)        
     for _, l in r:
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[0]), max(l[0]), places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[1]), max(l[1]), places=0)
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[2]), max(l[2]), places=0)             
         self.assertAlmostEquals(max(l[3]) - 1, min(l[3]), places=0) 
Пример #4
 def _evaluateSequence(self, f, seq, verbose = False):
     """Return the ponderated MSE over one sequence."""
     totalError = 0.
     ponderation = 0.
     for input, target in seq:
         res = f(input)
         e = 0.5 * sum((target-res).flatten()**2)
         totalError += e
         ponderation += len(target)
         if verbose:
             print((    'out:    ', fListToString( list( res ) )))
             print((    'correct:', fListToString( target )))
             print((    'error: % .8f' % e))
     return totalError, ponderation
 def _evaluateSequence(self, f, seq, verbose = False):
     """ return the importance-ponderated MSE over one sequence. """
     totalError = 0
     ponderation = 0.
     for input, target, importance in seq:
         res = f(input)
         e = 0.5 * dot(importance.flatten(), ((target-res).flatten()**2))
         totalError += e
         ponderation += sum(importance)
         if verbose:
             print     'out:       ', fListToString(list(res))
             print     'correct:   ', fListToString(target)
             print     'importance:', fListToString(importance)
             print     'error: % .8f' % e
     return totalError, ponderation
Пример #6
 def testSingleStateFullDiscounted(self):
     r = self.runSequences(num_actions=4, num_features=3, num_states=1, num_interactions=500,
                           gamma=0, lr=0.25)
     if self.verbose:
         for x, l in r:
             print x
             for a in l:
                 print fListToString(a[0], 2)        
     for _, l in r:        
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[0][0]), 1, places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(max(l[0][0]), 1, places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(2 * min(l[1][0]), 1, places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(2 * max(l[1][0]), 1, places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[2][0]), 0, places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(max(l[2][0]), len(l[2][0]) - 1, places=0) 
         self.assertAlmostEquals(min(l[3][0]), max(l[3][0]), places=0)                 
Пример #7
    def _oneGeneration(self):
        self.generation += 1
        fitnesses = self._evaluatePopulation()
        # store best in hall of fame
        besti = argmax(array(fitnesses))
        best = self.pop[besti]
        bestFits = sorted(fitnesses)[::-1][:self._numSelected()]

        if self.verbose:
            print 'Generation', self.generation
            print '        relat. fits:', fListToString(sorted(fitnesses), 4)
            if len(best.params) < 20:
                print '        best params:', fListToString(best.params, 4)

        self.pop = self._selectAndReproduce(self.pop, fitnesses)
Пример #8
    def trainUntilConvergence(self, dataset=None, maxEpochs=None, verbose=None,
                              continueEpochs=10, validationProportion=0.25):
        epochs = 0
        if dataset == None:
            dataset = self.ds
        if verbose == None:
            verbose = self.verbose
        trainingData, validationData = (
            dataset.splitWithProportion(1 - validationProportion))
        if not (len(trainingData) > 0 and len(validationData)):
            raise ValueError("Provided dataset too small to be split into training " +
                             "and validation sets with proportion " + str(validationProportion))
        self.ds = trainingData
        bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
        bestverr = self.testOnData(validationData)
        trainingErrors = []
        validationErrors = [bestverr]
        while True:
            if epochs == 0 or validationErrors[-1] < bestverr:
                bestverr = validationErrors[-1]
                bestweights = self.module.params.copy()

            if maxEpochs != None and epochs >= maxEpochs:
                self.module.params[:] = bestweights
            epochs += 1

            if len(validationErrors) >= continueEpochs * 2:
                old = validationErrors[-continueEpochs * 2:-continueEpochs]
                new = validationErrors[-continueEpochs:]
                if min(new) > max(old):
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights
        self.ds = dataset
        if verbose:
            print 'train-errors:', fListToString(trainingErrors, 6)
            print 'valid-errors:', fListToString(validationErrors, 6)
        return trainingErrors, validationErrors
Пример #9
 def _updateShaping(self):
     """ Daan: "This won't work. I like it!"  """
     assert self.numberOfCenters == 1
     possible = self.shapingFunction.getPossibleParameters(self.windowSize)
     matchValues = []
     pdfs = [multivariateNormalPdf(s, self.mus[0], self.sigmas[0])
             for s in self.samples]
     for p in possible:
         transformedFitnesses = self.shapingFunction(self.fitnesses)
         #transformedFitnesses /= sum(transformedFitnesses)
         sumValue = sum([x * log(y) for x, y in zip(pdfs, transformedFitnesses) if y > 0])
         normalization = sum([x * y for x, y in zip(pdfs, transformedFitnesses) if y > 0])
         matchValues.append(sumValue / normalization)
     if len(self.allsamples) % 100 == 0:
         print possible[argmax(matchValues)]
         print fListToString(matchValues, 3)
Пример #10

# any episodic task
task = BalanceTask()

# any neural network controller
net = buildNetwork(task.outdim, 1, task.indim)

# any optimization algorithm to be plugged in, for example:
# learner = CMAES(storeAllEvaluations = True)
# or:
learner = HillClimber(storeAllEvaluations = True)

# in a non-optimization case the agent would be a LearningAgent:
# agent = LearningAgent(net, ENAC())
# here it is an OptimizationAgent:
agent = OptimizationAgent(net, learner)

# the agent and task are linked in an Experiment
# and everything else happens under the hood.
exp = EpisodicExperiment(task, agent)

print('Episodes learned from:', len(learner._allEvaluations))
n, fit = learner._bestFound()
print('Best fitness found:', fit)
print('with this network:')
print('containing these parameters:')
print(fListToString(n.params, 4))
Пример #11
    def trainUntilConvergence(self, dataset=None, maxEpochs=None, verbose=None,
                              continueEpochs=10, validationProportion=0.25,
                              trainingData=None, validationData=None,
        """Train the module on the dataset until it converges.
        Return the module with the parameters that gave the minimal validation
        If no dataset is given, the dataset passed during Trainer
        initialization is used. validationProportion is the ratio of the dataset
        that is used for the validation dataset.

        If the training and validation data is already set, the splitPropotion is ignored
        If maxEpochs is given, at most that many epochs
        are trained. Each time validation error hits a minimum, try for
        continueEpochs epochs to find a better one."""
        epochs = 0
        if dataset is None:
            dataset = self.ds
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self.verbose
        if trainingData is None or validationData is None:
            # Split the dataset randomly: validationProportion of the samples for
            # validation.
            trainingData, validationData = (
                dataset.splitWithProportion(1 - validationProportion))
        if not (len(trainingData) > 0 and len(validationData)):
            raise ValueError("Provided dataset too small to be split into training " +
                             "and validation sets with proportion " + str(validationProportion))
        self.ds = trainingData
        bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
        bestverr = self.testOnData(validationData)
        bestepoch = 0
        self.trainingErrors = []
        self.validationErrors = [bestverr]
        while True:
            trainingError = self.train()
            validationError = self.testOnData(validationData)
            if isnan(trainingError) or isnan(validationError):
                raise Exception("Training produced NaN results")
            if epochs == 0 or self.validationErrors[-1] < bestverr:
                # one update is always done
                bestverr = self.validationErrors[-1]
                bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
                bestepoch = epochs

            if maxEpochs != None and epochs >= maxEpochs:
                self.module.params[:] = bestweights
            epochs += 1

            if len(self.validationErrors) >= continueEpochs * 2:
                # have the validation errors started going up again?
                # compare the average of the last few to the previous few
                old = self.validationErrors[-continueEpochs * 2:-continueEpochs]
                new = self.validationErrors[-continueEpochs:]
                if min(new) > max(old):
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights
                lastnew = round(new[-1], convergence_threshold)
                if sum(round(y, convergence_threshold) - lastnew for y in new) == 0:
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights
        self.ds = dataset
        if verbose:
            print(('train-errors:', fListToString(self.trainingErrors, 6)))
            print(('valid-errors:', fListToString(self.validationErrors, 6)))
        return self.trainingErrors[:bestepoch], self.validationErrors[:1 + bestepoch]
    from pybrain.utilities import fListToString
    # TODO: convert to unittest
    C = CompetitiveCoevolution(None, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], populationSize=4)
    def b(x, y):
        C.allResults[(x, y)] = [1, 1, 1, []]
        C.allResults[(y, x)] = [-1, 1, -1, []]
        if x not in C.allOpponents:
            C.allOpponents[x] = []
        if y not in C.allOpponents:
            C.allOpponents[y] = []
    b(1, 6)
    b(1, 7)
    b(8, 1)
    b(5, 2)
    b(6, 2)
    b(8, 2)
    b(3, 5)
    b(3, 6)
    b(3, 7)
    b(4, 5)
    b(4, 7)
    b(8, 4)
    print('          ', fListToString(C._competitiveSharedFitness(C.pop, C.parasitePop), 2))
    print('should be:', fListToString([0.83, 0.00, 1.33, 0.83], 2))
Пример #13

# any episodic task
task = BalanceTask()

# any neural network controller
net = buildNetwork(task.outdim, 1, task.indim)

# any optimization algorithm to be plugged in, for example:
# learner = CMAES(storeAllEvaluations = True)
# or:
learner = HillClimber(storeAllEvaluations = True)

# in a non-optimization case the agent would be a LearningAgent:
# agent = LearningAgent(net, ENAC())
# here it is an OptimizationAgent:
agent = OptimizationAgent(net, learner)

# the agent and task are linked in an Experiment
# and everything else happens under the hood.
exp = EpisodicExperiment(task, agent)

print('Episodes learned from:', len(learner._allEvaluations))
n, fit = learner._bestFound()
print('Best fitness found:', fit)
print('with this network:')
print('containing these parameters:')
print(fListToString(n.params, 4))
    def trainUntilConvergence(self,
        """Train the module on the dataset until it converges.
        Return the module with the parameters that gave the minimal validation
        If no dataset is given, the dataset passed during Trainer
        initialization is used. validationProportion is the ratio of the dataset
        that is used for the validation dataset.

        If the training and validation data is already set, the splitPropotion is ignored
        If maxEpochs is given, at most that many epochs
        are trained. Each time validation error hits a minimum, try for
        continueEpochs epochs to find a better one."""
        epochs = 0
        if dataset is None:
            dataset = self.ds
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self.verbose
        if trainingData is None or validationData is None:
            # Split the dataset randomly: validationProportion of the samples for
            # validation.
            trainingData, validationData = (
                dataset.splitWithProportion(1 - validationProportion))
        if not (len(trainingData) > 0 and len(validationData)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Provided dataset too small to be split into training " +
                "and validation sets with proportion " +
        self.ds = trainingData
        bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
        bestverr = self.testOnData(validationData)
        bestepoch = 0
        self.trainingErrors = []
        self.validationErrors = [bestverr]
        while True:
            trainingError = self.train()
            validationError = self.testOnData(validationData)
            if isnan(trainingError) or isnan(validationError):
                raise Exception("Training produced NaN results")
            if epochs == 0 or self.validationErrors[-1] < bestverr:
                # one update is always done
                bestverr = self.validationErrors[-1]
                bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
                bestepoch = epochs

            if maxEpochs != None and epochs >= maxEpochs:
                self.module.params[:] = bestweights
            epochs += 1

            if len(self.validationErrors) >= continueEpochs * 2:
                # have the validation errors started going up again?
                # compare the average of the last few to the previous few
                old = self.validationErrors[-continueEpochs *
                new = self.validationErrors[-continueEpochs:]
                if min(new) > max(old):
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights
                lastnew = round(new[-1], convergence_threshold)
                if sum(round(y, convergence_threshold) - lastnew
                       for y in new) == 0:
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights
        self.ds = dataset
        if verbose:
            print(('train-errors:', fListToString(self.trainingErrors, 6)))
            print(('valid-errors:', fListToString(self.validationErrors, 6)))
        return self.trainingErrors[:
                                   bestepoch], self.validationErrors[:1 +
Пример #15
    from pybrain.utilities import fListToString
    # TODO: convert to unittest
    C = CompetitiveCoevolution(None, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], populationSize=4)
    def b(x, y):
        C.allResults[(x, y)] = [1, 1, 1, []]
        C.allResults[(y, x)] = [-1, 1, -1, []]
        if x not in C.allOpponents:
            C.allOpponents[x] = []
        if y not in C.allOpponents:
            C.allOpponents[y] = []

    b(1, 6)
    b(1, 7)
    b(8, 1)
    b(5, 2)
    b(6, 2)
    b(8, 2)
    b(3, 5)
    b(3, 6)
    b(3, 7)
    b(4, 5)
    b(4, 7)
    b(8, 4)
    print('          ', fListToString(C._competitiveSharedFitness(C.pop, C.parasitePop), 2))
    print('should be:', fListToString([0.83, 0.00, 1.33, 0.83], 2))

Пример #16

# any episodic task
task = BalanceTask()

# any neural network controller
net = buildNetwork(task.outdim, 1, task.indim)

# any optimization algorithm to be plugged in, for example:
# learner = CMAES(storeAllEvaluations = True)
# or:
learner = HillClimber(storeAllEvaluations = True)

# in a non-optimization case the agent would be a LearningAgent:
# agent = LearningAgent(net, ENAC())
# here it is an OptimizationAgent:
agent = OptimizationAgent(net, learner)

# the agent and task are linked in an Experiment
# and everything else happens under the hood.
exp = EpisodicExperiment(task, agent)

print 'Episodes learned from:', len(learner._allEvaluations)
n, fit = learner._bestFound()
print 'Best fitness found:', fit
print 'with this network:'
print n
print 'containing these parameters:'
print fListToString(n.params, 4)
Пример #17
    def trainUntilConvergence(self, datasetTrain=None, datasetTest=None, maxEpochs=None, verbose=None,
                              continueEpochs=10, validationProportion=0.25):
        """Train the module on the dataset until it converges.

        Return the module with the parameters that gave the minimal validation

        If no dataset is given, the dataset passed during Trainer
        initialization is used. validationProportion is the ratio of the dataset
        that is used for the validation dataset.

        If maxEpochs is given, at most that many epochs
        are trained. Each time validation error hits a minimum, try for
        continueEpochs epochs to find a better one."""
        epochs = 0
        if datasetTrain is None or datasetTest is None:
        if verbose == None:
            verbose = self.verbose
        # Split the dataset randomly: validationProportion of the samples for
        # validation.
        trainingData = datasetTrain
        validationData = datasetTest
        # trainingData, validationData = (
        #     dataset.splitWithProportion(1 - validationProportion))
        # if not (len(trainingData) > 0 and len(validationData)):
        #     raise ValueError("Provided dataset too small to be split into training " +
        #                      "and validation sets with proportion " + str(validationProportion))
        self.ds = trainingData
        bestweights = self.module.params.copy()
        bestverr = self.testOnData(validationData)
        trainingErrors = []
        validationErrors = [bestverr]
        while True:


            if validationErrors[-1] < bestverr:
                bestverr = validationErrors[-1]
                bestweights = self.module.params.copy()

            if maxEpochs is not None and epochs >= maxEpochs:
                self.module.params[:] = bestweights

            epochs += 1

            if len(validationErrors) >= continueEpochs * 2:
                # have the validation errors started going up again?
                # compare the average of the last few to the previous few
                old = validationErrors[-continueEpochs * 2:-continueEpochs]
                new = validationErrors[-continueEpochs:]

                if min(new) > max(old):
                    self.module.params[:] = bestweights

        # trainingErrors.append(self.testOnData(trainingData))
        # self.ds = datasetTrain

        if verbose:
            print 'train-errors:', fListToString(trainingErrors, 6)
            print 'valid-errors:', fListToString(validationErrors, 6)
        return trainingErrors, validationErrors
Пример #18
 def writeDoubles(self, node, l, precision=6):
     self.addTextNode(node, fListToString(l, precision)[2:-1])
Пример #19
 def writeDoubles(self, node, l, precision = 6):
     self.addTextNode(node, fListToString(l, precision)[2:-1])