def extract_batches(source, batches=None, save_plots=True, multithread=True, reload=False, load_bursts=False, load_summary=False, basename='xrb', param_table=None): """Do burst analysis on arbitrary number of batches""" t0 = time.time() if param_table is not None: print('Using models from table provided') batches = np.unique(param_table['batch']) else: batches = grid_tools.ensure_np_list(batches) for batch in batches: print_title(f'Batch {batch}') analysis_path = grid_strings.batch_analysis_path(batch, source) for folder in ['input', 'output']: path = os.path.join(analysis_path, folder) grid_tools.try_mkdir(path, skip=True) if param_table is not None: subset = grid_tools.reduce_table(param_table, params={'batch': batch}) runs = np.array(subset['run']) else: n_runs = grid_tools.get_nruns(batch, source) runs = np.arange(n_runs) + 1 if multithread: args = [] for run in runs: args.append((run, batch, source, save_plots, reload, load_bursts, load_summary, basename)) with mp.Pool(processes=8) as pool: pool.starmap(extract_runs, args) else: extract_runs(runs, batch, source, reload=reload, save_plots=save_plots, load_bursts=load_bursts, load_summary=load_summary, basename=basename) print_title('Combining run tables') for table_name in ('summary', 'bursts'): burst_tools.combine_run_tables(batch, source, table_name=table_name) t1 = time.time() dt = t1 - t0 print_title(f'Time taken: {dt:.1f} s ({dt/60:.2f} min)')
def get_source(self, source): """Returns subset of minbar table for given source """ if source not in self.sources: raise ValueError(f'source "{source}" not in minbar table. ' 'Look in self.sources for full list') return grid_tools.reduce_table(self.table, params={'name': source})
def setup_table(kgrid, batches, synth_source, mc_source, mc_version, synth_version, params=('x', 'z', 'accrate', 'qb', 'mass'), summ_list=('rate', 'dt', 'fluence', 'peak'), free_params=('redshift', 'd_b', 'xi_ratio'), observables=('rate', 'peak', 'fluence', 'fper'), update=False): """Sets up table of synthetic data, including input/output values parameters ---------- kgrid : Kgrid object batches : list list of batches, each corresponding to an epoch. Assumes the runs in each batch correspond to each other. synth_source : str mc_source : str mc_version : int synth_version : int params : sequence(str) parameters to extract from kgrid and add to the table summ_list : sequence(str) burst properties to extract from kgrid and add to the table free_params : sequence(str) free parameters to randomly choose observables : sequence(str) names of observables to calculate from burst properties update : bool whether to simply update an existing synth table, e.g. if the models just need updating. Keeps the previously randomised params """ mcv = mcmc_versions.McmcVersion(source=mc_source, version=mc_version) sub = grid_tools.reduce_table(kgrid.params, params={'batch': batches[0]}) groups = np.array(sub['run']) table = pd.DataFrame() # ===== For each group of epochs, setup sub-table of inputs/outputs ===== for group in groups: group_table = initialise_group_table(group, batches) set_param_cols(group_table, batches=batches, kgrid=kgrid, params=params) set_summ_cols(group_table, batches=batches, kgrid=kgrid, summ_list=summ_list) if update: inherit_free_params(group_table, free_params=free_params, parent_group=group, parent_source=synth_source, parent_version=synth_version) else: set_rand_free_params(group_table, mcv=mcv, free_params=free_params) set_observables(group_table, observables=observables) table = pd.concat([table, group_table], ignore_index=True) save_table(table, source=synth_source, version=synth_version) return table
def linregress_qnuc(source, grid_version=0): """Returns table of linear fits to optimal Qnuc's (versus accretion rate) """ param_list = ['x', 'z', 'qb', 'accdepth', 'accmass', 'mass'] full_table = load_qnuc_table(source, grid_version) accrates = np.unique( full_table['accrate']) # assumes all parameter-sets have this accrate param_table = grid_tools.reduce_table(full_table, params={'accrate': accrates[0]}) linr_table = param_table.reset_index()[param_list] for i in range(len(linr_table)): params = linr_table.loc[i][param_list].to_dict() sub_table = grid_tools.reduce_table(full_table, params=params) linr = linregress(sub_table['accrate'], sub_table['qnuc']) linr_table.loc[i, 'm'] = linr[0] linr_table.loc[i, 'y0'] = linr[1] return linr_table
def plot_qnuc(source, mass, grid_version, linear=True): """Plots optimised Qnuc versus accretion rate, for a given (Newtonian) mass parameters ---------- source : str grid source (see mass : flt Newtonian mass of models (as listed in grid params table) grid_version : int linear : bool plot linear regression line """ table = qnuc_tools.load_qnuc_table(source, grid_version) table = grid_tools.reduce_table(table, params={'mass': mass}) acc_unique = np.unique(table['accrate']) sub_params = grid_tools.reduce_table(table, params={'accrate': acc_unique[0]}) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for row in sub_params.itertuples(): models = grid_tools.reduce_table(table, params={ 'x': row.x, 'z': row.z }) ax.plot(models['accrate'], models['qnuc'], marker='o', label=f'x={row.x:.3f}, z={row.z:.4f}') if linear: linr_table = qnuc_tools.linregress_qnuc(source, grid_version) row = linr_table[linr_table['mass'] == mass] x = np.array([np.min(acc_unique), np.max(acc_unique)]) y = row.m.values[0] * x + row.y0.values[0] ax.plot(x, y, color='black', ls='--') ax.set_title(f'mass={mass:.1f}') ax.legend()
def extract_obs_data(source, version, group, bprops=('rate', 'fluence', 'peak', 'fper')): """Returns summary "observed" data as dictionary, for Burstfit """ table = load_table(source, version) group_table = grid_tools.reduce_table(table, params={'group': group}) obs_data = {} for bprop in bprops: for var in (bprop, f'u_{bprop}'): obs_data[var] = np.array(group_table[f'{var}_obs']) return obs_data
def multi_save(table, source, basename='xrb'): """Extract models from table of arbitrary batches/runs """ batches = np.unique(table['batch']) t0 = time.time() for batch in batches: subset = grid_tools.reduce_table(table, params={'batch': batch}) runs = np.array(subset['run']) args = [] for run in runs: args.append((run, batch, source, basename, True)) with mp.Pool(processes=8) as pool: pool.starmap(load_lum, args) t1 = time.time() dt = t1 - t0 print(f'Time taken: {dt:.1f} s ({dt/60:.2f} min)')
def predict_qnuc(params, source, linr_table=None, grid_version=0): """Predict optimal Qnuc for given accrate and mass linr_table : pd.DataFrame (optional) provide linr_table directly (if linr_table=None, will load new table) """ params = params.copy() accrate = params.pop('accrate') if linr_table is None: linr_table = linregress_qnuc(source, grid_version) row = grid_tools.reduce_table(linr_table, params=params) if len(row) == 0: raise ValueError(f'Qnuc not available for {params}') elif len(row) > 1: raise ValueError( f'Qnuc not uniquely defined for given params (underdefined)') return accrate * row.m.values[0] + row.y0.values[0]
def load_group_table(source, version, group): """Returns synth table of single group of epochs """ table = load_table(source, version) return grid_tools.reduce_table(table, params={'group': group})