Пример #1
    def test_frac_time_shift_with_random(self):
        """ Test frac_time_shift with a random signal"""

        N = 1024
        p, q = (7, 6)  # resampling parameters
        b, a = scipy.signal.butter(10, .25)
        shifts = (0.5, 1 / 6, numpy.random.uniform(low=-5, high=+5))

        for shift in shifts:

            noise = numpy.pad(numpy.random.rand(N // 2), (N // 4, N // 4))
            filt_noise = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, noise)

            res1 = pb.frac_time_shift(
                scipy.signal.resample_poly(filt_noise, p, q), p / q * shift)
            res2 = scipy.signal.resample_poly(
                pb.frac_time_shift(filt_noise, shift), p, q)
            error = numpy.max(numpy.abs(res1 - res2))

            # ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
            # ax1.plot(res1, label='resamp/shift')
            # ax1.plot(res2, '.', label='shift/resamp')
            # ax1.legend()
            # ax1.grid()
            # ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
            # ax2.plot(numpy.abs(res1-res2))
            # ax2.grid()
            # plt.show()

            self.assertLess(error, 10**pb.LOG10_REJECTION)
Пример #2
    def test_frac_time_shift_output_size(self):
        """ Test frac_time_shift: check input and output sizes match"""

        N = 1024
        shift = numpy.random.uniform(low=-5, high=+5)
        shifted = pb.frac_time_shift(numpy.zeros(N), shift)
        self.assertEqual(shifted.size, N)
Пример #3
    def test_frac_time_shift_with_sinus(self):
        """ Test frac_time_shift with sinusoidal signal"""

        N = 1024
        shifts = (0.5, 1 / 6, numpy.random.uniform(low=-5, high=+5))
        time = numpy.arange(-N / 2, N / 2)
        sigma = N / 4

        for shift in shifts:

            time_shifted = time - shift
            # error = []

            for f in numpy.arange(
                        (pb.STOPBAND_CUTOFF_F - pb.ROLL_OFF_WIDTH) * N)) / N:
                phi = 2 * math.pi * numpy.random.rand()
                signal = sinegauss(time, sigma, f, phi)
                estimate_shifted = pb.frac_time_shift(signal, shift)
                exact_shifted = sinegauss(time_shifted, sigma, f, phi)
                error = numpy.max(numpy.abs(estimate_shifted - exact_shifted))
                # error.append(numpy.max(numpy.abs(estimate_shifted-exact_shifted)))
                self.assertLess(error, 10**pb.LOG10_REJECTION)