def of_demo_31(): f = "cfg.yml" d = {} if(load_dict_from_file(f, d) is False): print("Config file '%s' read error: " % f) exit(0) try: ctrlIpAddr = d['ctrlIpAddr'] ctrlPortNum = d['ctrlPortNum'] ctrlUname = d['ctrlUname'] ctrlPswd = d['ctrlPswd'] nodeName = d['nodeName'] rundelay = d['rundelay'] except: print ("Failed to get Controller device attributes") exit(0) print ("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") print ("<<< Demo 31 Start") print ("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") ctrl = Controller(ctrlIpAddr, ctrlPortNum, ctrlUname, ctrlPswd) ofswitch = OFSwitch(ctrl, nodeName) print ("<<< 'Controller': %s, 'OpenFlow' switch: '%s'" % (ctrlIpAddr, nodeName)) first_flow_id = 110 # --------------------------------------------------- # First flow entry # --------------------------------------------------- table_id = 0 flow_id = first_flow_id flow_name = "Set IPv4 ToS action" priority = 600 cookie = 1000 match_in_port = 109 match_ip_eth_type = ETH_TYPE_IPv4 match_ipv4_dst = "" mod_nw_tos = 8 act_out_port = 112 print "\n" print ("<<< Set OpenFlow flow on the Controller") print (" Match: Input Port (%s)\n" " Ethernet Type (%s)\n" " IPv4 Destination Address (%s)" % (match_in_port, hex(match_ip_eth_type), match_ipv4_dst)) print (" Actions: Set IPv4 ToS (tos %s)\n" " Output (Port number %s)" % (mod_nw_tos, act_out_port)) time.sleep(rundelay) # Allocate a placeholder for the Flow Entry flow_entry1 = FlowEntry() # Generic attributes of the Flow Entry flow_entry1.set_flow_table_id(table_id) flow_entry1.set_flow_name(flow_name) flow_entry1.set_flow_id(flow_id) flow_entry1.set_flow_cookie(cookie) flow_entry1.set_flow_priority(priority) flow_entry1.set_flow_hard_timeout(0) flow_entry1.set_flow_idle_timeout(0) # Instructions/Actions for the Flow Entry instruction = Instruction(instruction_order=0) action_order = 0 action = SetNwTosAction(action_order) action.set_tos(mod_nw_tos) instruction.add_apply_action(action) action_order += 1 action = OutputAction(action_order) action.set_outport(act_out_port) instruction.add_apply_action(action) flow_entry1.add_instruction(instruction) # Match Fields for the Flow Entry match = Match() match.set_in_port(match_in_port) match.set_eth_type(match_ip_eth_type) match.set_ipv4_dst(match_ipv4_dst) flow_entry1.add_match(match) print ("\n") print ("<<< Flow to send:") print flow_entry1.get_payload() time.sleep(rundelay) result = ofswitch.add_modify_flow(flow_entry1) status = result.get_status() if(status.eq(STATUS.OK)): print ("<<< Flow successfully added to the Controller") else: print ("\n") print ("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed()) delete_flows(ofswitch, table_id, range(first_flow_id, flow_id + 1)) exit(0) # --------------------------------------------------- # Second flow entry # --------------------------------------------------- table_id = 0 flow_id += 1 flow_name = "Set Field (IP DSCP) action" priority = 600 cookie = 1000 match_in_port = 109 match_eth_type = ETH_TYPE_IPv4 match_ipv4_dst = "" mod_ip_dscp = IP_DSCP_CS5 act_out_port = 112 print "\n" print ("<<< Set OpenFlow flow on the Controller") print (" Match: Input Port (%s)\n" " Ethernet Type (%s)\n" " IPv4 Destination Address (%s)" % (match_in_port, hex(match_ip_eth_type), match_ipv4_dst)) print (" Actions: Set Field (IP DSCP %s)\n" " Output (Port number %s)" % (mod_ip_dscp, act_out_port)) time.sleep(rundelay) # Allocate a placeholder for the Flow Entry flow_entry2 = FlowEntry() # Generic attributes of the Flow Entry flow_entry2.set_flow_table_id(table_id) flow_entry2.set_flow_name(flow_name) flow_entry2.set_flow_id(flow_id) flow_entry2.set_flow_cookie(cookie) flow_entry2.set_flow_priority(priority) flow_entry2.set_flow_hard_timeout(0) flow_entry2.set_flow_idle_timeout(0) # Instructions/Actions for the Flow Entry instruction = Instruction(instruction_order=0) action_order = 0 action = SetFieldAction(action_order) action.set_ip_dscp(mod_ip_dscp) instruction.add_apply_action(action) action_order += 1 action = OutputAction(action_order) action.set_outport(act_out_port) instruction.add_apply_action(action) flow_entry2.add_instruction(instruction) # Match Fields for the Flow Entry match = Match() match.set_in_port(match_in_port) match.set_eth_type(match_eth_type) match.set_ipv4_dst(match_ipv4_dst) flow_entry2.add_match(match) print ("\n") print ("<<< Flow to send:") print flow_entry2.get_payload() time.sleep(rundelay) result = ofswitch.add_modify_flow(flow_entry2) status = result.get_status() if(status.eq(STATUS.OK)): print ("<<< Flow successfully added to the Controller") else: print ("\n") print ("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed()) delete_flows(ofswitch, table_id, range(first_flow_id, flow_id + 1)) exit(0) print ("\n") print ("<<< Delete flows from the Controller's cache " "and from the table '%s' on the '%s' node" % (table_id, nodeName)) time.sleep(rundelay) delete_flows(ofswitch, table_id, range(first_flow_id, flow_id + 1)) print ("\n") print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") print (">>> Demo End") print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
flow_entry1 = FlowEntry() # Generic attributes of the Flow Entry flow_entry1.set_flow_table_id(table_id) flow_entry1.set_flow_name(flow_name) flow_entry1.set_flow_id(flow_id) flow_entry1.set_flow_cookie(cookie) flow_entry1.set_flow_priority(priority) flow_entry1.set_flow_hard_timeout(0) flow_entry1.set_flow_idle_timeout(0) # Instructions/Actions for the Flow Entry instruction = Instruction(instruction_order = 0) action_order = 0 action = SetNwTosAction(action_order) action.set_tos(mod_nw_tos) instruction.add_apply_action(action) action_order += 1 action = OutputAction(action_order) action.set_outport(act_out_port) instruction.add_apply_action(action) flow_entry1.add_instruction(instruction) # Match Fields for the Flow Entry match = Match() match.set_in_port(match_in_port) match.set_eth_type(match_ip_eth_type)
def of_demo_31(): f = "cfg.yml" d = {} if (load_dict_from_file(f, d) is False): print("Config file '%s' read error: " % f) exit(0) try: ctrlIpAddr = d['ctrlIpAddr'] ctrlPortNum = d['ctrlPortNum'] ctrlUname = d['ctrlUname'] ctrlPswd = d['ctrlPswd'] nodeName = d['nodeName'] rundelay = d['rundelay'] except: print("Failed to get Controller device attributes") exit(0) print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") print("<<< Demo 31 Start") print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") ctrl = Controller(ctrlIpAddr, ctrlPortNum, ctrlUname, ctrlPswd) ofswitch = OFSwitch(ctrl, nodeName) print("<<< 'Controller': %s, 'OpenFlow' switch: '%s'" % (ctrlIpAddr, nodeName)) first_flow_id = 110 # --------------------------------------------------- # First flow entry # --------------------------------------------------- table_id = 0 flow_id = first_flow_id flow_name = "Set IPv4 ToS action" priority = 600 cookie = 1000 match_in_port = 109 match_ip_eth_type = ETH_TYPE_IPv4 match_ipv4_dst = "" mod_nw_tos = 8 act_out_port = 112 print "\n" print("<<< Set OpenFlow flow on the Controller") print( " Match: Input Port (%s)\n" " Ethernet Type (%s)\n" " IPv4 Destination Address (%s)" % (match_in_port, hex(match_ip_eth_type), match_ipv4_dst)) print( " Actions: Set IPv4 ToS (tos %s)\n" " Output (Port number %s)" % (mod_nw_tos, act_out_port)) time.sleep(rundelay) # Allocate a placeholder for the Flow Entry flow_entry1 = FlowEntry() # Generic attributes of the Flow Entry flow_entry1.set_flow_table_id(table_id) flow_entry1.set_flow_name(flow_name) flow_entry1.set_flow_id(flow_id) flow_entry1.set_flow_cookie(cookie) flow_entry1.set_flow_priority(priority) flow_entry1.set_flow_hard_timeout(0) flow_entry1.set_flow_idle_timeout(0) # Instructions/Actions for the Flow Entry instruction = Instruction(instruction_order=0) action_order = 0 action = SetNwTosAction(action_order) action.set_tos(mod_nw_tos) instruction.add_apply_action(action) action_order += 1 action = OutputAction(action_order) action.set_outport(act_out_port) instruction.add_apply_action(action) flow_entry1.add_instruction(instruction) # Match Fields for the Flow Entry match = Match() match.set_in_port(match_in_port) match.set_eth_type(match_ip_eth_type) match.set_ipv4_dst(match_ipv4_dst) flow_entry1.add_match(match) print("\n") print("<<< Flow to send:") print flow_entry1.get_payload() time.sleep(rundelay) result = ofswitch.add_modify_flow(flow_entry1) status = result.get_status() if (status.eq(STATUS.OK)): print("<<< Flow successfully added to the Controller") else: print("\n") print("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed()) delete_flows(ofswitch, table_id, range(first_flow_id, flow_id + 1)) exit(0) # --------------------------------------------------- # Second flow entry # --------------------------------------------------- table_id = 0 flow_id += 1 flow_name = "Set Field (IP DSCP) action" priority = 600 cookie = 1000 match_in_port = 109 match_eth_type = ETH_TYPE_IPv4 match_ipv4_dst = "" mod_ip_dscp = IP_DSCP_CS5 act_out_port = 112 print "\n" print("<<< Set OpenFlow flow on the Controller") print( " Match: Input Port (%s)\n" " Ethernet Type (%s)\n" " IPv4 Destination Address (%s)" % (match_in_port, hex(match_ip_eth_type), match_ipv4_dst)) print( " Actions: Set Field (IP DSCP %s)\n" " Output (Port number %s)" % (mod_ip_dscp, act_out_port)) time.sleep(rundelay) # Allocate a placeholder for the Flow Entry flow_entry2 = FlowEntry() # Generic attributes of the Flow Entry flow_entry2.set_flow_table_id(table_id) flow_entry2.set_flow_name(flow_name) flow_entry2.set_flow_id(flow_id) flow_entry2.set_flow_cookie(cookie) flow_entry2.set_flow_priority(priority) flow_entry2.set_flow_hard_timeout(0) flow_entry2.set_flow_idle_timeout(0) # Instructions/Actions for the Flow Entry instruction = Instruction(instruction_order=0) action_order = 0 action = SetFieldAction(action_order) action.set_ip_dscp(mod_ip_dscp) instruction.add_apply_action(action) action_order += 1 action = OutputAction(action_order) action.set_outport(act_out_port) instruction.add_apply_action(action) flow_entry2.add_instruction(instruction) # Match Fields for the Flow Entry match = Match() match.set_in_port(match_in_port) match.set_eth_type(match_eth_type) match.set_ipv4_dst(match_ipv4_dst) flow_entry2.add_match(match) print("\n") print("<<< Flow to send:") print flow_entry2.get_payload() time.sleep(rundelay) result = ofswitch.add_modify_flow(flow_entry2) status = result.get_status() if (status.eq(STATUS.OK)): print("<<< Flow successfully added to the Controller") else: print("\n") print("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed()) delete_flows(ofswitch, table_id, range(first_flow_id, flow_id + 1)) exit(0) print("\n") print( "<<< Delete flows from the Controller's cache " "and from the table '%s' on the '%s' node" % (table_id, nodeName)) time.sleep(rundelay) delete_flows(ofswitch, table_id, range(first_flow_id, flow_id + 1)) print("\n") print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") print(">>> Demo End") print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")