Пример #1
    def test_location(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.c.location, Point())

        with self.subTest("automatic str conversion"):
            self.c.location = "S 36 51.918 E 174 46.725"
            self.assertEqual(self.c.location, Point.from_string("S 36 51.918 E 174 46.725"))

        with self.subTest("filter invalid"):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                self.c.location = "somewhere"
Пример #2
    def test_location(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.c.location, Point())

        with self.subTest("automatic str conversion"):
            self.c.location = "S 36 51.918 E 174 46.725"
                             Point.from_string("S 36 51.918 E 174 46.725"))

        with self.subTest("filter invalid"):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                self.c.location = "somewhere"
Пример #3
    def test_search_rect(self):
        """Perform search by rect and check found caches."""
        rect = Rectangle(Point(49.73, 13.38), Point(49.74, 13.39))

        expected = {"GC1TYYG", "GC11PRW", "GC7JRR5", "GC161KR", "GC1GW54", "GC7KDWE", "GC93HA6", "GCZC5D"}

        orig_wait_for = TooManyRequestsError.wait_for
        with self.recorder.use_cassette("geocaching_search_rect") as vcr:
            with patch.object(TooManyRequestsError, "wait_for", autospec=True) as wait_for:
                wait_for.side_effect = orig_wait_for if vcr.current_cassette.is_recording() else None

                with self.subTest("default use"):
                    caches = self.gc.search_rect(rect)
                    waypoints = {cache.wp for cache in caches}
                    self.assertSetEqual(waypoints, expected)

                with self.subTest("sort by distance"):
                    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
                        caches = list(self.gc.search_rect(rect, sort_by="distance"))

                    origin = Point.from_string("N 49° 44.230 E 013° 22.858")
                    caches = list(self.gc.search_rect(rect, sort_by=SortOrder.distance, origin=origin))
                    waypoints = {cache.wp for cache in caches}
                    self.assertSetEqual(waypoints, expected)

                    # Check if caches are sorted by distance to origin
                    distances = []
                    for cache in caches:
                            distances.append(great_circle(cache.location, origin).meters)
                        except PMOnlyException:
                            # can happend when getting accurate location
                    self.assertEqual(distances, sorted(distances))

                with self.subTest("sort by different criteria"):
                    for sort_by in SortOrder:
                        if sort_by is SortOrder.distance:
                        caches = self.gc.search_rect(rect, sort_by=sort_by)
                        waypoints = {cache.wp for cache in caches}
                        self.assertSetEqual(waypoints, expected)
Пример #4
    def test_search_rect(self):
        """Perform search by rect and check found caches."""
        rect = Rectangle(Point(49.73, 13.38), Point(49.74, 13.39))

        expected = {'GC1TYYG', 'GC11PRW', 'GC7JRR5', 'GC161KR', 'GC1GW54', 'GC7KDWE', 'GC8D303'}

        orig_wait_for = TooManyRequestsError.wait_for
        with self.recorder.use_cassette('geocaching_search_rect') as vcr:
            with patch.object(TooManyRequestsError, 'wait_for', autospec=True) as wait_for:
                wait_for.side_effect = orig_wait_for if vcr.current_cassette.is_recording() else None
                with self.subTest("default use"):
                    caches = self.gc.search_rect(rect)
                    waypoints = {cache.wp for cache in caches}

                    self.assertSetEqual(waypoints, expected)

                with self.subTest("sort by distance"):
                    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
                        caches = list(self.gc.search_rect(rect, sort_by='distance'))

                    origin = Point.from_string('N 49° 44.230 E 013° 22.858')

                    caches = list(self.gc.search_rect(rect, sort_by=SortOrder.distance, origin=origin))

                    waypoints = [cache.wp for cache in caches]
                    self.assertEqual(waypoints,  [
                        'GC11PRW', 'GC1TYYG', 'GC7JRR5', 'GC1GW54', 'GC161KR', 'GC7KDWE', 'GC8D303'

                    # Check if caches are sorted by distance to origin
                    distances = [great_circle(cache.location, origin).meters for cache in caches]
                    self.assertEqual(distances, sorted(distances))

                with self.subTest("sort by different criteria"):
                    for sort_by in SortOrder:
                        if sort_by is SortOrder.distance:
                        caches = self.gc.search_rect(rect, sort_by=sort_by)
                        waypoints = {cache.wp for cache in caches}
                        self.assertSetEqual(waypoints, expected)
Пример #5
    def test_from_string(self):
        with self.subTest("normal"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45.123 E 013 22.123"),
                             Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("south and west"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("S 49 45.123 W 013 22.123"),
                             Point(-48.24795, -12.63128))

        with self.subTest("letter together"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N49 45.123 E013 22.123"),
                             Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("letter after"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("49N 45.123 013E 22.123"),
                             Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("south and west letter after"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("49S 45.123 013W 22.123"),
                             Point(-48.24795, -12.63128))

        with self.subTest("decimal separator: coma"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45,123 E 013 22,123"),
                             Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("degree symbol"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49° 45.123 E 013° 22.123"),
                             Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("coma between lat and lon"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45.123, E 013 22.123"),
                             Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("marginal values: zeroes"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45.000 E 13 0.0"),
                             Point(49.75, 13.0))

        with self.subTest("Include precision"):
            self.assertIn("precision", Point(49.75, 13.0).__dict__)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Пример #6
    def test_from_string(self):
        with self.subTest("normal"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45.123 E 013 22.123"), Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("south and west"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("S 49 45.123 W 013 22.123"), Point(-48.24795, -12.63128))

        with self.subTest("letter together"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N49 45.123 E013 22.123"), Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("letter after"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("49N 45.123 013E 22.123"), Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("south and west letter after"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("49S 45.123 013W 22.123"), Point(-48.24795, -12.63128))

        with self.subTest("decimal separator: coma"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45,123 E 013 22,123"), Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("degree symbol"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49° 45.123 E 013° 22.123"), Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("coma between lat and lon"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45.123, E 013 22.123"), Point(49.75205, 13.36872))

        with self.subTest("marginal values: zeroes"):
            self.assertEqual(Point.from_string("N 49 45.000 E 13 0.0"), Point(49.75, 13.0))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):