Пример #1
    def request(self, url, method="GET", body="", headers={}):
        Actually sends the request

        # objectify the url
        url = URL.objectify(url)

        proxies = None
        if self.proxy is not None:
            proxies = {url.scheme: self.proxy}
            logging.debug("using proxy - %s" % (proxies))

        # ensure that url is a unicode string
        url = unicode(URL.objectify(url))

        combined_headers = self.headers
        if body is None or body == "" and "Content-Type" in combined_headers:
            del combined_headers["Content-Type"]

        if isinstance(body, unicode):
            body = body.encode('utf-8')

            "sending request - method={0}, url={1}, headers={2}\nbody:\n{3}".
            format(method, url.encode('utf-8'), combined_headers, body))
        auth = None
        if self.username is not None:
            auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password)

        r = requests.request(method,
        response = DAVResponse(r)

        # this is an error condition the application wants to know
        if response.status == requests.codes.forbidden or \
                response.status == requests.codes.unauthorized:
            ex = error.AuthorizationError()
            ex.url = url
            ex.reason = response.reason
            raise ex

        return response
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, client=None, url=None):
        url input is for backward compatibility and should normally be avoided.

        If url is not given, deduct principal path as well as calendar home set path from doing propfinds.
        self.client = client
        self._calendar_home_set = None

        ## backwards compatibility.  
        if url is not None:
            self.url = client.url.join(URL.objectify(url))
            self.url = self.client.url
            cup = self.get_properties([dav.CurrentUserPrincipal()])
            self.url = self.client.url.join(URL.objectify(cup['{DAV:}current-user-principal']))
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, client=None, url=None):
        url input is for backward compatibility and should normally be avoided.

        If url is not given, deduct principal path as well as calendar home set path from doing propfinds.
        self.client = client
        self._calendar_home_set = None

        ## backwards compatibility.
        if url is not None:
            self.url = client.url.join(URL.objectify(url))
            self.url = self.client.url
            cup = self.get_properties([dav.CurrentUserPrincipal()])
            self.url = self.client.url.join(
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, client, url):
        ## backwards compatibility.
        if url is not None:
            print 'url1-%s' % url
            url = client.url.join(URL.objectify(url))
            print 'url2-%s' % url
            raise TypeError("url can't be NoneType")

        super(CalendarClient, self).__init__(client=client, url=url)
Пример #5
    def children(self, type=None):
        List children, using a propfind (resourcetype) on the parent object,
        at depth = 1.
        c = []

        depth = 1
        properties = {}

        props = [
        response = self._query_properties(props, depth)

        for r in response.tree.findall(dav.Response.tag):
            # We use canonicalized urls to index children
            href = str(self.url.join(URL.objectify(r.find(dav.Href.tag).text)))
            assert (href)
            properties[href] = {}
            for p in props:
                t = r.find(".//" + p.tag)
                if len(list(t)) > 0:
                    if type is not None:
                        val = t.find(".//" + type)
                        val = t.find(".//*")
                    if val is not None:
                        val = val.tag
                        val = None
                    val = t.text
                properties[href][p.tag] = val

        for path in properties.keys():
            resource_type = properties[path][dav.ResourceType.tag]
            if resource_type == type or type is None:
                if self.url != path:
                    c.append((URL.objectify(path), resource_type))

        return c
Пример #6
    def request(self, url, method="GET", body="", headers={}):
        Actually sends the request

        # objectify the url
        url = URL.objectify(url)

        proxies = None
        if self.proxy is not None:
            proxies = {url.scheme: self.proxy}
            logging.debug("using proxy - %s" % (proxies))

        # ensure that url is a unicode string
        url = unicode(URL.objectify(url))

        combined_headers = self.headers
        if body is None or body == "" and "Content-Type" in combined_headers:
            del combined_headers["Content-Type"]

        if isinstance(body, unicode):
            body = body.encode('utf-8')

        logging.debug("sending request - method={0}, url={1}, headers={2}\nbody:\n{3}".format(method, url.encode('utf-8'), combined_headers, body))
        auth = None
        if self.username is not None:
            auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password)

        r = requests.request(method, url, data=body, headers=combined_headers, proxies=proxies, auth=auth)
        response = DAVResponse(r)

        # this is an error condition the application wants to know
        if response.status == requests.codes.forbidden or \
                response.status == requests.codes.unauthorized:
            ex = error.AuthorizationError()
            ex.url = url
            ex.reason = response.reason
            raise ex

        return response
Пример #7
    def children(self, type=None):
        List children, using a propfind (resourcetype) on the parent object,
        at depth = 1.
        c = []

        depth = 1
        properties = {}

        props = [dav.ResourceType(), ]
        response = self._query_properties(props, depth)

        for r in response.tree.findall(dav.Response.tag):
            # We use canonicalized urls to index children
            href = str(self.url.join(URL.objectify(r.find(dav.Href.tag).text)))
            properties[href] = {}
            for p in props:
                t = r.find(".//" + p.tag)
                if len(list(t)) > 0:
                    if type is not None:
                        val = t.find(".//" + type)
                        val = t.find(".//*")
                    if val is not None:
                        val = val.tag
                        val = None
                    val = t.text
                properties[href][p.tag] = val

        for path in properties.keys():
            resource_type = properties[path][dav.ResourceType.tag]
            if resource_type == type or type is None:
                if self.url != path:
                    c.append((URL.objectify(path), resource_type))

        return c
Пример #8
    def save(self):
        The save method for a calendar is only used to create it, for now.
        We know we have to create it when we don't have a url.

         * self
        if self.url is None:
            self._create(self.name, self.id)
            if not self.url.endswith('/'):
                self.url = URL.objectify(str(self.url) + '/')
        return self
Пример #9
    def save(self):
        The save method for a calendar is only used to create it, for now.
        We know we have to create it when we don't have a url.

         * self
        if self.url is None:
            self._create(self.name, self.id)
            if not self.url.endswith('/'):
                self.url = URL.objectify(str(self.url) + '/')
        return self
Пример #10
    def _create(self, data, id=None, path=None):
        if id is None and path is not None and str(path).endswith('.ics'):
            id = re.search('(/|^)([^/]*).ics',str(path)).group(2)
        elif id is None:
            id = self.instance.vevent.uid.value
        if path is None:
            path = id + ".ics"
        path = self.parent.url.join(path)
        r = self.client.put(path, data,
                            {"Content-Type": 'text/calendar; charset="utf-8"'})

        if r.status == 302:
            path = [x[1] for x in r.headers if x[0]=='location'][0]
        elif not (r.status in (204, 201)):
            raise error.PutError(r.raw)

        self.url = URL.objectify(path)
        self.id = id
Пример #11
    def _create(self, data, id=None, path=None):
        if id is None and path is not None and str(path).endswith('.ics'):
            id = re.search('(/|^)([^/]*).ics', str(path)).group(2)
        elif id is None:
            id = self.instance.vevent.uid.value
        if path is None:
            path = id + ".ics"
        path = self.parent.url.join(path)
        r = self.client.put(path, data,
                            {"Content-Type": 'text/calendar; charset="utf-8"'})

        if r.status == 302:
            path = [x[1] for x in r.headers if x[0] == 'location'][0]
        elif not (r.status in (204, 201)):
            raise error.PutError(r.raw)

        self.url = URL.objectify(path)
        self.id = id
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, url, proxy=None, username=None, password=None):
        Sets up a HTTPConnection object towards the server in the url.
         * url: A fully qualified url: `scheme://user:pass@hostname:port`
         * proxy: A string defining a proxy server: `hostname:port`
         * username and password should be passed as arguments or in the URL

        logging.debug("url: " + str(url))
        self.url = URL.objectify(url)

        # Prepare proxy info
        if proxy is not None:
            self.proxy = proxy
            if re.match(
                    '^.*://', proxy
            ) is None:  # requests library expects the proxy url to have a scheme
                self.proxy = self.url.scheme + '://' + proxy

            # add a port is one is not specified
            # TODO: this will break if using basic auth and embedding
            # username:password in the proxy URL
            p = self.proxy.split(":")
            if len(p) == 2:
                self.proxy += ':8080'
            logging.debug("init - proxy: %s" % (self.proxy))

        # Build global headers
        self.headers = {
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0",
            "Content-Type": "text/xml",
            "Accept": "text/xml"
        if self.url.username is not None:
            username = urllib.unquote(self.url.username)
            password = urllib.unquote(self.url.password)

        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.url = self.url.unauth()
        logging.debug("self.url: " + str(url))
Пример #13
    def event_by_uid(self, uid):
        Get one event from the calendar.

         * uid: the event uid

         * Event() or None
        e = None

        data = cdav.CalendarData()
        prop = dav.Prop() + data

        match = cdav.TextMatch(uid)
        propf = cdav.PropFilter("UID") + match
        vevent = cdav.CompFilter("VEVENT") + propf
        vcalendar = cdav.CompFilter("VCALENDAR") + vevent
        filter = cdav.Filter() + vcalendar

        root = cdav.CalendarQuery() + [prop, filter]

        q = etree.tostring(root.xmlelement(),
        response = self.client.report(self.url, q, 1)

        if response.status == 404:
            raise error.NotFoundError(response.raw)
        elif response.status == 400:
            raise error.ReportError(response.raw)

        r = response.tree.find(".//" + dav.Response.tag)
        if r is not None:
            href = URL.objectify(r.find(".//" + dav.Href.tag).text)
            data = r.find(".//" + cdav.CalendarData.tag).text
            e = Event(self.client, url=href, data=data, parent=self)
            raise error.NotFoundError(response.raw)

        return e
Пример #14
    def date_search(self, start, end=None):
        Search events by date in the calendar. Recurring events are expanded
        if they have an occurence during the specified time frame.

         * start = datetime.today().
         * end = same as above.

         * [Event(), ...]
        matches = []

        # build the request
        expand = cdav.Expand(start, end)
        data = cdav.CalendarData() + expand
        prop = dav.Prop() + data

        range = cdav.TimeRange(start, end)
        vevent = cdav.CompFilter("VEVENT") + range
        vcalendar = cdav.CompFilter("VCALENDAR") + vevent
        filter = cdav.Filter() + vcalendar

        root = cdav.CalendarQuery() + [prop, filter]

        q = etree.tostring(root.xmlelement(),
        response = self.client.report(self.url, q, 1)
        for r in response.tree.findall(".//" + dav.Response.tag):
            status = r.find(".//" + dav.Status.tag)
            if status.text.endswith("200 OK"):
                href = URL.objectify(r.find(dav.Href.tag).text)
                href = self.url.join(href)
                data = r.find(".//" + cdav.CalendarData.tag).text
                e = Event(self.client, url=href, data=data, parent=self)
                raise error.ReportError(response.raw)

        return matches
Пример #15
    def event_by_uid(self, uid):
        Get one event from the calendar.

         * uid: the event uid

         * Event() or None
        e = None

        data = cdav.CalendarData()
        prop = dav.Prop() + data

        match = cdav.TextMatch(uid)
        propf = cdav.PropFilter("UID") + match
        vevent = cdav.CompFilter("VEVENT") + propf
        vcalendar = cdav.CompFilter("VCALENDAR") + vevent
        filter = cdav.Filter() + vcalendar

        root = cdav.CalendarQuery() + [prop, filter]

        q = etree.tostring(root.xmlelement(), encoding="utf-8",
        response = self.client.report(self.url, q, 1)

        if response.status == 404:
            raise error.NotFoundError(response.raw)
        elif response.status == 400:
            raise error.ReportError(response.raw)
        r = response.tree.find(".//" + dav.Response.tag)
        if r is not None:
            href = URL.objectify(r.find(".//" + dav.Href.tag).text)
            data = r.find(".//" + cdav.CalendarData.tag).text
            e = Event(self.client, url=href, data=data, parent=self)
            raise error.NotFoundError(response.raw)

        return e
Пример #16
    def date_search(self, start, end=None):
        Search events by date in the calendar. Recurring events are expanded
        if they have an occurence during the specified time frame.

         * start = datetime.today().
         * end = same as above.

         * [Event(), ...]
        matches = []

        # build the request
        expand = cdav.Expand(start, end)
        data = cdav.CalendarData() + expand
        prop = dav.Prop() + data

        range = cdav.TimeRange(start, end)
        vevent = cdav.CompFilter("VEVENT") + range
        vcalendar = cdav.CompFilter("VCALENDAR") + vevent
        filter = cdav.Filter() + vcalendar

        root = cdav.CalendarQuery() + [prop, filter]

        q = etree.tostring(root.xmlelement(), encoding="utf-8",
        response = self.client.report(self.url, q, 1)
        for r in response.tree.findall(".//" + dav.Response.tag):
            status = r.find(".//" + dav.Status.tag)
            if status.text.endswith("200 OK"):
                href = URL.objectify(r.find(dav.Href.tag).text)
                href = self.url.join(href)
                data = r.find(".//" + cdav.CalendarData.tag).text
                e = Event(self.client, url=href, data=data, parent=self)
                raise error.ReportError(response.raw)

        return matches
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, url, proxy=None, username=None, password=None):
        Sets up a HTTPConnection object towards the server in the url.
         * url: A fully qualified url: `scheme://user:pass@hostname:port`
         * proxy: A string defining a proxy server: `hostname:port`
         * username and password should be passed as arguments or in the URL

        logging.debug("url: " + str(url))
        self.url = URL.objectify(url)

        # Prepare proxy info
        if proxy is not None:
            self.proxy = proxy
            if re.match('^.*://', proxy) is None:  # requests library expects the proxy url to have a scheme
                self.proxy = self.url.scheme + '://' + proxy

            # add a port is one is not specified
            # TODO: this will break if using basic auth and embedding 
            # username:password in the proxy URL
            p = self.proxy.split(":")
            if len(p) == 2:
                self.proxy += ':8080'
            logging.debug("init - proxy: %s" % (self.proxy))

        # Build global headers
        self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0",
                        "Content-Type": "text/xml",
                        "Accept": "text/xml"}
        if self.url.username is not None:
            username = urllib.unquote(self.url.username)
            password = urllib.unquote(self.url.password)

        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.url = self.url.unauth()
        logging.debug("self.url: " + str(url))
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, client=None, url=None, parent=None, name=None, id=None):
        Default constructor.

         * client: A DAVClient instance
         * url: The url for this object.  May be a full URL or a relative URL.
         * parent: The parent object - used when creating objects
         * name: A displayname
         * id: The resource id (UID for an Event)

        if client is None and parent is not None:
            client = parent.client
        self.client = client
        self.parent = parent
        self.name = name
        self.id = id
        ## url may be a path relative to the caldav root
        if client and url:
            self.url = client.url.join(url)
            self.url = URL.objectify(url)
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, client=None, url=None, parent=None, name=None, id=None):
        Default constructor.

         * client: A DAVClient instance
         * url: The url for this object.  May be a full URL or a relative URL.
         * parent: The parent object - used when creating objects
         * name: A displayname
         * id: The resource id (UID for an Event)

        if client is None and parent is not None:
            client = parent.client
        self.client = client
        self.parent = parent
        self.name = name
        self.id = id
        ## url may be a path relative to the caldav root
        if client and url:
            self.url = client.url.join(url)
            self.url = URL.objectify(url)
Пример #20
 def calendar_home_set(self, url):
     if isinstance(url, CalendarSet):
         self._calendar_home_set = url
         self._calendar_home_set = CalendarSet(self.client, self.client.url.join(URL.objectify(url)))
Пример #21
 def calendar_home_set(self, url):
     if isinstance(url, CalendarSet):
         self._calendar_home_set = url
         self._calendar_home_set = CalendarSet(
             self.client, self.client.url.join(URL.objectify(url)))