def clipPeriod(period, clipPeriod): """ Clip the start/end period so that it lies entirely within the clip period. @param period: the (start, end) tuple for the period to be clipped. @param clipPeriod: the (start, end) tuple for the period to clip to. @return: the (start, end) tuple for the clipped period, or None if the period is outside the clip period """ start = period.getStart() end = period.getEnd() clipStart = clipPeriod.getStart() clipEnd = clipPeriod.getEnd() if start < clipStart: start = clipStart if end > clipEnd: end = clipEnd if start >= end: return None else: # Try to preserve use of duration in period result = Period(start, end) result.setUseDuration(period.getUseDuration()) return result
def test_freebusy(self): """ Test that action=component works. """ yield self.createShare("user01", "puser01") calendar1 = yield self.calendarUnderTest(txn=self.theTransactionUnderTest(0), home="user01", name="calendar") yield calendar1.createCalendarObjectWithName("1.ics", Component.fromString(self.caldata1)) yield self.commitTransaction(0) fbstart = "{now:04d}0102T000000Z".format(**self.nowYear) fbend = "{now:04d}0103T000000Z".format(**self.nowYear) shared = yield self.calendarUnderTest(txn=self.theTransactionUnderTest(1), home="puser01", name="shared-calendar") fbinfo = FreebusyQuery.FBInfo([], [], []) timerange = Period(DateTime.parseText(fbstart), DateTime.parseText(fbend)) organizer = recipient = (yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress("mailto:[email protected]", self.theTransactionUnderTest(1))) freebusy = FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange) matchtotal = (yield freebusy.generateFreeBusyInfo([shared, ], fbinfo)) self.assertEqual(matchtotal, 1) self.assertEqual(fbinfo[0], [Period.parseText("{now:04d}0102T140000Z/PT1H".format(**self.nowYear)), ]) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo[1]), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo[2]), 0) yield self.commitTransaction(1)
def _getNormalizedDateTimeProperties(self, component): # Basic time properties if in ("VEVENT", "VJOURNAL", "VPOLL"): dtstart = component.getProperty("DTSTART") dtend = component.getProperty("DTEND") duration = component.getProperty("DURATION") timeRange = Period( start=dtstart.value() if dtstart is not None else None, end=dtend.value() if dtend is not None else None, duration=duration.value() if duration is not None else None, ) newdue = None elif == "VTODO": dtstart = component.getProperty("DTSTART") duration = component.getProperty("DURATION") if dtstart or duration: timeRange = Period( start=dtstart.value() if dtstart is not None else None, duration=duration.value() if duration is not None else None, ) else: timeRange = Period() newdue = component.getProperty("DUE") if newdue is not None: newdue = newdue.value().duplicate().adjustToUTC() else: timeRange = Period() newdue = None # Recurrence rules - we need to normalize the order of the value parts newrrules = set() rrules ="RRULE") for rrule in rrules: indexedTokens = {} indexedTokens.update([valuePart.split("=") for valuePart in rrule.value().getText().split(";")]) sortedValue = ";".join(["%s=%s" % (key, value,) for key, value in sorted(indexedTokens.iteritems(), key=lambda x:x[0])]) newrrules.add(sortedValue) # RDATEs newrdates = set() rdates ="RDATE") for rdate in rdates: for value in rdate.value(): if isinstance(value, DateTime): value = value.duplicate().adjustToUTC() newrdates.add(value) # EXDATEs newexdates = set() exdates ="EXDATE") for exdate in exdates: newexdates.update([exvalue.getValue().duplicate().adjustToUTC() for exvalue in exdate.value()]) return timeRange.getStart(), timeRange.getEnd(), newdue, newrrules, newrdates, newexdates
def getFreeBusy(self, period, fb): # First create expanded set list = [] self.getVEvents(period, list) # Get start/end list for each non-all-day expanded components for comp in list: # Ignore if all-day if comp.getInstanceStart().isDateOnly(): continue # Ignore if transparent to free-busy transp = "" if comp.getOwner().getProperty( definitions.cICalProperty_TRANSP, transp) and (transp == definitions.cICalProperty_TRANSPARENT): continue # Add free busy item to list status = comp.getMaster().getStatus() if status in (definitions.eStatus_VEvent_None, definitions.eStatus_VEvent_Confirmed): fb.append( FreeBusy( FreeBusy.BUSY, Period(comp.getInstanceStart(), comp.getInstanceEnd()))) elif status == definitions.eStatus_VEvent_Tentative: fb.append( FreeBusy( FreeBusy.BUSYTENTATIVE, Period(comp.getInstanceStart(), comp.getInstanceEnd()))) break elif status == definitions.eStatus_VEvent_Cancelled: # Cancelled => does not contribute to busy time pass # Now get the VFREEBUSY info list2 = [] self.getVFreeBusy(period, list2) # Get start/end list for each free-busy for comp in list2: # Expand component and add free busy info to list comp.expandPeriod(period, fb) # Add remaining period as property FreeBusy.resolveOverlaps(fb)
def getVFreeBusyFB(self, period, fb): # First create expanded set # TODO: fix this # list = ExpandedComponents() self.getVEvents(period, list) if len(list) == 0: return # Get start/end list for each non-all-day expanded components dtstart = [] dtend = [] for dt in list: # Ignore if all-day if dt.getInstanceStart().isDateOnly(): continue # Ignore if transparent to free-busy transp = "" if dt.getOwner().getProperty( definitions.cICalProperty_TRANSP, transp) and (transp == definitions.cICalProperty_TRANSPARENT): continue # Add start/end to list dtstart.append(dt.getInstanceStart()) dtend.append(dt.getInstanceEnd()) # No longer need the expanded items list.clear() # Create non-overlapping periods as properties in the freebusy component temp = Period(dtstart.front(), dtend.front()) dtstart_iter = dtstart.iter() dtend_iter = dtend.iter() for i in i: # Check for non-overlap if dtstart_iter > temp.getEnd(): # Current period is complete fb.addProperty( Property(definitions.cICalProperty_FREEBUSY, temp)) # Reset period to new range temp = Period(dtstart_iter, dtend_iter) # They overlap - check for extended end if dtend_iter > temp.getEnd(): # Extend the end temp = Period(temp.getStart(), dtend_iter) # Add remaining period as property fb.addProperty(Property(definitions.cICalProperty_FREEBUSY, temp))
def testSetUseDuration(self): p1 = Period( start=DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), end=DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0), ) p1.setUseDuration(True) self.assertTrue(p1.getText(), "20000101T000000/PT1H") p2 = Period( start=DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), duration=Duration(hours=1), ) p2.setUseDuration(False) self.assertTrue(p2.getText(), "20000101T000000/20000101T010000")
def test_one_event(self): """ Test when the calendar is empty. """ data = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1234-5678 DTSTAMP:20080601T000000Z DTSTART:%s DTEND:%s END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ % (self.now_12H.getText(), self.now_13H.getText(),) yield self._createCalendarObject(data, "user01", "test.ics") calendar = (yield self.calendarUnderTest(home="user01", name="calendar_1")) fbinfo = [[], [], [], ] matchtotal = 0 timerange = caldavxml.TimeRange(, end=self.now_1D.getText()) result = (yield generateFreeBusyInfo(calendar, fbinfo, timerange, matchtotal)) self.assertEqual(result, 1) self.assertEqual(fbinfo[0], [Period.parseText("%s/%s" % (self.now_12H.getText(), self.now_13H.getText(),)), ]) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo[1]), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo[2]), 0)
def limitFreeBusy(self, calendar): """ Limit the range of any FREEBUSY properties in the calendar, returning a new calendar if limits were applied, or the same one if no limits were applied. @param calendar: the L{Component} for the calendar to operate on. @return: the L{Component} for the result. """ # First check for any VFREEBUSYs - can ignore limit if there are none if calendar.mainType() != "VFREEBUSY": return calendar # Create duplicate calendar and filter FREEBUSY properties calendar = calendar.duplicate() for component in calendar.subcomponents(): if != "VFREEBUSY": continue for property in"FREEBUSY"): newvalue = [] for period in property.value(): clipped = clipPeriod(period.getValue(), Period(self.calendardata.freebusy_set.start, self.calendardata.freebusy_set.end)) if clipped: newvalue.append(clipped) if len(newvalue): property.setValue(newvalue) else: component.removeProperty(property) return calendar
def test_one_event(self): """ Test when the calendar is empty. """ data = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1234-5678 DTSTAMP:20080601T000000Z DTSTART:%s DTEND:%s END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ % (self.now_12H.getText(), self.now_13H.getText(),) yield self._createCalendarObject(data, "user01", "test.ics") calendar = (yield self.calendarUnderTest(home="user01", name="calendar_1")) fbinfo = FreebusyQuery.FBInfo([], [], []) timerange = Period(, self.now_1D) organizer = recipient = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress("mailto:[email protected]", self.transactionUnderTest()) freebusy = FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange) result = (yield freebusy.generateFreeBusyInfo([calendar, ], fbinfo)) self.assertEqual(result, 1) self.assertEqual(fbinfo.busy, [Period.parseText("%s/%s" % (self.now_12H.getText(), self.now_13H.getText(),)), ]) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.tentative), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.unavailable), 0)
def getCacheEntry(cls, calresource, useruid, timerange): key = str( + "/" + useruid token = (yield calresource.syncToken()) entry = (yield cls.fbcacher.get(key)) if entry: # Offset one day at either end to account for floating entry_timerange = Period.parseText(entry.timerange) cached_start = entry_timerange.getStart() + Duration( days=cls.CACHE_DAYS_FLOATING_ADJUST) cached_end = entry_timerange.getEnd() - Duration( days=cls.CACHE_DAYS_FLOATING_ADJUST) # Verify that the requested time range lies within the cache time range if compareDateTime(timerange.getEnd(), cached_end) <= 0 and compareDateTime( timerange.getStart(), cached_start) >= 0: # Verify that cached entry is still valid if token == entry.token: returnValue(entry.fbresults) returnValue(None)
def testMonthlyInUTC(self): recur = Recurrence() recur.parse("FREQ=MONTHLY") start = DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) end = DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) items = [] range = Period(start, end) recur.expand(DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), range, items) self.assertEqual( items, [ DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 2, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 4, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 5, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 6, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 7, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 8, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 9, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 11, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 12, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), ], )
def expandAll(self, start, end, with_name): if start is None: start = self.mStart # Ignore if there is no change in offset offsetto = self.loadValueInteger(definitions.cICalProperty_TZOFFSETTO, Value.VALUETYPE_UTC_OFFSET) offsetfrom = self.loadValueInteger(definitions.cICalProperty_TZOFFSETFROM, Value.VALUETYPE_UTC_OFFSET) # if offsetto == offsetfrom: # return () # Look for recurrences if self.mStart > end: # Return nothing return () elif not self.mRecurrences.hasRecurrence(): # Return DTSTART even if it is newer if self.mStart >= start: result = (self.mStart, offsetfrom, offsetto,) if with_name: result += (self.getTZName(),) return (result,) else: return () else: # We want to allow recurrence calculation caching to help us here # as this method # gets called a lot - most likely for ever increasing dt values # (which will therefore # invalidate the recurrence cache). # # What we will do is round up the date-time to the next year so # that the recurrence # cache is invalidated less frequently temp = DateTime(end.getYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # Use cache of expansion if self.mCachedExpandBelowItems is None: self.mCachedExpandBelowItems = [] if self.mCachedExpandBelow is None: self.mCachedExpandBelow = self.mStart.duplicate() if temp > self.mCachedExpandBelow: self.mCachedExpandBelowItems = [] period = Period(self.mStart, end) self.mRecurrences.expand(self.mStart, period, self.mCachedExpandBelowItems, float_offset=self.mUTCOffsetFrom) self.mCachedExpandBelow = temp if len(self.mCachedExpandBelowItems) != 0: # Return them all within the range results = [] for dt in self.mCachedExpandBelowItems: if dt >= start and dt < end: result = (dt, offsetfrom, offsetto,) if with_name: result += (self.getTZName(),) results.append(result) return results return ()
def _externalGenerateFreeBusyInfo( calresource, fbinfo, timerange, matchtotal, excludeuid=None, organizer=None, organizerPrincipal=None, same_calendar_user=False, servertoserver=False, event_details=None, logItems=None, accountingItems=None, ): """ Generate a freebusy response for an external (cross-pod) calendar by making a cross-pod call. This will bypass any type of smart caching on this pod in favor of using caching on the pod hosting the actual calendar data. See L{_internalGenerateFreeBusyInfo} for argument description. """ fbresults, matchtotal = yield ).conduit.send_freebusy(calresource, timerange, matchtotal, excludeuid, organizer, organizerPrincipal, same_calendar_user, servertoserver, event_details) for i in range(3): fbinfo[i].extend([Period.parseText(p) for p in fbresults[i]]) returnValue(matchtotal)
def test_one_event_event_details(self): """ Test when the calendar is empty. """ data = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1234-5678 DTSTAMP:20080601T000000Z DTSTART:%s DTEND:%s END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ % ( self.now_12H.getText(), self.now_13H.getText(), ) yield self._createCalendarObject(data, "user01", "test.ics") calendar = (yield self.calendarUnderTest(home="user01", name="calendar_1")) fbinfo = FreebusyQuery.FBInfo([], [], []) timerange = Period(, self.now_1D) event_details = [] organizer = recipient = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:[email protected]", self.transactionUnderTest()) freebusy = FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange, event_details=event_details) freebusy.same_calendar_user = True result = yield freebusy.generateFreeBusyInfo([ calendar, ], fbinfo) self.assertEqual(result, 1) self.assertEqual(fbinfo.busy, [ Period(self.now_12H, self.now_13H), ]) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.tentative), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.unavailable), 0) self.assertEqual(len(event_details), 1) self.assertEqual( str(event_details[0]), str(tuple(Component.fromString(data).subcomponents())[0]))
def processAvailablePeriods(calendar, timerange): """ Extract instance period data from an AVAILABLE component. @param calendar: the L{Component} that is the VAVAILABILITY containing the AVAILABLE's. @param timerange: the time range to restrict free busy data to. """ periods = [] # First we need to group all AVAILABLE sub-components by UID uidmap = {} for component in calendar.subcomponents(): if == "AVAILABLE": uid = component.propertyValue("UID") uidmap.setdefault(uid, []).append(component) # Then we expand each uid set separately for componentSet in uidmap.itervalues(): instances = InstanceList(ignoreInvalidInstances=True) instances.expandTimeRanges(componentSet, timerange.end) # Now convert instances into period list for key in instances: instance = instances[key] # Ignore any with floating times (which should not happen as the spec requires UTC or local # but we will try and be safe here). start = instance.start if start.floating(): continue end = instance.end if end.floating(): continue # Clip period for this instance - use duration for period end if that # is what original component used if instance.component.hasProperty("DURATION"): period = Period(start, duration=end - start) else: period = Period(start, end) clipped = clipPeriod(period, Period(timerange.start, timerange.end)) if clipped: periods.append(clipped) normalizePeriodList(periods) return periods
def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_free_busy_query(self, request, freebusy): """ Generate a free-busy REPORT. (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.8) """ if not self.isCollection(): log.error("freebusy report is only allowed on collection resources {s!r}", s=self) raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, "Not a calendar collection")) if freebusy.qname() != (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "free-busy-query"): raise ValueError("{CalDAV:}free-busy-query expected as root element, not %s." % (freebusy.sname(),)) timerange = freebusy.timerange if not timerange.valid(): raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid time-range specified")) fbset = [] accepted_type = bestAcceptType(request.headers.getHeader("accept"), Component.allowedTypes()) if accepted_type is None: raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Cannot generate requested data type")) def getCalendarList(calresource, uri): # @UnusedVariable """ Store the calendars that match the query in L{fbset} which will then be used with the freebusy query. @param calresource: the L{CalDAVResource} for a calendar collection. @param uri: the uri for the calendar collection resource. """ fbset.append(calresource._newStoreObject) return succeed(True) # Run report taking depth into account depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0") yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(self, request, request.uri, depth, getCalendarList, (caldavxml.ReadFreeBusy(),)) # Do the actual freebusy query against the set of matched calendars principal = yield self.resourceOwnerPrincipal(request) organizer = recipient = LocalCalendarUser(principal.canonicalCalendarUserAddress(), principal.record) timerange = Period(timerange.start, timerange.end) try: fbresult = yield FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange).generateAttendeeFreeBusyResponse(fbset=fbset, method=None) except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits: log.error("Too many matching components in free-busy report") raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse( responsecode.FORBIDDEN, davxml.NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits(), "Too many components" )) except TimeRangeLowerLimit, e: raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse( responsecode.FORBIDDEN, caldavxml.MinDateTime(), "Time-range value too far in the past. Must be on or after %s." % (str(e.limit),) ))
def normalizePeriodList(periods): """ Normalize the list of periods by merging overlapping or consecutive ranges and sorting the list by each periods start. @param list: a list of tuples of L{Period}. The list is changed in place. """ # First sort the list def sortPeriods(p1, p2): """ Compare two periods. Sort by their start and then end times. A period is a L{Period}. @param p1: first period @param p2: second period @return: 1 if p1>p2, 0 if p1==p2, -1 if p1<p2 """ assert isinstance(p1, Period), "Period is not a Period: %r" % (p1,) assert isinstance(p2, Period), "Period is not a Period: %r" % (p2,) if p1.getStart() == p2.getStart(): cmp1 = p1.getEnd() cmp2 = p2.getEnd() else: cmp1 = p1.getStart() cmp2 = p2.getStart() return compareDateTime(cmp1, cmp2) for period in periods: period.adjustToUTC() periods.sort(cmp=sortPeriods) # Now merge overlaps and consecutive periods index = None p = None pe = None for i in xrange(len(periods)): if p is None: index = i p = periods[i] pe = p.getEnd() continue ie = periods[i].getEnd() if (pe >= periods[i].getStart()): if ie > pe: periods[index] = Period(periods[index].getStart(), ie) pe = ie periods[i] = None else: index = i p = periods[i] pe = p.getEnd() periods[:] = [x for x in periods if x]
def processAvailabilityFreeBusy(calendar, fbinfo, timerange): """ Extract free-busy data from a VAVAILABILITY component. @param calendar: the L{Component} that is the VCALENDAR containing the VAVAILABILITY's. @param fbinfo: the tuple used to store the three types of fb data. @param timerange: the time range to restrict free busy data to. """ for vav in [x for x in calendar.subcomponents() if == "VAVAILABILITY"]: # Get overall start/end start = vav.getStartDateUTC() if start is None: start = DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) end = vav.getEndDateUTC() if end is None: end = DateTime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) period = Period(start, end) overall = clipPeriod(period, Period(timerange.start, timerange.end)) if overall is None: continue # Now get periods for each instance of AVAILABLE sub-components periods = processAvailablePeriods(vav, timerange) # Now invert the periods and store in accumulator busyperiods = [] last_end = timerange.start for period in periods: if last_end < period.getStart(): busyperiods.append(Period(last_end, period.getStart())) last_end = period.getEnd() if last_end < timerange.end: busyperiods.append(Period(last_end, timerange.end)) # Add to actual results mapped by busy type fbtype = vav.propertyValue("BUSYTYPE") if fbtype is None: fbtype = "BUSY-UNAVAILABLE" fbinfo[fbtype_mapper.get(fbtype, 2)].extend(busyperiods)
def testWeeklyTwice(self): recur = Recurrence() recur.parse("FREQ=WEEKLY") start = DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) end = DateTime(2014, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) items = [] range = Period(start, end) recur.expand(DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), range, items) self.assertEqual( items, [ DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 8, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 15, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 22, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 29, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), ], ) start = DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) end = DateTime(2014, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(utc=True)) items = [] range = Period(start, end) recur.expand(DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), range, items) self.assertEqual( items, [ DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 8, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 15, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 22, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 1, 29, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 2, 5, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 2, 12, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 2, 19, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), DateTime(2014, 2, 26, 12, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone(tzid="America/New_York")), ], )
def processAvailabilityFreeBusy(self, calendar, fbinfo): """ Extract free-busy data from a VAVAILABILITY component. @param calendar: the L{Component} that is the VCALENDAR containing the VAVAILABILITY's. @param fbinfo: the tuple used to store the three types of fb data. """ for vav in [ x for x in calendar.subcomponents() if == "VAVAILABILITY" ]: # Get overall start/end start = vav.getStartDateUTC() if start is None: start = DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone.UTCTimezone) end = vav.getEndDateUTC() if end is None: end = DateTime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzid=Timezone.UTCTimezone) period = Period(start, end) overall = clipPeriod(period, self.timerange) if overall is None: continue # Now get periods for each instance of AVAILABLE sub-components periods = self.processAvailablePeriods(vav) # Now invert the periods and store in accumulator busyperiods = [] last_end = self.timerange.getStart() for period in periods: if last_end < period.getStart(): busyperiods.append(Period(last_end, period.getStart())) last_end = period.getEnd() if last_end < self.timerange.getEnd(): busyperiods.append(Period(last_end, self.timerange.getEnd())) # Add to actual results mapped by busy type fbtype = vav.propertyValue("BUSYTYPE") if fbtype is None: fbtype = "BUSY-UNAVAILABLE" getattr(fbinfo, self.FBInfo_mapper.get(fbtype, "unavailable")).extend(busyperiods)
def instances(start, rrule): """ Expand an RRULE. """ recur = Recurrence() recur.parse(rrule) start = DateTime.parseText(start) end = start.duplicate() end.offsetYear(100) items = [] range = Period(start, end) recur.expand(start, range, items) print("DTSTART:{}".format(start)) print("RRULE:{}".format(rrule)) print("Instances: {}".format(", ".join(map(str, items))))
def getVFreeBusyFB(self, period, fb): # First create expanded set # TODO: fix this # list = ExpandedComponents() self.getVEvents(period, list) if len(list) == 0: return # Get start/end list for each non-all-day expanded components dtstart = [] dtend = [] for dt in list: # Ignore if all-day if dt.getInstanceStart().isDateOnly(): continue # Ignore if transparent to free-busy transp = "" if dt.getOwner().getProperty(definitions.cICalProperty_TRANSP, transp) and (transp == definitions.cICalProperty_TRANSPARENT): continue # Add start/end to list dtstart.append(dt.getInstanceStart()) dtend.append(dt.getInstanceEnd()) # No longer need the expanded items list.clear() # Create non-overlapping periods as properties in the freebusy component temp = Period(dtstart.front(), dtend.front()) dtstart_iter = dtstart.iter() dtend_iter = dtend.iter() for i in i: # Check for non-overlap if dtstart_iter > temp.getEnd(): # Current period is complete fb.addProperty(Property(definitions.cICalProperty_FREEBUSY, temp)) # Reset period to new range temp = Period(dtstart_iter, dtend_iter) # They overlap - check for extended end if dtend_iter > temp.getEnd(): # Extend the end temp = Period(temp.getStart(), dtend_iter) # Add remaining period as property fb.addProperty(Property(definitions.cICalProperty_FREEBUSY, temp))
def expandBelow(self, below): # Look for recurrences if not self.mRecurrences.hasRecurrence() or self.mStart > below: # Return DTSTART even if it is newer return self.mStart else: # We want to allow recurrence calculation caching to help us here # as this method # gets called a lot - most likely for ever increasing dt values # (which will therefore # invalidate the recurrence cache). # # What we will do is round up the date-time to the next year so # that the recurrence # cache is invalidated less frequently temp = DateTime(below.getYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # Use cache of expansion if self.mCachedExpandBelowItems is None: self.mCachedExpandBelowItems = [] if self.mCachedExpandBelow is None: self.mCachedExpandBelow = self.mStart.duplicate() if temp > self.mCachedExpandBelow: self.mCachedExpandBelowItems = [] period = Period(self.mStart, temp) self.mRecurrences.expand(self.mStart, period, self.mCachedExpandBelowItems, float_offset=self.mUTCOffsetFrom) self.mCachedExpandBelow = temp if len(self.mCachedExpandBelowItems) != 0: # List comes back sorted so we pick the element just less than # the dt value we want i = bisect_right(self.mCachedExpandBelowItems, below) if i != 0: return self.mCachedExpandBelowItems[i - 1] # The first one in the list is the one we want return self.mCachedExpandBelowItems[0] return self.mStart
def testClearOnChange(self): recur = Recurrence() recur.parse("FREQ=DAILY") start = DateTime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) end = DateTime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) range = Period(start, end) items = [] recur.expand(start, range, items) self.assertTrue(recur.mCached) self.assertTrue(len(items) > 100) recur.setUseCount(True) recur.setCount(10) self.assertFalse(recur.mCached) items = [] recur.expand(start, range, items) self.assertEqual(len(items), 10)
def recv_freebusy(self, txn, request): """ Process a freebusy cross-pod request. Message arguments as per L{send_freebusy}. @param request: request arguments @type request: C{dict} """ # Operate on the L{CommonHomeChild} calresource, _ignore = yield self._getStoreObjectForRequest( txn, request) organizer = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress( request["organizer"], txn) if request["organizer"] else None recipient = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress( request["recipient"], txn) if request["recipient"] else None freebusy = FreebusyQuery( organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=Period.parseText(request["timerange"]), excludeUID=request["excludeuid"], event_details=request["event_details"], ) fbinfo = FreebusyQuery.FBInfo([], [], []) matchtotal = yield freebusy.generateFreeBusyInfo( [ calresource, ], fbinfo, matchtotal=request["matchtotal"], ) # Convert L{Period} objects to text for JSON response returnValue({ "fbresults": [ [item.getText() for item in fbinfo.busy], [item.getText() for item in fbinfo.tentative], [item.getText() for item in fbinfo.unavailable], ], "matchtotal": matchtotal, })
def _externalGenerateFreeBusyInfo(self, fbset, fbinfo, matchtotal): """ Generate a freebusy response for an external (cross-pod) calendar by making a cross-pod call. This will bypass any type of smart caching on this pod in favor of using caching on the pod hosting the actual calendar data. See L{_internalGenerateFreeBusyInfo} for argument description. """ for calresource in fbset: fbresults, matchtotal = yield calresource, self.organizer.cuaddr if self.organizer else None, self.recipient.cuaddr if self.recipient else None, self.timerange, matchtotal, self.excludeuid, self.event_details, ) for i in range(3): fbinfo[i].extend([Period.parseText(p) for p in fbresults[i]]) returnValue(matchtotal)
def getCacheEntry(cls, calresource, useruid, timerange): key = str( + "/" + useruid token = (yield calresource.syncToken()) entry = (yield cls.fbcacher.get(key)) if entry: # Offset one day at either end to account for floating entry_timerange = Period.parseText(entry.timerange) cached_start = entry_timerange.getStart() + Duration(days=cls.CACHE_DAYS_FLOATING_ADJUST) cached_end = entry_timerange.getEnd() - Duration(days=cls.CACHE_DAYS_FLOATING_ADJUST) # Verify that the requested time range lies within the cache time range if compareDateTime(timerange.getEnd(), cached_end) <= 0 and compareDateTime(timerange.getStart(), cached_start) >= 0: # Verify that cached entry is still valid if token == entry.token: returnValue(entry.fbresults) returnValue(None)
def testExampleRules(self): examples = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "rrule_examples.json") with open(examples) as f: examples = json.loads( for ctr, i in enumerate(examples): recur = Recurrence() recur.parse(i["rule"]) start = DateTime.parseText(i["start"]) end = DateTime.parseText(i["end"]) results = map(DateTime.parseText, i["results"]) items = [] range = Period(start, end) recur.expand(start, range, items) self.assertEqual(items, results, msg="Failed rule: #{} {}".format( ctr + 1, i["rule"]))
def test_no_events(self): """ Test when the calendar is empty. """ calendar = (yield self.calendarUnderTest(home="user01", name="calendar_1")) fbinfo = FreebusyQuery.FBInfo([], [], []) timerange = Period(, self.now_1D) organizer = recipient = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:[email protected]", self.transactionUnderTest()) freebusy = FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange) result = (yield freebusy.generateFreeBusyInfo([ calendar, ], fbinfo)) self.assertEqual(result, 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.busy), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.tentative), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo.unavailable), 0)
def _externalGenerateFreeBusyInfo( calresource, fbinfo, timerange, matchtotal, excludeuid=None, organizer=None, organizerPrincipal=None, same_calendar_user=False, servertoserver=False, event_details=None, logItems=None, ): """ Generate a freebusy response for an external (cross-pod) calendar by making a cross-pod call. This will bypass any type of smart caching on this pod in favor of using caching on the pod hosting the actual calendar data. See L{_internalGenerateFreeBusyInfo} for argument description. """ fbresults, matchtotal = yield, timerange, matchtotal, excludeuid, organizer, organizerPrincipal, same_calendar_user, servertoserver, event_details) for i in range(3): fbinfo[i].extend([Period.parseText(p) for p in fbresults[i]]) returnValue(matchtotal)
def recv_freebusy(self, txn, request): """ Process a freebusy cross-pod request. Message arguments as per L{send_freebusy}. @param request: request arguments @type request: C{dict} """ # Operate on the L{CommonHomeChild} calresource, _ignore = yield self._getStoreObjectForRequest(txn, request) organizer = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress(request["organizer"], txn) if request["organizer"] else None recipient = yield calendarUserFromCalendarUserAddress(request["recipient"], txn) if request["recipient"] else None freebusy = FreebusyQuery( organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=Period.parseText(request["timerange"]), excludeUID=request["excludeuid"], event_details=request["event_details"], ) fbinfo = FreebusyQuery.FBInfo([], [], []) matchtotal = yield freebusy.generateFreeBusyInfo( [calresource, ], fbinfo, matchtotal=request["matchtotal"], ) # Convert L{Period} objects to text for JSON response returnValue({ "fbresults": [ [item.getText() for item in fbinfo.busy], [item.getText() for item in fbinfo.tentative], [item.getText() for item in fbinfo.unavailable], ], "matchtotal": matchtotal, })
def processFreeBusyFreeBusy(calendar, fbinfo, timerange): """ Extract FREEBUSY data from a VFREEBUSY component. @param calendar: the L{Component} that is the VCALENDAR containing the VFREEBUSY's. @param fbinfo: the tuple used to store the three types of fb data. @param timerange: the time range to restrict free busy data to. """ for vfb in [ x for x in calendar.subcomponents() if == "VFREEBUSY" ]: # First check any start/end in the actual component start = vfb.getStartDateUTC() end = vfb.getEndDateUTC() if start and end: if not timeRangesOverlap(start, end, timerange.start, timerange.end): continue # Now look at each FREEBUSY property for fb in"FREEBUSY"): # Check the type fbtype = fb.parameterValue("FBTYPE", default="BUSY") if fbtype == "FREE": continue # Look at each period in the property assert isinstance( fb.value(), list ), "FREEBUSY property does not contain a list of values: %r" % ( fb, ) for period in fb.value(): # Clip period for this instance clipped = clipPeriod(period.getValue(), Period(timerange.start, timerange.end)) if clipped: fbinfo[fbtype_mapper.get(fbtype, 0)].append(clipped)
def test_freebusy(self): """ Test that action=component works. """ yield self.createShare("user01", "puser01") calendar1 = yield self.calendarUnderTest(home="user01", name="calendar") yield calendar1.createCalendarObjectWithName("1.ics", Component.fromString(self.caldata1)) yield self.commit() fbstart = "{now:04d}0102T000000Z".format(**self.nowYear) fbend = "{now:04d}0103T000000Z".format(**self.nowYear) shared = yield self.calendarUnderTest(txn=self.newOtherTransaction(), home="puser01", name="shared-calendar") fbinfo = [[], [], []] matchtotal = yield generateFreeBusyInfo( shared, fbinfo, TimeRange(start=fbstart, end=fbend), 0, excludeuid=None, organizer=None, organizerPrincipal=None, same_calendar_user=False, servertoserver=False, event_details=False, logItems=None ) self.assertEqual(matchtotal, 1) self.assertEqual(fbinfo[0], [Period.parseText("{now:04d}0102T140000Z/PT1H".format(**self.nowYear)), ]) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo[1]), 0) self.assertEqual(len(fbinfo[2]), 0) yield self.otherCommit()
def _addMasterComponent(self, component, lowerLimit, upperlimit, rulestart, start, end, duration): rrules = component.getRecurrenceSet() if rrules is not None and rulestart is not None: # Do recurrence set expansion expanded = [] # Begin expansion far in the past because there may be RDATEs earlier # than the master DTSTART, and if we exclude those, the associated # overridden instances will cause an InvalidOverriddenInstance. limited = rrules.expand(rulestart, Period(DateTime(1900, 1, 1), upperlimit), expanded) for startDate in expanded: startDate = self.normalizeFunction(startDate) endDate = startDate + duration if lowerLimit is None or endDate >= lowerLimit: self.addInstance(Instance(component, startDate, endDate)) else: self.lowerLimit = lowerLimit if limited: self.limit = upperlimit else: # Always add main instance if included in range. if start < upperlimit: if lowerLimit is None or end >= lowerLimit: start = self.normalizeFunction(start) end = self.normalizeFunction(end) self.addInstance(Instance(component, start, end)) else: self.lowerLimit = lowerLimit else: self.limit = upperlimit self.master_cancelled = component.propertyValue( "STATUS") == "CANCELLED"
def processEventFreeBusy(self, calendar, fbinfo, tzinfo): """ Extract free busy data from a VEVENT component. @param calendar: the L{Component} that is the VCALENDAR containing the VEVENT's. @param fbinfo: the tuple used to store the three types of fb data. @param tzinfo: the L{Timezone} for the timezone to use for floating/all-day events. """ # Expand out the set of instances for the event with in the required range instances = calendar.expandTimeRanges(self.timerange.getEnd(), lowerLimit=self.timerange.getStart(), ignoreInvalidInstances=True) # Can only do timed events for key in instances: instance = instances[key] if instance.start.isDateOnly(): return break else: return for key in instances: instance = instances[key] # Apply a timezone to any floating times fbstart = instance.start if fbstart.floating(): fbstart.setTimezone(tzinfo) fbend = instance.end if fbend.floating(): fbend.setTimezone(tzinfo) # Check TRANSP property of underlying component if instance.component.hasProperty("TRANSP"): # If its TRANSPARENT we always ignore it if instance.component.propertyValue("TRANSP") == "TRANSPARENT": continue # Determine status if instance.component.hasProperty("STATUS"): status = instance.component.propertyValue("STATUS") else: status = "CONFIRMED" # Ignore cancelled if status == "CANCELLED": continue # Clip period for this instance - use duration for period end if that # is what original component used if instance.component.hasProperty("DURATION"): period = Period(fbstart, duration=fbend - fbstart) else: period = Period(fbstart, fbend) clipped = clipPeriod(period, self.timerange) # Double check for overlap if clipped: if status == "TENTATIVE": fbinfo.tentative.append(clipped) else: fbinfo.busy.append(clipped)
def _matchCalendarResources(self, calresource): # Get the timezone property from the collection. tz = calresource.getTimezone() # Try cache aggregated_resources = (yield FBCacheEntry.getCacheEntry(calresource, self.attendee_uid, self.timerange)) if config.EnableFreeBusyCache else None if aggregated_resources is None: if self.accountingItems is not None: self.accountingItems["fb-uncached"] = self.accountingItems.get("fb-uncached", 0) + 1 caching = False if config.EnableFreeBusyCache: # Log extended item if self.logItems is not None: self.logItems["fb-uncached"] = self.logItems.get("fb-uncached", 0) + 1 # We want to cache a large range of time based on the current date cache_start = normalizeToUTC(DateTime.getToday() + Duration(days=0 - config.FreeBusyCacheDaysBack)) cache_end = normalizeToUTC(DateTime.getToday() + Duration(days=config.FreeBusyCacheDaysForward)) # If the requested time range would fit in our allowed cache range, trigger the cache creation if compareDateTime(self.timerange.getStart(), cache_start) >= 0 and compareDateTime(self.timerange.getEnd(), cache_end) <= 0: cache_timerange = Period(cache_start, cache_end) caching = True # # What we do is a fake calendar-query for VEVENT/VFREEBUSYs in the specified time-range. # We then take those results and merge them into one VFREEBUSY component # with appropriate FREEBUSY properties, and return that single item as iCal data. # # Create fake filter element to match time-range tr = TimeRange( start=(cache_timerange if caching else self.timerange).getStart().getText(), end=(cache_timerange if caching else self.timerange).getEnd().getText(), ) filter = caldavxml.Filter( caldavxml.ComponentFilter( caldavxml.ComponentFilter( tr, name=("VEVENT", "VFREEBUSY", "VAVAILABILITY"), ), name="VCALENDAR", ) ) filter = Filter(filter) tzinfo = filter.settimezone(tz) if self.accountingItems is not None: self.accountingItems["fb-query-timerange"] = (str(tr.start), str(tr.end),) try: resources = yield, useruid=self.attendee_uid, fbtype=True) aggregated_resources = {} for name, uid, comptype, test_organizer, float, start, end, fbtype, transp in resources: if transp == 'T' and fbtype != '?': fbtype = 'F' aggregated_resources.setdefault((name, uid, comptype, test_organizer,), []).append(( float, tupleFromDateTime(parseSQLTimestampToPyCalendar(start)), tupleFromDateTime(parseSQLTimestampToPyCalendar(end)), fbtype, )) if caching: yield FBCacheEntry.makeCacheEntry(calresource, self.attendee_uid, cache_timerange, aggregated_resources) except IndexedSearchException: raise InternalDataStoreError("Invalid indexedSearch query") else: if self.accountingItems is not None: self.accountingItems["fb-cached"] = self.accountingItems.get("fb-cached", 0) + 1 # Log extended item if self.logItems is not None: self.logItems["fb-cached"] = self.logItems.get("fb-cached", 0) + 1 # Determine appropriate timezone (UTC is the default) tzinfo = tz.gettimezone() if tz is not None else Timezone.UTCTimezone filter = None returnValue((aggregated_resources, tzinfo, filter,))
def _internalGenerateFreeBusyInfo( self, fbset, fbinfo, matchtotal, ): """ Run a free busy report on the specified calendar collection accumulating the free busy info for later processing. @param calresource: the L{Calendar} for a calendar collection. @param fbinfo: the array of busy periods to update. @param matchtotal: the running total for the number of matches. """ yield self.checkRichOptions(fbset[0]._txn) calidmap = dict([(, fbcalendar,) for fbcalendar in fbset]) directoryService = fbset[0].directoryService() results = yield self._matchResources(fbset) if self.accountingItems is not None: self.accountingItems["fb-resources"] = {} for calid, result in results.items(): aggregated_resources, tzinfo, filter = result for k, v in aggregated_resources.items(): name, uid, comptype, test_organizer = k self.accountingItems["fb-resources"][uid] = [] for float, start, end, fbtype in v: fbstart = tupleToDateTime(start, withTimezone=tzinfo if float == 'Y' else Timezone.UTCTimezone) fbend = tupleToDateTime(end, withTimezone=tzinfo if float == 'Y' else Timezone.UTCTimezone) self.accountingItems["fb-resources"][uid].append(( float, str(fbstart), str(fbend), fbtype, )) # Cache directory record lookup outside this loop as it is expensive and will likely # always end up being called with the same organizer address. recordUIDCache = {} for calid, result in results.items(): calresource = calidmap[calid] aggregated_resources, tzinfo, filter = result for key in aggregated_resources.iterkeys(): name, uid, comptype, test_organizer = key # Short-cut - if an fbtype exists we can use that if comptype == "VEVENT" and aggregated_resources[key][0][3] != '?': matchedResource = False # Look at each instance for float, start, end, fbtype in aggregated_resources[key]: # Ignore free time or unknown if fbtype in ('F', '?'): continue # Apply a timezone to any floating times fbstart = tupleToDateTime(start, withTimezone=tzinfo if float == 'Y' else Timezone.UTCTimezone) fbend = tupleToDateTime(end, withTimezone=tzinfo if float == 'Y' else Timezone.UTCTimezone) # Clip instance to time range clipped = clipPeriod(Period(fbstart, end=fbend), self.timerange) # Double check for overlap if clipped: # Ignore ones of this UID if not (yield self._testIgnoreExcludeUID(uid, test_organizer, recordUIDCache, directoryService)): clipped.setUseDuration(True) matchedResource = True getattr(fbinfo, self.FBInfo_index_mapper.get(fbtype, "busy")).append(clipped) if matchedResource: # Check size of results is within limit matchtotal += 1 if matchtotal > config.MaxQueryWithDataResults: raise QueryMaxResources(config.MaxQueryWithDataResults, matchtotal) # Add extended details if any(self.rich_options.values()): child = (yield calresource.calendarObjectWithName(name)) # Only add fully public events if not child.accessMode or child.accessMode == Component.ACCESS_PUBLIC: calendar = (yield child.componentForUser()) self._addEventDetails(calendar, self.rich_options, tzinfo) else: child = (yield calresource.calendarObjectWithName(name)) calendar = (yield child.componentForUser()) # The calendar may come back as None if the resource is being changed, or was deleted # between our initial index query and getting here. For now we will ignore this error, but in # the longer term we need to implement some form of locking, perhaps. if calendar is None: log.error("Calendar {name} is missing from calendar collection {coll!r}", name=name, coll=calresource) continue if self.accountingItems is not None: self.accountingItems.setdefault("fb-filter-match", []).append(uid) if filter.match(calendar, None): # Ignore ones of this UID if (yield self._testIgnoreExcludeUID(uid, calendar.getOrganizer(), recordUIDCache, calresource.directoryService())): continue if self.accountingItems is not None: self.accountingItems.setdefault("fb-filter-matched", []).append(uid) # Check size of results is within limit matchtotal += 1 if matchtotal > config.MaxQueryWithDataResults: raise QueryMaxResources(config.MaxQueryWithDataResults, matchtotal) if calendar.mainType() == "VEVENT": self.processEventFreeBusy(calendar, fbinfo, tzinfo) elif calendar.mainType() == "VFREEBUSY": self.processFreeBusyFreeBusy(calendar, fbinfo) elif calendar.mainType() == "VAVAILABILITY": self.processAvailabilityFreeBusy(calendar, fbinfo) else: assert "Free-busy query returned unwanted component: %s in %r", (name, calresource,) # Add extended details if calendar.mainType() == "VEVENT" and any(self.rich_options.values()): # Only add fully public events if not child.accessMode or child.accessMode == Component.ACCESS_PUBLIC: self._addEventDetails(calendar, self.rich_options, tzinfo) returnValue(matchtotal)
def test_simple(self): data = ( ( "#1.1 No busy time", [ [], [], [], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", None, None, None, """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ( "#1.2 No busy time with organizer & attendee", [ [], [], [], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", Property("ORGANIZER", "mailto:[email protected]"), Property("ATTENDEE", "mailto:[email protected]"), None, """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected] ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ( "#1.3 With single busy time", [ [Period.parseText("20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z"), ], [], [], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", Property("ORGANIZER", "mailto:[email protected]"), Property("ATTENDEE", "mailto:[email protected]"), None, """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected] FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY:20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ( "#1.4 With multiple busy time", [ [ Period.parseText("20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z"), Period.parseText("20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z"), ], [], [], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", Property("ORGANIZER", "mailto:[email protected]"), Property("ATTENDEE", "mailto:[email protected]"), None, """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected] FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY:20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z,20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ( "#1.5 With multiple busy time, some overlap", [ [ Period.parseText("20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z"), Period.parseText("20080601T123000Z/20080601T133000Z"), Period.parseText("20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z"), Period.parseText("20080601T150000Z/20080601T160000Z"), ], [], [], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", Property("ORGANIZER", "mailto:[email protected]"), Property("ATTENDEE", "mailto:[email protected]"), None, """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected] FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY:20080601T120000Z/20080601T133000Z,20080601T140000Z/20080601T160000Z ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ( "#1.6 With all busy time types", [ [ Period.parseText("20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z"), Period.parseText("20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z"), ], [ Period.parseText("20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z"), ], [ Period.parseText("20080601T160000Z/20080601T170000Z"), ], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", Property("ORGANIZER", "mailto:[email protected]"), Property("ATTENDEE", "mailto:[email protected]"), None, """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected] FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY:20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z,20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY-TENTATIVE:20080601T140000Z/20080601T150000Z FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY-UNAVAILABLE:20080601T160000Z/20080601T170000Z ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ( "#1.7 With single busy time and event details", [ [Period.parseText("20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z"), ], [], [], ], "20080601T000000Z", "20080602T000000Z", Property("ORGANIZER", "mailto:[email protected]"), Property("ATTENDEE", "mailto:[email protected]"), [ tuple(Component.fromString("""BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1234-5678 DTSTAMP:20080601T000000Z DTSTART:20080601T120000Z DTEND:20080601T130000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """).subcomponents())[0], ], """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CALENDARSERVER.ORG//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080601T120000Z DTEND:20080601T130000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:20080601T000000Z DTEND:20080602T000000Z ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected] FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=BUSY:20080601T120000Z/20080601T130000Z ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR """, ), ) for description, fbinfo, dtstart, dtend, organizer, attendee, event_details, calendar in data: timerange = caldavxml.TimeRange(start=dtstart, end=dtend) result = buildFreeBusyResult(fbinfo, timerange, organizer=organizer, attendee=attendee, event_details=event_details) self.assertEqual(normalizeiCalendarText(str(result)), calendar.replace("\n", "\r\n"), msg=description)
def testParseGenerate(self): for result in TestPeriod.test_data: period = Period.parseText(result) self.assertEqual(period.getText(), result)