Пример #1
class IpamPlugin(object):
    def __init__(self, environment, ipam_config):
        self.command = None
        Command indicating which action to take - one of "ADD" or "DEL".

        self.container_id = None
        Identifier for the container for which we are performing IPAM.

        self.datastore_client = IPAMClient()
        Access to the datastore client.  Relies on ETCD_AUTHORITY environment
        variable being set by the calling plugin.

        self.assign_ipv4 = ipam_config.get(ASSIGN_IPV4_KEY, "true") == "true"
        Whether we should auto assign an IPv4 address - defaults to True.

        self.assign_ipv6 = ipam_config.get(ASSIGN_IPV6_KEY, "false") == "true"
        Whether we should auto assign an IPv6 address - defaults to False.

        cni_args = parse_cni_args(environment.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV, ""))
        self.k8s_pod_name = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAME)
        self.k8s_namespace = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAMESPACE)
        Only populated when running under Kubernetes.

        Only populated if the user requests a specific IP address.
        self.ip = cni_args.get(CNI_ARGS_IP)

        # Validate the given environment and set fields.

        if self.k8s_namespace and self.k8s_pod_name:
            self.workload_id = "%s.%s" % (self.k8s_namespace, self.k8s_pod_name)
            self.workload_id = self.container_id
        Identifier for the workload.  In Kubernetes, this is the
        pod's namespace and name.  Otherwise, this is the container ID.

    def execute(self):
        Assigns or releases IP addresses for the specified workload.

        May raise CniError.

        :return: CNI ipam dictionary for ADD, None for DEL.
        if self.command == "ADD":
            if self.ip:
                # The user has specifically requested an IP (v4) address.
                _log.info("User assigned address: %s for workload: %s",

                ipv4 = self._assign_existing_address()
                ipv6 = None
                # Auto-assign an IP address for this workload.
                _log.info("Assigning address to workload: %s", self.workload_id)
                ipv4, ipv6 = self._assign_address(handle_id=self.workload_id)

            # Build response dictionary.
            response = {}
            if ipv4:
                response["ip4"] = {"ip": str(ipv4.cidr)}
            if ipv6:
                response["ip6"] = {"ip": str(ipv6.cidr)}

            # Output the response and exit successfully.
            _log.debug("Returning response: %s", response)
            return json.dumps(response)
            # Release IPs using the workload_id as the handle.
            _log.info("Releasing addresses on workload: %s",
            except KeyError:
                _log.warning("No IPs assigned to workload: %s",
                    # Try to release using the container ID.  Earlier
                    # versions of IPAM used the container ID alone
                    # as the handle. This allows us to be back-compatible.
                    _log.debug("Try release using container ID")
                except KeyError:
                    _log.debug("No IPs assigned to container: %s",

    def _assign_address(self, handle_id):
        Automatically assigns an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.

        :return: A tuple of (IPv4, IPv6) address assigned.
        ipv4 = None
        ipv6 = None

        # Determine which addresses to assign.
        num_v4 = 1 if self.assign_ipv4 else 0
        num_v6 = 1 if self.assign_ipv6 else 0
        _log.info("Assigning %s IPv4 and %s IPv6 addresses", num_v4, num_v6)
            ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs = self.datastore_client.auto_assign_ips(
                num_v4=num_v4, num_v6=num_v6, handle_id=handle_id,
            _log.debug("Allocated ip4s: %s, ip6s: %s", ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            _log.error("Cannot auto assign IPAddress: %s", e.message)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
            if num_v4:
                    ipv4 = IPNetwork(ipv4_addrs[0])
                except IndexError:
                    _log.error("No IPv4 address returned, exiting")
                    raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                                   msg="No IPv4 addresses available in pool")

            if num_v6:
                    ipv6 = IPNetwork(ipv6_addrs[0])
                except IndexError:
                    _log.error("No IPv6 address returned, exiting")
                    raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                                   msg="No IPv6 addresses available in pool")

            _log.info("Assigned IPv4: %s, IPv6: %s", ipv4, ipv6)
            return ipv4, ipv6

    def _assign_existing_address(self):
        Assign an address chosen by the user. IPv4 only.

        :return: The IPNetwork if successfully assigned.
            address = IPAddress(self.ip, version=4)
        except AddrFormatError as e:
            _log.error("User requested IP: %s is invalid", self.ip)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
            self.datastore_client.assign_ip(address, self.workload_id, None)
        except AlreadyAssignedError as e:
            _log.error("User requested IP: %s is already assigned", self.ip)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
        except RuntimeError as e:
            _log.error("Cannot assign IPAddress: %s", e.message)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
        return IPNetwork(address)

    def _parse_environment(self, env):
        Validates the plugins environment and extracts the required values.
        _log.debug('Environment: %s', json.dumps(env, indent=2))

        # Check the given environment contains the required fields.
            self.command = env[CNI_COMMAND_ENV]
        except KeyError:
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Invalid arguments",
                           details="CNI_COMMAND not found in environment")
            # If the command is present, make sure it is valid.
            if self.command not in [CNI_CMD_ADD, CNI_CMD_DELETE]:
                raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                               msg="Invalid arguments",
                               details="Invalid command '%s'" % self.command)
            self.container_id = env[CNI_CONTAINERID_ENV]
        except KeyError:
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Invalid arguments",
                           details="CNI_CONTAINERID not found in environment")
class NetworkPlugin(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.pod_name = None
        self.profile_name = None
        self.namespace = None
        self.docker_id = None
        self.auth_token = os.environ.get("KUBE_AUTH_TOKEN", None)
        self.policy_parser = None

        self._datastore_client = IPAMClient()
        self._docker_client = Client(
            version=DOCKER_VERSION, base_url=os.getenv("DOCKER_HOST", "unix://var/run/docker.sock")

    def create(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        """"Create a pod."""
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.policy_parser = PolicyParser(self.namespace)
        self.profile_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.namespace, self.pod_name, str(self.docker_id)[:12])

        logger.info("Configuring docker container %s", self.docker_id)

            endpoint = self._configure_interface()
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            logger.error("Error code %d creating pod networking: %s\n%s", e.returncode, e.output, e)

    def delete(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        """Cleanup after a pod."""
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.profile_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.namespace, self.pod_name, str(self.docker_id)[:12])

        logger.info("Deleting container %s with profile %s", self.docker_id, self.profile_name)

        # Remove the profile for the workload.

        # Delete profile
            logger.warning("Cannot remove profile %s; Profile cannot " "be found.", self.profile_name)

    def status(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id

        # Find the endpoint
            endpoint = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
                hostname=HOSTNAME, orchestrator_id=ORCHESTRATOR_ID, workload_id=self.docker_id
        except KeyError:
            logger.error("Container %s doesn't contain any endpoints", self.docker_id)

        # Retrieve IPAddress from the attached IPNetworks on the endpoint
        # Since Kubernetes only supports ipv4, we'll only check for ipv4 nets
        if not endpoint.ipv4_nets:
            logger.error("Exiting. No IPs attached to endpoint %s", self.docker_id)
            ip_net = list(endpoint.ipv4_nets)
            if len(ip_net) is not 1:
                logger.warning("There is more than one IPNetwork attached " "to endpoint %s", self.docker_id)
            ip = ip_net[0].ip

        logger.info("Retrieved pod IP Address: %s", ip)

        json_dict = {"apiVersion": "v1beta1", "kind": "PodNetworkStatus", "ip": str(ip)}

        logger.debug("Writing status to stdout: \n%s", json.dumps(json_dict))

    def _configure_profile(self, endpoint):
        Configure the calico profile on the given endpoint.
        pod = self._get_pod_config()

        logger.info("Configuring Pod Profile: %s", self.profile_name)

        if self._datastore_client.profile_exists(self.profile_name):
            logger.error("Profile with name %s already exists, exiting.", self.profile_name)
            rules = self._generate_rules(pod)
            self._datastore_client.create_profile(self.profile_name, rules)

        # Add tags to the profile.

        # Set the profile for the workload.
        logger.info("Setting profile %s on endpoint %s", self.profile_name, endpoint.endpoint_id)
        self._datastore_client.set_profiles_on_endpoint([self.profile_name], endpoint_id=endpoint.endpoint_id)
        logger.info("Finished configuring profile.")

    def _configure_interface(self):
        """Configure the Calico interface for a pod.

        This involves the following steps:
        1) Determine the IP that docker assigned to the interface inside the
        2) Delete the docker-assigned veth pair that's attached to the docker
        3) Create a new calico veth pair, using the docker-assigned IP for the
           end in the container's namespace
        4) Assign the node's IP to the host end of the veth pair (required for
           compatibility with kube-proxy REDIRECT iptables rules).
        # Set up parameters
        container_pid = self._get_container_pid(self.docker_id)
        interface = "eth0"

        logger.info("Configuring Calico network interface")
        ep = self._container_add(container_pid, interface)

        # Log our container's interfaces after adding the new interface.

        interface_name = generate_cali_interface_name(IF_PREFIX, ep.endpoint_id)
        node_ip = self._get_node_ip()
        logger.info("Adding IP %s to interface %s", node_ip, interface_name)

        # This is slightly tricky. Since the kube-proxy sometimes
        # programs REDIRECT iptables rules, we MUST have an IP on the host end
        # of the caliXXX veth pairs. This is because the REDIRECT rule
        # rewrites the destination ip/port of traffic from a pod to a service
        # VIP. The destination port is rewriten to an arbitrary high-numbered
        # port, and the destination IP is rewritten to one of the IPs allocated
        # to the interface. This fails if the interface doesn't have an IP,
        # so we allocate an IP which is already allocated to the node. We set
        # the subnet to /32 so that the routing table is not affected;
        # no traffic for the node_ip's subnet will use the /32 route.
        check_call(["ip", "addr", "add", node_ip + "/32", "dev", interface_name])
        logger.info("Finished configuring network interface")
        return ep

    def _container_add(self, pid, interface):
        Add a container (on this host) to Calico networking with the given IP.
        # Check if the container already exists. If it does, exit.
            _ = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
                hostname=HOSTNAME, orchestrator_id=ORCHESTRATOR_ID, workload_id=self.docker_id
        except KeyError:
            # Calico doesn't know about this container.  Continue.
            logger.error("This container has already been configured " "with Calico Networking.")

        # Obtain information from Docker Client and validate container state

        ip_list = [self._assign_container_ip()]

        # Create Endpoint object
            logger.info("Creating endpoint with IPs %s", ip_list)
            ep = self._datastore_client.create_endpoint(HOSTNAME, ORCHESTRATOR_ID, self.docker_id, ip_list)
        except (AddrFormatError, KeyError):
            logger.exception("Failed to create endpoint with IPs %s. " "Unassigning IP address, then exiting.", ip_list)

        # Create the veth, move into the container namespace, add the IP and
        # set up the default routes.
        logger.info("Creating the veth with namespace pid %s on interface " "name %s", pid, interface)
        ep.mac = ep.provision_veth(netns.PidNamespace(pid), interface)

        logger.info("Setting mac address %s to endpoint %s", ep.mac, ep.name)

        # Let the caller know what endpoint was created.
        return ep

    def _assign_container_ip(self):
        Assign IPAddress either with the assigned docker IPAddress or utilize
        calico IPAM.

        The option to utilize IPAM is indicated by the environment variable
        True indicates to utilize Calico's auto_assign IPAM policy.
        False indicate to utilize the docker assigned IPAddress

        :return IPAddress which has been assigned

        def _assign(ip):
            Local helper function for assigning an IP and checking for errors.
            Only used when operating with CALICO_IPAM=false
                logger.info("Attempting to assign IP %s", ip)
                self._datastore_client.assign_ip(ip, str(self.docker_id), None)
            except (ValueError, RuntimeError):
                logger.exception("Failed to assign IPAddress %s", ip)

        if CALICO_IPAM == "true":
            logger.info("Using Calico IPAM")
                ipv4s, ipv6s = self._datastore_client.auto_assign_ips(1, 0, self.docker_id, None)
                ip = ipv4s[0]
                logger.debug("IPAM assigned ipv4=%s; ipv6= %s", ipv4s, ipv6s)
            except RuntimeError as err:
                logger.error("Cannot auto assign IPAddress: %s", err.message)
            logger.info("Using docker assigned IP address")
            ip = self._read_docker_ip()

                # Try to assign the address using the _assign helper function.
            except AlreadyAssignedError:
                # If the Docker IP is already assigned, it is most likely that
                # an endpoint has been removed under our feet.  When using
                # Docker IPAM, treat Docker as the source of
                # truth for IP addresses.
                logger.warning("Docker IP is already assigned, finding " "stale endpoint")

                # Clean up whatever existing endpoint has this IP address.
                # We can improve this later by making use of IPAM attributes
                # in libcalico to store the endpoint ID.  For now,
                # just loop through endpoints on this host.
                endpoints = self._datastore_client.get_endpoints(hostname=HOSTNAME, orchestrator_id=ORCHESTRATOR_ID)
                for ep in endpoints:
                    if IPNetwork(ip) in ep.ipv4_nets:
                        logger.warning("Deleting stale endpoint %s", ep.endpoint_id)
                        for profile_id in ep.profile_ids:

                # Assign the IP address to the new endpoint.  It shouldn't
                # be assigned, since we just unassigned it.
                logger.warning("Retry Docker assigned IP")
        return ip

    def _container_remove(self):
        Remove the indicated container on this host from Calico networking
        # Find the endpoint ID. We need this to find any ACL rules
            endpoint = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
                hostname=HOSTNAME, orchestrator_id=ORCHESTRATOR_ID, workload_id=self.docker_id
        except KeyError:
            logger.exception("Container %s doesn't contain any endpoints", self.docker_id)

        # Remove any IP address assignments that this endpoint has
        ip_set = set()
        for net in endpoint.ipv4_nets | endpoint.ipv6_nets:
        logger.info("Removing IP addresses %s from endpoint %s", ip_set, endpoint.name)

        # Remove the veth interface from endpoint
        logger.info("Removing veth interface from endpoint %s", endpoint.name)
        except CalledProcessError:
            logger.exception("Could not remove veth interface from " "endpoint %s", endpoint.name)

        # Remove the container/endpoint from the datastore.
            self._datastore_client.remove_workload(HOSTNAME, ORCHESTRATOR_ID, self.docker_id)
            logger.info("Successfully removed workload from datastore")
        except KeyError:
            logger.exception("Failed to remove workload.")

        logger.info("Removed Calico interface from %s", self.docker_id)

    def _validate_container_state(self, container_name):
        info = self._get_container_info(container_name)

        # Check the container is actually running.
        if not info["State"]["Running"]:
            logger.error("The container is not currently running.")

        # We can't set up Calico if the container shares the host namespace.
        if info["HostConfig"]["NetworkMode"] == "host":
            logger.error("Can't add the container to Calico because " "it is running NetworkMode = host.")

    def _get_container_info(self, container_name):
            info = self._docker_client.inspect_container(container_name)
        except APIError as e:
            if e.response.status_code == 404:
                logger.error("Container %s was not found. Exiting.", container_name)
        return info

    def _get_container_pid(self, container_name):
        return self._get_container_info(container_name)["State"]["Pid"]

    def _read_docker_ip(self):
        """Get the IP for the pod's infra container."""
        container_info = self._get_container_info(self.docker_id)
        ip = container_info["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"]
        logger.info("Docker-assigned IP is %s", ip)
        return IPAddress(ip)

    def _get_node_ip(self):
        Determine the IP for the host node.
        # Compile list of addresses on network, return the first entry.
        # Try IPv4 and IPv6.
        addrs = get_host_ips(version=4) or get_host_ips(version=6)

            addr = addrs[0]
            logger.info("Using IP Address %s", addr)
            return addr
        except IndexError:
            # If both get_host_ips return empty lists, print message and exit.
                "No Valid IP Address Found for Host - cannot " "configure networking for pod %s. " "Exiting",

    def _delete_docker_interface(self):
        """Delete the existing veth connecting to the docker bridge."""
        logger.info("Deleting docker interface eth0")

        # Get the PID of the container.
        pid = str(self._get_container_pid(self.docker_id))
        logger.info("Container %s running with PID %s", self.docker_id, pid)

        # Set up a link to the container's netns.
        logger.info("Linking to container's netns")
        logger.debug(check_output(["mkdir", "-p", "/var/run/netns"]))
        netns_file = "/var/run/netns/" + pid
        if not os.path.isfile(netns_file):
            logger.debug(check_output(["ln", "-s", "/proc/" + pid + "/ns/net", netns_file]))

        # Log our container's interfaces before making any changes.

        # Reach into the netns and delete the docker-allocated interface.
        logger.debug(check_output(["ip", "netns", "exec", pid, "ip", "link", "del", "eth0"]))

        # Log our container's interfaces after making our changes.

        # Clean up after ourselves (don't want to leak netns files)
        logger.debug(check_output(["rm", netns_file]))

    def _get_pod_ports(self, pod):
        Get the list of ports on containers in the Pod.

        :return list ports: the Kubernetes ContainerPort objects for the pod.
        ports = []
        for container in pod["spec"]["containers"]:
                more_ports = container["ports"]
                logger.info("Adding ports %s", more_ports)
            except KeyError:
        return ports

    def _get_pod_config(self):
        """Get the list of pods from the Kube API server."""
        pods = self._get_api_path("pods")
        logger.debug("Got pods %s", pods)

        for pod in pods:
            logger.debug("Processing pod %s", pod)
            ns = pod["metadata"]["namespace"].replace("/", "_")
            name = pod["metadata"]["name"].replace("/", "_")
            if ns == self.namespace and name == self.pod_name:
                this_pod = pod
            raise KeyError("Pod not found: " + self.pod_name)
        logger.debug("Got pod data %s", this_pod)
        return this_pod

    def _get_api_path(self, path):
        """Get a resource from the API specified API path.


        :param path: The relative path to an API endpoint.
        :return: A list of JSON API objects
        :rtype list
        logger.info("Getting API Resource: %s from KUBE_API_ROOT: %s", path, KUBE_API_ROOT)
        session = requests.Session()
        if self.auth_token:
            session.headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.auth_token})
        response = session.get(KUBE_API_ROOT + path, verify=False)
        response_body = response.text

        # The response body contains some metadata, and the pods themselves
        # under the 'items' key.
        return json.loads(response_body)["items"]

    def _api_root_secure(self):
        Checks whether the KUBE_API_ROOT is secure or insecure.
        If not an http or https address, exit.

        :return: Boolean: True if secure. False if insecure
        if KUBE_API_ROOT[:5] == "https":
            return True
        elif KUBE_API_ROOT[:5] == "http:":
            return False
                "KUBE_API_ROOT is not set correctly (%s). " "Please specify as http or https address. Exiting",

    def _generate_rules(self, pod):
        Generate Rules takes human readable policy strings in annotations
        and returns a libcalico Rules object.

        :return tuple of inbound_rules, outbound_rules
        # Create allow and per-namespace rules for later use.
        allow = Rule(action="allow")
        allow_ns = Rule(action="allow", src_tag=self._get_namespace_tag(pod))
        annotations = self._get_metadata(pod, "annotations")
        logger.debug("Found annotations: %s", annotations)

        if self.namespace == "kube-system":
            # Pods in the kube-system namespace must be accessible by all
            # other pods for services like DNS to work.
            logger.info("Pod is in kube-system namespace - allow all")
            inbound_rules = [allow]
            outbound_rules = [allow]
        elif annotations and POLICY_ANNOTATION_KEY in annotations:
            # If policy annotations are defined, use them to generate rules.
            logger.info("Generating advanced security policy from annotations")
            rules = annotations[POLICY_ANNOTATION_KEY]
            inbound_rules = []
            outbound_rules = [allow]
            for rule in rules.split(";"):
                parsed_rule = self.policy_parser.parse_line(rule)
            # If not annotations are defined, just use the configured
            # default policy.
            if DEFAULT_POLICY == "ns_isolation":
                # Isolate on namespace boundaries by default.
                logger.debug("Default policy is namespace isolation")
                inbound_rules = [allow_ns]
                outbound_rules = [allow]
                # Allow all traffic by default.
                logger.debug("Default policy is allow all")
                inbound_rules = [allow]
                outbound_rules = [allow]

        return Rules(id=self.profile_name, inbound_rules=inbound_rules, outbound_rules=outbound_rules)

    def _apply_tags(self, pod):
        In addition to Calico's default pod_name tag,
        Add tags generated from Kubernetes Labels and Namespace
            Ex. labels: {key:value} -> tags+= namespace_key_value
        Add tag for namespace
            Ex. namespace: default -> tags+= namespace_default

        :param self.profile_name: The name of the Calico profile.
        :type self.profile_name: string
        :param pod: The config dictionary for the pod being created.
        :type pod: dict
        logger.info("Applying tags")

            profile = self._datastore_client.get_profile(self.profile_name)
        except KeyError:
            logger.error("Could not apply tags. Profile %s could not be " "found. Exiting", self.profile_name)

        # Grab namespace and create a tag if it exists.
        ns_tag = self._get_namespace_tag(pod)
        logger.info("Adding tag %s", ns_tag)

        # Create tags from labels
        labels = self._get_metadata(pod, "labels")
        if labels:
            for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                tag = self._label_to_tag(k, v)
                logger.info("Adding tag %s", tag)
            logger.warning("No labels found in pod %s", pod)


        logger.info("Finished applying tags.")

    def _get_metadata(self, pod, key):
        Return Metadata[key] Object given Pod
        Returns None if no key-value exists
            val = pod["metadata"][key]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            logger.warning("No %s found in pod %s", key, pod)
            return None

        logger.debug("Pod %s: %s", key, val)
        return val

    def _escape_chars(self, unescaped_string):
        Calico can only handle 3 special chars, '_.-'
        This function uses regex sub to replace SCs with '_'
        # Character to replace symbols
        swap_char = "_"

        # If swap_char is in string, double it.
        unescaped_string = re.sub(swap_char, "%s%s" % (swap_char, swap_char), unescaped_string)

        # Substitute all invalid chars.
        return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]", swap_char, unescaped_string)

    def _get_namespace_tag(self, pod):
        Pull metadata for namespace and return it and a generated NS tag
        assert self.namespace
        ns_tag = self._escape_chars("%s=%s" % ("namespace", self.namespace))
        return ns_tag

    def _label_to_tag(self, label_key, label_value):
        Labels are key-value pairs, tags are single strings. This function
        handles that translation.
        1) Concatenate key and value with '='
        2) Prepend a pod's namespace followed by '/' if available
        3) Escape the generated string so it is Calico compatible
        :param label_key: key to label
        :param label_value: value to given key for a label
        :param namespace: Namespace string, input None if not available
        :param types: (self, string, string, string)
        :return single string tag
        :rtype string
        tag = "%s=%s" % (label_key, label_value)
        tag = "%s/%s" % (self.namespace, tag)
        tag = self._escape_chars(tag)
        return tag
Пример #3
class IpamPlugin(object):
    def __init__(self, environment, ipam_config):
        self.command = None
        Command indicating which action to take - one of "ADD" or "DEL".

        self.container_id = None
        Identifier for the container for which we are performing IPAM.

        self.datastore_client = IPAMClient()
        Access to the datastore client.  Relies on ETCD_AUTHORITY environment
        variable being set by the calling plugin.

        self.assign_ipv4 = ipam_config.get(ASSIGN_IPV4_KEY, "true") == "true"
        Whether we should auto assign an IPv4 address - defaults to True.

        self.assign_ipv6 = ipam_config.get(ASSIGN_IPV6_KEY, "false") == "true"
        Whether we should auto assign an IPv6 address - defaults to False.

        cni_args = parse_cni_args(environment.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV, ""))
        self.k8s_pod_name = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAME)
        self.k8s_namespace = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAMESPACE)
        Only populated when running under Kubernetes.
        Only populated if the user requests a specific IP address.
        self.ip = cni_args.get(CNI_ARGS_IP)

        # Validate the given environment and set fields.

        if self.k8s_namespace and self.k8s_pod_name:
            self.workload_id = "%s.%s" % (self.k8s_namespace,
            self.workload_id = self.container_id
        Identifier for the workload.  In Kubernetes, this is the
        pod's namespace and name.  Otherwise, this is the container ID.

    def execute(self):
        Assigns or releases IP addresses for the specified workload.

        May raise CniError.

        :return: CNI ipam dictionary for ADD, None for DEL.
        if self.command == "ADD":
            if self.ip:
                # The user has specifically requested an IP (v4) address.
                _log.info("User assigned address: %s for workload: %s",
                          self.ip, self.workload_id)

                ipv4 = self._assign_existing_address()
                ipv6 = None
                # Auto-assign an IP address for this workload.
                _log.info("Assigning address to workload: %s",
                ipv4, ipv6 = self._assign_address(handle_id=self.workload_id)

            # Build response dictionary.
            response = {}
            if ipv4:
                response["ip4"] = {"ip": str(ipv4.cidr)}
            if ipv6:
                response["ip6"] = {"ip": str(ipv6.cidr)}

            # Output the response and exit successfully.
            _log.debug("Returning response: %s", response)
            return json.dumps(response)
            # Release IPs using the workload_id as the handle.
            _log.info("Releasing addresses on workload: %s", self.workload_id)
            except KeyError:
                _log.warning("No IPs assigned to workload: %s",
                    # Try to release using the container ID.  Earlier
                    # versions of IPAM used the container ID alone
                    # as the handle. This allows us to be back-compatible.
                    _log.debug("Try release using container ID")
                except KeyError:
                    _log.debug("No IPs assigned to container: %s",

    def _assign_address(self, handle_id):
        Automatically assigns an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.

        :return: A tuple of (IPv4, IPv6) address assigned.
        ipv4 = None
        ipv6 = None

        # Determine which addresses to assign.
        num_v4 = 1 if self.assign_ipv4 else 0
        num_v6 = 1 if self.assign_ipv6 else 0
        _log.info("Assigning %s IPv4 and %s IPv6 addresses", num_v4, num_v6)
            ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs = self.datastore_client.auto_assign_ips(
            _log.debug("Allocated ip4s: %s, ip6s: %s", ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            _log.error("Cannot auto assign IPAddress: %s", e.message)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
            if num_v4:
                    ipv4 = IPNetwork(ipv4_addrs[0])
                except IndexError:
                    _log.error("No IPv4 address returned, exiting")
                    raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                                   msg="No IPv4 addresses available in pool")

            if num_v6:
                    ipv6 = IPNetwork(ipv6_addrs[0])
                except IndexError:
                    _log.error("No IPv6 address returned, exiting")
                    raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                                   msg="No IPv6 addresses available in pool")

            _log.info("Assigned IPv4: %s, IPv6: %s", ipv4, ipv6)
            return ipv4, ipv6

    def _assign_existing_address(self):
        Assign an address chosen by the user. IPv4 only.

        :return: The IPNetwork if successfully assigned.
            address = IPAddress(self.ip, version=4)
        except AddrFormatError as e:
            _log.error("User requested IP: %s is invalid", self.ip)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
            self.datastore_client.assign_ip(address, self.workload_id, None)
        except AlreadyAssignedError as e:
            _log.error("User requested IP: %s is already assigned", self.ip)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
        except RuntimeError as e:
            _log.error("Cannot assign IPAddress: %s", e.message)
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Failed to assign IP address",
        return IPNetwork(address)

    def _parse_environment(self, env):
        Validates the plugins environment and extracts the required values.
        _log.debug('Environment: %s', json.dumps(env, indent=2))

        # Check the given environment contains the required fields.
            self.command = env[CNI_COMMAND_ENV]
        except KeyError:
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Invalid arguments",
                           details="CNI_COMMAND not found in environment")
            # If the command is present, make sure it is valid.
            if self.command not in [CNI_CMD_ADD, CNI_CMD_DELETE]:
                raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                               msg="Invalid arguments",
                               details="Invalid command '%s'" % self.command)
            self.container_id = env[CNI_CONTAINERID_ENV]
        except KeyError:
            raise CniError(ERR_CODE_GENERIC,
                           msg="Invalid arguments",
                           details="CNI_CONTAINERID not found in environment")
Пример #4
class NetworkPlugin(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.pod_name = None
        self.profile_name = None
        self.namespace = None
        self.docker_id = None
        self.policy_parser = None

        # Get configuration from the given dictionary.
        logger.debug("Plugin running with config: %s", config)
        self.auth_token = config[KUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_VAR]
        self.api_root = config[KUBE_API_ROOT_VAR]
        self.calico_ipam = config[CALICO_IPAM_VAR].lower()
        self.default_policy = config[DEFAULT_POLICY_VAR].lower()

        self._datastore_client = IPAMClient()
        self._docker_client = Client(
            base_url=os.getenv("DOCKER_HOST", "unix://var/run/docker.sock"))

    def create(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        """"Create a pod."""
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.policy_parser = PolicyParser(self.namespace)
        self.profile_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.namespace,
        logger.info('Configuring pod %s/%s (container_id %s)',
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name, self.docker_id)

            endpoint = self._configure_interface()
            logger.info("Created Calico endpoint: %s", endpoint.endpoint_id)
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            logger.error('Error code %d creating pod networking: %s\n%s',
                         e.returncode, e.output, e)
        logger.info("Successfully configured networking for pod %s/%s",
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name)

    def delete(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        """Cleanup after a pod."""
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.profile_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.namespace,

        logger.info('Removing networking from pod %s/%s (container id %s)',
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name, self.docker_id)

        # Remove the profile for the workload.

        # Delete profile
            logger.info("Deleting Calico profile: %s", self.profile_name)
            logger.warning("Cannot remove profile %s; Profile cannot "
                           "be found.", self.profile_name)
        logger.info("Successfully removed networking for pod %s/%s",
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name)

    def status(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id

        if self._uses_host_networking(self.docker_id):
            # We don't perform networking / assign IP addresses for pods running
            # in the host namespace, and so we can't return a status update
            # for them.
            logger.debug("Ignoring status for pod %s/%s in host namespace",
                         self.namespace, self.pod_name)

        # Find the endpoint
            endpoint = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
        except KeyError:
            logger.error("Error in status: No endpoint for pod: %s/%s",
                         self.namespace, self.pod_name)

        # Retrieve IPAddress from the attached IPNetworks on the endpoint
        # Since Kubernetes only supports ipv4, we'll only check for ipv4 nets
        if not endpoint.ipv4_nets:
            logger.error("Error in status: No IPs attached to pod %s/%s",
                         self.namespace, self.pod_name)
            ip_net = list(endpoint.ipv4_nets)
            if len(ip_net) is not 1:
                logger.warning("There is more than one IPNetwork attached "
                               "to pod %s/%s", self.namespace, self.pod_name)
            ip = ip_net[0].ip

        logger.debug("Retrieved pod IP Address: %s", ip)

        json_dict = {
            "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
            "kind": "PodNetworkStatus",
            "ip": str(ip)

        logger.debug("Writing status to stdout: \n%s", json.dumps(json_dict))

    def _configure_profile(self, endpoint):
        Configure the calico profile on the given endpoint.
        pod = self._get_pod_config()

        logger.info('Configuring Pod Profile: %s', self.profile_name)

        if self._datastore_client.profile_exists(self.profile_name):
            logger.error("Profile with name %s already exists, exiting.",
            rules = self._generate_rules(pod)
            self._datastore_client.create_profile(self.profile_name, rules)

        # Add tags to the profile.

        # Set the profile for the workload.
        logger.info('Setting profile %s on endpoint %s',
                    self.profile_name, endpoint.endpoint_id)
            [self.profile_name], endpoint_id=endpoint.endpoint_id
        logger.debug('Finished configuring profile.')

    def _configure_interface(self):
        """Configure the Calico interface for a pod.

        This involves the following steps:
        1) Determine the IP that docker assigned to the interface inside the
        2) Delete the docker-assigned veth pair that's attached to the docker
        3) Create a new calico veth pair, using the docker-assigned IP for the
           end in the container's namespace
        4) Assign the node's IP to the host end of the veth pair (required for
           compatibility with kube-proxy REDIRECT iptables rules).
        # Set up parameters
        container_pid = self._get_container_pid(self.docker_id)
        interface = 'eth0'

        logger.info('Configuring Calico network interface')
        ep = self._container_add(container_pid, interface)

        # Log our container's interfaces after adding the new interface.

        interface_name = generate_cali_interface_name(IF_PREFIX,
        node_ip = self._get_node_ip()
        logger.debug('Adding node IP %s to host-side veth %s', node_ip, interface_name)

        # This is slightly tricky. Since the kube-proxy sometimes
        # programs REDIRECT iptables rules, we MUST have an IP on the host end
        # of the caliXXX veth pairs. This is because the REDIRECT rule
        # rewrites the destination ip/port of traffic from a pod to a service
        # VIP. The destination port is rewriten to an arbitrary high-numbered
        # port, and the destination IP is rewritten to one of the IPs allocated
        # to the interface. This fails if the interface doesn't have an IP,
        # so we allocate an IP which is already allocated to the node. We set
        # the subnet to /32 so that the routing table is not affected;
        # no traffic for the node_ip's subnet will use the /32 route.
        check_call(['ip', 'addr', 'add', node_ip + '/32',
                    'dev', interface_name])
        logger.info('Finished configuring network interface')
        return ep

    def _container_add(self, pid, interface):
        Add a container (on this host) to Calico networking with the given IP.
        # Check if the container already exists. If it does, exit.
            _ = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
        except KeyError:
            # Calico doesn't know about this container.  Continue.
            logger.error("This container has already been configured "
                         "with Calico Networking.")

        # Obtain information from Docker Client and validate container state

        ip_list = [self._assign_container_ip()]

        # Create Endpoint object
            logger.info("Creating endpoint with IPs %s", ip_list)
            ep = self._datastore_client.create_endpoint(HOSTNAME,
        except (AddrFormatError, KeyError):
            logger.exception("Failed to create endpoint with IPs %s. "
                             "Unassigning IP address, then exiting.", ip_list)

        # Create the veth, move into the container namespace, add the IP and
        # set up the default routes.
        logger.debug("Creating the veth with namespace pid %s on interface "
                     "name %s", pid, interface)
        ep.mac = ep.provision_veth(netns.PidNamespace(pid), interface)

        logger.debug("Setting mac address %s to endpoint %s", ep.mac, ep.name)

        # Let the caller know what endpoint was created.
        return ep

    def _assign_container_ip(self):
        Assign IPAddress either with the assigned docker IPAddress or utilize
        calico IPAM.

        True indicates to utilize Calico's auto_assign IPAM policy.
        False indicate to utilize the docker assigned IPAddress

        :return IPAddress which has been assigned
        def _assign(ip):
            Local helper function for assigning an IP and checking for errors.
            Only used when operating with CALICO_IPAM=false
                logger.info("Attempting to assign IP %s", ip)
                self._datastore_client.assign_ip(ip, str(self.docker_id), None)
            except (ValueError, RuntimeError):
                logger.exception("Failed to assign IPAddress %s", ip)

        if self.calico_ipam == 'true':
            logger.info("Using Calico IPAM")
                ipv4s, ipv6s = self._datastore_client.auto_assign_ips(1, 0,
                                                        self.docker_id, None)
                ip = ipv4s[0]
                logger.debug("IPAM assigned ipv4=%s; ipv6= %s", ipv4s, ipv6s)
            except RuntimeError as err:
                logger.error("Cannot auto assign IPAddress: %s", err.message)
            logger.info("Using docker assigned IP address")
            ip = self._read_docker_ip()

                # Try to assign the address using the _assign helper function.
            except AlreadyAssignedError:
                # If the Docker IP is already assigned, it is most likely that
                # an endpoint has been removed under our feet.  When using
                # Docker IPAM, treat Docker as the source of
                # truth for IP addresses.
                logger.warning("Docker IP is already assigned, finding "
                               "stale endpoint")

                # Clean up whatever existing endpoint has this IP address.
                # We can improve this later by making use of IPAM attributes
                # in libcalico to store the endpoint ID.  For now,
                # just loop through endpoints on this host.
                endpoints = self._datastore_client.get_endpoints(
                for ep in endpoints:
                    if IPNetwork(ip) in ep.ipv4_nets:
                        logger.warning("Deleting stale endpoint %s",
                        for profile_id in ep.profile_ids:

                # Assign the IP address to the new endpoint.  It shouldn't
                # be assigned, since we just unassigned it.
                logger.warning("Retry Docker assigned IP")
        return ip

    def _container_remove(self):
        Remove the indicated container on this host from Calico networking
        # Find the endpoint ID. We need this to find any ACL rules
            endpoint = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
        except KeyError:
            logger.exception("Container %s doesn't contain any endpoints",

        # Remove any IP address assignments that this endpoint has
        ip_set = set()
        for net in endpoint.ipv4_nets | endpoint.ipv6_nets:
        logger.info("Removing IP addresses %s from endpoint %s",
                    ip_set, endpoint.name)

        # Remove the veth interface from endpoint
        logger.info("Removing veth interfaces")
        except CalledProcessError:
            logger.exception("Could not remove veth interface from "
                             "endpoint %s", endpoint.name)

        # Remove the container/endpoint from the datastore.
                HOSTNAME, ORCHESTRATOR_ID, self.docker_id)
        except KeyError:
            logger.exception("Failed to remove workload.")
        logger.info("Removed Calico endpoint %s", endpoint.endpoint_id)

    def _validate_container_state(self, container_name):
        info = self._get_container_info(container_name)

        # Check the container is actually running.
        if not info["State"]["Running"]:
            logger.error("The container is not currently running.")

        # We can't set up Calico if the container shares the host namespace.
        if info["HostConfig"]["NetworkMode"] == "host":
            logger.warning("Calico cannot network container because "
                           "it is running NetworkMode = host.")

    def _uses_host_networking(self, container_name):
        Returns true if the given container is running in the
        host network namespace.
        info = self._get_container_info(container_name)
        return info["HostConfig"]["NetworkMode"] == "host"

    def _get_container_info(self, container_name):
            info = self._docker_client.inspect_container(container_name)
        except APIError as e:
            if e.response.status_code == 404:
                logger.error("Container %s was not found. Exiting.",
        return info

    def _get_container_pid(self, container_name):
        return self._get_container_info(container_name)["State"]["Pid"]

    def _read_docker_ip(self):
        """Get the IP for the pod's infra container."""
        container_info = self._get_container_info(self.docker_id)
        ip = container_info["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"]
        logger.info('Docker-assigned IP is %s', ip)
        return IPAddress(ip)

    def _get_node_ip(self):
        Determine the IP for the host node.
        # Compile list of addresses on network, return the first entry.
        # Try IPv4 and IPv6.
        addrs = get_host_ips(version=4) or get_host_ips(version=6)

            addr = addrs[0]
            logger.debug("Node's IP address: %s", addr)
            return addr
        except IndexError:
            # If both get_host_ips return empty lists, print message and exit.
            logger.exception('No Valid IP Address Found for Host - cannot '
                             'configure networking for pod %s. '
                             'Exiting', self.pod_name)

    def _delete_docker_interface(self):
        """Delete the existing veth connecting to the docker bridge."""
        logger.debug('Deleting docker interface eth0')

        # Get the PID of the container.
        pid = str(self._get_container_pid(self.docker_id))
        logger.debug('Container %s running with PID %s', self.docker_id, pid)

        # Set up a link to the container's netns.
        logger.debug("Linking to container's netns")
        logger.debug(check_output(['mkdir', '-p', '/var/run/netns']))
        netns_file = '/var/run/netns/' + pid
        if not os.path.isfile(netns_file):
            logger.debug(check_output(['ln', '-s', '/proc/' + pid + '/ns/net',

        # Log our container's interfaces before making any changes.

        # Reach into the netns and delete the docker-allocated interface.
        logger.debug(check_output(['ip', 'netns', 'exec', pid,
                                  'ip', 'link', 'del', 'eth0']))

        # Log our container's interfaces after making our changes.

        # Clean up after ourselves (don't want to leak netns files)
        logger.debug(check_output(['rm', netns_file]))

    def _get_pod_ports(self, pod):
        Get the list of ports on containers in the Pod.

        :return list ports: the Kubernetes ContainerPort objects for the pod.
        ports = []
        for container in pod['spec']['containers']:
                more_ports = container['ports']
                logger.info('Adding ports %s', more_ports)
            except KeyError:
        return ports

    def _get_pod_config(self):
        """Get the pod resource from the API.
        API Path depends on the api_root, namespace, and pod_name

        :return: JSON object containing the pod spec
        with requests.Session() as session:
            if self._api_root_secure() and self.auth_token:
                logger.debug('Updating header with Token %s', self.auth_token)
                                        'Bearer ' + self.auth_token})

            path = os.path.join(self.api_root,
                                'namespaces/%s/pods/%s' % (self.namespace,
                logger.debug('Querying API for Pod: %s', path)
                response = session.get(path, verify=False)
            except BaseException:
                logger.exception("Exception hitting Kubernetes API")
                if response.status_code != 200:
                    logger.error("Response from API returned %s Error:\n%s",

        logger.debug("API Response: %s", response.text)
        pod = json.loads(response.text)
        return pod

    def _api_root_secure(self):
        Checks whether the Kubernetes api root is secure or insecure.
        If not an http or https address, exit.

        :return: Boolean: True if secure. False if insecure
        if (self.api_root[:5] == 'https'):
            logger.debug('Using Secure API access.')
            return True
        elif (self.api_root[:5] == 'http:'):
            logger.debug('Using Insecure API access.')
            return False
            logger.error('%s is not set correctly (%s). '
                         'Please specify as http or https address. Exiting',
                         KUBE_API_ROOT_VAR, self.api_root)

    def _generate_rules(self, pod):
        Generate Rules takes human readable policy strings in annotations
        and returns a libcalico Rules object.

        :return tuple of inbound_rules, outbound_rules
        # Create allow and per-namespace rules for later use.
        allow = Rule(action="allow")
        allow_ns = Rule(action="allow", src_tag=self._get_namespace_tag(pod))
        annotations = self._get_metadata(pod, "annotations")
        logger.debug("Found annotations: %s", annotations)

        if self.namespace == "kube-system" :
            # Pods in the kube-system namespace must be accessible by all
            # other pods for services like DNS to work.
            logger.info("Pod is in kube-system namespace - allow all")
            inbound_rules = [allow]
            outbound_rules = [allow]
        elif annotations and POLICY_ANNOTATION_KEY in annotations:
            # If policy annotations are defined, use them to generate rules.
            logger.info("Generating advanced security policy from annotations")
            rules = annotations[POLICY_ANNOTATION_KEY]
            inbound_rules = []
            outbound_rules = [allow]
            for rule in rules.split(";"):
                parsed_rule = self.policy_parser.parse_line(rule)
            # If not annotations are defined, just use the configured
            # default policy.
            if self.default_policy == 'ns_isolation':
                # Isolate on namespace boundaries by default.
                logger.debug("Default policy is namespace isolation")
                inbound_rules = [allow_ns]
                outbound_rules = [allow]
                # Allow all traffic by default.
                logger.debug("Default policy is allow all")
                inbound_rules = [allow]
                outbound_rules = [allow]

        return Rules(id=self.profile_name,

    def _apply_tags(self, pod):
        In addition to Calico's default pod_name tag,
        Add tags generated from Kubernetes Labels and Namespace
            Ex. labels: {key:value} -> tags+= namespace_key_value
        Add tag for namespace
            Ex. namespace: default -> tags+= namespace_default

        :param self.profile_name: The name of the Calico profile.
        :type self.profile_name: string
        :param pod: The config dictionary for the pod being created.
        :type pod: dict
        logger.debug('Applying tags')

            profile = self._datastore_client.get_profile(self.profile_name)
        except KeyError:
            logger.error('Could not apply tags. Profile %s could not be '
                         'found. Exiting', self.profile_name)

        # Grab namespace and create a tag if it exists.
        ns_tag = self._get_namespace_tag(pod)
        logger.debug('Adding tag %s', ns_tag)

        # Create tags from labels
        labels = self._get_metadata(pod, 'labels')
        if labels:
            for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                tag = self._label_to_tag(k, v)
                logger.debug('Adding tag %s', tag)

        logger.debug('Finished applying tags.')

    def _get_metadata(self, pod, key):
        Return Metadata[key] Object given Pod
        Returns None if no key-value exists
            val = pod['metadata'][key]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            logger.debug('No %s found in pod %s', key, pod)
            return None

        logger.debug("Pod %s: %s", key, val)
        return val

    def _escape_chars(self, unescaped_string):
        Calico can only handle 3 special chars, '_.-'
        This function uses regex sub to replace SCs with '_'
        # Character to replace symbols
        swap_char = '_'

        # If swap_char is in string, double it.
        unescaped_string = re.sub(swap_char, "%s%s" % (swap_char, swap_char),

        # Substitute all invalid chars.
        return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]', swap_char, unescaped_string)

    def _get_namespace_tag(self, pod):
        Pull metadata for namespace and return it and a generated NS tag
        assert self.namespace
        ns_tag = self._escape_chars('%s=%s' % ('namespace', self.namespace))
        return ns_tag

    def _label_to_tag(self, label_key, label_value):
        Labels are key-value pairs, tags are single strings. This function
        handles that translation.
        1) Concatenate key and value with '='
        2) Prepend a pod's namespace followed by '/' if available
        3) Escape the generated string so it is Calico compatible
        :param label_key: key to label
        :param label_value: value to given key for a label
        :param namespace: Namespace string, input None if not available
        :param types: (self, string, string, string)
        :return single string tag
        :rtype string
        tag = '%s=%s' % (label_key, label_value)
        tag = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, tag)
        tag = self._escape_chars(tag)
        return tag
Пример #5
class NetworkPlugin(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.pod_name = None
        self.namespace = None
        self.docker_id = None
        self.policy_parser = None

        # Get configuration from the given dictionary.
        logger.debug("Plugin running with config: %s", config)
        self.auth_token = config[KUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_VAR]
        self.api_root = config[KUBE_API_ROOT_VAR]
        self.calico_ipam = config[CALICO_IPAM_VAR].lower()
        self.default_policy = config[DEFAULT_POLICY_VAR].lower()

        self._datastore_client = IPAMClient()
        self._docker_client = Client(
            base_url=os.getenv("DOCKER_HOST", "unix://var/run/docker.sock"))

    def create(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        """"Create a pod."""
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.policy_parser = PolicyParser(self.namespace)
        logger.info('Configuring pod %s/%s (container_id %s)',
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name, self.docker_id)

        # Obtain information from Docker Client and validate container state.
        # If validation fails, the plugin will exit.

            endpoint = self._configure_interface()
            logger.info("Created Calico endpoint: %s", endpoint.endpoint_id)
        except BaseException:
            # Check to see if an endpoint has been created.  If so,
            # we need to tear down any state we may have created.
            logger.exception("Error networking pod - cleaning up")

                self.delete(namespace, pod_name, docker_id)
            except BaseException:
                # Catch all errors tearing down the pod - this
                # is best-effort.
                logger.exception("Error cleaning up pod")

            # We've torn down, exit. 
            logger.info("Done cleaning up")
            logger.info("Successfully configured networking for pod %s/%s",
                        self.namespace, self.pod_name)

    def delete(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        """Cleanup after a pod."""
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id
        self.namespace = namespace
        logger.info('Removing networking from pod %s/%s (container id %s)',
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name, self.docker_id)

        # Get the Calico endpoint.
        endpoint = self._get_endpoint()
        if not endpoint:
            # If there is no endpoint, we don't have any work to do - return.
            logger.debug("No Calico endpoint for pod, no work to do.")
        logger.debug("Pod has Calico endpoint %s", endpoint.endpoint_id)

        # Remove the endpoint and its configuration.

        # Remove any profiles.

        logger.info("Successfully removed networking for pod %s/%s",
                    self.namespace, self.pod_name)

    def _remove_profiles(self, endpoint):
        If the pod has any profiles, delete them unless they are the 
        default profile or have other members.  We can do this because 
        we create a profile per pod. Profile management for namespaces
        and service based policy will need to be done differently.
        logger.debug("Endpoint has profiles: %s", endpoint.profile_ids)
        for profile_id in endpoint.profile_ids:
            if profile_id == DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME:
                logger.debug("Do not delete default profile")

            if self._datastore_client.get_profile_members(profile_id):
                logger.info("Profile %s still has members, do not delete", 

                logger.info("Deleting Calico profile: %s", profile_id)
            except KeyError:
                logger.warning("Cannot remove profile %s; Profile cannot "
                               "be found.", profile_id)

    def _get_endpoint(self):
        Attempts to get and return the Calico endpoint for this pod.  If no
        endpoint exists, returns None.
        logger.debug("Looking up endpoint for workload %s", self.docker_id)
            endpoint = self._datastore_client.get_endpoint(
        except KeyError:
            logger.debug("No Calico endpoint exists for pod %s/%s",
                         self.namespace, self.pod_name)
            endpoint = None
        return endpoint
    def status(self, namespace, pod_name, docker_id):
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.pod_name = pod_name
        self.docker_id = docker_id

        if self._uses_host_networking(self.docker_id):
            # We don't perform networking / assign IP addresses for pods running
            # in the host namespace, and so we can't return a status update
            # for them.
            logger.debug("Ignoring status for pod %s/%s in host namespace",
                         self.namespace, self.pod_name)

        # Get the endpoint.
        endpoint = self._get_endpoint()
        if not endpoint:
            # If the endpoint doesn't exist, we cannot provide a status.
            logger.debug("No endpoint for pod - cannot provide status")

        # Retrieve IPAddress from the attached IPNetworks on the endpoint
        # Since Kubernetes only supports ipv4, we'll only check for ipv4 nets
        if not endpoint.ipv4_nets:
            logger.error("Error in status: No IPs attached to pod %s/%s",
                         self.namespace, self.pod_name)
            ip_net = list(endpoint.ipv4_nets)
            if len(ip_net) is not 1:
                logger.warning("There is more than one IPNetwork attached "
                               "to pod %s/%s", self.namespace, self.pod_name)
            ip = ip_net[0].ip

        logger.debug("Retrieved pod IP Address: %s", ip)

        json_dict = {
            "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
            "kind": "PodNetworkStatus",
            "ip": str(ip)

        logger.debug("Writing status to stdout: \n%s", json.dumps(json_dict))

    def _configure_profile(self, endpoint):
        Configure the calico profile on the given endpoint.

        If DEFAULT_POLICY != none, we create a new profile for this pod and populate it 
        with the correct rules.

        Otherwise, the pod gets assigned to the default profile.
        if self.default_policy != POLICY_NONE:
            # Determine the name for this profile.
            profile_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.namespace, 

            # Create a new profile for this pod.
            logger.info("Creating profile '%s'", profile_name)

            #  Retrieve pod labels, etc.
            pod = self._get_pod_config()
            if self._datastore_client.profile_exists(profile_name):
                # In profile-per-pod, we don't ever expect duplicate profiles.
                logger.error("Profile '%s' already exists.", profile_name)
                # The profile doesn't exist - generate the rule set for this 
                # profile, and create it.
                rules = self._generate_rules(pod, profile_name)
                self._datastore_client.create_profile(profile_name, rules)
            # Add tags to the profile based on labels.
            self._apply_tags(pod, profile_name)
            # Set the profile for the workload.
            logger.info("Setting profile '%s' on endpoint %s",
                        profile_name, endpoint.endpoint_id)
                [profile_name], endpoint_id=endpoint.endpoint_id
            logger.debug('Finished configuring profile.')
            # Policy is disabled - add this pod to the default profile.
            if not self._datastore_client.profile_exists(DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME):
                # If the default profile doesn't exist, create it.
                logger.info("Creating profile '%s'", DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME)
                allow = Rule(action="allow")
                rules = Rules(id=DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME, 

            # Set the default profile on this pod's Calico endpoint.
            logger.info("Setting profile '%s' on endpoint %s", 
                        DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME, endpoint.endpoint_id)

    def _configure_interface(self):
        """Configure the Calico interface for a pod.

        This involves the following steps:
        1) Determine the IP that docker assigned to the interface inside the
        2) Delete the docker-assigned veth pair that's attached to the docker
        3) Create a new calico veth pair, using the docker-assigned IP for the
           end in the container's namespace
        4) Assign the node's IP to the host end of the veth pair (required for
           compatibility with kube-proxy REDIRECT iptables rules).
        # Get container's PID.
        container_pid = self._get_container_pid(self.docker_id)

        logger.info('Configuring Calico network interface')
        ep = self._create_endpoint(container_pid)

        # Log our container's interfaces after adding the new interface.

        interface_name = generate_cali_interface_name(IF_PREFIX,
        node_ip = self._get_node_ip()
        logger.debug('Adding node IP %s to host-side veth %s', node_ip, interface_name)

        # This is slightly tricky. Since the kube-proxy sometimes
        # programs REDIRECT iptables rules, we MUST have an IP on the host end
        # of the caliXXX veth pairs. This is because the REDIRECT rule
        # rewrites the destination ip/port of traffic from a pod to a service
        # VIP. The destination port is rewriten to an arbitrary high-numbered
        # port, and the destination IP is rewritten to one of the IPs allocated
        # to the interface. This fails if the interface doesn't have an IP,
        # so we allocate an IP which is already allocated to the node. We set
        # the subnet to /32 so that the routing table is not affected;
        # no traffic for the node_ip's subnet will use the /32 route.
        check_call(['ip', 'addr', 'add', node_ip + '/32',
                    'dev', interface_name])
        logger.info('Finished configuring network interface')
        return ep

    def _create_endpoint(self, pid):
        Creates a Calico endpoint for this pod.
        - Assigns an IP address for this pod.
        - Creates the Calico endpoint object in the datastore.
        - Provisions the Calico veth pair for this pod.

        Returns the created libcalico Endpoint object.
        # Check if the container already exists. If it does, exit.
        if self._get_endpoint():
            logger.error("This container has already been configured "
                         "with Calico Networking.")

        ip_list = [self._assign_container_ip()]

        # Create Endpoint object
            logger.info("Creating Calico endpoint with IPs %s", ip_list)
            ep = self._datastore_client.create_endpoint(HOSTNAME,
        except (AddrFormatError, KeyError):
            # We failed to create the endpoint - we must release the IPs
            # that we assigned for this endpoint or else they will leak.
            logger.exception("Failed to create endpoint with IPs %s. "
                             "Unassigning IP address, then exiting.", ip_list)

        # Create the veth, move into the container namespace, add the IP and
        # set up the default routes.
        logger.debug("Creating eth0 in network namespace with pid=%s", pid) 
        ep.mac = ep.provision_veth(netns.PidNamespace(pid), "eth0")

        logger.debug("Setting mac address %s on endpoint %s", ep.mac, ep.name)

        # Let the caller know what endpoint was created.
        return ep

    def _assign_container_ip(self):
        Assign IPAddress either with the assigned docker IPAddress or utilize
        calico IPAM.

        True indicates to utilize Calico's auto_assign IPAM policy.
        False indicate to utilize the docker assigned IPAddress

        :return IPAddress which has been assigned
        def _assign(ip):
            Local helper function for assigning an IP and checking for errors.
            Only used when operating with CALICO_IPAM=false
                logger.info("Attempting to assign IP %s", ip)
                self._datastore_client.assign_ip(ip, str(self.docker_id), None)
            except (ValueError, RuntimeError):
                logger.exception("Failed to assign IPAddress %s", ip)

        if self.calico_ipam == 'true':
            logger.info("Using Calico IPAM")
                ipv4s, ipv6s = self._datastore_client.auto_assign_ips(1, 0,
                                                        self.docker_id, None)
                logger.debug("IPAM assigned ipv4=%s; ipv6= %s", ipv4s, ipv6s)
            except RuntimeError as err:
                logger.error("Cannot auto assign IP address: %s", err.message)

            # Check to make sure an address was assigned.
            if not ipv4s:
                logger.error("Unable to assign an IP address - exiting")

            # Get the address.
            ip = ipv4s[0]

            logger.info("Using docker assigned IP address")
            ip = self._read_docker_ip()

                # Try to assign the address using the _assign helper function.
            except AlreadyAssignedError:
                # If the Docker IP is already assigned, it is most likely that
                # an endpoint has been removed under our feet.  When using
                # Docker IPAM, treat Docker as the source of
                # truth for IP addresses.
                logger.warning("Docker IP is already assigned, finding "
                               "stale endpoint")

                # Clean up whatever existing endpoint has this IP address.
                # We can improve this later by making use of IPAM attributes
                # in libcalico to store the endpoint ID.  For now,
                # just loop through endpoints on this host.
                endpoints = self._datastore_client.get_endpoints(
                for ep in endpoints:
                    if IPNetwork(ip) in ep.ipv4_nets:
                        logger.warning("Deleting stale endpoint %s",
                        for profile_id in ep.profile_ids:

                # Assign the IP address to the new endpoint.  It shouldn't
                # be assigned, since we just unassigned it.
                logger.warning("Retry Docker assigned IP")
        return ip

    def _remove_endpoint(self, endpoint):
        Remove the provided endpoint on this host from Calico networking.
        - Removes any IP address assignments.
        - Removes the veth interface for this endpoint.
        - Removes the endpoint object from etcd.
        # Remove any IP address assignments that this endpoint has
        ip_set = set()
        for net in endpoint.ipv4_nets | endpoint.ipv6_nets:
        logger.info("Removing IP addresses %s from endpoint %s",
                    ip_set, endpoint.name)

        # Remove the veth interface from endpoint
        logger.info("Removing veth interfaces")
        except CalledProcessError:
            logger.exception("Could not remove veth interface from "
                             "endpoint %s", endpoint.name)

        # Remove endpoint from the datastore.
                HOSTNAME, ORCHESTRATOR_ID, self.docker_id)
        except KeyError:
            logger.exception("Error removing workload.")
        logger.info("Removed Calico endpoint %s", endpoint.endpoint_id)

    def _validate_container_state(self, container_name):
        info = self._get_container_info(container_name)

        # Check the container is actually running.
        if not info["State"]["Running"]:
            logger.error("The infra container is not currently running.")

        # We can't set up Calico if the container shares the host namespace.
        if info["HostConfig"]["NetworkMode"] == "host":
            logger.info("Skipping pod %s/%s because "
                        "it is running NetworkMode = host.",
                        self.namespace, self.pod_name)

    def _uses_host_networking(self, container_name):
        Returns true if the given container is running in the
        host network namespace.
        info = self._get_container_info(container_name)
        return info["HostConfig"]["NetworkMode"] == "host"

    def _get_container_info(self, container_name):
            info = self._docker_client.inspect_container(container_name)
        except APIError as e:
            if e.response.status_code == 404:
                logger.error("Container %s was not found. Exiting.",
        return info

    def _get_container_pid(self, container_name):
        return self._get_container_info(container_name)["State"]["Pid"]

    def _read_docker_ip(self):
        """Get the IP for the pod's infra container."""
        container_info = self._get_container_info(self.docker_id)
        ip = container_info["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"]
        logger.info('Docker-assigned IP is %s', ip)
        return IPAddress(ip)

    def _get_node_ip(self):
        Determine the IP for the host node.
        # Compile list of addresses on network, return the first entry.
        # Try IPv4 and IPv6.
        addrs = get_host_ips(version=4) or get_host_ips(version=6)

            addr = addrs[0]
            logger.debug("Node's IP address: %s", addr)
            return addr
        except IndexError:
            # If both get_host_ips return empty lists, print message and exit.
            logger.exception('No Valid IP Address Found for Host - cannot '
                             'configure networking for pod %s. '
                             'Exiting', self.pod_name)

    def _delete_docker_interface(self):
        """Delete the existing veth connecting to the docker bridge."""
        logger.debug('Deleting docker interface eth0')

        # Get the PID of the container.
        pid = str(self._get_container_pid(self.docker_id))
        logger.debug('Container %s running with PID %s', self.docker_id, pid)

        # Set up a link to the container's netns.
        logger.debug("Linking to container's netns")
        logger.debug(check_output(['mkdir', '-p', '/var/run/netns']))
        netns_file = '/var/run/netns/' + pid
        if not os.path.isfile(netns_file):
            logger.debug(check_output(['ln', '-s', '/proc/' + pid + '/ns/net',

        # Log our container's interfaces before making any changes.

        # Reach into the netns and delete the docker-allocated interface.
        logger.debug(check_output(['ip', 'netns', 'exec', pid,
                                  'ip', 'link', 'del', 'eth0']))

        # Log our container's interfaces after making our changes.

        # Clean up after ourselves (don't want to leak netns files)
        logger.debug(check_output(['rm', netns_file]))

    def _get_pod_ports(self, pod):
        Get the list of ports on containers in the Pod.

        :return list ports: the Kubernetes ContainerPort objects for the pod.
        ports = []
        for container in pod['spec']['containers']:
                more_ports = container['ports']
                logger.info('Adding ports %s', more_ports)
            except KeyError:
        return ports

    def _get_pod_config(self):
        """Get the pod resource from the API.
        API Path depends on the api_root, namespace, and pod_name

        :return: JSON object containing the pod spec
        with requests.Session() as session:
            if self._api_root_secure() and self.auth_token:
                logger.debug('Updating header with Token %s', self.auth_token)
                                        'Bearer ' + self.auth_token})

            path = os.path.join(self.api_root,
                                'namespaces/%s/pods/%s' % (self.namespace,
                logger.debug('Querying API for Pod: %s', path)
                response = session.get(path, verify=False)
            except BaseException:
                logger.exception("Exception hitting Kubernetes API")
                if response.status_code != 200:
                    logger.error("Response from API returned %s Error:\n%s",

        logger.debug("API Response: %s", response.text)
        pod = json.loads(response.text)
        return pod

    def _api_root_secure(self):
        Checks whether the Kubernetes api root is secure or insecure.
        If not an http or https address, exit.

        :return: Boolean: True if secure. False if insecure
        if (self.api_root[:5] == 'https'):
            logger.debug('Using Secure API access.')
            return True
        elif (self.api_root[:5] == 'http:'):
            logger.debug('Using Insecure API access.')
            return False
            logger.error('%s is not set correctly (%s). '
                         'Please specify as http or https address. Exiting',
                         KUBE_API_ROOT_VAR, self.api_root)

    def _generate_rules(self, pod, profile_name):
        Generate Rules takes human readable policy strings in annotations
        and returns a libcalico Rules object.

        :return Pycalico Rules object. 
        # Create allow and per-namespace rules for later use.
        allow = Rule(action="allow")
        allow_ns = Rule(action="allow", src_tag=self._get_namespace_tag(pod))
        annotations = self._get_metadata(pod, "annotations")
        logger.debug("Found annotations: %s", annotations)

        if self.namespace == "kube-system" :
            # Pods in the kube-system namespace must be accessible by all
            # other pods for services like DNS to work.
            logger.info("Pod is in kube-system namespace - allow all")
            inbound_rules = [allow]
            outbound_rules = [allow]
        elif annotations and POLICY_ANNOTATION_KEY in annotations:
            # If policy annotations are defined, use them to generate rules.
            logger.info("Generating advanced security policy from annotations")
            rules = annotations[POLICY_ANNOTATION_KEY]
            inbound_rules = []
            outbound_rules = [allow]
            for rule in rules.split(";"):
                parsed_rule = self.policy_parser.parse_line(rule)
            # If not annotations are defined, just use the configured
            # default policy.
            if self.default_policy == POLICY_NS_ISOLATION:
                # Isolate on namespace boundaries by default.
                logger.debug("Default policy is namespace isolation")
                inbound_rules = [allow_ns]
                outbound_rules = [allow]
            elif self.default_policy == POLICY_ALLOW:
                # Allow all traffic by default.
                logger.debug("Default policy is allow all")
                inbound_rules = [allow]
                outbound_rules = [allow]

        return Rules(id=profile_name,

    def _apply_tags(self, pod, profile_name):
        In addition to Calico's default pod_name tag,
        Add tags generated from Kubernetes Labels and Namespace
            Ex. labels: {key:value} -> tags+= namespace_key_value
        Add tag for namespace
            Ex. namespace: default -> tags+= namespace_default

        :param profile_name: The name of the Calico profile.
        :type profile_name: string
        :param pod: The config dictionary for the pod being created.
        :type pod: dict
        logger.debug("Applying tags to profile '%s'", profile_name)

            profile = self._datastore_client.get_profile(profile_name)
        except KeyError:
            logger.error('Could not apply tags. Profile %s could not be '
                         'found. Exiting', profile_name)

        # Grab namespace and create a tag if it exists.
        ns_tag = self._get_namespace_tag(pod)
        logger.debug('Generated tag: %s', ns_tag)

        # Create tags from labels
        labels = self._get_metadata(pod, 'labels')
        if labels:
            for k, v in labels.iteritems():
                tag = self._label_to_tag(k, v)
                logger.debug('Generated tag: %s', tag)

        # Apply tags to profile.
        logger.debug('Finished applying tags.')

    def _get_metadata(self, pod, key):
        Return Metadata[key] Object given Pod
        Returns None if no key-value exists
            val = pod['metadata'][key]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            logger.debug('No %s found in pod %s', key, pod)
            return None

        logger.debug("Pod %s: %s", key, val)
        return val

    def _escape_chars(self, unescaped_string):
        Calico can only handle 3 special chars, '_.-'
        This function uses regex sub to replace SCs with '_'
        # Character to replace symbols
        swap_char = '_'

        # If swap_char is in string, double it.
        unescaped_string = re.sub(swap_char, "%s%s" % (swap_char, swap_char),

        # Substitute all invalid chars.
        return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]', swap_char, unescaped_string)

    def _get_namespace_tag(self, pod):
        Pull metadata for namespace and return it and a generated NS tag
        assert self.namespace
        ns_tag = self._escape_chars('%s=%s' % ('namespace', self.namespace))
        return ns_tag

    def _label_to_tag(self, label_key, label_value):
        Labels are key-value pairs, tags are single strings. This function
        handles that translation.
        1) Concatenate key and value with '='
        2) Prepend a pod's namespace followed by '/' if available
        3) Escape the generated string so it is Calico compatible
        :param label_key: key to label
        :param label_value: value to given key for a label
        :param namespace: Namespace string, input None if not available
        :param types: (self, string, string, string)
        :return single string tag
        :rtype string
        tag = '%s=%s' % (label_key, label_value)
        tag = '%s/%s' % (self.namespace, tag)
        tag = self._escape_chars(tag)
        return tag