Пример #1
    def local_error_test(self):
        """Test MeanAbsoluteDeviationError.local_error."""

        localErrors = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0]
        #        dataPtsOrg  = [ 2.30,  .373, .583, 1.880, 500]
        #        dataPtsCalc = [-1.21, -.445, .466,  .226, 300]
        #        localErrors = [ 3.51,  .818, .117, 1.654, 200]

        mad = MeanAbsoluteDeviationError()

        for idx in xrange(len(self.dataOrg)):
            le = mad.local_error([self.dataOrg[idx]], [self.dataCalc[idx]])
            ple = localErrors[idx]

            # compare the strings due to accuracy
            self.assertEqual(str(le), str(ple))
    def local_error_test(self):
        """Test MeanAbsoluteDeviationError.local_error."""

        localErrors = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0]
#        dataPtsOrg  = [ 2.30,  .373, .583, 1.880, 500]
#        dataPtsCalc = [-1.21, -.445, .466,  .226, 300]
#        localErrors = [ 3.51,  .818, .117, 1.654, 200]

        mad = MeanAbsoluteDeviationError()

        for idx in xrange(len(self.dataOrg)):
            le = mad.local_error([self.dataOrg[idx]], [self.dataCalc[idx]])
            ple = localErrors[idx]

            # compare the strings due to accuracy
            self.assertEqual(str(le), str(ple))
Пример #3
    def error_calculation_test(self):
        """Test the calculation of the Mean Absolute Deviation Error."""
        #dataPtsOrg  = [2.30,     .373,           .583,          1.88,  1.44,         -0.0852, -.341,  .619,  .131,  1.27, 0]
        #dataPtsCalc = [-1.21,   -.445,           .466,          .226, -.694,           -.575,  2.73, -1.49, -1.45, -.193, 0]

        tsOrg = TimeSeries()
        tsCalc = TimeSeries()

        for idx in xrange(len(self.dataOrg)):
            tsOrg.add_entry(float(idx), self.dataOrg[idx])
            tsCalc.add_entry(float(idx), self.dataCalc[idx])

        mad = MeanAbsoluteDeviationError()
        mad.initialize(tsOrg, tsCalc)

        # compare the strings due to accuracy
        self.assertEqual("0.3454", str(mad.get_error())[:6])
    def error_calculation_test(self):
        """Test the calculation of the Mean Absolute Deviation Error."""
        #dataPtsOrg  = [2.30,     .373,           .583,          1.88,  1.44,         -0.0852, -.341,  .619,  .131,  1.27, 0]
        #dataPtsCalc = [-1.21,   -.445,           .466,          .226, -.694,           -.575,  2.73, -1.49, -1.45, -.193, 0]

        tsOrg  = TimeSeries()
        tsCalc = TimeSeries()

        for idx in xrange(len(self.dataOrg)):
            tsOrg.add_entry(float(idx),  self.dataOrg[idx])
            tsCalc.add_entry(float(idx), self.dataCalc[idx])

        mad = MeanAbsoluteDeviationError()
        mad.initialize(tsOrg, tsCalc)

        # compare the strings due to accuracy
        self.assertEqual("0.3454", str(mad.get_error())[:6])