Пример #1
 def __init__(self, filename, mode):
     if mode == 'w':
         self.FILE = pycdf.CDF(
             pycdf.NC.WRITE | pycdf.NC.CREATE | pycdf.NC.TRUNC)
     if mode == 'r':
         self.FILE = pycdf.CDF(filename, pycdf.NC.NOWRITE)
     if mode == 'a':
         self.FILE = pycdf.CDF(filename, pycdf.NC.WRITE)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self,

        if interface != 'netcdf4': version = 3

        if perm == 't':  # trunc
            if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename)
            perm = 'w'

        if interface == 'pycdf':
            if perm == 'w':
                perm = pnc.NC.WRITE | pnc.NC.CREATE
            elif perm == 'a':
                perm = pnc.NC.WRITE | pnc.NC.CREATE
                perm = pnc.NC.NOWRITE

            nc = pnc.CDF(filename, perm)

        elif interface == 'scientific':
            nc = pnc.NetCDFFile(filename, perm)

        elif interface == 'netcdf4':
            if perm == 'w' and os.path.isfile(filename): perm = 'a'
            if not isinstance(version, basestring):
                format = 'NETCDF' + str(version)
                if format == 'NETCDF3': format = 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'
            else: format = version
            if not isinstance(filename, basestring) or filename.find(
                    '*') != -1 or filename.find('?') != -1:
                nc = pnc.MFDataset(filename)
                if os.path.isfile(filename):
                    nc = pnc.Dataset(filename, perm)
                    nc = pnc.Dataset(filename, perm, format=format)

        self.perm = perm

        # root info:
        info = {}
        info['interface'] = interface
        info['filename'] = filename
        info['version'] = version
        if ncdump:
            from ncdump import ncdump_info
            info['ncdump_info'] = ncdump_info(filename)
            info['ncdump_info'] = False

        # init group:
        Pyncgroup.__init__(self, nc, info=info)
Пример #3
 def add_landmask(self):
     g = pycdf.CDF(self.datadir + '/scb_grid.nc')
     self.landmask = g.var('mask_rho')[:]
Пример #4
def main(argv):
	sUsage = "%%prog [options] DATA_DIRECTORY BEGIN END"
	sDesc = """
Reads Themis spectral density auto-correlation values from archive CDFs.
Format is similar to the Cluster Active Archive, see document: CAA-EST-UG-002
for details.

	psr = optparse.OptionParser(
		usage=sUsage, description=sDesc, prog=bname(argv[0])
	psr.add_option('-l', "--log-level", dest="sLevel", metavar="LOG_LEVEL",
	               help="Logging level one of [critical, error, warning, "+\
	               "info, debug].  The default is info.", type="string",
	               action="store", default="info")
	(opts, lArgs) = psr.parse_args(argv[1:])
	log = setupLogger(opts.sLevel)
	log = logging.getLogger('')
	if len(lArgs) < 1:
		return serverErr(log, "Misconfigured DSDF, data directory is missing")
	sRoot = lArgs[0]
	if len(lArgs) < 3:
		return queryErr(log, "Start and or Stop time is missing")
		dtBeg = das2.DasTime(lArgs[1])
		return queryErr(log, "Couldn't parse time value '%s'"%lArgs[1])
		dtEnd = das2.DasTime(lArgs[2])
		return queryErr(log, "Couldn't parse time value '%s'"%lArgs[2])
	# Take all the rest of the arguments and glop them together in a single
	# string.  That way running the reader from the command line feels the
	# same as running it from Autoplot	
	sParams = ''
	if len(lArgs) > 3: sParams = ' '.join(lArgs[3:])
	# pull out the polar style output, i.e: Magnitude and Phase Angle
	bPolar = True
	if sParams.find('complex') != -1:
		sParams = sParams.replace('complex','').strip()
		bPolar = False

	# Default to printing all the autocorrelations
	sComp = 'BxBx ByBy BzBz ExEx EyEy EzEz'
	if len(sParams) > 0: sComp = sParams
	lComp = sComp.split()
	# Look in directory tree for files that match.  We sort the file names
	# under the assumption that sort order = numerical time order, but that
	# may not be true for some file types
	lDir = os.listdir(sRoot)
	nSent = 0
	bSentHdr = False
	for sF in lDir:
		if not sF.endswith('.cdf'): continue             # only want CDFs
		if not sF.startswith('tha_l3_sm'): continue      # Only want L3 SM
		# Make ISO-8601 strings
		sBeg = "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s"%(
			sF[10:14], sF[14:16], sF[16:18], sF[19:21], sF[21:23], sF[23:25]
		sEnd = "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s"%(
			sF[26:30], sF[30:32], sF[32:34], sF[35:37], sF[37:39], sF[39:41]
		sPath = pjoin(sRoot, sF)
			dtFileBeg = das2.DasTime(sBeg)
			dtFileEnd = das2.DasTime(sEnd)
			# Since the themis files truncate the seconds field, round up by
			# one second for the file end time...
			dtFileEnd += 1.0
		except ValueError as e:
			log.waring("Unknown file %s in data area"%sPath)
		# If overlaps with desired range, include it in the output, send header
		# if haven't done so
		if (dtFileBeg < dtEnd) and (dtFileEnd > dtBeg):
			log.info("Reading %s"%sPath)
			cdf = pycdf.CDF(sPath)
			# Assmue all the files are similar enough that an informational 
			# header can be created from the first one that fits the range
			if not bSentHdr:
				lIgnore = ['TIME_MAX','TIME_MIN', 'TIME_resolution']
				dExtra = {
					'title':getVespaTitle(cdf, 'THEMIS', lComp), 
					'Datum:xTagWidth':'0.5 s'  # Max interp width for Autoplot
				cdfToDas22Hdr(cdf, lIgnore, dExtra)
				bSentHdr = True
			nSent += sendDataPackets(cdf, dtBeg, dtEnd, lComp, bPolar)
	if nSent == 0:
		if not bSentHdr: writeHdrPkt(0, '<stream version="2.2" />\n')
		sFmt = '<exception type="NoDataInInterval" message="%s" />\n'
		sOut = sFmt%("No data in interval %s to %s UTC"%(str(dtBeg), str(dtEnd)))
		writeHdrPkt('xx', sOut)
	return 0
Пример #5
def display_cdf(filename, desc):

    cdf = pycdf.CDF(filename)

    print("R%04d %s" %(0, cdf[desc][0]))
    print("R%04d %s" %(len(cdf[desc]), cdf[desc][-1]))