def test_from_file_3(self): """ Test (pychemia.core.from_file) : """ filename = 'tests/data/abinit_05/structure.json' st = pychemia.structure_from_file(filename) self.assertEqual(st.nsites, 20)
def test_from_file_1(self): """ Test (pychemia.core.from_file) : """ filename = 'tests/data/vasp_07/POSCAR_new' st = pychemia.structure_from_file(filename) self.assertEqual(st.nsites, 44)
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hs:o:n:b:e:t:", ["help", "structure=", "output=", "nparal=", "binary=", "energy_tol=", "target_forces="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) if len(opts) == 0: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) # Default Values workdir = '.' structure_file = 'POSCAR' output_file = 'pcm_results.json' nparal = 2 energy_tol = 1E-3 target_forces = 1E-3 binary = 'vasp' for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): output_file = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--nparal"): nparal = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-b", "--binary"): binary = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--energy_tol"): energy_tol = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--target_forces"): target_forces = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = arg structure = pychemia.structure_from_file(structure_file) if structure is None: print(" ERROR: Invalid structure, no structure could be obtained from '%s'" % structure_file) sys.exit(2) if structure_file == 'POSCAR': os.rename('POSCAR', 'POSCAR_original') print("\n PyChemia VASP Relaxator") print(" =======================\n") print(" VASP binary : ", binary) print(" Energy tolerance : ", energy_tol) print(" Target forces : ", target_forces) print(" MPI number of procs : ", nparal) print(" Structure :\n") print(structure) wf = open(output_file, 'w') data = {'input': {'binary': binary, 'energy_tol': energy_tol, 'target_forces': target_forces, 'nparal': nparal, 'structure': structure.to_dict}} json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() # First Round (Relaxing the original structure) print('\nFirst Round') print('===========') cleaner() print('\nConvergence of Cut-off Energy') print('-----------------------------\n') ce = ConvergenceCutOffEnergy(structure, energy_tolerance=energy_tol) if os.path.isfile('convergence_encut.json'): print('A previous convergence study was found, loading...') ce.load() if not ce.is_converge: ce.plot() encut = ce.best_encut data['output'] = {'1R_ENCUT': encut} wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner() print('\nConvergence of K-Point Grid') print('---------------------------\n') ck = ConvergenceKPointGrid(structure, encut=encut, energy_tolerance=energy_tol) if os.path.isfile('convergence_kpoints.json'): print('A previous convergence study was found, loading...') ce.load() if not ce.is_converge: ce.plot() kp = ck.best_kpoints data['output'] = {'1R_KPOINTS': list(kp.grid)} print(data) wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() os.rename('convergence_encut.json', 'convergence_encut_phase1.json') os.rename('convergence_encut.pdf', 'convergence_encut_phase1.pdf') os.rename('convergence_kpoints.json', 'convergence_kpoints_phase1.json') os.rename('convergence_kpoints.pdf', 'convergence_kpoints_phase1.pdf') cleaner() print('\nIonic Relaxation') print('----------------\n') vr = IonRelaxation(structure=structure, encut=encut, kp_grid=kp.grid, workdir=workdir, target_forces=10 * target_forces) structure = vr.get_final_geometry() structure.save_json(workdir + os.sep + 'structure_phase1.json') data['output'] = {'1R_structure': structure.to_dict} wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() # Second Round (Symetrize structure and redo convergences) st = symmetrize(structure) print('\nSecond Round') print('============') cleaner() print('\nConvergence of K-Point Grid') print('---------------------------\n') ck = ConvergenceKPointGrid(st, encut=encut, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, recover=True) ck.plot() kp = ck.best_kpoints data['output'] = {'2R_KPOINTS': list(kp.grid)} wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner() print('\nConvergence of Cut-off Energy') print('-----------------------------\n') ce = ConvergenceCutOffEnergy(st, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, kpoints=kp) ce.plot() encut = ce.best_encut data['output'] = {'2R_ENCUT': encut} wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() os.rename('convergence_encut.json', 'convergence_encut_phase2.json') os.rename('convergence_encut.pdf', 'convergence_encut_phase2.pdf') os.rename('convergence_kpoints.json', 'convergence_kpoints_phase2.json') os.rename('convergence_kpoints.pdf', 'convergence_kpoints_phase2.pdf') cleaner() print('\nIonic Relaxation') print('----------------\n') vr = IonRelaxation(structure=st, workdir='.', encut=encut, kp_grid=kp.grid, target_forces=target_forces) structure = vr.get_final_geometry() structure.save_json(workdir + os.sep + 'structure_phase2.json') data['output'] = {'2R_structure': structure.to_dict} wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner()
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hs:o:i:f:d:n:b:e:x:t:", ["help", "structure=", "output=", "ini_factor=", "fin_factor=", "delta_factor", "nparal=", "binary=", "energy_tol=", "expansion=", "target_forces"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) if len(opts) == 0: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) # Default Values structure_file = 'POSCAR' delta_factor = 0.01 ini_factor = 0.01 fin_factor = 0.1 output_file = 'IdealStrength.json' nparal = 2 energy_tol = 1E-3 target_forces = 1E-3 binary = 'vasp' expansion = 111 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): output_file = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--ini_factor"): ini_factor = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-f", "--fin_factor"): fin_factor = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-d", "--delta_factor"): delta_factor = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-n", "--nparal"): nparal = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-b", "--binary"): binary = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--energy_tol"): energy_tol = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--target_forces"): target_forces = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--expansion"): expansion = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = get_int(arg) expansion = [int(expansion / 100), int(expansion / 10) % 10, expansion % 10] if len(expansion) == 0: print(" ERROR: ini_factor, fin_factor and delta_factor are not creating a finite range of values") sys.exit(2) structure = pychemia.structure_from_file(structure_file) if structure is None: print(" ERROR: Invalid structure, no structure could be obtained from '%s'" % structure_file) sys.exit(2) if structure_file == 'POSCAR': os.rename('POSCAR', 'POSCAR_original') print("\n PyChemia Ideal Strenght") print(" =======================\n") print(" Scaling factors : ", str(np.arange(ini_factor, fin_factor + 0.9 * delta_factor, delta_factor))) print(" Executable : ", binary) print(" Energy tolerance : ", energy_tol) print(" Target forces : ", target_forces) print(" Expansion directions: ", str(expansion)) print(" MPI number of procs : ", nparal) print(" Structure :\n") print(structure) cleaner() print('\nConvergence of Cut-off Energy') print('-----------------------------\n') ce = ConvergenceCutOffEnergy(structure, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, binary=binary) if os.path.isfile('convergence_encut.json'): print('A previous convergence study was found, loading...') ce.load() if not ce.is_converge: ce.plot() encut = ce.best_encut print('ENCUT: ', encut) cleaner() print('\nConvergence of K-Point Grid') print('---------------------------\n') ck = ConvergenceKPointGrid(structure, workdir='.', binary=binary, encut=encut, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, recover=True) if os.path.isfile('convergence_kpoints.json'): print('A previous convergence study was found, loading...') ck.load() if not ck.is_converge: ck.plot() kp = ck.best_kpoints kp_density = kp.get_density_of_kpoints(structure.lattice) print('KPOINT GRID', kp.grid) strenght = IdealStrength(structure, ini_factor, fin_factor, delta_factor, kp, kp_density, expansion, encut, nparal, binary, target_forces, output_file) cleaner()
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hs:o:n:b:e:", ["help", "structure=", "output=", "nparal=", "binary=", "energy_tol="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) if len(opts) == 0: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) # Default Values structure_file = 'POSCAR' output_file = 'static_calculation.json' nparal = 2 energy_tol = 1E-3 binary = 'vasp' for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): output_file = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--nparal"): nparal = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-b", "--binary"): binary = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--energy_tol"): energy_tol = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = get_int(arg) structure = pychemia.structure_from_file(structure_file) if structure is None: print(" ERROR: Invalid structure, no structure could be obtained from '%s'" % structure_file) sys.exit(2) if structure_file == 'POSCAR': os.rename('POSCAR', 'POSCAR_original') print("\n PyChemia VASP Static") print(" =======================\n") print(" Executable : ", binary) print(" Energy tolerance : ", energy_tol) print(" MPI number of procs : ", nparal) print(" Structure :\n") print(structure) data = {} cleaner() print('\nConvergence of Cut-off Energy') print('-----------------------------\n') ce = ConvergenceCutOffEnergy(structure, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, binary=binary) ce.plot() encut = ce.best_encut cvg = json.load(open('task.json')) data['Convergece Cut-off'] = cvg wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner() print('\nConvergence of K-Point Grid') print('---------------------------\n') ck = ConvergenceKPointGrid(structure, encut=encut, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, binary=binary) ck.plot() kp = ck.best_kpoints cvg = json.load(open('task.json')) data['Convergece KPoints'] = cvg wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner() job = StaticCalculation(structure, encut=encut, kpoints=kp, binary=binary) cvg = json.load(open('task.json')) data['Static'] = cvg wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner()
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hs:o:n:b:e:", [ "help", "structure=", "output=", "nparal=", "binary=", "energy_tol=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) if len(opts) == 0: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) # Default Values structure_file = 'POSCAR' output_file = 'static_calculation.json' nparal = 2 energy_tol = 1E-3 binary = 'vasp' for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): output_file = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--nparal"): nparal = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-b", "--binary"): binary = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--energy_tol"): energy_tol = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = get_int(arg) structure = pychemia.structure_from_file(structure_file) if structure is None: print( " ERROR: Invalid structure, no structure could be obtained from '%s'" % structure_file) sys.exit(2) if structure_file == 'POSCAR': os.rename('POSCAR', 'POSCAR_original') print("\n PyChemia VASP Static") print(" =======================\n") print(" Executable : ", binary) print(" Energy tolerance : ", energy_tol) print(" MPI number of procs : ", nparal) print(" Structure :\n") print(structure) data = {} cleaner() print('\nConvergence of Cut-off Energy') print('-----------------------------\n') ce = ConvergenceCutOffEnergy(structure, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, binary=binary) ce.plot() encut = ce.best_encut cvg = json.load(open('task.json')) data['Convergece Cut-off'] = cvg wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner() print('\nConvergence of K-Point Grid') print('---------------------------\n') ck = ConvergenceKPointGrid(structure, encut=encut, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, binary=binary) ck.plot() kp = ck.best_kpoints cvg = json.load(open('task.json')) data['Convergece KPoints'] = cvg wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner() job = StaticCalculation(structure, encut=encut, kpoints=kp, binary=binary) cvg = json.load(open('task.json')) data['Static'] = cvg wf = open(output_file, 'w') json.dump(data, wf) wf.close() cleaner()
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hs:o:i:f:d:n:b:e:x:t:", [ "help", "structure=", "output=", "ini_factor=", "fin_factor=", "delta_factor", "nparal=", "binary=", "energy_tol=", "expansion=", "target_forces" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) if len(opts) == 0: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) # Default Values structure_file = 'POSCAR' delta_factor = 0.01 ini_factor = 0.01 fin_factor = 0.1 output_file = 'IdealStrength.json' nparal = 2 energy_tol = 1E-3 target_forces = 1E-3 binary = 'vasp' expansion = 111 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): output_file = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--ini_factor"): ini_factor = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-f", "--fin_factor"): fin_factor = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-d", "--delta_factor"): delta_factor = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-n", "--nparal"): nparal = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-b", "--binary"): binary = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--energy_tol"): energy_tol = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--target_forces"): target_forces = get_float(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--expansion"): expansion = get_int(arg) elif opt in ("-s", "--structure"): structure_file = get_int(arg) expansion = [ int(expansion / 100), int(expansion / 10) % 10, expansion % 10 ] if len(expansion) == 0: print( " ERROR: ini_factor, fin_factor and delta_factor are not creating a finite range of values" ) sys.exit(2) structure = pychemia.structure_from_file(structure_file) if structure is None: print( " ERROR: Invalid structure, no structure could be obtained from '%s'" % structure_file) sys.exit(2) if structure_file == 'POSCAR': os.rename('POSCAR', 'POSCAR_original') print("\n PyChemia Ideal Strenght") print(" =======================\n") print( " Scaling factors : ", str( np.arange(ini_factor, fin_factor + 0.9 * delta_factor, delta_factor))) print(" Executable : ", binary) print(" Energy tolerance : ", energy_tol) print(" Target forces : ", target_forces) print(" Expansion directions: ", str(expansion)) print(" MPI number of procs : ", nparal) print(" Structure :\n") print(structure) cleaner() print('\nConvergence of Cut-off Energy') print('-----------------------------\n') ce = ConvergenceCutOffEnergy(structure, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, binary=binary) if os.path.isfile('convergence_encut.json'): print('A previous convergence study was found, loading...') ce.load() if not ce.is_converge: ce.plot() encut = ce.best_encut print('ENCUT: ', encut) cleaner() print('\nConvergence of K-Point Grid') print('---------------------------\n') ck = ConvergenceKPointGrid(structure, workdir='.', binary=binary, encut=encut, energy_tolerance=energy_tol, recover=True) if os.path.isfile('convergence_kpoints.json'): print('A previous convergence study was found, loading...') ck.load() if not ck.is_converge: ck.plot() kp = ck.best_kpoints kp_density = kp.get_density_of_kpoints(structure.lattice) print('KPOINT GRID', kp.grid) strenght = IdealStrength(structure, ini_factor, fin_factor, delta_factor, kp, kp_density, expansion, encut, nparal, binary, target_forces, output_file) cleaner()