Пример #1
    def buildFacts(self, indexedFormula):
        facts = []
        for f in self.dumpLists(indexedFormula):
                terms.Fact(convertBNodeToFact(f.s), f.p,

#        for alphaNode in self.interp.rete.alphaNodeStore:
#                print alphaNode
#                i = alphaNode.pattern.noneBasedPattern()
#                pattern =  self.convFromRete(i[0]),  self.convFromRete(i[1]), self.convFromRete(i[2])
#                print "pattern:", pattern
#                for quad in indexedFormula.statementsMatching(
#                    subj=pattern[0],
#                    pred=pattern[1],
#                    obj =pattern[2]):
##                    print "quad:", quad
#                    if  isinstance(subj, formula.Formula) or isinstance(obj, formula.Formula):
#                            print "The RETE engine cannot process nested formulas currently"
#                            continue
#                    s, p, o = [self.convType(x, indexedFormula, None) for x in quad.spo()]
#                    alphaNode.add(terms.Fact(s,p,o))

        for fact in indexedFormula.statements:
            subj, predi, obj = fact.spo()
            # ignore formulas for now

            if  isinstance(subj, formula.Formula) or \
                isinstance(obj, formula.Formula):

                print "The RETE cannot process nested formulas at the time - use it for ntriples only"
                #                raise NotImplementedError

            # only get top level facts
            head = []
            tail = []

            s, p, o = [
                self.convType(x, indexedFormula, None) for x in fact.spo()
            ]  #to get variables.
            #Not good enough for Lists, but they're taken care of earlier

            facts.append(terms.Fact(s, p, o))

        self.interp.addFacts(Set(facts), initialSet=True)
        return facts
Пример #2
 def facts(g):
     for s, p, o in g:
         if p != LOG.implies and not isinstance(
                 s, BNode) and not isinstance(o, BNode):
             yield terms.Fact(_convert(s), _convert(p), _convert(o))