def Decrypt_Playfair(): inputMessage = "" key = "" finalMessage = "" output_2.delete('1.0', END) inputMessage = output.get("1.0", END) Key = inputKeyBox.get() if inputMessage == "" or Key == "": messagebox.showinfo('Input Error', 'You must enter both key and message') else: if len(set(Key)) == len(Key) and len(Key) == 25: finalMessage = Playfair(Key).decipher(inputMessage) else: messagebox.showinfo( 'Input Error', 'For playcipher, the key must be 25 different letters') output_2.insert(END, finalMessage) #replace inputMessage with final result print("Done")
if cipher_scheme == '1': """Caesar cipher.""" if encryption_type == "E": e_msg = Caesar(key=-3).encipher(message) print("Encrypted Message: ", e_msg) elif encryption_type == "D": d_msg = Caesar(key=-3).decipher(message) print("Decrypted Message: ", d_msg) if cipher_scheme == '2': """Substitution cipher.""" off = int(input("Enter Key: ")) if encryption_type == "E": e_msg = Caesar(key=off).encipher(message) print("Encrypted Message: ", e_msg) elif encryption_type == "D": d_msg = Caesar(key=off).decipher(message) print("Decrypted Message: ", d_msg) if cipher_scheme == '3': """Playfair cipher""" if encryption_type == "E": e_msg = Playfair(key='HELOWRDABCFGIJKMNPSTUVXYZ').encipher(message) print("Encrypted Message: ", e_msg) elif encryption_type == "D": d_msg = Playfair(key='HELOWRDABCFGIJKMNPSTUVXYZ').decipher(message) print("Decrypted Message: ", d_msg)
def playfair_decode(s): """Decode""" return Playfair().decipher(s)
import socket from pycipher import Playfair s = socket.socket() host = "" port = 12358 s.bind((host, port)) s.listen(5) while True: c, a = s.accept() print("addr : ", a) rcv_pwd = c.recv(1024) rcv_pwd = str(rcv_pwd.decode("utf-8")) if (Playfair("cdabefhgkijlmnoprqstuvzwxy").encipher("hello") == rcv_pwd): print("password successful") else: print("wrong password ") c.close()
#Public-key cryptography elif code_type == "Keys": print("Input public_key: ") public_key = input("Public key \n") while len(public_key) != 6: if len(public_key) > 6: print("Error! Public key's are 6 characters long!") else: print("Error! Public key's are 6 characters long!") public_key = input("Public key \n") print("Input private key:") private_key = input("Private key \n") while len(private_key) != 2: if len(private_key) > 2: print("Error! Public key's are 2 characters long!") else: print("Error! Public key's are 2 characters long!") private_key = input("Private key \n") decoded_message += str(int(private_key) * int(public_key)) #Playfair Cipher #check out elif code_type == "Playfair": print("Input coded message:") message = input("Coded message \n") decoded_message += Playfair("cdabefhgkijlmnoprqstuvzwxy").decipher(message) print("Decoded message: \n" + decoded_message.title()) print("You welcome.")
def playfairencode(importx, infilepath, outfilepath, inputformat, export, raw, key): if importx == 'file': f = open(infilepath, 'r') raw = f.close() elif importx == 'print': raw = raw else: print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Unknown error.') return False inp = raw if inputformat == 'base64': iput = base64.b64decode(inp) elif inputformat == 'raw': iput = inp elif inputformat == 'base32': iput = base64.b32decode(inp) elif inputformat == 'base16': iput = base64.b16decode(inp) elif inputformat == 'base58': iput = base58.b58decode(inp) elif inputformat == 'base85': print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Option not available yet') elif inputformat == 'hex': iput = inp.decode('hex') elif inputformat == 'dec': print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Option not available yet') elif inputformat == 'octal': print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Option not available yet') elif inputformat == 'binary': iput = text_from_bits(inp) else: print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Unknown error.') return False output = Playfair(key=key).encipher(iput) if export == 'file': f = open(outfilepath, 'w') f.write(output) f.close() return True elif export == 'print': return output else: print('\033[1;31m[-]\033[0m Unknown error.') return False
import socket from pycipher import Playfair s = socket.socket() host = "" port = 12358 s.connect((host, port)) msg = str(input("Password: "******"cdabefhgkijlmnoprqstuvzwxy").encipher(msg) print(msg) s.send(bytes(msg, 'utf-8')) s.close() """ Output =============== ➜ A6 python3 addr : ('', 51571) password successful addr : ('', 51572) wrong password ➜ A6 python3 Password: hello IDOVTE ➜ A6 python3 Password: world XNVREV
def encrypt(keycodeLines, encryptionDirection, plaintextContents): for i in range(len(keycodeLines)): #Iterate over the keycode. if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): splitLine = keycodeLines[i].split() else: splitLine = keycodeLines[len(keycodeLines) - 1 - i].split( ) #This ensures that if the encryption direction is set to decrypt, that this for loop reads the keycode.txt from end to beginning. # print("Line " + str(i) + " is " + keycodeLines[i] + " and the split line is: " + str(splitLine)) # This was an old debugging line that may be useful in the future. if (splitLine[0] == "caesar"): if (int(splitLine[1]) > 25 or int(splitLine[1]) < 1): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Caesar shift detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to shift by value " + splitLine[1] + ".") sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Caesar shift detected with an argument of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Caesar(int( splitLine[1])).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Caesar(int( splitLine[1])).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Caesar shifted " + originalPlaintext + " by " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "vigenere"): if (type(splitLine[1] != str)): originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Vigenère shift detected with an argument of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Vigenere( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Vigenere( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Vigenère shifted " + originalPlaintext + " by " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") else: print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Vigenère shift detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use key that is not a string.") elif (splitLine[0] == "porta"): if (type(splitLine[1] != str)): originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Porta cipher detected with an argument of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Porta( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Porta( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Vigenère shifted " + originalPlaintext + " by " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") else: print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Vigenère shift detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use key that is not a string.") elif (splitLine[0] == "adfgx"): if ( len(splitLine[1]) != 25 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 25. print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": ADFGX cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use keysquare that is not 25 characters long." ) sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": ADFGX cipher detected with a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = ADFGX( splitLine[1], splitLine[2]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = ADFGX( splitLine[1], splitLine[2]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": ADFGX ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif ( splitLine[0] == "adfgvx" ): #The first argument is the keysquare, and the second argument is the keyword. if ( len(splitLine[1]) != 36 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 36. print( "Keycode line: " + str(i) + ": ADFGVX cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use keysquare that is not 25 characters long, but is instead " + str(len(splitLine[1])) + " characters long.") sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": ADFGVX cipher detected with a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = ADFGVX( splitLine[1], splitLine[2]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = ADFGVX( splitLine[1], splitLine[2]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": ADFGVX ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "affine"): if ((int(splitLine[2]) < 1) or (int(splitLine[2]) > 25)): print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Affine cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use b value outside of the range of 1-25.") sys.exit() elif ((int(splitLine[1]) == 13) or (int(splitLine[1]) % 2 != 1) or (int(splitLine[1]) > 25) or (int(splitLine[1]) < 1)): print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Affine cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use an a value outside of the range of 1-25, that is even, or that is 13, all of which are not permitted." ) sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Affine cipher detected with an a value of " + splitLine[1] + " and a b value of " + splitLine[2] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Affine( int(splitLine[1]), int(splitLine[2])).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Affine( int(splitLine[1]), int(splitLine[2])).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Affine ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by value a " + splitLine[1] + " and value b " + splitLine[2] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif ( splitLine[0] == "autokey" ): #TODO: The autokey cipher actually doesn't have any requirements for the key, but will be configured to set off a ton of warnings assuming the config flags allow for it. originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Autokey cipher detected with an key of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Autokey( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Autokey( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Autokey ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by key of " + splitLine[1] + " for a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "atbash"): originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Autokey cipher detected.") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Affine(25, 25).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Affine(25, 25).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Atbash ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " for a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "beaufort"): if (type(splitLine[1] == str)): originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Beaufort shift detected with an argument of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Beaufort( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Beaufort( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Beaufort shifted " + originalPlaintext + " by " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") else: print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Beaufort shift detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use key that is not a string.") elif (splitLine[0] == "bifid"): if ( len(splitLine[1]) != 25 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 25. print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Bifid cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use keysquare that is not 25 characters long." ) sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Bifid cipher detected with a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Bifid(splitLine[1], int( splitLine[2])).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Bifid(splitLine[1], int( splitLine[2])).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Bifid ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "coltrans"): if (type(splitLine[1] != str) ): # Check that the encryption key is a string. originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Columnar transposition shift detected with an argument of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = ColTrans( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = ColTrans( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Columnar transposition shifted " + originalPlaintext + " by " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") else: print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Columnar transposition shift detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use key that is not a string.") elif (splitLine[0] == "foursquare"): if ( len(splitLine[1]) != 25 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 25. print( "Foursquare cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use keysquare that is not 25 characters long." ) sys.exit() elif (len(splitLine[2]) != 25): print( "Foursquare cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use keysquare that is not 25 characters long." ) sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Foursquare cipher detected with a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Foursquare( key1=splitLine[1], key2=splitLine[2]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Foursquare( key1=splitLine[1], key2=splitLine[2]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Foursquare ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " and a keyword of " + splitLine[2] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "playfair"): if ( len(splitLine[1]) != 25 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 25. print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Playfair cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use keysquare that is not 25 characters long." ) sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Playfair( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Playfair( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Playfair ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a keysquare of " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif ( splitLine[0] == "railfence" ): #TODO: Fix this so that it throws an error if the key is a bad length relative to the plaintext. if (splitLine[1].isdigit() == False): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Railfence cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " with a non-numerical key.") sys.exit() elif ( int(splitLine[1]) < 1 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 25. print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Railfence cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use a key less than 0.") sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Railfence(int( splitLine[1])).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Railfence(int( splitLine[1])).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Railfence ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a key of " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "rot13"): originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Rot13 cipher detected.") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = Rot13().encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = Rot13().decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Rot13 ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") elif (splitLine[0] == "simplesub"): if ( len(splitLine[1]) != 26 ): # This makes sure that the keysquare's length is exactly 25. print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Simple substitution cipher detected on keycode line " + str(i) + " attempting to use key that is not 26 characters long.") sys.exit() else: originalPlaintext = plaintextContents if (debug): print( "Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Simple substitution cipher detected with a key of " + splitLine[1] + ".") if (encryptionDirection == "encrypt"): plaintextContents = SimpleSubstitution( splitLine[1]).encipher(plaintextContents) else: plaintextContents = SimpleSubstitution( splitLine[1]).decipher(plaintextContents) if (debug): print("Keycode line: " + str(i + 1) + ": Simple substitution ciphered " + originalPlaintext + " by a key of " + splitLine[1] + " with a result of " + plaintextContents + ".") if (i == (len(keycodeLines) - 1)): # print(plaintextContents) #A debug catch that you may find useful later. return plaintextContents
def decode(self, message, key): try: return Playfair(key).decipher(message) except: return None
############################################ 波利比奥斯方阵密码 1 2 3 4 5 1 A B C D E 2 F G H I/J K 3 L M N O P 4 Q Q S T U 5 V W X Y Z 加密实例: 明文: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG 密文: 442315 4145241325 1242345233 213453 2445323543 442315 31115554 143422 #普莱菲尔密码 加密解密实例(ps:这里加解密也是横向编制密码表): #!python >>>from pycipher import Playfair >>>Playfair('CULTREABDFGHIKMNOPQSVWXYZ').encipher('THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG') #输出'UKDNLHTGFLWUSEPWHLISNPCGCRGAUBVZAQIV' >>>Playfair('CULTREABDFGHIKMNOPQSVWXYZ').decipher('UKDNLHTGFLWUSEPWHLISNPCGCRGAUBVZAQIV') #输出'THEQUICKBROWNFOXIUMPSOVERTHELAZYDOGX' #维吉尼亚密码 明文: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG 密钥(循环使用,密钥越长相对破解难度越大): CULTURE (2)已知密钥加解密 #!python >>>from pycipher import Vigenere >>>Vigenere('CULTURE').encipher('THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG') 'VBPJOZGMVCHQEJQRUNGGWQPPKNYINUKRXFK' >>>Vigenere('CULTURE').decipher('VBPJOZGMVCHQEJQRUNGGWQPPKNYINUKRXFK') 'THEQUICKBROWNFOXJUMPSOVERTHELAZYDOG' #格罗斯费尔德密码(Gronsfeld cipher) #!python
from pycipher import Playfair print Playfair('zgptfoihmuwdrcnykeqaxvsbl').encipher('defend the east wall of the castle') print Playfair('zgptfoihmuwdrcnykeqaxvsbl').decipher('RKPAWRPMYSELZCLFXUZFRSNQBPSA')
self.key = list(s) key = Key() fitness = ns.ngram_score('quadgrams.txt') best_score = -20000.0 max_score = -20000.0 best_txt = "" max_txt = "" best_key = "" max_key = "" for i in range(50): T = (50.0 - i) / 5 for j in range(10000): new_key = key.getNewKey() decrypted_txt = Playfair(key=new_key).decipher(ciphertext) the_score = fitness.score(decrypted_txt) dF = the_score - max_score if (dF >= 0): max_score = the_score max_key = new_key key.setKey(new_key) max_txt = decrypted_txt elif (T > 0): prob = exp(dF / T) if (prob > 1.0 * random.randrange(10) / 10): key.setKey(new_key) max_key = new_key max_txt = decrypted_txt max_score = the_score
def swap_parent(parent): parent = list(parent) a = randint(0, len(parent) - 1) _b = randint(0, len(parent) - 2) b = _b + 1 if _b >= a else _b parent[a], parent[b] = parent[b], parent[a] return "".join(parent) # 1. Generate a random key, called the 'parent', decipher # the ciphertext using this key parent = ''.join(sample(ascii_uppercase, 26)).replace("J", "") parent = "GONPLRSHEAIKTDMBCUQFYWXZV" parent_deciphered = Playfair(parent).decipher(CIPHERTEXT) # 2. Rate the fitness of the deciphered text, store the result fitness = ns('english_bigrams.txt') parent_fitness = fitness.score(parent_deciphered) # 3. for(TEMP = 10;TEMP >= 0; TEMP = TEMP - STEP) TEMP = 10 STEP = 1 maximum_fitness = parent_fitness while TEMP >= 1: TEMP = TEMP - STEP print("Current temperature: {}".format(TEMP)) # for (count = 50,000; count>0; count--) for count in reversed(range(50000)): # Change the parent key slightly (e.g. swap two