def test_corrcc():
    data1 = np.random.rand(50000) * 2 * np.pi
    data2 = np.random.rand(50000) * 2 * np.pi
    assert_allclose(pycircstat.corrcc(data1, data2),
                    rtol=3 * 1e-2,
                    atol=3 * 1e-2)
Пример #2
def cl_corr(x, phase, min_slope, max_slope, ci=.05, bootstrap_iter=1000, return_pval=False):
    Function to (1) fit a line to circular-linear data and (2) determine
    the circular-linear correlation coefficient

    x : array
        real-valued vector of `linear' instances
        (e.g. places, attenuations, frequencies, etc.)
    phase : array
        vector of phases at instances x in rad (values need NOT be
       restricted to the interval [0, 2pi)
    [min_slope, max_slope]:  float
        interval of slopes in which the best_slope is determined.
        In contrast to linear regression, we MUST restrict the range of
        slopes to some `useful' range determined by prior knowledge.
         ATTENTION ! because this is a possible source of errors,
        in particular for low numbers of data points.
    ci : float
        level of confidence desired, e.g. .05 for 95 % confidence
    bootstrap_iter : int
        number of bootstrap iterations (number of samples if None)
    return_pval : bool
        return pvalue instead of confidence interval

    See also

        circ_lin_corr : float
            circular-linear correlation coefficient
        ci/pval : array
            confidence interval
        slope : float
            slope of the fitted line in rad
        phi0_deg : float
            phase offset of the fitted line in deg
        RR : float
            goodness of fit
    phi0, slope, RR = cl_regression(x, phase, min_slope, max_slope) # fit line to data
    circ_x = np.mod(2 * np.pi * abs(slope) * x, 2 * np.pi) # convert linear variable to circular one

    if return_pval:
        p_uniform = 0.5
        pval_x, _ = rayleigh(circ_x)
        pval_y, _ = rayleigh(phase)
        if (pval_x > p_uniform) or (pval_y > p_uniform):
            circ_lin_corr, pval, _ = corr_cc_uniform(circ_x, phase)
            circ_lin_corr, pval, _ = corr_cc(circ_x, phase)
        return circ_lin_corr, pval, slope, phi0, RR
        circ_lin_corr, ci_out = corrcc(circ_x, phase, ci=ci, bootstrap_iter=bootstrap_iter)
        return circ_lin_corr, ci_out, slope, phi0, RR
Пример #3
def test_corrcc_ci_2d():
    data1 = np.random.rand(2, 200) * np.pi
    data2 = np.asarray(data1)

    out1, (out2, out3) = pycircstat.corrcc(data1, data2, ci=0.95, axis=1)
    exp1, (exp2, exp3) = (np.ones(2), pycircstat.CI(np.ones(2), np.ones(2)))
    assert_allclose(out1, exp1)
    assert_allclose(out2, exp2)
    assert_allclose(out3, exp3)
def test_corrcc_ci_2d():
    data1 = np.random.rand(2, 200) * np.pi
    data2 = np.asarray(data1)

    out1, (out2, out3) = pycircstat.corrcc(data1, data2, ci=0.95, axis=1)
    exp1, (exp2, exp3) = (np.ones(2), pycircstat.CI(np.ones(2), np.ones(2)))
    assert_allclose(out1, exp1)
    assert_allclose(out2, exp2)
    assert_allclose(out3, exp3)
Пример #5
def find_circular_correlations(two_mod_df: pd.DataFrame):
        df_nonan = two_mod_df.dropna()
        grouped = df_nonan.groupby(['Mouse', 'Slide'])
        correlations = {}
        mouse = []
        slide = []
        for name, group in grouped:
                radians = group.values*2*np.pi/180
                n = np.shape(radians)[0]
                if n < 100:
                corr = circ.corrcc(radians[:, 0], radians[:, 1])
                correlations[name] = [corr, n]
        index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([mouse, slide], names=['Mouse', 'Slide'])
        correlations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(correlations, orient='index', columns=['Correlation', 'n'])
        correlations.set_index(index, inplace=True)
        return correlations
Пример #6
def circ_lin_regress(phases, coords, theta_r, params):


    n = phases.shape[1]
    pos_x = np.expand_dims(coords[:, 0], 1)
    pos_y = np.expand_dims(coords[:, 1], 1)

    # compute predicted phases for angle and phase offset
    x = np.expand_dims(phases, 2) - params[:, 0] * pos_x - params[:, 1] * pos_y

    # Compute resultant vector length. This is faster than calling pycircstat.resultant_vector_length
    x1 = numexpr.evaluate('sum(cos(x) / n, axis=1)')
    x1 = numexpr.evaluate('x1 ** 2')
    x2 = numexpr.evaluate('sum(sin(x) / n, axis=1)')
    x2 = numexpr.evaluate('x2 ** 2')
    Rs = numexpr.evaluate('-sqrt(x1 + x2)')

    # for each time and event, find the parameters with the smallest -R
    min_vals = theta_r[np.argmin(Rs, axis=1)]

    sl = min_vals[:, 1] * np.array(
        [np.cos(min_vals[:, 0]),
         np.sin((min_vals[:, 0]))])
    offs = np.arctan2(
        np.sum(np.sin(phases.T - sl[0, :] * pos_x - sl[1, :] * pos_y), axis=0),
        np.sum(np.cos(phases.T - sl[0, :] * pos_x - sl[1, :] * pos_y), axis=0))
    pos_circ = np.mod(sl[0, :] * pos_x + sl[1, :] * pos_y + offs, 2 * np.pi)

    # compute circular correlation coefficient between actual phases and predicited phases
    circ_corr_coef = pycircstat.corrcc(phases.T, pos_circ, axis=0)

    # compute adjusted r square
    r2_adj = circ_corr_coef**2

    wave_ang = min_vals[:, 0]
    wave_freq = min_vals[:, 1]

    return wave_ang, wave_freq, r2_adj
Пример #7
def circ_lin_regress(phases, coords, theta_r, params):


    n = phases.shape[1]
    pos_x = np.expand_dims(coords[:, 0], 1)
    pos_y = np.expand_dims(coords[:, 1], 1)

    # compute predicted phases for angle and phase offset
    x = np.expand_dims(phases, 2) - params[:, 0] * pos_x - params[:, 1] * pos_y

    # Compute resultant vector length. This is faster than calling pycircstat.resultant_vector_length
    x1 = numexpr.evaluate('sum(cos(x) / n, axis=1)')
    x1 = numexpr.evaluate('x1 ** 2')
    x2 = numexpr.evaluate('sum(sin(x) / n, axis=1)')
    x2 = numexpr.evaluate('x2 ** 2')
    Rs = numexpr.evaluate('-sqrt(x1 + x2)')

    # for each time and event, find the parameters with the smallest -R
    min_vals = theta_r[np.argmin(Rs, axis=1)]

    sl = min_vals[:, 1] * np.array([np.cos(min_vals[:, 0]), np.sin((min_vals[:, 0]))])
    offs = np.arctan2(np.sum(np.sin(phases.T - sl[0, :] * pos_x - sl[1, :] * pos_y), axis=0),
                      np.sum(np.cos(phases.T - sl[0, :] * pos_x - sl[1, :] * pos_y), axis=0))
    pos_circ = np.mod(sl[0, :] * pos_x + sl[1, :] * pos_y + offs, 2 * np.pi)

    # compute circular correlation coefficient between actual phases and predicited phases
    circ_corr_coef = pycircstat.corrcc(phases.T, pos_circ, axis=0)

    # compute adjusted r square
    r2_adj = circ_corr_coef ** 2

    wave_ang = min_vals[:, 0]
    wave_freq = min_vals[:, 1]

    return wave_ang, wave_freq, r2_adj
Пример #8
def test_corrcc():
    import pycircstat
    x = np.random.rand(1000)
    y = np.random.rand(1000)
    assert_almost_equal(corr_circular(x, y), pycircstat.corrcc(x, y))
Пример #9
def test_corrcc_ci():
    data1 = np.random.rand(200) * 2 * np.pi
    data2 = np.asarray(data1)
    exp = (1., pycircstat.CI(1., 1.))
    assert_equal(pycircstat.corrcc(data1, data2, ci=0.95), exp)
Пример #10
def test_corrcc():
    data1 = np.random.rand(50000) * 2 * np.pi
    data2 = np.random.rand(50000) * 2 * np.pi
    assert_allclose(pycircstat.corrcc(data1, data2),
                    0., rtol=3 * 1e-2, atol=3 * 1e-2)
def test_corrcc_ci():
    data1 = np.random.rand(200) * 2 * np.pi
    data2 = np.asarray(data1)
    exp = (1., pycircstat.CI(1., 1.))
    assert_equal(pycircstat.corrcc(data1, data2, ci=0.95), exp)