Пример #1
def _to_num(json):
    assert json.is_object
    obj = json.value_object()
    if "real" in obj:
        r = obj["real"]
        return values.W_Flonum.make(r.value_float())
    if "real-part" in obj:
        r = obj["real-part"]
        i = obj["imag-part"]
        return values.W_Complex.make(_to_num(r), _to_num(i))
    if "numerator" in obj:
        n = obj["numerator"]
        d = obj["denominator"]
        return values.W_Rational.make(_to_num(n), _to_num(d))
    if "extended-real" in obj:
        rs = obj["extended-real"].value_string()
        if rs == "+inf.0":
            return values.W_Flonum.INF
        if rs == "-inf.0":
            return values.W_Flonum.NEGINF
        if rs == "+nan.0":
            return values.W_Flonum.NAN
    if "integer" in obj:
        rs = obj["integer"].value_string()
            return values.W_Fixnum.make(string_to_int(rs))
        except ParseStringOverflowError:
            val = rbigint.fromdecimalstr(rs)
            return values.W_Bignum(val)
    assert False
Пример #2
def read_number_or_id(f, init):
    sofar = StringBuilder(64)
    while True:
        c = f.peek()
        if c == "":
        if idchar(c):
            v = f.read(1)
            assert v == c
    got = sofar.build()
        val = string_to_int(got)
        return values.W_Fixnum.make_or_interned(val)
    except ParseStringOverflowError:
        val = rbigint.fromdecimalstr(got)
        return values.W_Bignum(val)
    except ParseStringError:
            return values.W_Flonum(float(got))
            return values.W_Symbol.make(got)
Пример #3
 def arith_sub_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value - other.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(self.value)).arith_sub(other)
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #4
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed, big_endian, w_start, w_end):
    bytes = bstr.as_bytes_list()

    start = w_start.value
    if w_end is None:
        end = len(bytes)
        end = w_end.value

    if not (0 <= start < len(bytes)):
        raise SchemeException(
            "integer-bytes->integer: start position not in byte string")
    if not (0 <= end <= len(bytes)):
        raise SchemeException(
            "integer-bytes->integer: end position not in byte string")
    if end < start:
        raise SchemeException(
            "integer-bytes->integer: end position less than start position")

    length = end - start
    if length not in (2, 4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
            "integer-bytes->integer: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

    if start != 0 or end != len(bytes):
        bytes = bytes[start:end]

    byteorder = "little" if big_endian is values.w_false else "big"
    is_signed = signed is not values.w_false
    big = rbigint.frombytes(bytes, byteorder, is_signed)
        result = values.W_Fixnum(big.toint())
    except OverflowError:
        result = values.W_Bignum(big)
    return result
Пример #5
 def arith_pow_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     # XXX nonsense
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck_float_to_int(math.pow(self.value, other.value))
     except OverflowError:
         return self.arith_pow(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value)))
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #6
 def arith_mod_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if other.value == 0:
         raise Exception("zero_divisor")
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value % other.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return self.arith_mod(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value)))
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #7
 def arith_mul_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if not self.value: return self
     if not other.value: return other
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value * other.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return self.arith_mul(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value)))
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #8
 def arith_gcd_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if other.value:
             res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value % other.value)
             return other.arith_gcd(values.W_Fixnum(res))
         except OverflowError:
             return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(
         return self
Пример #9
def _str2num(s, radix):
    from rpython.rlib import rarithmetic, rfloat, rbigint
    from rpython.rlib.rstring import ParseStringError, ParseStringOverflowError
    from rpython.rlib.rsre import rsre_re as re
    import math
        if ((radix == 16 and re.match("^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$", s))
                or (radix == 8 and re.match("^[0-7]+$", s))
                or (radix == 10 and re.match("^[0-9]+$", s))):
                return values.W_Fixnum(rarithmetic.string_to_int(s,
            except ParseStringOverflowError:
                return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.rbigint.fromstr(s, base=radix))
        if re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)?.?\d+[tT]\d", s):
            # it's an extflonum
            return values.W_ExtFlonum(s)

        if re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)?.?\d+[sf]\d", s):
            if "f" in s:
                f_parts = s.split("f")
            elif "s" in s:
                f_parts = s.split("s")
                raise ParseStringError("invalid floating point number : %s" %

            if len(f_parts) > 2:
                raise ParseStringError("invalid floating point number : %s" %

                numb = float(f_parts[0])
                prec = int(f_parts[1])
                p = math.pow(10, prec)
            except ValueError, e:
                return values.w_false

            return values.W_Flonum.make(numb * p, True)

        if re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)?.?\d+e\d", s):
            e_parts = s.split("e")
            if len(e_parts) > 2:
                raise ParseStringError("invalid floating point number : %s" %

                num = float(e_parts[0])
                exp = int(e_parts[1])
                p = math.pow(10, exp)
            except ValueError, e:
                return values.w_false

            return values.W_Flonum(num * p)
Пример #10
 def arith_shl_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if other.value >= r_int.BITS:
         if not self.value:
             return values.W_Fixnum.ZERO
         val = rbigint.fromint(self.value).lshift(other.value)
         return values.W_Integer.frombigint(val)
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value << other.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return self.arith_shl(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value)))
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #11
 def arith_quotient_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     x = self.value
     y = other.value
     if y:
             res = int_floordiv_ovf(x, y) # misnomer, should be int_truncdiv or so
         except OverflowError:
             return self.arith_quotient(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value)))
         raise SchemeException("zero_divisor")
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #12
 def arith_div_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if other.value == 0:
         raise SchemeException("zero_divisor")
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value / other.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return self.arith_div(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(
     if res * other.value == self.value:
         return values.W_Fixnum(res)
     return values.W_Rational.fromint(self.value, other.value)
Пример #13
def file_size(obj):
    if not is_path_string(obj):
        raise SchemeException("file-size: expected path string")
    path = extract_path(obj)
        size = os.path.getsize(path)
    except OSError:
        raise SchemeException("file-size: file %s does not exists" % path)

    intsize = intmask(size)
    if intsize == size:
        return values.W_Fixnum(intsize)
    return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromrarith_int(size))
Пример #14
def str2num(w_s):
    from rpython.rlib import rarithmetic, rfloat, rbigint
    from rpython.rlib.rstring import ParseStringError, ParseStringOverflowError

    s = w_s.as_str_utf8()
        if "." in s:
            return values.W_Flonum(rfloat.string_to_float(s))
                return values.W_Fixnum(rarithmetic.string_to_int(s, base=10))
            except ParseStringOverflowError:
                return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.rbigint.fromstr(s))
    except ParseStringError as e:
        return values.w_false
Пример #15
 def arith_remainder_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if other.value == 0:
         raise Exception("zero_divisor")
     a = abs(self.value)
     b = abs(other.value)
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(a % b)
         if self.value < 0:
             res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(-res)
     except OverflowError:
         res = a % b
         res1 = -res if self.value < 0 else res
         return self.arith_mod(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(res1)))
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #16
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed, big_endian):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed or big endian parameter
    bytes = bstr.value
    if len(bytes) not in (2, 4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
                "integer-bytes->integer: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

    byteorder = "little" if big_endian is values.w_false else "big"
    is_signed = signed is not values.w_false
    big = rbigint.frombytes(bytes, byteorder, is_signed)
        result = values.W_Fixnum(big.toint())
    except OverflowError:
        result = values.W_Bignum(big)
    return result
Пример #17
def read_number_or_id(f, init):
    sofar = [init]
    while True:
        c = f.peek()
        if c == "":
        if idchar(c):
            v = f.read(1)
            assert v == c
    got = "".join(sofar)
        return NumberToken(values.W_Fixnum.make(string_to_int(got)))
    except ParseStringOverflowError:
        val = rbigint.fromdecimalstr(got)
        return NumberToken(values.W_Bignum(val))
    except ParseStringError:
            return NumberToken(values.W_Flonum.make(float(got)))
            return SymbolToken(values.W_Symbol.make(got))
Пример #18
 def arith_unarysub(self):
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(-self.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(self.value).neg())
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
Пример #19
    def fasl_to_sexp_recursive(self, fasl_string, pos):
        from pycket import values as v
        from pycket.values_string import W_String
        from pycket.values_regex import W_Regexp, W_PRegexp, W_ByteRegexp, W_BytePRegexp
        from pycket.vector import W_Vector
        from pycket.values_struct import W_Struct
        from pycket.prims.general import srcloc
        from pycket.hash import simple as hash_simple
        from pycket.hash.equal import W_EqualHashTable
        from pycket.prims.numeric import float_bytes_to_real
        from pycket.prims.string import _str2num
        from rpython.rlib.rbigint import rbigint
        from pycket.prims.input_output import build_path, bytes_to_path_element
        from pycket.ast_vs_sexp import to_rpython_list
        from pycket.racket_entry import get_primitive

        typ, pos = self.read_byte_no_eof(fasl_string, pos)

        if typ == FASL_GRAPH_DEF_TYPE:
            position, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            val, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            if position >= self.GLOBAL_SHARED_COUNT:
                raise Exception("fasl: bad graph index")
            self.SHARED[position] = val
            return val, pos
        elif typ == FASL_GRAPH_REF_TYPE:
            position, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            if position >= self.GLOBAL_SHARED_COUNT:
                raise Exception("fasl: bad graph index")
            return self.SHARED[position], pos
        elif typ == FASL_FALSE_TYPE:
            return v.w_false, pos
        elif typ == FASL_TRUE_TYPE:
            return v.w_true, pos
        elif typ == FASL_NULL_TYPE:
            return v.w_null, pos
        elif typ == FASL_VOID_TYPE:
            return v.w_void, pos
        elif typ == FASL_EOF_TYPE:
            return v.eof_object, pos
        elif typ == FASL_INTEGER_TYPE:
            num, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            if isinstance(num, rbigint):
                return v.W_Bignum(num), pos
            return v.W_Fixnum(num), pos
        elif typ == FASL_FLONUM_TYPE:
            num_str, pos = self.read_bytes_exactly(fasl_string, pos, 8)
            return float_bytes_to_real(list(num_str), v.w_false), pos
        elif typ == FASL_SINGLE_FLONUM_TYPE:
            num_str, pos = self.read_bytes_exactly(fasl_string, pos, 4)
            real = float_bytes_to_real(list(num_str), v.w_false)
            return real.arith_exact_inexact(), pos
        elif typ == FASL_EXTFLONUM_TYPE:
            bstr_len, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            num_str, pos = self.read_bytes_exactly(fasl_string, pos, bstr_len)
            return _str2num(W_String.fromstr_utf8(num_str).as_str_utf8(),
                            10), pos
        elif typ == FASL_RATIONAL_TYPE:
            num, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            den, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Rational.make(num, den), pos
        elif typ == FASL_COMPLEX_TYPE:
            re, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            im, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Complex.from_real_pair(re, im), pos
        elif typ == FASL_CHAR_TYPE:
            _chr, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Character(unichr(_chr)), pos
        elif typ == FASL_SYMBOL_TYPE:
            sym_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Symbol.make(sym_str), pos
        elif typ == FASL_UNREADABLE_SYMBOL_TYPE:
            sym_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Symbol.make_unreadable(sym_str), pos
        elif typ == FASL_UNINTERNED_SYMBOL_TYPE:
            sym_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Symbol(sym_str), pos
        elif typ == FASL_KEYWORD_TYPE:
            key_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Keyword.make(key_str), pos
        elif typ == FASL_STRING_TYPE:
            str_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            return W_String.make(str_str), pos
        elif typ == FASL_IMMUTABLE_STRING_TYPE:
            str_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            return W_String.make(str_str).make_immutable(), pos
        elif typ == FASL_BYTES_TYPE:
            byts, pos = self.read_fasl_bytes(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Bytes.from_string(byts, immutable=False), pos
        elif typ == FASL_IMMUTABLE_BYTES_TYPE:
            byts, pos = self.read_fasl_bytes(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Bytes.from_string(byts), pos
        elif typ == FASL_PATH_TYPE:
            byts, pos = self.read_fasl_bytes(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Path(byts), pos
        elif typ == FASL_RELATIVE_PATH_TYPE:
            wrt_dir = self.current_relative_dir
            p_w_lst, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            p_r_lst, _ = to_rpython_list(p_w_lst)
            rel_elems = [
                bytes_to_path_element(p) if isinstance(p, v.W_Bytes) else p
                for p in p_r_lst
            if wrt_dir:
                return build_path([wrt_dir] + rel_elems), pos
            elif rel_elems == []:
                return build_path([v.W_Symbol.make("same")]), pos
                return build_path(rel_elems), pos
        elif typ == FASL_PREGEXP_TYPE:
            str_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            reg_str = W_String.make(str_str)
            pregexp = get_primitive('pregexp')
            pregexp_obj = pregexp.call_interpret([reg_str])
            return pregexp_obj, pos
        elif typ == FASL_REGEXP_TYPE:
            str_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            reg_str = W_String.make(str_str)
            regexp = get_primitive('regexp')
            regexp_obj = regexp.call_interpret([reg_str])
            return regexp_obj, pos
        elif typ == FASL_BYTE_PREGEXP:
            str_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            reg_bytes = v.W_Bytes.from_string(str_str)
            byte_pregexp = get_primitive('byte-pregexp')
            byte_pregexp_obj = byte_pregexp.call_interpret([reg_bytes])
            return byte_pregexp_obj, pos
        elif typ == FASL_BYTE_REGEXP_TYPE:
            str_str, pos = self.read_fasl_string(fasl_string, pos)
            reg_bytes = v.W_Bytes.from_string(str_str)
            byte_regexp = get_primitive('byte-regexp')
            byte_regexp_obj = byte_regexp.call_interpret([reg_bytes])
            return byte_regexp_obj, pos
        elif typ == FASL_LIST_TYPE:
            list_len, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            lst, pos = self.read_multi_into_rpython_list(
                fasl_string, pos, list_len)
            return v.to_list(lst), pos
        elif typ == FASL_PAIR_TYPE:
            car, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            cdr, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_Cons.make(car, cdr), pos
        elif typ == FASL_LIST_STAR_TYPE:
            list_len, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            # list_len is the length of the proper part
            lst, pos = self.read_multi_into_rpython_list(
                fasl_string, pos, list_len)
            # read the last element
            return_list, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            for i in range(list_len - 1, -1, -1):
                return_list = v.W_Cons.make(lst[i], return_list)
            return return_list, pos
        elif typ == FASL_VECTOR_TYPE or typ == FASL_IMMUTABLE_VECTOR_TYPE:
            vec_len, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            storage, pos = self.read_multi_into_rpython_list(
                fasl_string, pos, vec_len)
            if typ == FASL_IMMUTABLE_VECTOR_TYPE:
                return W_Vector.fromelements(storage, immutable=True), pos
            return W_Vector.fromelements(storage), pos
        elif typ == FASL_BOX_TYPE:
            element, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_MBox(element), pos
        elif typ == FASL_IMMUTABLE_BOX_TYPE:
            element, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            return v.W_IBox(element), pos
        elif typ == FASL_PREFAB_TYPE:
            key, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            length, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            vals, pos = self.read_multi_into_rpython_list(
                fasl_string, pos, length)
            return W_Struct.make_prefab(key, vals), pos
        elif typ == FASL_HASH_TYPE:
            variant, pos = self.read_byte_no_eof(fasl_string, pos)
            length, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            keys, vals, pos = self.read_multi_double_into_rpython_list(
                fasl_string, pos, length)
            if variant == FASL_HASH_EQ_VARIANT:
                return hash_simple.make_simple_mutable_table(
                    hash_simple.W_EqMutableHashTable, keys, vals), pos
            elif variant == FASL_HASH_EQV_VARIANT:
                return hash_simple.make_simple_mutable_table(
                    hash_simple.W_EqvMutableHashTable, keys, vals), pos
            else:  # variant == FASL_HASH_EQUAL_VARIANT:
                return W_EqualHashTable(keys, vals, immutable=False), pos
        elif typ == FASL_IMMUTABLE_HASH_TYPE:
            variant, pos = self.read_byte_no_eof(fasl_string, pos)
            length, pos = self.read_fasl_integer(fasl_string, pos)
            keys, vals, pos = self.read_multi_double_into_rpython_list(
                fasl_string, pos, length)
            if variant == FASL_HASH_EQ_VARIANT:
                return hash_simple.make_simple_immutable_table(
                    hash_simple.W_EqImmutableHashTable, keys, vals), pos
            elif variant == FASL_HASH_EQV_VARIANT:
                return hash_simple.make_simple_immutable_table(
                    hash_simple.W_EqvImmutableHashTable, keys, vals), pos
            else:  # variant == FASL_HASH_EQUAL_VARIANT:
                return W_EqualHashTable(keys, vals, immutable=True), pos
        elif typ == FASL_SRCLOC:
            # difficult to create an instance of srcloc struct so defer that to the runtime
            source, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            line, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            column, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            position, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            span, pos = self.fasl_to_sexp_recursive(fasl_string, pos)
            return W_Struct.make([source, line, column, position, span],
                                 srcloc), pos
            if typ >= FASL_SMALL_INTEGER_START:
                return v.W_Fixnum((typ - FASL_SMALL_INTEGER_START) +
                                  FASL_LOWEST_SMALL_INTEGER), pos
                raise Exception("unrecognized fasl tag : %s" % typ)
Пример #20
                exp = int(e_parts[1])
                p = math.pow(10, exp)
            except ValueError, e:
                return values.w_false

            return values.W_Flonum(num*p)

        if "." in s or re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)(\.[\d]+)?e[+-][\d]+$", s):
            if not radix == 10: # FIXME
                raise SchemeException("string->number : floats with base different than 10 are not supported yet : given number : %s - radix : %s" % (w_s.tostring(), str(radix)))
            return values.W_Flonum(rfloat.string_to_float(s))
                return values.W_Fixnum(rarithmetic.string_to_int(s, base=radix))
            except ParseStringOverflowError:
                return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.rbigint.fromstr(s, base=radix))
    except ParseStringError as e:
        return values.w_false

        [values.W_Number, default(values.W_Fixnum, values.W_Fixnum.make(10))])
def num2str(a, radix):
    from rpython.rlib.rbigint import BASE8, BASE16
    if radix.value == 10:
        return W_String.fromascii(a.tostring())
        if isinstance(a, values.W_Fixnum):
            if radix.value == 16:
                res = hex(a.value)
                if a.value >= 0:
                    res = res[2:]
Пример #21
 def arith_unarysub(self):
     # XXX fix the sys.maxint + 1 case
     return values.W_Bignum(self.value.neg())
Пример #22
 def same_numeric_class(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum):
         return self, values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value))
     if isinstance(other, values.W_Bignum):
         return self, other
     return other.same_numeric_class_reversed(self)
Пример #23
def str2num(w_s, radix, convert_mode, decimal_mode):
    from rpython.rlib import rarithmetic, rfloat, rbigint
    from rpython.rlib.rstring import ParseStringError, ParseStringOverflowError
    from rpython.rlib.rsre import rsre_re as re
    import math

    s = w_s.as_str_utf8()
        if re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)?.?\d+[tT]\d", s):
            # it's an extflonum
            return values.W_ExtFlonum(s)

        if re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)?.?\d+[sf]\d", s):
            if "f" in s:
                f_parts = s.split("f")
            elif "s" in s:
                f_parts = s.split("s")
                raise ParseStringError("invalid floating point number : %s" %

            if len(f_parts) > 2:
                raise ParseStringError("invalid floating point number : %s" %

                numb = float(f_parts[0])
                prec = int(f_parts[1])
                p = math.pow(10, prec)
            except ValueError:
                return values.w_false

            return values.W_Flonum.make(numb * p, True)

        if re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)?.?\d+e\d", s):
            e_parts = s.split("e")
            if len(e_parts) > 2:
                raise ParseStringError("invalid floating point number : %s" %

                num = float(e_parts[0])
                exp = int(e_parts[1])
                p = math.pow(10, exp)
            except ValueError:
                return values.w_false

            return values.W_Flonum(num * p)

        if "." in s or re.match("[+-]?([\d]+)(\.[\d]+)?e[+-][\d]+$", s):
            if not radix.equal(values.W_Fixnum(10)):  # FIXME
                raise SchemeException(
                    "string->number : floats with base different than 10 are not supported yet : given number : %s - radix : %s"
                    % (w_s.tostring(), radix.tostring()))
            return values.W_Flonum(rfloat.string_to_float(s))
                return values.W_Fixnum(
                    rarithmetic.string_to_int(s, base=radix.toint()))
            except ParseStringOverflowError:
                return values.W_Bignum(rbigint.rbigint.fromstr(s))
    except ParseStringError as e:
        return values.w_false