Пример #1
def register(name, callback):
    Register a command

    :param name: Name of command
    :param callback: Callback for command
    def command_callback(*args):
        engine.debug('calling callback for command {}'.format(name))

    callbacks.register(command_callback, prefix='command_{}'.format(name))
    aggressor.command(name, command_callback)
Пример #2
def _serialize_special(item):
    Serialize and register callbacks and other special objects

    if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple):
        # recurse lists
        new_list = []
        for child in item:
        return new_list
    elif isinstance(item, dict):
        # recurse dicts
        new_dict = {}
        for key, value in item.items():
            new_dict[key] = _serialize_special(value)
        return new_dict
    elif callable(item):
        # serialize callbacks
        func_name = callbacks.name(item)
        if not func_name:
            func_name = callbacks.register(item)
        return _serialize_callback_prefix + func_name
    elif isinstance(item, bytes):
        # serialize bytes
        return _serialize_bytes_prefix + base64.b64encode(item).decode()
        # item is json-serializable
        return item
Пример #3
def register_modifier(name, callback, known_only=True):
    Register a modifier callback.

    :param name: Name of modifier (case-insensitive)
    :param callback: Modifier callback
    :param known_only: Only allow known modifiers
    :return: Name of registered callback

    name = name.upper()

    def modifier_callback(*args):
        engine.debug('calling callback for modifier {}'.format(name))
            return callback(*args)
        except Exception as exc:
            return '[!] An Exception occurred in the {} output modifier. See Script Console for more details.'.format(

    if known_only and not is_known_modifier(name):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Tried to register an unknown modifier: {name}. Try console.modifier("{name}", known_only=False).'

    callback_name = callbacks.register(modifier_callback,
    engine.write('set', {'name': name, 'callback': modifier_callback})

    return callback_name
Пример #4
def register(name, callback, short_help=None, long_help=None):
    Register an alias

    :param name: Name of alias
    :param callback: Callback for alias
    :param short_help: Short version of help, shown when running `help` with no
    :param long_help: Long version of help, shown when running `help <alias>`.
                      By default this is generated based on the short help and syntax of the
                      Python callback.
    def alias_callback(*args):
        bid = int(args[0])
        if utils.check_args(callback, args):
                engine.debug('calling callback for alias {}'.format(name))
            except Exception as e:
                    "Caught Python exception while executing alias '{}': {}\n    See Script Console for more details."
                    .format(name, str(e)))
                raise e
            syntax = '{}{}'.format(name, utils.signature(callback, trim=1))
            aggressor.berror(bid, "Syntax: " + syntax)
                "Invalid number of arguments passed to alias '{}'. Syntax: {}".
                format(name, syntax))

    callbacks.register(alias_callback, prefix='alias_{}'.format(name))
    aggressor.alias(name, alias_callback)

    # register help info
    if not long_help:
        long_help = ''
        if short_help:
            long_help += short_help + '\n\n'
        long_help += 'Syntax: {}{}'.format(name,
                                           utils.signature(callback, trim=1))

    if not short_help:
        short_help = 'Custom python command'

    aggressor.beacon_command_register(name, short_help, long_help)
Пример #5
def register(name, callback, quote_replacement=None):
    Register a command

    Regarding the `quote_replacement` argument: Cobalt Strike's Script Console
    uses double quotes to enclose arguments with spaces in them. There's no way
    to escape double quotes within those quotes though. Set `quote_replacement`
    to a string and PyCobalt will replace it with " in each argument.

    :param name: Name of command
    :param callback: Callback for command
    :param quote_replacement: Replace this string with " in each

    # this is a workaround for a famously stupid python issue where keyword
    # arguments are not passed to closures correctly.
    quote_replacement_ = quote_replacement

    def command_callback(*args):
        # see above
        quote_replacement = quote_replacement_

        # check arguments
        if not utils.check_args(callback, args):
            syntax = '{} {}'.format(name, utils.signature_command(callback))
            engine.error("Syntax: " + syntax)

        # handle the quote replacement character
        if not quote_replacement:
            global _default_quote_replacement
            quote_replacement = _default_quote_replacement

        if quote_replacement:
            args = [arg.replace(quote_replacement, '"') for arg in args]

        #engine.debug('calling callback for command {}'.format(name))

    callbacks.register(command_callback, prefix='command_{}'.format(name))
    aggressor.command(name, command_callback, sync=False)
Пример #6
def register(name, callback, official_only=True):
    Register an event callback.

    :param name: Name of event
    :param callback: Event callback
    :param official_only: Only allow official callbacks
    :return: Name of registered callback

    def event_callback(*args):
        engine.debug('calling callback for event {}'.format(name))

    if official_only and not is_official(name):
        raise RuntimeError('tried to register an unofficial event: {name}. try events.event("{name}", official_only=False).'.format(name=name))

    callback_name = callbacks.register(event_callback, prefix='event_{}'.format(name))
    aggressor.on(name, event_callback)
    return callback_name
Пример #7
def register(name, callback, short_help=None, long_help=None,
    Register an alias

    Regarding the `quote_replacement` argument: Cobalt Strike's Beacon console
    uses double quotes to enclose arguments with spaces in them. There's no way
    to escape double quotes within those quotes though. Set `quote_replacement`
    to a string and PyCobalt will replace it with " in each argument. Call
    `aliases.set_quote_replacement(<string>)` to change the default quote
    replacement behavior.

    :param name: Name of alias
    :param callback: Callback for alias
    :param short_help: Short version of help, shown when running `help` with no
    :param long_help: Long version of help, shown when running `help <alias>`.
                      By default this is generated based on the short help and syntax of the
                      Python callback.
    :param quote_replacement: Replace this string with " in each

    # this is a workaround for a famously stupid python issue where keyword
    # arguments are not passed to closures correctly.
    quote_replacement_ = quote_replacement

    def alias_callback(*args):
        # first argument is bid
        bid = int(args[0])

        # see above
        quote_replacement = quote_replacement_

        # check arguments
        if not utils.check_args(callback, args):
            syntax = '{} {}'.format(name, utils.signature_command(callback, trim=1))
            aggressor.berror(bid, "Syntax: " + syntax)
            engine.error("Invalid number of arguments passed to alias '{}'. Syntax: {}".format(name, syntax))

        # handle the quote replacement character
        if not quote_replacement:
            global _default_quote_replacement
            quote_replacement = _default_quote_replacement

        if quote_replacement:
            args = [arg.replace(quote_replacement, '"') for arg in args]

            # run the alias callback
            #engine.debug('calling callback for alias {}'.format(name))
        except Exception as e:
            # print exception summaries to the beacon log. raise the
            # Exception again so the full traceback can get printed to the
            # Script Console
                "Caught Python exception while executing alias '{}': {}\n    See Script Console for more details.".format(name, str(e)))
            raise e

    callbacks.register(alias_callback, prefix='alias_{}'.format(name))
    aggressor.alias(name, alias_callback, sync=False)

    # by default short_help is just 'Custom Python command'
    if not short_help:
        short_help = 'Custom Python command'

    # by default long_help is short_help
    if not long_help:
        long_help = short_help

    # tack the syntax on the long_help, even if the user set their own
    long_help += '\n\nSyntax: {} {}'.format(name, utils.signature_command(callback, trim=1))

    aggressor.beacon_command_register(name, short_help, long_help, sync=False)