Пример #1
def bitcoin(public, private, address, amount):
    coins_from = []
    coins_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(public)
    value = sum(cs[-1].coin_value for cs in coins_sources)

    secret_exponents = [encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(private)]

    amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount)
    coins_to = []
    coins_to.append((amount, address))
    actual_tx_fee = value - amount
    if actual_tx_fee < 0:
            "not enough source coins (%s BTC) for destination (%s BTC). Short %s BTC"
            % (satoshi_to_btc(total_value), satoshi_to_btc(total_spent),
        return None

    if actual_tx_fee > 0:
        coins_to.append((actual_tx_fee, public))

    unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to)
    solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents)
    new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver)
    s = io.BytesIO()
    tx_bytes = s.getvalue()
    tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8")

    return tx_bytes
Пример #2
def bitcoin(public, private, address, amount):
     coins_from = []
     coins_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(public)
     value = sum(cs[-1].coin_value for cs in coins_sources)

     secret_exponents = [encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(private)]

     amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount)
     coins_to = []
     coins_to.append((amount, address))
     actual_tx_fee = value - amount
     if actual_tx_fee < 0:
         print("not enough source coins (%s BTC) for destination (%s BTC). Short %s BTC" %   (satoshi_to_btc(total_value), satoshi_to_btc(total_spent), satoshi_to_btc(-actual_tx_fee)))
         return None;

     if actual_tx_fee > 0:
        coins_to.append((actual_tx_fee, public))

     unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to)
     solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents)
     new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver)
     s = io.BytesIO()
     tx_bytes = s.getvalue()
     tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8")

     return tx_bytes
Пример #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a Bitcoin transaction.")

    parser.add_argument('-s', "--source-address", help='source Bitcoin address', required=True, nargs="+", metavar='source_address')
    parser.add_argument('-d', "--destination-address", help='destination Bitcoin address/amount', required=True, metavar='dest_address/amount_in_btc', nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument('-f', "--wif-file", help='WIF items for source Bitcoin addresses', required=True, metavar="path-to-WIF-values", type=argparse.FileType('r'))
    args = parser.parse_args()

    total_value = 0
    coins_from = []
    for bca in args.source_address:
        coins_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(bca)
        total_value += sum(cs[-1].coin_value for cs in coins_sources)

    secret_exponents = []
    for l in args.wif_file:
        print l

    coins_to = []
    total_spent = 0
    for daa in args.destination_address:
        address, amount = daa.split("/")
        amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount)
        total_spent += amount
        coins_to.append((amount, address))

    actual_tx_fee = total_value - total_spent
    if actual_tx_fee < 0:
        print("not enough source coins (%s BTC) for destination (%s BTC). Short %s BTC" % (satoshi_to_btc(total_value), satoshi_to_btc(total_spent), satoshi_to_btc(-actual_tx_fee)))

    print("transaction fee: %s BTC" % satoshi_to_btc(actual_tx_fee))
    unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to)
    solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents)
    new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver)
    s = io.BytesIO()
    tx_bytes = s.getvalue()
    tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8")
    recommended_tx_fee = tx_fee.recommended_fee_for_tx(new_tx)
    if actual_tx_fee > recommended_tx_fee:
        print("warning: transaction fee of exceeds expected value of %s BTC" % satoshi_to_btc(recommended_tx_fee))
    elif actual_tx_fee < recommended_tx_fee:
        print("warning: transaction fee lower than (casually calculated) expected value of %s BTC, transaction might not propogate" % satoshi_to_btc(recommended_tx_fee))
    print("copy the following hex to http://blockchain.info/pushtx to put the transaction on the network:\n")
Пример #4
def construct_data_tx(data, _from):
  # inputs
  coins_from = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(_from)
  min_coin_value, min_idx, min_h, min_script = max((tx_out.coin_value, idx, h, tx_out.script) for h, idx, tx_out in coins_from)
  unsigned_txs_out = [UnsignedTxOut(min_h, min_idx, min_coin_value, min_script)]
  # outputs
  if min_coin_value > TX_FEES * 2:
    return 'max output greater than twice the threshold, too big.'
  if min_coin_value < TX_FEES:
    return 'max output smaller than threshold, too small.'
  script_text = 'OP_RETURN %s' % data.encode('hex')
  script_bin = tools.compile(script_text)
  new_txs_out = [TxOut(0, script_bin)]
  version = 1
  lock_time = 0
  unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx(version, unsigned_txs_out, new_txs_out, lock_time)
  return unsigned_tx
Пример #5
def construct_data_tx(data, _from):
    # inputs
    coins_from = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(_from)
    if len(coins_from) < 1:
        return "No free outputs to spend"
    max_coin_value, _, max_idx, max_h, max_script = max(
        (tx_out.coin_value, random(), idx, h, tx_out.script)
        for h, idx, tx_out in coins_from)
    unsigned_txs_out = [
        UnsignedTxOut(max_h, max_idx, max_coin_value, max_script)

    # outputs
    if max_coin_value > TX_FEES * 2:
        return 'max output greater than twice the threshold, too big.'
    if max_coin_value < TX_FEES:
        return 'max output smaller than threshold, too small.'
    script_text = 'OP_RETURN %s' % data.encode('hex')
    script_bin = tools.compile(script_text)
    new_txs_out = [TxOut(0, script_bin)]
    version = 1
    lock_time = 0
    unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx(version, unsigned_txs_out, new_txs_out, lock_time)
    return unsigned_tx
Пример #6
  satoshis = 0
  coin_sources = []  
  secret_exponent = None
  bitcoin_address_compressed = None
    secret_exponent = encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(options.funding_source)
    public_pair = ecdsa.public_pair_for_secret_exponent(secp256k1.generator_secp256k1, secret_exponent)  
    bitcoin_address_compressed = encoding.public_pair_to_bitcoin_address(public_pair, compressed=True)
    print "Hrm something went wrong in trying to figure out BTC address from WIF %s" % (options.funding_source)

    if not options.forced_tx_source:
      coin_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(bitcoin_address_compressed)
      #forced args should combine all the info we need to run the code below ... so, value in satoshis, script, tx_hash and tx_output_n 
      #value is in satoshis. tx_output_n does appear to start at zero after all.
      #u can find a tx outputs info by putting the tx in here: https://blockchain.info/rawtx/8684f9ea9f35953d0235cd4f5c73485dcf0eeb4cada6d2f657b63bea1e425178?scripts=true
      #eg args below ... wanted to redo something that used output # 0 of this tx as a source: 8684f9ea9f35953d0235cd4f5c73485dcf0eeb4cada6d2f657b63bea1e425178, soooo from the https://blockchain.info/rawtx/8684f9ea9f35953d0235cd4f5c73485dcf0eeb4cada6d2f657b63bea1e425178?scripts=true link we got:
      hash, tx_output_n, s_value, script = options.forced_tx_source.split(',')
      #the hash we get from rawtx will be the reverse byte order of the tx_hash that the unspent outputs thing that the pycoin normally uses (http://blockchain.info/unspent?active=%s ) reports (why?? only Satoshi knows.)
      #so we'll just put it in the form that is expected for manipulations by pycon.
      tx_hash = "".join(reversed([hash[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(hash), 2)]))
      tx_out = TxOut(int(s_value), binascii.unhexlify(script.encode()))
      coins_source = (binascii.unhexlify(tx_hash.encode()), int(tx_output_n), tx_out)
      print "NOTE: Could not verify that this source address even has enough funds, but preparing a (possibly to be rejected by network) that will source from supplied info and send change back to BTC %s address from WIF" % (bitcoin_address_compressed)