Пример #1
 def new_cosmo_model(self, p):
     if model_type == "wwa":
         model = cosmo.Cosmow0wa()
         model.Omega_k = p['Omega_k'].free
         model.wa = p['wa'].free
         model = cosmo.CosmoLambda()
         model.Omega_lambda = p['Omega_lambda'].free
     model.Omega_m = p['Omega_m'].free
     model.w = p['w'].free
     model.H0 = p['H0'].free
     model.Omega_b_h2 = p['Omega_b_h2'].free
     return model
Пример #2
def generate_sample(obslog):
    generate a sample, with 1 sn per redshift bin
    cosmo_model = cosmo.CosmoLambda()
    norm = 1.E-9 / (4. * np.pi)

    z = np.arange(0.05, 1.2, 0.05)
    nsn_tot = len(z)
    mjd_start, mjd_end = obslog.mjd.min(), obslog.mjd.max()
    dl = cosmo_model.dL(z)
    X1 = np.zeros_like(z)
    Color = np.zeros_like(z)
    #    DayMax = np.random.uniform(mjd_start, mjd_end, size=nsn_tot)
    DayMax = np.zeros_like(z)
    ra = np.zeros_like(z)
    dec = np.zeros_like(z)
    sample = np.rec.fromarrays(
        (z, dl, DayMax, X1, Color, ra, dec),
        names=['z', 'dL', 'DayMax', 'X1', 'Color', 'ra', 'dec'])
    return sample
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, pxlobs, z=0.5, rf_phase_range=(-20., 45.), nside=64, etc=None, lc_template=None, model_filename=None):
     Constructor. Takes a file 
     self.pixel_obs = pxlobs
     self.mjd = np.unique(np.floor(pxlobs['mjd'])).astype(int)
     self.mjd = self.mjd[self.mjd>0]
     self.nside, self.npix = nside, hp.nside2npix(nside)
     self.rf_phase_range = np.array(rf_phase_range)
     self.min_rf_phase_range = np.array(rf_phase_range) + np.array([10., -10.])
     self.accept = []
     self.fig_odometer = 0
     self.cache_mjd_min = 0.
     self.cache_mjd_max = 0.
     self.cache = None
     # add an etc
     logging.info('loading ETC')
     self.etc = psf.find(instrument_name) if etc is None else etc
     suffix = self.etc.instrument.name + '::'
     self.pixel_obs['bandname'][:] = np.core.defchararray.add(suffix, self.pixel_obs['band'])
     # add a LC model
     self.sn = np.rec.fromarrays(([0.] * 7),
                                 names=['z', 'dL', 'DayMax', 'X1', 'Color', 'ra', 'dec'])
     self.sn['X1'], self.sn['Color'] = -2., 0.2
     logging.info('instantiating Cosmo model')
     self.cosmo = cosmo.CosmoLambda()
     logging.info('loading SALT2 from: %s' % model_filename)
     #        self.lcmodel = snsim.init_lc_model(np.unique(self.pixel_obs['bandname']),
     #                                           model_filename)
     # add something to manage the LC templates
     #        print lc_template
     if lc_template is not None:
         self.lc_template_cache = self._build_lc_template_cache(lc_template)
         self.lc_template_cache = None
Пример #4
import pyfits
from saunerie.spectrum import Spectrum
from saunerie.instruments import FilterWheel
from glob import glob

# Choix du modèle pour les performances

# model_type = "wwa"
model_type = "lambdaCDM"

if model_type == "wwa":
    mod = cosmo.Cosmow0wa()
    mod = cosmo.CosmoLambda()

# Extraction du spectre SALT2

class NotKeptError(Exception):

print 'Starting --- ' + time.ctime()
m = InstrumentModel("LSSTPG")
cfg = saltpath.read_card_file(saltpath.fitmodel_filename)
salt2_model_path = saltpath.SALTPATH + os.sep + cfg['SALT2']
M0_filename = salt2_model_path + os.sep + 'salt2_template_0.dat'