def test_format_value_string():
    tau = Parameter('tau', value=5.123456)
    formatted_string = format_value_string('tau', tau)
    assert formatted_string == 'tau: 5.1235$\pm$NaN '

    tau.stderr = 0.03
    formatted_string = format_value_string('tau', tau)
    assert formatted_string == 'tau: 5.1235$\pm$0.0300 '
    tau.stderr = 0.03
def test_format_value_string_unit_aware():
    tau = Parameter('tau', value=5.123456e-6)
    formatted_string = format_value_string('tau', tau, unit='s')
    assert formatted_string == 'tau: 5.1235$\pm$NaN μs'

    tau.stderr = 0.03e-6
    formatted_string = format_value_string('tau', tau, unit='s')
    assert formatted_string == 'tau: 5.1235$\pm$0.0300 μs'
    tau.stderr = 0.03
Пример #3
    def analyze_fit_results(self):
        fit_msg = ''
        states = ['0', '1', '+']
        for state in states:
            fr = self.fit_res['fit {}'.format(state)]

            fit_msg += 'Prep |{}> :\n\t'
            fit_msg += format_value_string('$N_1$',
                                           fr.params['N1'], end_char='\n\t')
            fit_msg += format_value_string('$N_2$',
                                           fr.params['N2'], end_char='\n')

        self.proc_data_dict['fit_msg'] = fit_msg
Пример #4
    def prepare_plots(self):
        # Did we load two voltage components (shall we do 2D plots?)
        two_dim_data = len(
            self.proc_data_dict['all_channel_int_voltages'][0]) == 2

        eff_voltage_label = self.proc_data_dict['shots_xlabel']
        eff_voltage_unit = self.proc_data_dict['shots_xunit']
        x_volt_label = self.raw_data_dict['value_names'][0]
        x_volt_unit = self.raw_data_dict['value_units'][0]
        if two_dim_data:
            y_volt_label = self.raw_data_dict['value_names'][1]
            y_volt_unit = self.raw_data_dict['value_units'][1]
        z_hist_label = 'Counts'
        label_0 = '|g> prep.'
        label_1 = '|e> prep.'
        title = ('\n' + self.timestamps[0] + ' - "' +
                 self.raw_data_dict['measurementstring'] + '"')

        # 1D histograms
        log_hist = self.options_dict.get('log_hist', False)
        bin_x = self.proc_data_dict['bin_edges']
        bin_y = self.proc_data_dict['hist']
        self.plot_dicts['hist_0'] = {
            'title': 'Binned Shot Counts' + title,
            'ax_id': '1D_histogram',
            'plotfn': self.plot_bar,
            'xvals': bin_x,
            'yvals': bin_y[0],
            'xwidth': self.proc_data_dict['binsize'],
            'bar_kws': {
                'log': log_hist,
                'alpha': .4,
                'facecolor': 'C0',
                'edgecolor': 'C0'
            'setlabel': label_0,
            'xlabel': eff_voltage_label,
            'xunit': eff_voltage_unit,
            'ylabel': z_hist_label,

        self.plot_dicts['hist_1'] = {
            'ax_id': '1D_histogram',
            'plotfn': self.plot_bar,
            'xvals': bin_x,
            'yvals': bin_y[1],
            'xwidth': self.proc_data_dict['binsize'],
            'bar_kws': {
                'log': log_hist,
                'alpha': .3,
                'facecolor': 'C3',
                'edgecolor': 'C3'
            'setlabel': label_1,
            'do_legend': True,
            'xlabel': eff_voltage_label,
            'xunit': eff_voltage_unit,
            'ylabel': z_hist_label,
        if log_hist:
            self.plot_dicts['hist_0']['yrange'] = (0.5, 1.5 * np.max(bin_y[0]))
            self.plot_dicts['hist_1']['yrange'] = (0.5, 1.5 * np.max(bin_y[1]))

        # CDF
        cdf_xs = self.proc_data_dict['cumsum_x']
        cdf_ys = self.proc_data_dict['cumsum_y']
        cdf_ys[0] = cdf_ys[0] / np.max(cdf_ys[0])
        cdf_ys[1] = cdf_ys[1] / np.max(cdf_ys[1])
        xra = (bin_x[0], bin_x[-1])

        self.plot_dicts['cdf_shots_0'] = {
            'title': 'Culmulative Shot Counts (no binning)' + title,
            'ax_id': 'cdf',
            'plotfn': self.plot_line,
            'xvals': cdf_xs[0],
            'yvals': cdf_ys[0],
            'setlabel': label_0,
            'xrange': xra,
            'line_kws': {
                'color': 'C0',
                'alpha': 0.3
            'marker': '',
            'xlabel': eff_voltage_label,
            'xunit': eff_voltage_unit,
            'ylabel': 'Culmulative Counts',
            'yunit': 'norm.',
            'do_legend': True,
        self.plot_dicts['cdf_shots_1'] = {
            'ax_id': 'cdf',
            'plotfn': self.plot_line,
            'xvals': cdf_xs[1],
            'yvals': cdf_ys[1],
            'setlabel': label_1,
            'line_kws': {
                'color': 'C3',
                'alpha': 0.3
            'marker': '',
            'xlabel': eff_voltage_label,
            'xunit': eff_voltage_unit,
            'ylabel': 'Culmulative Counts',
            'yunit': 'norm.',
            'do_legend': True,

        # Vlines for thresholds
        th_raw = self.proc_data_dict['threshold_raw']
        threshs = [
        if self.do_fitting:

        for ax in ['1D_histogram', 'cdf']:
            self.plot_dicts[ax + '_vlines_thresh'] = {
                'ax_id': ax,
                'plotfn': self.plot_vlines_auto,
                'xdata': threshs,
                'linestyles': ['--', '-.', ':'],
                'labels': ['$th_{raw}$', '$th_{fit}$', '$th_{d}$'],
                'colors': ['0.3', '0.5', '0.2'],
                'do_legend': True,

        # 2D Histograms
        if two_dim_data:
            iq_centers = None
            if 'IQ_pos' in self.proc_data_dict and self.proc_data_dict[
                    'IQ_pos'] is not None:
                iq_centers = self.proc_data_dict['IQ_pos']
                peak_marker_2D = {
                    'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                    'xvals': iq_centers[1],
                    'yvals': iq_centers[0],
                    'xlabel': x_volt_label,
                    'xunit': x_volt_unit,
                    'ylabel': y_volt_label,
                    'yunit': y_volt_unit,
                    'marker': 'x',
                    'linestyle': '',
                    'color': 'black',
                    #'line_kws': {'markersize': 1, 'color': 'black', 'alpha': 1},
                    'setlabel': 'Peaks',
                    'do_legend': True,
                peak_marker_2D_rot = deepcopy(peak_marker_2D)
                peak_marker_2D_rot['xvals'] = iq_centers[0]
                peak_marker_2D_rot['yvals'] = iq_centers[1]

            self.plot_dicts['2D_histogram_0'] = {
                'title': 'Raw ' + label_0 + ' Binned Shot Counts' + title,
                'ax_id': '2D_histogram_0',
                'plotfn': self.plot_colorxy,
                'xvals': self.proc_data_dict['2D_histogram_y'],
                'yvals': self.proc_data_dict['2D_histogram_x'],
                'zvals': self.proc_data_dict['2D_histogram_z'][0],
                'xlabel': x_volt_label,
                'xunit': x_volt_unit,
                'ylabel': y_volt_label,
                'yunit': y_volt_unit,
                'zlabel': z_hist_label,
                'zunit': '-',
                'cmap': 'Blues',
            if iq_centers is not None:
                dp = deepcopy(peak_marker_2D)
                dp['ax_id'] = '2D_histogram_0'
                self.plot_dicts['2D_histogram_0_marker'] = dp

            self.plot_dicts['2D_histogram_1'] = {
                'title': 'Raw ' + label_1 + ' Binned Shot Counts' + title,
                'ax_id': '2D_histogram_1',
                'plotfn': self.plot_colorxy,
                'xvals': self.proc_data_dict['2D_histogram_y'],
                'yvals': self.proc_data_dict['2D_histogram_x'],
                'zvals': self.proc_data_dict['2D_histogram_z'][1],
                'xlabel': x_volt_label,
                'xunit': x_volt_unit,
                'ylabel': y_volt_label,
                'yunit': y_volt_unit,
                'zlabel': z_hist_label,
                'zunit': '-',
                'cmap': 'Reds',
            if iq_centers is not None:
                dp = deepcopy(peak_marker_2D)
                dp['ax_id'] = '2D_histogram_1'
                self.plot_dicts['2D_histogram_1_marker'] = dp

            # Scatter Shots
            volts = self.proc_data_dict['all_channel_int_voltages']
            vxr = [
                np.min([np.min(a) for a in volts[:][1]]),
                np.max([np.max(a) for a in volts[:][1]])
            vyr = [
                np.min([np.min(a) for a in volts[:][0]]),
                np.max([np.max(a) for a in volts[:][0]])
            self.plot_dicts['2D_shots_0'] = {
                'title': 'Raw Shots' + title,
                'ax_id': '2D_shots',
                'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                'xvals': volts[0][1],
                'yvals': volts[0][0],
                #'range': [vxr, vyr],
                #'xrange': vxr,
                #'yrange': vyr,
                'xlabel': x_volt_label,
                'xunit': x_volt_unit,
                'ylabel': y_volt_label,
                'yunit': y_volt_unit,
                'zlabel': z_hist_label,
                'marker': 'o',
                'linestyle': '',
                'color': 'C0',
                'line_kws': {
                    'markersize': 0.25,
                    'color': 'C0',
                    'alpha': 0.5
                'setlabel': label_0,
                'do_legend': True,
            self.plot_dicts['2D_shots_1'] = {
                'ax_id': '2D_shots',
                'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                'xvals': volts[1][1],
                'yvals': volts[1][0],
                #'range': [vxr, vyr],
                #'xrange': vxr,
                #'yrange': vyr,
                'xlabel': x_volt_label,
                'xunit': x_volt_unit,
                'ylabel': y_volt_label,
                'yunit': y_volt_unit,
                'zlabel': z_hist_label,
                'marker': 'o',
                'linestyle': '',
                'color': 'C3',
                'line_kws': {
                    'markersize': 0.25,
                    'color': 'C3',
                    'alpha': 0.5
                'setlabel': label_1,
                'do_legend': True,
            if iq_centers is not None:
                dp = deepcopy(peak_marker_2D)
                dp['ax_id'] = '2D_shots'
                self.plot_dicts['2D_shots_marker'] = dp

        # The cumulative histograms
        # Adding the fits to the figures    #
        if self.do_fitting:
            # todo: add seperate fits for residual and main gaussians
            x = np.linspace(bin_x[0], bin_x[-1], 150)
            para_hist_tmp = self.fit_res['shots_all_hist'].best_values
            para_cdf = self.fit_res['shots_all'].best_values
            para_hist = para_cdf
            para_hist['A_amplitude'] = para_hist_tmp['A_amplitude']
            para_hist['B_amplitude'] = para_hist_tmp['B_amplitude']

            ro_g = ro_gauss(x=[x, x], **para_hist)
            self.plot_dicts['new_fit_shots_0'] = {
                'ax_id': '1D_histogram',
                'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                'xvals': x,
                'yvals': ro_g[0],
                'setlabel': 'Fit ' + label_0,
                'line_kws': {
                    'color': 'C0'
                'marker': '',
                'do_legend': True,
            self.plot_dicts['new_fit_shots_1'] = {
                'ax_id': '1D_histogram',
                'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                'xvals': x,
                'yvals': ro_g[1],
                'marker': '',
                'setlabel': 'Fit ' + label_1,
                'line_kws': {
                    'color': 'C3'
                'do_legend': True,

            self.plot_dicts['cdf_fit_shots_0'] = {
                'ax_id': 'cdf',
                'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                'xvals': x,
                'yvals': self._CDF_0(x),
                'setlabel': 'Fit ' + label_0,
                'line_kws': {
                    'color': 'C0',
                    'alpha': 0.8
                'linestyle': ':',
                'marker': '',
                'do_legend': True,
            self.plot_dicts['cdf_fit_shots_1'] = {
                'ax_id': 'cdf',
                'plotfn': self.plot_line,
                'xvals': x,
                'yvals': self._CDF_1(x),
                'marker': '',
                'linestyle': ':',
                'setlabel': 'Fit ' + label_1,
                'line_kws': {
                    'color': 'C3',
                    'alpha': 0.8
                'do_legend': True,

        # Add textbox (eg.g Thresholds, fidelity #
        # information, number of shots etc)      #
        if not self.presentation_mode:
            fit_text = 'Thresholds:'
            fit_text += '\nName | Level | Fidelity'
            thr, th_unit = SI_val_to_msg_str(
            raw_th_msg = ('\n>raw   | ' + '{:.2f} {} | '.format(thr, th_unit) +
                              self.proc_data_dict['F_assignment_raw'] * 100))

            fit_text += raw_th_msg

            if self.do_fitting:
                thr, th_unit = SI_val_to_msg_str(
                fit_th_msg = (
                    '\n>fit     | ' + '{:.2f} {} | '.format(thr, th_unit) +
                        self.proc_data_dict['F_assignment_fit'] * 100))
                fit_text += fit_th_msg

                thr, th_unit = SI_val_to_msg_str(
                fit_th_msg = (
                    '\n>dis    | ' + '{:.2f} {} | '.format(thr, th_unit) +
                    '{:.1f}%'.format(self.proc_data_dict['F_discr'] * 100))
                fit_text += fit_th_msg
                snr = self.fit_res['shots_all'].params['SNR']

                fit_text += format_value_string('\nSNR (fit)', lmfit_par=snr)

                fr = self.fit_res['shots_all']
                bv = fr.params
                a_sp = bv['A_spurious']
                fit_text += '\n\nSpurious Excitations:'

                fit_text += format_value_string('\n$p(e|0)$', lmfit_par=a_sp)

                b_sp = bv['B_spurious']
                fit_text += format_value_string('\n$p(g|\\pi)$',

            if two_dim_data:
                offs = self.proc_data_dict['raw_offset']

                fit_text += '\n\nRotated by ${:.1f}^\\circ$'.format(
                    (offs[2] * 180 / np.pi) % 180)
                auto_rot = self.options_dict.get('auto_rotation_angle', True)
                fit_text += '(auto)' if auto_rot else '(man.)'
                fit_text += '\n\n(Single quadrature data)'

            fit_text += '\n\nTotal shots: %d+%d' % (
                *self.proc_data_dict['nr_shots'], )

            for ax in ['cdf', '1D_histogram']:
                self.plot_dicts['text_msg_' + ax] = {
                    'ax_id': ax,
                    'xpos': 1.05,
                    'horizontalalignment': 'left',
                    'plotfn': self.plot_text,
                    'box_props': 'fancy',
                    'text_string': fit_text,