Пример #1
def Intension(node):
    checkType(node, Node)
    ctr = ECtr(ConstraintIntension(node))
    if ctr.blank_basic_attributes():
    return ctr
Пример #2
 def add_condition(self, operator, right_operand):
     if isinstance(right_operand, (int, Variable)):
         return ECtr(self.constraint.set_condition(operator, right_operand))
     # TODO : which kind of right operand is authorized? just a partial sum?
     assert isinstance(self.constraint, ConstraintSum)
     pc = PartialConstraint.combine_partial_objects(
         self, TypeNode.SUB,
         right_operand)  # the 'complex' right operand is moved to the left
     return ECtr(pc.constraint.set_condition(operator, 0))
Пример #3
def AllDifferent(term, *others, excepting=None, matrix=None):
    terms = flatten(term, others)
    if matrix is not None:
        assert excepting is None, "excepting values are currently not supported for AllDifferentMatrix"
        matrix = [flatten(row) for row in terms]
        assert all(len(row) == len(matrix[0]) for row in matrix), "The matrix id badly formed"
        assert all(checkType(l, [Variable]) for l in matrix)
        return ECtr(ConstraintAllDifferentMatrix(matrix))
    excepting = list(excepting) if isinstance(excepting, (tuple, set)) else [excepting] if isinstance(excepting, int) else excepting
    checkType(terms, ([Variable, Node]))
    checkType(excepting, ([int], type(None)))
    return ECtr(ConstraintAllDifferent(terms, excepting))
Пример #4
def _lex(term, others, operator, matrix):
    if len(others) == 0:
        assert is_matrix(term, Variable)
        lists = [flatten(l) for l in term]
        assert is_1d_list(term, Variable) and all(is_1d_list(l, Variable) for l in others)
        lists = [flatten(term)] + [flatten(l) for l in others]
    assert is_matrix(lists, Variable)  # new check because some null cells (variables) may have been discarded
    assert all(len(l) == len(lists[0]) for l in lists)
    checkType(lists, [Variable])
    checkType(operator, TypeOrderedOperator)
    return ECtr(ConstraintLexMatrix(lists, operator)) if matrix else ECtr(ConstraintLex(lists, operator))
Пример #5
def Extension(*, scope, table, positive=True):
    scope = flatten(scope)
    checkType(scope, [Variable])
    assert isinstance(table, list)
    if any(isinstance(v, ConditionValue) for t in table for v in t):  # if smart table
        table = sorted(list(to_ordinary_table(table, [x.dom for x in scope], keep_any=True)))

    checkType(table, [str, int, float])
    checkType(positive, bool)
    assert isinstance(table, list) and len(table) > 0, "A table must be a non-empty list of tuples or integers (or symbols)"
    assert isinstance(table[0], (tuple, int, str)), "Elements of tables are tuples or integers (or symbols)"
    assert isinstance(table[0], (int, str)) or len(scope) == len(table[0]), (
         "The length of each tuple must be the same as the arity." + "Maybe a problem with slicing: you must for example write x[i:i+3,0] instead of x[i:i+3][0]")
    # TODO: this ckecking don't pass on Waterbucket.py, but the xml file is the same that the java version !
    # if options.checker:
    #    if not hasattr(Extension, "checked_tables"):
    #        Extension.checked_tables = set()
    #    if id(table) not in checked_tables:
    #        for t in table:
    #            for i, v in enumerate(t):
    #                if v not in variables[i].dom:
    #                    raise ValueError(
    #                        "Problem: Constraint extension : a value of table is not represented in a domain of a variable : " + str(domainElement))
    #        checked_tables.add(id(table))
    return ECtr(ConstraintExtension(scope, table, positive))
Пример #6
def Channel(list1, list2=None, *, start_index1=0, start_index2=0):
    list1 = flatten(list1)
    checkType(list1, [Variable])
    if list2:
        list2 = flatten(list2)
        checkType(list2, [Variable])
    checkType(start_index1, int)
    checkType(start_index2, int)
    assert start_index2 == 0 or list2 is not None, "start_index2 is defined while list2 is not specified"
    return ECtr(ConstraintChannel(list1, start_index1, list2, start_index2))
Пример #7
def _ordered(term, others, operator, lengths):
    terms = flatten(term, others)
    checkType(terms, [Variable])
    checkType(operator, TypeOrderedOperator)
    checkType(lengths, ([int, Variable], type(None)))
    if lengths is not None:
        if len(terms) == len(lengths):
            lengths = lengths[:-1]  # we assume that the last value is useless
        assert len(terms) == len(lengths) + 1
    return ECtr(ConstraintOrdered(terms, operator, lengths))
Пример #8
def Clause(term, *others, phases=None):
    literals = flatten(term, others)
    phases = [False] * len(literals) if phases is None else flatten(phases)
    assert len(literals) == len(phases)
    checkType(literals, ([Variable, NotVariable]))
    checkType(phases, [bool])
    for i, literal in enumerate(literals):
        if isinstance(literal, NotVariable):
            literals[i] = literal.variable
            phases[i] = True
    return ECtr(ConstraintClause(literals, phases))
Пример #9
def AllDifferentList(lists, *others, excepting=None):
    if isinstance(lists, types.GeneratorType):
        lists = [l for l in lists]
    elif len(others) > 0:
        lists = list((lists,) + others)
    lists = [flatten(l) for l in lists]
    assert all(checkType(l, [Variable]) for l in lists)
    excepting = list(excepting) if isinstance(excepting, (tuple, set)) else excepting
    checkType(excepting, ([int], type(None)))
    assert all(len(l) == len(lists[0]) for l in lists) and (excepting is None or len(excepting) == len(list[0]))
    return ECtr(ConstraintAllDifferentList(lists, excepting))
Пример #10
 def __eq__(self, other):
     other = self._simplify_with_auxiliary_variables(other)
     if isinstance(
         (ConstraintElement, ConstraintElementMatrix)) and isinstance(
             other, (int, Variable)):
         if isinstance(self.constraint, ConstraintElement):
             arg = self.constraint.arguments[TypeCtrArg.LIST]
             arg.content = flatten(
             )  # we need to flatten now because it has not been done before
         return ECtr(self.constraint.set_value(
             other))  # only value must be replaced for these constraints
     return self.add_condition(TypeConditionOperator.EQ, other)
Пример #11
def Cardinality(term, *others, occurrences, closed=False):
    terms = flatten(term, others)
    checkType(terms, [Variable])
    assert isinstance(occurrences, dict)
    values = list(occurrences.keys())
    assert all(isinstance(value, (int, Variable)) for value in values)
    occurs = list(occurrences.values())
    checkType(closed, (bool, type(None)))
    for i, occ in enumerate(occurs):
        if isinstance(occ, range):
            occurs[i] = str(min(occ)) + ".." + str(max(occ))
        if isinstance(occ, list):
            flat = flatten(occ)
            if all([isinstance(e, int) for e in flat]) and flat == list(range(min(flat), max(flat) + 1)):
                flat = str(min(flat)) + ".." + str(max(flat))
            occurs[i] = flat
    return ECtr(ConstraintCardinality(terms, values, occurs, closed))
Пример #12
def _bool_interpretation_for_in(left_operand, right_operand, bool_value):
    assert type(bool_value) is bool
    if isinstance(left_operand, Variable) and isinstance(right_operand, (tuple, list, set, frozenset, range)) and len(right_operand) == 0:
        return None
    if isinstance(left_operand, (Variable, int, str)) and isinstance(right_operand, (set, frozenset, range)):
        # it is a unary constraint of the form x in/not in set/range
        ctr = Intension(Node.build(TypeNode.IN, left_operand, right_operand) if bool_value else Node.build(TypeNode.NOTIN, left_operand, right_operand))
    elif isinstance(left_operand, PartialConstraint):  # it is a partial form of constraint (sum, count, maximum, ...)
        ctr = ECtr(left_operand.constraint.set_condition(TypeConditionOperator.IN if bool_value else TypeConditionOperator.NOTIN, right_operand))
    elif isinstance(right_operand, Automaton):  #  it is a regular constraint
        ctr = Regular(scope=left_operand, automaton=right_operand)
    elif isinstance(right_operand, MDD):  # it is a MDD constraint
        ctr = Mdd(scope=left_operand, mdd=right_operand)
    elif isinstance(left_operand, int) and (is_1d_list(right_operand, Variable) or is_1d_tuple(right_operand, Variable)):
        ctr = Count(right_operand, value=left_operand, condition=(TypeConditionOperator.GE, 1))  # atLeast1 TODO to be replaced by a member/element constraint ?
    else:  #  It is a table constraint
        if not hasattr(left_operand, '__iter__'):
            left_operand = [left_operand]
        if not bool_value and len(right_operand) == 0:
            return None
        # TODO what to do if the table is empty and bool_value is true? an error message ?
        ctr = Extension(scope=list(left_operand), table=right_operand, positive=bool_value)
    return ctr
Пример #13
def recognizing_instantiations(entities):
    def _elements_for_building_instantiation(trees):
        t1, t2 = [], []
        for tree in trees:
            pair = tree.var_val_if_binary_type(TypeNode.EQ)
            if pair is None:
                return None
        return t1, t2

    for i, e in enumerate(entities):
        # since a group, we can test only the first constraint (to see if it is a group of intension constraints)
        if isinstance(e, EGroup) and isinstance(e.entities[0].constraint,
            elements = _elements_for_building_instantiation(
                for c in e.entities)
            if elements:
                entities[i] = ECtr(
                        elements[0], elements[1])).copy_basic_attributes_of(e)
        elif isinstance(e, (ESlide, EToGather, EBlock, EToSatisfy)):
Пример #14
def Regular(*, scope, automaton):
    scope = flatten(scope)
    checkType(scope, [Variable])
    checkType(automaton, Automaton)
    return ECtr(ConstraintRegular(scope, automaton))
Пример #15
def Mdd(*, scope, mdd):
    scope = flatten(scope)
    checkType(scope, [Variable])
    checkType(mdd, MDD)
    return ECtr(ConstraintMdd(scope, mdd.transitions))
Пример #16
def AllEqual(term, *others):
    terms = flatten(term, others)
    checkType(terms, ([Variable], [Node]))
    return ECtr(ConstraintAllEqual(terms))
Пример #17
def Circuit(term, *others, start_index=0, size=None):
    terms = flatten(term, others)
    checkType(terms, [Variable])
    checkType(start_index, int)
    checkType(size, (int, type(None)))
    return ECtr(ConstraintCircuit(terms, start_index, size))
Пример #18
def NoOverlap(*, origins, lengths, zero_ignored=False):
    checkType(origins, [Variable])
    checkType(lengths, ([Variable], [int]))
    return ECtr(ConstraintNoOverlap(origins, lengths, zero_ignored))
Пример #19
def _wrapping_by_complete_or_partial_constraint(ctr):
    condition = ctr.arguments[TypeCtrArg.CONDITION].content
    return ECtr(ctr) if condition is not None else PartialConstraint(ctr)