Пример #1
    def test_conflict(self):
        """Test a dataset with conflicting short names."""
        dataset = DatasetType("a")
        dataset["b"] = StructureType("b")
        dataset["b"]["c"] = BaseType("c")
        dataset["d"] = StructureType("d")
        dataset["d"]["c"] = BaseType("c")

        projection = [[("c", ())]]
        with self.assertRaises(ConstraintExpressionError):
            fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
Пример #2
    def test_conflict(self):
        """Test a dataset with conflicting short names."""
        dataset = DatasetType("a")
        dataset["b"] = StructureType("b")
        dataset["b"]["c"] = BaseType("c")
        dataset["d"] = StructureType("d")
        dataset["d"]["c"] = BaseType("c")

        projection = [[("c", ())]]
        with self.assertRaises(ConstraintExpressionError):
            fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
Пример #3
    def parse(self, projection, selection, buffer_size=BUFFER_SIZE):
        Parse the constraint expression.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Subclasses must define a dataset attribute pointing to a DatasetType.")

        # make a copy of the dataset, so we can filter sequences inplace
        dataset = self.dataset.clone()

        # apply the selection to the dataset, inplace
        apply_selection(selection, dataset)

        # wrap data in Arrayterator, to optimize projection/selection
        #dataset = wrap_arrayterator(dataset, buffer_size)

        # fix projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            projection = [[(key, ())] for key in dataset.keys()]
        dataset = apply_projection(projection, dataset)

        return dataset
Пример #4
    def test_fix_projection(self):
        """Test a dataset that can use the shorthand notation."""
        dataset = DatasetType("a")
        dataset["b"] = StructureType("b")
        dataset["b"]["c"] = BaseType("c")

        projection = [[("c", ())]]
        self.assertEqual(fix_shorthand(projection, dataset), [[('b', ()),
                                                               ('c', ())]])
Пример #5
    def test_fix_projection(self):
        """Test a dataset that can use the shorthand notation."""
        dataset = DatasetType("a")
        dataset["b"] = StructureType("b")
        dataset["b"]["c"] = BaseType("c")

        projection = [[("c", ())]]
            fix_shorthand(projection, dataset),
            [[('b', ()), ('c', ())]])
Пример #6
    def parse(self, projection, selection):
        Parse the constraint expression.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Subclasses must define a dataset attribute pointing to a DatasetType.")

        # make a copy of the dataset, so we can filter sequences inplace
        dataset = self.dataset.clone()

        # apply the selection to the dataset, inplace
        apply_selection(selection, dataset)

        # fix projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            projection = [[(key, ())] for key in dataset.keys()]
        out = apply_projection(projection, dataset)

        return out
Пример #7
    def parse(self, projection, selection, buffer_size=BUFFER_SIZE):
        """Parse the constraint expression, returning a new dataset."""
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Subclasses must define a ``dataset`` attribute pointing to a"
                "``DatasetType`` object.")

        # make a copy of the dataset, so we can filter sequences inplace
        dataset = copy.copy(self.dataset)

        # apply the selection to the dataset, inplace
        apply_selection(selection, dataset)

        # wrap data in Arrayterator, to optimize projection/selection
        dataset = wrap_arrayterator(dataset, buffer_size)

        # fix projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            projection = [[(key, ())] for key in dataset.keys()]
        dataset = apply_projection(projection, dataset)

        return dataset
Пример #8
    def parse(self, projection, selection):
        Parse the constraint expression.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Subclasses must define a dataset attribute pointing to a DatasetType."

        # make a copy of the dataset, so we can filter sequences inplace
        dataset = self.dataset.clone()

        # apply the selection to the dataset, inplace
        apply_selection(selection, dataset)

        # fix projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            projection = [[(key, ())] for key in dataset.keys()]
        out = apply_projection(projection, dataset)

        return out
Пример #9
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        # specify that we want the parsed dataset
        environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response'] = True
        req = Request(environ)
        original_query = req.query_string
        projection, selection = parse_ce(req.query_string)

        # apply selection without any function calls
        req.query_string = '&'.join(expr for expr in selection if not FUNCTION.match(expr))
        res = req.get_response(self.app)

        # ignore DAS requests
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        if response == 'das':
            return self.app(environ, start_response)

        # get the dataset
        method = getattr(res.app_iter, 'x_wsgiorg_parsed_response', False)
        if not method:
            environ['QUERY_STRING'] = original_query
            return self.app(environ, start_response)
        dataset = method(DatasetType)

        # apply selection containing server-side functions
        selection = (expr for expr in selection if FUNCTION.match(expr))
        for expr in selection:
            if RELOP.search(expr):
                call, op, other = RELOP.split(expr)
                op = {
                        '<' : operator.lt,
                        '>' : operator.gt,
                        '!=': operator.ne,
                        '=' : operator.eq,
                        '>=': operator.ge,
                        '<=': operator.le,
                        '=~': lambda a, b: re.match(b, a),
                other = ast.literal_eval(other)
                call, op, other = expr, operator.eq, 1

            # evaluate the function call
            sequence = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)

            # is this an inplace call?
            for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                if sequence is var:
                # get the data from the resulting variable, and use it to 
                # constrain the original dataset
                data = np.fromiter(sequence)
                print data.shape
                valid = op(data, other)

                for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                    data = np.asarray(list(sequence), 'O')[valid]
                    sequence.data = np.asarray(list(sequence), 'O')[valid]
                dataset = out

        # now apply projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            base = [p for p in projection if not isinstance(p, basestring)] 
            func = [p for p in projection if isinstance(p, basestring)] 

            # apply non-function projection
            out = apply_projection(base, dataset)

            # apply function projection
            for call in func:
                var = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)
                for child in walk(var):
                    parent = reduce(operator.getitem, [out] + child.id.split('.')[:-1])
                    if child.name not in parent.keys():
                        parent[child.name] = child
            dataset = out

        # Return the original response (DDS, DAS, etc.)
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        res = BaseHandler.responses[response](dataset)

        return res(environ, start_response)
Пример #10
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        # specify that we want the parsed dataset
        environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response'] = True
        req = Request(environ)
        projection, selection = parse_ce(req.query_string)

        # check if there are any functions calls in the request
        called = (
            any(s for s in selection if FUNCTION.match(s)) or
            any(p for p in projection if isinstance(p, string_types)))

        # ignore DAS requests and requests without functions
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        if response == 'das' or not called:
            return self.app(environ, start_response)

        # apply selection without any function calls
        req.query_string = '&'.join(
            s for s in selection if not FUNCTION.match(s))
        res = req.get_response(self.app)

        # get the dataset
        method = getattr(res.app_iter, 'x_wsgiorg_parsed_response', False)
        if not method:
            raise ServerError("Unable to call server-side function!")
        dataset = method(DatasetType)

        # apply selection containing server-side functions
        selection = (s for s in selection if FUNCTION.match(s))
        for expr in selection:
            if RELOP.search(expr):
                call, op, other = RELOP.split(expr)
                op = {
                    '<':  operator.lt,
                    '>':  operator.gt,
                    '!=': operator.ne,
                    '=':  operator.eq,
                    '>=': operator.ge,
                    '<=': operator.le,
                    '=~': lambda a, b: re.match(b, a),
                other = ast.literal_eval(other)
                call, op, other = expr, operator.eq, 1

            # evaluate the function call
            sequence = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)

            # is this an inplace call?
            for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                if sequence is var:
                # get the data from the resulting variable, and use it to
                # constrain the original dataset
                child = list(sequence.children())[0]
                data = np.fromiter(child.data, child.dtype)
                if data.dtype.char == "S":
                    valid = np.array(
                        list(map(lambda v: op(str(v), str(other)), data)),
                    valid = op(data, other)

                for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                    sequence.data = np.rec.fromrecords(
                        [tuple(row) for row in sequence],

        # now apply projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            base = [p for p in projection if not isinstance(p, string_types)]
            func = [p for p in projection if isinstance(p, string_types)]

            # apply non-function projection
            out = apply_projection(base, dataset)

            # apply function projection
            for call in func:
                var = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)
                for child in walk(var):
                    parent = reduce(
                        operator.getitem, [out] + child.id.split('.')[:-1])
                    if child.name not in parent.keys():
                        parent[child.name] = child
            dataset = out

        # Return the original response (DDS, DAS, etc.)
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        res = BaseHandler.responses[response](dataset)

        return res(environ, start_response)
Пример #11
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        # specify that we want the parsed dataset
        environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response'] = True
        req = Request(environ)
        projection, selection = parse_ce(req.query_string)

        # check if there are any functions calls in the request
        called = (any(s for s in selection if FUNCTION.match(s))
                  or any(p for p in projection if isinstance(p, string_types)))

        # ignore DAS requests and requests without functions
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        if response == 'das' or not called:
            return self.app(environ, start_response)

        # apply selection without any function calls
        req.query_string = '&'.join(s for s in selection
                                    if not FUNCTION.match(s))
        res = req.get_response(self.app)

        # get the dataset
        method = getattr(res.app_iter, 'x_wsgiorg_parsed_response', False)
        if not method:
            raise ServerError("Unable to call server-side function!")
        dataset = method(DatasetType)

        # apply selection containing server-side functions
        selection = (s for s in selection if FUNCTION.match(s))
        for expr in selection:
            if RELOP.search(expr):
                call, op, other = RELOP.split(expr)
                op = {
                    '<': operator.lt,
                    '>': operator.gt,
                    '!=': operator.ne,
                    '=': operator.eq,
                    '>=': operator.ge,
                    '<=': operator.le,
                    '=~': lambda a, b: re.match(b, a),
                other = ast.literal_eval(other)
                call, op, other = expr, operator.eq, 1

            # evaluate the function call
            sequence = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)

            # is this an inplace call?
            for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                if sequence is var:
                # get the data from the resulting variable, and use it to
                # constrain the original dataset
                child = list(sequence.children())[0]
                data = np.fromiter(child.data, child.dtype)
                if data.dtype.char == "S":
                    valid = np.array(
                        list(map(lambda v: op(str(v), str(other)), data)),
                    valid = op(data, other)

                for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                    sequence.data = np.rec.fromrecords(
                        [tuple(row) for row in sequence],

        # now apply projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            base = [p for p in projection if not isinstance(p, string_types)]
            func = [p for p in projection if isinstance(p, string_types)]

            # apply non-function projection
            out = apply_projection(base, dataset)

            # apply function projection
            for call in func:
                var = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)
                for child in walk(var):
                    parent = reduce(operator.getitem,
                                    [out] + child.id.split('.')[:-1])
                    if child.name not in parent.keys():
                        parent[child.name] = child
            dataset = out

        # Return the original response (DDS, DAS, etc.)
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        res = BaseHandler.responses[response](dataset)

        return res(environ, start_response)