Пример #1
def RemovePlugin(bus, pattern, match_path=False):
    '''Removes any plugin matching the pattern in its basename, unless matches against path.'''
    plugins = ast.literal_eval(
        bus.call('kattcmd:config:load-user', bus, 'plugins'))

    def DoSave(new_plugins):
        removed = list(sorted(set(plugins) - set(new_plugins)))
        bus.call('kattcmd:config:add-user', bus, 'plugins', str(new_plugins))
        bus.call('kattcmd:plugin:plugins-updated', new_plugins, removed)
        return new_plugins, removed

    def ShouldMatchAgainstPath():
        return match_path

    def HandleMatchPath():
        new_plugins = list(filter(lambda x: pattern not in x, plugins))
        return DoSave(new_plugins)

    def ShouldMatchAgainstBase():
        return not match_path

    def HandleMatchBase():
        new_plugins = list(
            filter(lambda x: pattern not in os.path.basename(x), plugins))
        return DoSave(new_plugins)

    return pydash.cond([(ShouldMatchAgainstBase, HandleMatchBase),
                        (ShouldMatchAgainstPath, HandleMatchPath)])()
Пример #2
    def unlisten(self, topic, ID):
        '''Stop recieving updates for a topic.'''
        def has_id():
            return any(i == ID for i, _ in self.listeners[topic])

        def remove_id():
            items = self.listeners[topic]
            keep = lambda i, _: i != ID
            self.listeners[topic] = [(a, b) for a, b in items if keep(a, b)]

        return pydash.cond([(has_id, remove_id)])()
Пример #3
    def unprovide(self, topic):
        '''Unregister a topic.'''
        def has_rpc():
            return topic in self.providers

        def raise_RPC_error():
            raise BusError('No RPC Provider: {}'.format(topic))

        def remove_RPC():
            del self.providers[topic]

        return pydash.cond([(has_rpc, raise_RPC_error),
                            (pydash.stub_true, remove_RPC)])()
Пример #4
def InitializeKattcmdDirectory(bus, folder=None):
    '''Creates the directory structure for kattis solutions.

    If the given folder is already a kattis solution directory then
    nothing will happen.

    folder = folder or os.getcwd()
    expected_files = ['.kattcmddir']
    expected_directories = ['library', 'templates', 'kattis', 'tests', 'build']
    files = [os.path.join(folder, fname) for fname in expected_files]
    dirs = [os.path.join(folder, d) for d in expected_directories]

    def IsKattcmdAlready():
        return _FilesExist(files) and _DirectoriesExist(dirs)

    def OnDirectoryExist():
        bus.call('kattcmd:init:directory-exists', folder)

    def IsPartialDirectory():
        missing_files = _FilesExist(files, get_missing=True)
        missing_dirs = _DirectoriesExist(dirs, get_missing=True)
        current_length = len(missing_files) + len(missing_dirs)
        expected_length = len(files) + len(dirs)
        return current_length != expected_length and current_length != 0

    def OnPartialExist():
        missing_files = _FilesExist(files, get_missing=True)
        missing_dirs = _DirectoriesExist(dirs, get_missing=True)
        missing = missing_files + missing_dirs
        expected = files + dirs
        bus.call('kattcmd:init:directory-partial', folder, expected, missing)

    def DoInit():
        for dpath in dirs:

        for fpath in files:
            with open(fpath, 'w') as f:

        bus.call('kattcmd:init:directory-created', folder)

    return pydash.cond([(IsKattcmdAlready, OnDirectoryExist),
                        (IsPartialDirectory, OnPartialExist),
                        (pydash.stub_true, DoInit)])()
Пример #5
def _FilesExist(paths, get_missing=False):
    '''Returns true if all files exist.

    if get_missing is true, returns a list of all missing files.

    def all_exist():
        return all(os.path.isfile(path) for path in paths)

    def return_missing():
        non_existing = [path for path in paths if not os.path.isfile(path)]
        return non_existing

    if not get_missing:
        return all_exist()

    return pydash.cond([(all_exist, pydash.constant([])),
                        (pydash.stub_true, return_missing)])()
Пример #6
    def call(self, topic, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Call an RPC that exists on the bus and any listeners.'''

        # Check if RPC exists, throw error on fault.
        def non_existant_rpc():
            return topic not in self.providers

        def raise_RPC_error():
            raise BusError('No RPC Provider: {}'.format(topic))

        # Else call listeners and then return with RPC result.
        def call_listeners():
            if topic in self.listeners:
                for _, listener in self.listeners[topic]:
                    listener(*args, **kwargs)

        def call_rpc(unused):
            return self.providers[topic](*args, **kwargs)

        call_listeners_and_rpc = pydash.flow(call_listeners, call_rpc)

        return pydash.cond([(non_existant_rpc, raise_RPC_error),
                            (pydash.stub_true, call_listeners_and_rpc)])()
Пример #7
def AddPlugin(bus, path):
    '''Checks the plugin at path and adds it to user config.'''
    type, value = core.ImportExternal(path)

    def IsBadExtension():
        return type == 'extension'

    def HandleBadExtension():
        bus.call('kattcmd:plugin:bad-extension', path)

    def IsImportError():
        return type == 'error'

    def HandleImportError():
        bus.call('kattcmd:plugin:import-error', path, value)

    def HandleNormalCase():
        _AddPluginInConfig(bus, path)
        bus.call('kattcmd:plugin:plugin-loaded', path)
        return path

    return pydash.cond([(IsBadExtension, HandleBadExtension),
                        (IsImportError, HandleImportError),
                        (pydash.stub_true, HandleNormalCase)])()
Пример #8
        }, 'matches B'),
     (([_.matches({'b': 2}), _.constant('matches B')
        ], [_.matches({'a': 1}), _.invert]), {
            'a': 1,
            'b': 3
        }, {
            1: 'a',
            3: 'b'
     (([_.matches({'a': 1}), _.constant('matches A')
        ], [_.matches({'b': 2}), _.constant('matches B')]), {
            'a': 1,
            'b': 2
        }, 'matches A')])
def test_cond(pairs, case, expected):
    func = _.cond(*pairs)
    assert func(case) == expected

    [([_.matches({'b': 2})], ValueError),
     ([_.matches({'b': 2}),
       _.matches({'a': 1}),
       _.constant('matches B')], ValueError), ([1, 2], ValueError),
     ([[1, 2]], TypeError), ([_.matches({'b': 2}), 2], ValueError)])
def test_cond_exception(case, expected):
    with pytest.raises(expected):

Пример #9
def test_cond_exception(case, expected):
    with pytest.raises(expected):
Пример #10
def test_cond(pairs, case, expected):
    func = _.cond(*pairs)
    assert func(case) == expected