Пример #1
def brick_sort(array, **kwargs):
    Implements Brick Sort / Odd Even sorting algorithm


    array: Array
        The array which is to be sorted.
    start: int
        The starting index of the portion
        which is to be sorted.
        Optional, by default 0
    end: int
        The ending index of the portion which
        is to be sorted.
        Optional, by default the index
        of the last position filled.
    comp: lambda/function
        The comparator which is to be used
        for sorting. If the function returns
        False then only swapping is performed.
        Optional, by default, less than or
        equal to is used for comparing two

    >>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, brick_sort
    >>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int,[3, 2, 1])
    >>> brick_sort(arr)
    >>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
    [1, 2, 3]
    >>> brick_sort(arr, comp=lambda u, v: u > v)
    >>> [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]
    [3, 2, 1]

    .. [1] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/odd-even-sort-brick-sort/
    start = kwargs.get('start', 0)
    end = kwargs.get('end', len(array) - 1)
    comp = kwargs.get("comp", lambda u, v: u <= v)

    is_sorted = False
    while is_sorted is False:
        is_sorted = True
        for i in range(start + 1, end, 2):
            if _comp(array[i + 1], array[i], comp):
                array[i], array[i + 1] = array[i + 1], array[i]
                is_sorted = False
        for i in range(start, end, 2):
            if _comp(array[i + 1], array[i], comp):
                array[i], array[i + 1] = array[i + 1], array[i]
                is_sorted = False

    if _check_type(array, DynamicArray):
Пример #2
def _merge(array, sl, el, sr, er, end, comp):
    l, r = [], []
    for i in range(sl, el + 1):
        if i <= end:
            array[i] = None
    for i in range(sr, er + 1):
        if i <= end:
            array[i] = None
    i, j, k = 0, 0, sl
    while i < len(l) and j < len(r):
        if _comp(l[i], r[j], comp):
            array[k] = l[i]
            i += 1
            array[k] = r[j]
            j += 1
        k += 1

    while i < len(l):
        array[k] = l[i]
        i += 1
        k += 1

    while j < len(r):
        array[k] = r[j]
        j += 1
        k += 1
Пример #3
 def partition(low, high, pick_pivot_element):
     i = (low - 1)
     x = pick_pivot_element(low, high, array)
     for j in range(low, high):
         if _comp(array[j], x, comp) is True:
             i = i + 1
             array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
     array[i + 1], array[high] = array[high], array[i + 1]
     return (i + 1)
Пример #4
def _minimum_spanning_tree_parallel_prim_adjacency_list(graph, num_threads):
    q = [
        for _ in range(num_threads)
    e = [dict() for _ in range(num_threads)]
    v2q = dict()
    mst = Graph(implementation='adjacency_list')

    itr = iter(graph.vertices)
    for i in range(len(graph.vertices)):
        v2q[next(itr)] = i % len(q)
    q[0].push(next(iter(graph.vertices)), 0)

    while True:

        _vs = [None for _ in range(num_threads)]
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as Executor:
            for i in range(num_threads):
                Executor.submit(_find_min, q[i], _vs, i).result()
        v = None

        for i in range(num_threads):
            if _comp(_vs[i], v, lambda u, v: u.key < v.key):
                v = _vs[i]
        if v is None:
        v = v.data
        idx = v2q[v]

        if not hasattr(mst, v):
            if e[idx].get(v, None) is not None:
                edge = e[idx][v]
                mst.add_edge(edge.source.name, edge.target.name, edge.value)
                mst.add_edge(edge.target.name, edge.source.name, edge.value)
            for w_node in graph.neighbors(v):
                w = w_node.name
                vw = graph.edge_weights[v + '_' + w]
                j = v2q[w]
                q[j].push(w, vw.value)
                if e[j].get(w, None) is None or \
                    e[j][w].value > vw.value:
                    e[j][w] = vw

    return mst
Пример #5
def _brick_sort_swap(array, i, j, comp, is_sorted):
    if _comp(array[j], array[i], comp):
        array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
        is_sorted[0] = False
Пример #6
def cocktail_shaker_sort(array: Array, **kwargs) -> Array:
    Performs cocktail sort on the given array.


    array: Array
        The array which is to be sorted.
    start: int
        The starting index of the portion
        which is to be sorted.
        Optional, by default 0
    end: int
        The ending index of the portion which
        is to be sorted.
        Optional, by default the index
        of the last position filled.
    comp: lambda/function
        The comparator which is to be used
        for sorting. If the function returns
        False then only swapping is performed.
        Optional, by default, less than or
        equal to is used for comparing two


    output: Array
        The sorted array.


    >>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray as ODA, cocktail_shaker_sort
    >>> arr = ODA(int, [5, 78, 1, 0])
    >>> out = cocktail_shaker_sort(arr)
    >>> str(out)
    '[0, 1, 5, 78]'
    >>> arr = ODA(int, [21, 37, 5])
    >>> out = cocktail_shaker_sort(arr)
    >>> str(out)
    '[5, 21, 37]'


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocktail_shaker_sort
    def swap(i, j):
        array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]

    lower = kwargs.get('start', 0)
    upper = kwargs.get('end', len(array) - 1)
    comp = kwargs.get("comp", lambda u, v: u <= v)

    swapping = False
    while (not swapping and upper - lower >= 1):

        swapping = True
        for j in range(lower, upper):
            if _comp(array[j], array[j + 1], comp) is False:
                swap(j + 1, j)
                swapping = False

        upper = upper - 1
        for j in range(upper, lower, -1):
            if _comp(array[j - 1], array[j], comp) is False:
                swap(j, j - 1)
                swapping = False
        lower = lower + 1

    if _check_type(array, DynamicArray):

    return array
Пример #7
def insertion_sort(array, **kwargs):
    Implements insertion sort algorithm.


    array: Array
        The array which is to be sorted.
    start: int
        The starting index of the portion
        which is to be sorted.
        Optional, by default 0
    end: int
        The ending index of the portion which
        is to be sorted.
        Optional, by default the index
        of the last position filled.
    comp: lambda/function
        The comparator which is to be used
        for sorting. If the function returns
        False then only swapping is performed.
        Optional, by default, less than or
        equal to is used for comparing two
    backend: pydatastructs.Backend
        The backend to be used.
        Optional, by default, the best available
        backend is used.


    output: Array
        The sorted array.


    >>> from pydatastructs import OneDimensionalArray, insertion_sort
    >>> arr = OneDimensionalArray(int,[3, 2, 1])
    >>> out = insertion_sort(arr)
    >>> str(out)
    '[1, 2, 3]'
    >>> out = insertion_sort(arr, comp=lambda u, v: u > v)
    >>> str(out)
    '[3, 2, 1]'


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort
                                   kwargs.get('backend', Backend.PYTHON))
    start = kwargs.get('start', 0)
    end = kwargs.get('end', len(array) - 1)
    comp = kwargs.get('comp', lambda u, v: u <= v)

    for i in range(start + 1, end + 1):
        temp = array[i]
        j = i
        while j > start and not _comp(array[j - 1], temp, comp):
            array[j] = array[j - 1]
            j -= 1
        array[j] = temp

    if _check_type(array, DynamicArray):

    return array
Пример #8
 def _prev_permutation_comp(x, y, _comp):
     if _comp(x, y):
         return True
         return False
Пример #9
 def _next_permutation_comp(x, y, _comp):
     if _comp(x, y):
         return False
         return True