def getAnswers(bot, currentMessage, chat_id): # Process the players responses here gameRecords = Base("chatStorage/records.pdl") rec = gameRecords._gameID[currentMessage.text[5:10]] if not rec: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Invalid command format") return rec = rec[-1] answer = currentMessage.text[11:] if currentMessage.text in [j for i in globalVars.playerCards[str(] for j in i] and not str( in globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']]: globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']][str(] = currentMessage.text[11:] emptyList = [] # List magic due to the way custom keyboards must be sent [[], [], []] try: emptyList.append("/ans " + str(rec['gameID']) + " " + globalVars.whiteCards[rec['gameID']].pop()['Value']) except IndexError: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], "Sorry. Out of cards, game over.") endGame(bot, currentMessage, chat_id) return for i in range(len(globalVars.playerCards[str(chat_id)])): if currentMessage.text in globalVars.playerCards[str(chat_id)][i]: globalVars.playerCards[str(chat_id)].pop(i) break globalVars.playerCards[str(chat_id)].append(emptyList) newStr = globalVars.currBlackCard[rec['gameID']].replace("_____", str(answer)) # Send all the responses to the group chat if newStr == globalVars.currBlackCard[rec['gameID']]: # Handling for cards with no 'blank' botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], str(answer)) else: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], newStr) botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Answer recieved.") if set(globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']].keys()) == set(rec['memberUserIDs'].split()): # If everyone has responded call judge judge(bot, currentMessage.text[5:10], chat_id) else: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Invaild card sent.", keyboardLayout=globalVars.playerCards[str(chat_id)])
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2', 'FI') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list( edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or ( n1 == other and n2 == node))) total_publications = len(informations) bagNode1 = list( eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node], data=True) if (n1 != other and n2 != other)) bagNode2 = list( eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([other], data=True) if (n1 != node and n2 != node)) jc = get_jacard_domain(bagNode1, bagNode2) pdb.insert( str(node) + ';' + str(other), node, other, (total_publications * (jc + 1))) pdb.commit() return pdb
def playGame(bot, gameID): # Called by /startgame gameRecords = Base("chatStorage/records.pdl") rec = gameRecords._gameID[gameID] if not rec: # Error check return rec = rec[-1] globalVars.resp = dict() globalVars.resp[gameID] = dict() globalVars.currBlackCard = dict() def dealCards(): # Add random cards for every player players = rec['memberChatIDs'].split() globalVars.playerCards = dict() for player in players: l = [[] for _ in range(5)] globalVars.playerCards[player] = list() for i in range(5): card = globalVars.whiteCards[rec['gameID']].pop()['Value'] l[i].append(str("/ans " + rec['gameID'] + " " + card)) globalVars.playerCards[player] = l botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, player, "Here are your cards", 0, l) dealCards() globalVars.currBlackCard[gameID] = str(globalVars.blackCards[gameID].pop()['Value']) botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], globalVars.currBlackCard[gameID], 0, []) # Send a random black card to the group
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2', 'TS02', 'TS05', 'TS08') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list( edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or ( n1 == other and n2 == node))) timesofLinks = [] for info in informations: timesofLinks.append(int(info['time'])) total_publications = len(informations) k = int(param.t0_) - max(timesofLinks) decayfunction02 = (1 - 0.2)**k decayfunction05 = (1 - 0.5)**k decayfunction08 = (1 - 0.8)**k pdb.insert( str(node) + ';' + str(other), node, other, (total_publications * decayfunction02), (total_publications * decayfunction05), (total_publications * decayfunction08)) pdb.commit() return pdb
def __init__(self): self._pdb = Base('centric.partition') self._sdb = Base('centric.scanner') self._pdb.create('pid', 'maxSeq', 'minSeq', 'tableName', 'assigned', 'splitNum', 'phase', 'creator', 'createTime', 'lastUpdateTime', mode="override") self._sdb.create('startSeq', 'endSeq', 'intervalSecs', 'scannerId', 'pid', 'creator', 'createTime', 'lastUpdateTime', 'url', 'port', mode="override")
def calculatingWeights(graph, nodesnotLinked, database, calculatingFile): pdb = Base(calculatingFile) pdb.create('node1', 'node2', 'WCNFI','WAAFI') pdb.create_index('node1', 'node2') element = 0 qtyofNodesToProcess = len(nodesnotLinked) for pair in nodesnotLinked: element = element+1 FormatingDataSets.printProgressofEvents(element, qtyofNodesToProcess, "Calculating features for nodes not liked: ") neighbors_node1 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[0]) neighbors_node2 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[1]) len_neihbors_node1 = len(neighbors_node1) len_neihbors_node2 = len(neighbors_node2) CommonNeigbors = neighbors_node1.intersection(neighbors_node2) WCNFI = 0; WAAFI = 0; for cn in CommonNeigbors: item = get_partOfWeightCalculating(graph, database, pair, cn) WCNFI = WCNFI + item['WCN']; WAAFI = WAAFI + item['WAA']; pdb.insert(str(pair[0]), str(pair[1]), WCNFI, WAAFI ) pdb.commit() return pdb;
def write_graph(channel): db = Base(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, f'{channel}_members.db')) member_data = ((int(l['members'].split()[0]), l['time'].date()) for l in sorted(db, key=lambda x: x['time'])) variant = db[0]['members'].split()[1] # Split the list of combinations in two lists, one for the y values and one for the x values y, x = list(zip(*member_data)) fig = plt.figure() fig.autofmt_xdate() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = ax.plot(x, y, 'b') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) date_range = (max(x) - min(x)).days # Change X axis locators for large date ranges if date_range > 365: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y')) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mdates.MonthLocator()) ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel(f'{variant.capitalize()}') fig.suptitle(f'Number of {variant} for {channel} over time', fontsize=15) ax.set_title(f'Maximum: {max(y)}. Currently: {y[-1]}') ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) print(y[-1]) # Print latest value to stdout plt.xticks(rotation=45) fig.savefig(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, f'{channel}.png'))
def __init__(self, mode): self.db = Base("./mlfv_hosts.pdl") self.db.create('ip', 'port', 'libs', 'cpu', 'mem', 'net', 'runs', mode=mode)
def getConfStatus(request): db = Base('backendDB.pdl') if db.exists(): records = []; for r in db: print r records.append(r) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(records), content_type="application/json")
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2','TS02','TS05','TS08', 'JC') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list(edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or (n1 == other and n2 == node)) ) timesofLinks = [] for info in informations: timesofLinks.append(int(info['time'])) bagNode1 = list(eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node], data=True) if (n1 != other and n2 != other) ) bagNode2 = list(eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([other], data=True) if (n1 != node and n2 != node) ) total_publications = len(informations) k = int(param.t0_) - max(timesofLinks) decayfunction02 = (1 - 0.2) ** k decayfunction05 = (1 - 0.5) ** k decayfunction08 = (1 - 0.8) ** k pdb.insert(str(node) + ';' + str(other),node,other,(total_publications * decayfunction02) , (total_publications * decayfunction05) , (total_publications * decayfunction08), get_jacard_domain(bagNode1, bagNode2) ) pdb.commit() return pdb
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2','FTI01','FTI02','FTI03','FTI04','FTI05','FTI06','FTI07','FTI08','FTI09') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list(edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or (n1 == other and n2 == node)) ) timesofLinks = [] for info in informations: timesofLinks.append(int(info['time'])) total_publications = len(informations) k = int(param.t0_) - max(timesofLinks) FTI01 = total_publications * (0.1**k) FTI02 = total_publications * (0.2**k) FTI03 = total_publications * (0.3**k) FTI04 = total_publications * (0.4**k) FTI05 = total_publications * (0.5**k) FTI06 = total_publications * (0.6**k) FTI07 = total_publications * (0.7**k) FTI08 = total_publications * (0.8**k) FTI09 = total_publications * (0.9**k) pdb.insert(str(node) + ';' + str(other),node,other, FTI01, FTI02, FTI03, FTI04, FTI05, FTI06, FTI07, FTI08, FTI09 ) pdb.commit() return pdb
def __init__(self): requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) self.config = json.loads( open("/opt/prometheus/vrops_exporter/vrops.json").read()) journal.send("Connecting to vROPs host: ", FIELD2=self.config["server"]["hostname"]) self.vcops = nagini.Nagini(host=self.config["server"]["hostname"], user_pass=(self.config["server"]["user"], self.config["server"]["pwd"])) #print vcops.get_resources(resourceKind="VirtualMachine", pageSize=1) self.db = Base('/tmp/vrops.pd1')
def printdb(dbpath): #Prints the contents of a PyDBLite database to the console db = Base(dbpath) if db.exists(): retstr = "" for obj in db: retstr += str(obj) retstr += "\n" print retstr return retstr else: print "The database does not exist or is corrupt.\n"
def printdb(dbpath): # Prints the contents of a PyDBLite database to the console db = Base(dbpath) if db.exists(): retstr = "" for obj in db: retstr += str(obj) retstr += "\n" encoded = retstr.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore") print(encoded) else: print("The database does not exist or is corrupt.\n")
def generateDataForCalculate(self): if self.trainnigGraph == None: self.generating_Training_Graph() _nodes = sorted(self.trainnigGraph.nodes()) adb = Base(self.filePathTrainingGraph + ".calc.pdl") adb.create('pairNodes', 'common', 'time', 'domain' ) for node in sorted(_nodes): othernodes = set(n for n in _nodes if n > node) for other in othernodes: common = set(networkx.common_neighbors(self.trainnigGraph, node, other)) arestas = self.trainnigGraph.edges([node, other], True)
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2', 'FTI01', 'FTI02', 'FTI03', 'FTI04', 'FTI05', 'FTI06', 'FTI07', 'FTI08', 'FTI09') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list( edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or ( n1 == other and n2 == node))) timesofLinks = [] for info in informations: timesofLinks.append(int(info['time'])) total_publications = len(informations) k = int(param.t0_) - max(timesofLinks) decayfunction = (0.8)**k bagNode1 = list( eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node], data=True) if (n1 != other and n2 != other)) bagNode2 = list( eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([other], data=True) if (n1 != node and n2 != node)) jc = get_jacard_domain(bagNode1, bagNode2) FTI01 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.1**jc))) FTI02 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.2**jc))) FTI03 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.3**jc))) FTI04 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.4**jc))) FTI05 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.5**jc))) FTI06 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.6**jc))) FTI07 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.7**jc))) FTI08 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.8**jc))) FTI09 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / (0.9**jc))) pdb.insert( str(node) + ';' + str(other), node, other, FTI01, FTI02, FTI03, FTI04, FTI05, FTI06, FTI07, FTI08, FTI09) pdb.commit() return pdb
def judge(bot, gameID, chat_id): # Send all the responses to the judge gameRecords = Base("chatStorage/records.pdl") rec = gameRecords._gameID[gameID] if not rec: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Invalid command format") return rec = rec[-1] l = [[] for _ in range(len(globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']]))] i = 0 for ans in globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']].values(): l[i].append("/win " + gameID + " " + str(ans)) i += 1 botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['creatorChatID'], "Here are the responses", keyboardLayout=l)
def endGame(bot, currentMessage, chat_id): # /quit behavior ends the game for everyone gameRecords = Base("chatStorage/records.pdl") rec = gameRecords._groupChatID[str(chat_id)] # select all the records with chat_id (only 1) if not rec: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Invalid command format") return rec = rec[-1] # Strip the last record from the list pointsBoard = "Here are the scores\n" # Send the final scores to the group for name, points in zip(rec['memberUsernames'].split(), rec['memberPoints'].split()): pointsBoard += str(name) + ": " + str(points) + " point(s)\n" botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, pointsBoard) for player in rec['memberChatIDs'].split(): # Clean out the playerCards global try: del globalVars.playerCards[player] except Exception: # If a player isn't there ignore it pass try: del globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']] # Delete the game's responses key del globalVars.currBlackCard[rec['gameID']] # Delete the game's current black card key del globalVars.whiteCards[rec['gameID']] except Exception: pass gameRecords.delete(rec) # Remove the database record gameRecords.commit() # Save the changes botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Goodbye!")
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2', 'CTS02', 'CTS05', 'CTS08') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list( edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or ( n1 == other and n2 == node))) timesofLinks = [] for info in informations: timesofLinks.append(int(info['time'])) bagNode1 = list( eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node], data=True) if (n1 != other and n2 != other)) bagNode2 = list( eval(edge['keywords']) for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([other], data=True) if (n1 != node and n2 != node)) total_publications = len(informations) k = int(param.t0_) - max(timesofLinks) jc = get_jacard_domain(bagNode1, bagNode2) decayfunction = (0.6)**k decayfunction02 = (1 - 0.7)**jc decayfunction05 = (1 - 0.8)**jc decayfunction08 = (1 - 0.9)**jc CTS02 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / decayfunction02)) CTS05 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / decayfunction05)) CTS08 = total_publications * (decayfunction * (1 / decayfunction08)) pdb.insert( str(node) + ';' + str(other), node, other, CTS02, CTS05, CTS08) pdb.commit() return pdb
def generateDataForCalculate(self): if self.trainnigGraph == None: self.generating_Training_Graph() _nodes = sorted(self.trainnigGraph.nodes()) adb = Base(self.filePathTrainingGraph + ".calc.pdl") adb.create('pairNodes', 'common', 'time', 'domain') for node in sorted(_nodes): othernodes = set(n for n in _nodes if n > node) for other in othernodes: common = set( networkx.common_neighbors(self.trainnigGraph, node, other)) arestas = self.trainnigGraph.edges([node, other], True)
def winner(bot, currentMessage, chat_id): # Decide who wins here. Only the judge is able to use this gameRecords = Base("chatStorage/records.pdl") rec = gameRecords._gameID[currentMessage.text[5:10]] if not rec: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Invalid command format") return rec = rec[-1] if == rec['creator']: revD = {value: key for key, value in globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']].items()} winningResp = currentMessage.text[11:] if winningResp in revD.keys(): winningPerson = revD[winningResp] pointsList = rec['memberPoints'].split() # List stuff for the database memberList = rec['memberUserIDs'].split() nameList = rec['memberUsernames'].split() pointsList[memberList.index(winningPerson)] = int(pointsList[memberList.index(winningPerson)]) + 1 gameRecords.update(rec, memberPoints=" ".join([str(i) for i in pointsList])) # Points backend for Assign 3 gameRecords.commit() botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], "The winner was " + nameList[memberList.index(winningPerson)] + " with " + winningResp + " They now have " + str(pointsList[memberList.index(winningPerson)]) + " point(s).") # Send who won to the group chat try: globalVars.currBlackCard[currentMessage.text[5:10]] = str(globalVars.blackCards[rec['gameID']].pop()['Value']) # Get the next black card except IndexError: # If there are no more cards end the game botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], "Sorry, out of cards. Thanks for playing") endGame(bot, currentMessage, chat_id) return botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, rec['groupChatID'], globalVars.currBlackCard[currentMessage.text[5:10]]) # Send the next black card for player in rec['memberChatIDs'].split(): # Send all the players a new card to replace the one they used del globalVars.resp[rec['gameID']][player] botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, player, "Here are your new cards", 0, globalVars.playerCards[player]) else: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "Invalid answer") else: botSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, "You are not the judge")
def save_in_db(comic_url): db = Base(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'comics.db')) db.create('comic', 'time', mode="open") db.insert(comic=comic_url, db.commit() return len(db(comic=comic_url)) == 1
def __init__(self, name, path='./', mode="open"): '''mode can be 'override' ''' name_sig = name + '_sig.pdl' name_sig = join(path, name_sig) self.db_sig = Base(name_sig) self.db_sig.create('signal_bundle', 'signals', 'timestamps', 'name', 'labels', 'md5', 'sublabel', mode=mode)
def _create_db(): try: app.db = Base('pets.pdl') app.db.create('name', 'type', 'age', 'sex', 'description', 'owner_email', 'image_url') except IOError: print('Base db already exists')
def open_spider(self, spider): # Creation of DB self.db = Base(spider.database) self.db.create('uid', 'type', 'author', 'title', 'text', 'date_time', 'tags', 'views', 'answers', 'resolve', 'upvotes', 'url', mode="override") dispatcher.connect(self.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed)
def __init__(self, database_name=None): print ("Opening " + database_name) db_r = Base(database_name) # Choose the DB of the Question Thread URL db_r.create('url', 'date', mode="open") # Check if the DB is empty or new if len(db_r)==0: print ("ERROR: Database not found or empty") sys.exit() else: print ("Database elements: " + str(len(db_r))) for r in db_r: self.url_to_scrape.append(UrlDate(r["url"], r["date"])) # Making a SET of the Database in order to delete duplicate URLS self.url_to_scrape = {x.url: x for x in self.url_to_scrape}.values() print ("Database elements after set operation: " + str(len(db_r)))
class Owner(Model): name = 'owner' base = Base('database/' + name + '.pdl') def create_db(cls): cls.base.create('login', 'password', 'name', 'email', 'phone', 'address') def insert_db(cls, request): return cls.db().insert( login=request.form['login'], name=request.form['name'], email=request.form['email'], phone=request.form['phone'], address=request.form['address'], password=sha256( request.json['password'].encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest()) def update_db(cls, item, request): return cls.db().update(item, name=request.form['name'], email=request.form['email'], phone=request.form['phone'], address=request.form['address']) def __init__(self, id): super().__init__(id)'password')
def save_in_db(channel, count): db = Base(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, f'{channel}_members.db')) db.create('members', 'time', mode="open") len_db = len(db) count_previous = db[len_db - 1]['members'] if len_db else 0 if count != count_previous: db.insert(members=count, db.commit() return True
def generateWeights(graph, weightFile, param): pdb = Base(weightFile) pdb.create('pair', 'node1', 'node2','FI') pdb.create_index('pair') sortedNodes = sorted(graph.nodes()) for node in sortedNodes: others = sorted(set(n for n in sortedNodes if n > node)) for other in others: if graph.has_edge(node, other): informations = list(edge for n1, n2, edge in graph.edges([node, other], data=True) if ((n1 == node and n2 == other) or (n1 == other and n2 == node)) ) total_publications = len(informations) pdb.insert(str(node) + ';' + str(other),node,other, total_publications ) pdb.commit() return pdb
def save_in_db(channel, count, date): db = Base(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, f'{channel}_members.db')) db.create('members', 'time', mode="open") variant = db[0]['members'].split()[1] value = f"{count} {variant}" already_present = [r for r in db if r['members'] == value] if not already_present: db.insert(members=value, time=date) db.commit() return True
def do_Delete (self, result, request, args): def transfomType(x): if isinstance(x, unicode): return str(x) else: return x ####### Replace this section by your logic ####### db = Base('database_service6.pdl') db.create('testId', 'testMessage', mode="open") result = db(testId = int(args['testId'])) if len(result) == 0: responseCode = 404 #ResponseCode.Ok responseBody = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) else: responseCode = 200 #ResponseCode.Ok responseBody = json.dumps(result[0], sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) db.delete(result[0]) db.commit() ####### Replace this section by your logic ####### request.setResponseCode(responseCode) resp = utils.serviceResponse(responseCode, responseBody) return resp
def do_Post (self, result, request, args): def transfomType(x): if isinstance(x, unicode): return str(x) else: return x requestBody = args['requestContent'] ####### Replace this section by your logic ####### vTestId = transfomType(json.loads(requestBody)['testId']) vTestMessage = transfomType(json.loads(requestBody)['testMessage']) responseCode = 200 #ResponseCode.Ok db = Base('database_service6.pdl') db.create('testId', 'testMessage', mode="open") db.insert(testId = vTestId, testMessage = vTestMessage) db.commit() result = [] responseBody = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) ####### Replace this section by your logic ####### request.setResponseCode(responseCode) resp = utils.serviceResponse(responseCode, responseBody) return resp
def __init__(self): #Creating log file filename = "session_log.txt" self.log_target =, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') self.log_target.truncate() self.log_target.write("***New session started at: "+ str(datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" +"\n") #Creating database for items self.db = Base('QuestionThreadExtracted.pdl') self.db.create('uid', 'type', 'author', 'title', 'text', 'date_time', 'tags', 'views', 'answers', 'resolve', 'upvotes', 'url', mode="open") #Some data for the log file self.number_of_questions = 0 self.number_of_answers = 0 self.last_id=0 dispatcher.connect(self.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed)
def open_db(): db = Base(DB_FILE) db.create('abbr', 'name', 'available', 'volume', 'buy', 'sell', 'date', mode="open") if not db.exists(): raise Exception('Database error') db.create_index('abbr') return db
def open_spider(self, spider): filename = "urls_log.txt" self.log_target =, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') self.log_target.truncate() self.db = Base('URL_database.pdl') self.db.create('url', 'date', mode="open") self.log_target.write("***New url scraping session started at: " + str( datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" + "\n") print("***New url scraping session started at: " + str( datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" + "\n") self.log_target.write( "*** Total url in the Database BEFORE new search: " + str(len(self.db)) + " ***" + "\n") dispatcher.connect(self.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed)
def calculatingWeights(graph, nodesnotLinked, database, calculatingFile): pdb = Base(calculatingFile) pdb.create('node1', 'node2', 'cnWTS02', 'cnWTS05', 'cnWTS08', 'aaWTS02', 'aaWTS05', 'aaWTS08') pdb.create_index('node1', 'node2') element = 0 qtyofNodesToProcess = len(nodesnotLinked) for pair in nodesnotLinked: element = element + 1 FormatingDataSets.printProgressofEvents( element, qtyofNodesToProcess, "Calculating features for nodes not liked: ") neighbors_node1 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[0]) neighbors_node2 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[1]) len_neihbors_node1 = len(neighbors_node1) len_neihbors_node2 = len(neighbors_node2) CommonNeigbors = neighbors_node1.intersection(neighbors_node2) CNWts02Feature = 0 CNWts05Feature = 0 CNWts08Feature = 0 AAWts02Feature = 0 AAWts05Feature = 0 AAWts08Feature = 0 CNWJCFeature = 0 AAWJCFeature = 0 for cn in CommonNeigbors: item = get_partOfWeightCalculating(graph, database, pair, cn) CNWts02Feature = CNWts02Feature + item['cnWts02'] CNWts05Feature = CNWts05Feature + item['cnWts05'] CNWts08Feature = CNWts08Feature + item['cnWts08'] AAWts02Feature = AAWts02Feature + item['aaWts02'] AAWts05Feature = AAWts05Feature + item['aaWts05'] AAWts08Feature = AAWts08Feature + item['aaWts08'] #CNWJCFeature = CNWJCFeature + item['cnWJC']; #AAWJCFeature = AAWJCFeature + item['aaWJC']; pdb.insert(str(pair[0]), str(pair[1]), CNWts02Feature, CNWts05Feature, CNWts08Feature, AAWts02Feature, AAWts05Feature, AAWts08Feature) pdb.commit() return pdb
class Data: """Stores global data Gives access to a series of global variables for use throughout the file """ books = {} authors = {} bookDB = Base(EBOOK_FOLDER + 'books.pdl') authorDB = Base(EBOOK_FOLDER + 'authors.pdl') @staticmethod def debug_log(msg_str): """Log helper Prefixes a debug message with the plugin title to allow for easy search in the log Arguments: msg_str {string} -- Message to log """ Log.Debug(TITLE + ": " + msg_str)
def do_Get (self, result, request, args): ####### Replace this section by your logic ####### db = Base('database_service6.pdl') db.create('testId', 'testMessage', mode="open") result = db(testId = int(args['testId'])) if len(result) == 0: responseCode = 404 #ResponseCode.Ok responseBody = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) else: responseCode = 200 #ResponseCode.Ok responseBody = json.dumps(result[0], sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) ####### Replace this section by your logic ####### request.setResponseCode(responseCode) resp = utils.serviceResponse(responseCode, responseBody) return resp
def checkCondition(cls, result): if result == "error": return "erro" else: db = Base('database_service1.pdl') db.create('cod', 'message', mode="open") db.insert(cod='1', message='valid') db.insert(cod='2', message='not valid') db.commit() #for rec in (db("age") > 30): for rec in db: print rec["cod"] +' '+ rec["message"] return "ok"
def get_gbq_query_results(gbq_service, query, prj_id='ace-amplifier-455', index_col=None, col_order=None, cache=True, cache_path='', db=None): # set_trace() if cache: if db is None: db = Base(cache_path).create('query', 'result_df', mode='open') # db.create_index('query') final_df = extract(db, query) if len(final_df) > 0: # print 'extracted from cache ' + db.path return final_df df = gbq.read_gbq(query, prj_id) if cache: db.insert(query, df) db.commit() print 'saved to cache ' + db.path return df
class Posts: def __init__(self, filename, erase_db): self.db = Base(filename) self.db.create('author', 'content', 'date', mode="override" if erase_db else "open") def addPost(self, post): """ Persist a Post object in db and returns auto-generated id. """ = self.db.insert(author =, content = post.content, date = self.db.commit() return def getPost(self, id): """ Get a post by its id. Returns a Post object or None if id is not found. """ db_entry = self.db[id] if id in self.db else None return self.__createPost(db_entry) if db_entry is not None else None def getPosts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None, author = None): """ Get all posts matching optionally provided conditions. Returns a list (can be empty). """ iterator = self.db.filter() if from_date is not None: iterator = iterator & (self.db("date") > from_date) if to_date is not None: iterator = iterator & (self.db("date") < to_date) if author is not None: iterator = iterator & (self.db("author") == author) return [self.__createPost(db_entry) for db_entry in iterator] def getPostsCount(self): """ Get total number of posts in db. """ return len(self.db) def __createPost(self, db_entry): return Post(db_entry['author'], db_entry['content'], db_entry['date'], db_entry['__id__'])
def likes(currentMessage): try: db = Base('chatStorage/likes/likes.pdl') #The path to the database db.create('userID', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'history', 'liked', mode="open") #Create a new DB if one doesn't exist. If it does, open it sentMyKarma = False try: likes = 0 dislikes = 0 if int( == int(117924410): #is replying to bot message with /likes for user in db: if int(user['userID']) == 117924410: likes = int(user['likes']) dislikes = int(user[dislikes]) karma = int(likes) - int(dislikes) response = "Since you asked, I have " + str(likes) + " likes and " + str(dislikes) + " dislikes, for a total of " + str(karma) + " karma. " if karma > 0: response += "\xF0\x9F\x98\x83".decode("utf-8") #smiley else: response += "\xF0\x9F\x98\xAD".decode("utf-8") #crying return response sentMyKarma = True except Exception: print traceback.format_exc() if not sentMyKarma: userWasFound = False for user in db: if(int(user['userID']) == int( userWasFound = True likes = int(user['likes']) dislikes = int(user['dislikes']) if userWasFound: return currentMessage.from_user.first_name + ", you have " + str(likes) + " likes and " + str(dislikes) + " dislikes, for a total of " + str(int(likes) - int(dislikes)) + " karma." else: return "No like data found!" except Exception: print traceback.format_exc() return ""
def get_results_db(clear_cache=False, skip=[]): cache_file = 'cache/results.pdl' db = Base(cache_file) if clear_cache or not db.exists() or os.path.getmtime(cache_file) < os.path.getmtime(results_dir): warnings.warn('Rebuilding results cache...') columns = set() rows = [] p = pathlib.Path(results_dir) for config_file in p.glob('*.config'): with as config_fh: settings_hash = config_file.stem row = json.loads( if settings_hash in skip: continue row['hash'] = settings_hash tests_count = analyze.count(config_file.parent, settings_hash) row['iostat_cpu'], len_cpu_values = analyze.iostat_cpu(config_file.parent, settings_hash) row['iperf_result'], len_iperf_values = getattr(analyze, row['iperf_name'])(config_file.parent, settings_hash, row) if tests_count != len_cpu_values or tests_count != len_iperf_values: raise analyze.AnalysisException('For test {}, mismatch in cardinality of tests between count ({}), iostat ({}) and iperf ({})'.format(settings_hash, tests_count, len_cpu_values, len_iperf_values), settings_hash) if len_iperf_values > 0: min_fairness = row['iperf_result']['fairness'][0] - row['iperf_result']['fairness'][1] if min_fairness < (1 - 1 / (2 * row['parallelism'])): warnings.warn('For test {}, fairness has a critical value: {}.'.format(settings_hash, row['iperf_result']['fairness']), RuntimeWarning) columns = columns | set(row.keys()) rows.append(row) db.create(*columns, mode='override') for r in rows: db.insert(**r) db.commit() warnings.warn('Results cache built.') else: warnings.warn('Reusing results cache.') return db
def open_spider(self, spider): filename = "urls_log.txt" self.log_target =, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') self.log_target.truncate() self.db = Base('URL_database.pdl') self.db.create('url', 'date', mode="open") self.log_target.write("***New url scraping session started at: "+ str(datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" +"\n") print("***New url scraping session started at: "+ str(datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" +"\n") self.log_target.write("*** Total url in the Database BEFORE new search: "+ str(len(self.db)) + " ***" + "\n") dispatcher.connect(self.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed)
class DBPipeline(object): def __init__(self): #Creating log file filename = "session_log.txt" self.log_target =, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') self.log_target.truncate() self.log_target.write("***New session started at: "+ str(datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" +"\n") #Creating database for items self.db = Base('QuestionThreadExtracted.pdl') self.db.create('uid', 'type', 'author', 'title', 'text', 'date_time', 'tags', 'views', 'answers', 'resolve', 'upvotes', 'url', mode="open") #Some data for the log file self.number_of_questions = 0 self.number_of_answers = 0 self.last_id=0 dispatcher.connect(self.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed) def process_item(self, item, spider): self.db.insert(uid=item['uid'], type=item['type'], author=item['author'], title=item['title'], text=item['text'], date_time=item['date_time'], tags=item['tags'], views=item['views'], answers=item['answers'], resolve=item['resolve'], upvotes=item['upvotes'], url=item['url'] ) #Count questions and answers if "question" in item['type']: self.number_of_questions+=1 if self.last_id<item['uid']: self.last_id=item['uid'] else: self.number_of_answers+=1 self.db.commit() return item def spider_closed(self, spider): self.log_target.write("Questions founded: "+ str(self.number_of_questions) + "\n") self.log_target.write("Answers founded: "+ str(self.number_of_answers) + "\n") self.log_target.write("Last UID: "+str(self.last_id) + "\n" + "\n") self.log_target.write("***Session End at: "+ str(datetime.datetime.strftime(, ' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ')) + " ***" +"\n") self.log_target.close()
class Rates: """ Persistence layer for exchange rates. """ def __init__(self, filename, erase_db): self.__db = Base(filename) self.__db.create('currency', 'rate', mode="override" if erase_db else "open") self.__db.create_index('currency') def setRate(self, currency, rate): """ Persist a currency's exchange rate. """ assert rate > 0.0 records = self.__db._currency[currency] if len(records) > 0: assert len(records) == 1 # We never expect several exchange rates for the same currency self.__db.update(records[0], rate = rate) else: self.__db.insert(currency = currency, rate = rate) self.__db.commit() def getRate(self, currency): """ Get the exchange rate with EUR for the provided currency or None if it is not found. An exchange rate for currency CUR is Value(EUR) / Value(CUR): 1 EUR = rate(CUR) CUR <=> 1/rate(CUR) EUR = 1 CUR. """ records = self.__db._currency[currency] return records[0]['rate'] if len(records) > 0 else None def getAllRates(self): """ Get all known exchange rates as a dict. """ return [(r['currency'], r['rate']) for r in self.__db] def getRatesCount(self): """ Get total number of exchange rates in db. """ return len(self.__db)
def calculatingWeights(graph, nodesnotLinked, database, calculatingFile): pdb = Base(calculatingFile) pdb.create('node1', 'node2', 'cnWTS02','cnWTS05','cnWTS08', 'aaWTS02', 'aaWTS05', 'aaWTS08') pdb.create_index('node1', 'node2') element = 0 qtyofNodesToProcess = len(nodesnotLinked) for pair in nodesnotLinked: element = element+1 FormatingDataSets.printProgressofEvents(element, qtyofNodesToProcess, "Calculating features for nodes not liked: ") neighbors_node1 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[0]) neighbors_node2 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[1]) len_neihbors_node1 = len(neighbors_node1) len_neihbors_node2 = len(neighbors_node2) CommonNeigbors = neighbors_node1.intersection(neighbors_node2) CNWts02Feature = 0; CNWts05Feature = 0; CNWts08Feature = 0; AAWts02Feature = 0; AAWts05Feature = 0; AAWts08Feature = 0; CNWJCFeature = 0; AAWJCFeature = 0; for cn in CommonNeigbors: item = get_partOfWeightCalculating(graph, database, pair, cn) CNWts02Feature = CNWts02Feature + item['cnWts02']; CNWts05Feature = CNWts05Feature + item['cnWts05']; CNWts08Feature = CNWts08Feature + item['cnWts08']; AAWts02Feature = AAWts02Feature + item['aaWts02']; AAWts05Feature = AAWts05Feature + item['aaWts05']; AAWts08Feature = AAWts08Feature + item['aaWts08']; #CNWJCFeature = CNWJCFeature + item['cnWJC']; #AAWJCFeature = AAWJCFeature + item['aaWJC']; pdb.insert(str(pair[0]), str(pair[1]), CNWts02Feature, CNWts05Feature, CNWts08Feature, AAWts02Feature, AAWts05Feature, AAWts08Feature ) pdb.commit() return pdb;
def convertcsv2db(csvpath, dbpath): #Converts a CSV file to a PyDBLite database db = Base(dbpath) try: csvfile = open(csvpath, 'rb') except csv.Error: print "Could not open CSV file at " + csvpath + "\n" reader = csv.reader(csvfile) header = try: db.create(*header) except IOError: print "Existing DB at " + dbpath + "\n" for row in reader: db.insert(*row) db.commit()
class DBPipeline(object): # Pipeline to write an Item in the database def open_spider(self, spider): # Creation of DB self.db = Base(spider.database) self.db.create('uid', 'type', 'author', 'title', 'text', 'date_time', 'tags', 'views', 'answers', 'resolve', 'upvotes', 'url', mode="override") dispatcher.connect(self.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed) def process_item(self, item, spider): # Writing of the item self.db.insert(uid=item['uid'], type=item['type'], author=item['author'], title=item['title'], text=item['text'], date_time=item['date_time'], tags=item['tags'], views=item['views'], answers=item['answers'], resolve=item['resolve'], upvotes=item['upvotes'], url=item['url'] ) self.db.commit() return item def spider_closed(self, spider): # Number of items saved, shown at the end i = 0 j = 0 for r in self.db: if r["type"] == "question": i += 1 else: j += 1 print ('Number of questions and answers found:') print (str(i) + ' questions \n') print (str(j) + ' answers \n')
def setup(args): if os.path.isfile(path): backup_path = path + '.bak' shutil.copy(path, backup_path) db = Base(path) if args.overwrite: while 1: confirm = input('Do you really want to overwrite the database ? (y/n) ') if confirm in ['y', 'n']: break if confirm == 'y': db.create('name', 'cost', 'date', 'tags', mode='override') print('Data base in {} has been overwritten!'.format(path)) else: if db.exists(): print('{} already exists and is a database. If you want to recreate' ' it, use the -o flag.'.format(path)) else: db.create('name', 'cost', 'date', 'tags', mode='open') print('Created database at {}!'.format(path))
from pathlib import Path from pydblite import Base if not Path("db").exists(): Path("db").mkdir() """ Base for client's application on service via client_id """ client_base = Base("db/client_base.pdl") if client_base.exists(): else: client_base.create("secret", "redirect_uri", "name") """ Base for keeping authorization codes while oauth """ authorization_code = Base("db/authorization_code.pdl") if authorization_code.exists(): else: authorization_code.create("user_id", "code", "expire_time") """ Base for access_tokens for authorized users """ access_token = Base("db/access_token.pdl") if access_token.exists(): else: access_token.create("user_id", "access", "expire_time", "refresh") """
from pathlib import Path from pydblite import Base if not Path('db').exists(): Path('db').mkdir() client = Base('db/client.pdl') if client.exists(): else: client.create('secret', 'redirect_uri', 'name') authorization_code = Base('db/authorization_code.pdl') if authorization_code.exists(): else: authorization_code.create('user_id', 'code', 'expire_time') token = Base('db/token.pdl') if token.exists(): else: token.create('user_id', 'access', 'expire_time', 'refresh') user = Base('db/user.pdl') if user.exists(): else: user.create('login', 'password_hash', 'name', 'email', 'phone') clothes = Base('db/clothes.pdl')
def calculatingWeights(graph, nodesnotLinked, database, calculatingFile): pdb = Base(calculatingFile) pdb.create('node1', 'node2', 'WCNFTI01','WCNFTI02', 'WCNFTI03','WCNFTI04','WCNFTI05','WCNFTI06','WCNFTI07','WCNFTI08','WCNFTI09','WAAFTI01','WAAFTI02', 'WAAFTI03','WAAFTI04','WAAFTI05','WAAFTI06','WAAFTI07','WAAFTI08','WAAFTI09') pdb.create_index('node1', 'node2') element = 0 qtyofNodesToProcess = len(nodesnotLinked) for pair in nodesnotLinked: element = element+1 FormatingDataSets.printProgressofEvents(element, qtyofNodesToProcess, "Calculating features for nodes not liked: ") neighbors_node1 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[0]) neighbors_node2 = all_neighbors(graph, pair[1]) len_neihbors_node1 = len(neighbors_node1) len_neihbors_node2 = len(neighbors_node2) CommonNeigbors = neighbors_node1.intersection(neighbors_node2) WCNFTI01 = 0; WCNFTI02 = 0; WCNFTI03 = 0; WCNFTI04 = 0; WCNFTI05 = 0; WCNFTI06 = 0; WCNFTI07 = 0; WCNFTI08 = 0; WCNFTI09 = 0; WAAFTI01 = 0; WAAFTI02 = 0; WAAFTI03 = 0; WAAFTI04 = 0; WAAFTI05 = 0; WAAFTI06 = 0; WAAFTI07 = 0; WAAFTI08 = 0; WAAFTI09 = 0; for cn in CommonNeigbors: item = get_partOfWeightCalculating(graph, database, pair, cn) WCNFTI01 = WCNFTI01 + item['WCN'][0]; WCNFTI02 = WCNFTI02 + item['WCN'][1]; WCNFTI03 = WCNFTI03 + item['WCN'][2]; WCNFTI04 = WCNFTI04 + item['WCN'][3]; WCNFTI05 = WCNFTI05 + item['WCN'][4]; WCNFTI06 = WCNFTI06 + item['WCN'][5]; WCNFTI07 = WCNFTI07 + item['WCN'][6]; WCNFTI08 = WCNFTI08 + item['WCN'][7]; WCNFTI09 = WCNFTI09 + item['WCN'][8]; WAAFTI01 = WAAFTI01 + item['WAA'][0]; WAAFTI02 = WAAFTI02 + item['WAA'][1]; WAAFTI03 = WAAFTI03 + item['WAA'][2]; WAAFTI04 = WAAFTI04 + item['WAA'][3]; WAAFTI05 = WAAFTI05 + item['WAA'][4]; WAAFTI06 = WAAFTI06 + item['WAA'][5]; WAAFTI07 = WAAFTI07 + item['WAA'][6]; WAAFTI08 = WAAFTI08 + item['WAA'][7]; WAAFTI09 = WAAFTI09 + item['WAA'][8]; pdb.insert(str(pair[0]), str(pair[1]), WCNFTI01, WCNFTI02, WCNFTI02, WCNFTI03,WCNFTI04,WCNFTI05,WCNFTI06,WCNFTI07,WCNFTI08,WCNFTI09, WAAFTI01, WAAFTI02, WAAFTI02, WAAFTI03,WAAFTI04,WAAFTI05,WAAFTI06,WAAFTI07,WAAFTI08,WAAFTI09, ) pdb.commit() return pdb;
def generate_finalResult(order,topRank, TestGraph, FileNameResult ): pdb = Base(FileNameResult) pdb.create('node1', 'node2', 'value', 'sucesso','topRank') pdb.create_index('node1', 'node2') indice = 0 for nodeToCheck in order: indice = indice+1 isTopRank = (indice <= topRank) if (TestGraph.has_edge(nodeToCheck['node1'],nodeToCheck['node2'])): pdb.insert(str(nodeToCheck['node1']), nodeToCheck['node2'],nodeToCheck['value'] , True, isTopRank ) else: pdb.insert(str(nodeToCheck['node1']), nodeToCheck['node2'],nodeToCheck['value'] , False, isTopRank ) pdb.commit() return pdb
def process(bot, chat_id, parsedCommand, messageText, currentMessage, update, instanceAge): def sendText(givenText, replyingMessageID=0, keyboardLayout=[]): if not chatInstanceArray[chat_id]['adminDisable']: atbSendFunctions.sendText(bot, chat_id, givenText, replyingMessageID, keyboardLayout) def sendPhoto(imageName): atbSendFunctions.sendPhoto(bot, chat_id, "images/"+ imageName) def sendSticker(stickerName): atbSendFunctions.sendSticker(bot, chat_id, "stickers/"+ stickerName) def passSpamCheck(): return atbMiscFunctions.spamCheck(chat_id, try: chatInstanceArray[chat_id]['checking'] = True except Exception: chatInstanceArray[chat_id] = {'checking': True, 'adminDisable': False, 'spamTimestamp': 0, 'shottyTimestamp': 0, 'shottyWinner': "", 'checkingVehicles': False, 'whoArray': []} try: #commands go here, in this if-elif block. Python doesn't have switch statements. if parsedCommand == "/mom": #sends "MOM GET THE CAMERA" sendText("MOM GET THE CAMERA") elif atbMiscFunctions.isMoom(parsedCommand): #sends M {random number of Os} M if passSpamCheck(): #use this to prevent spamming of a command response = "M" for i in range(0, random.randint(3, 75)): response += "O" sendText(response + "M") elif parsedCommand == "/swag": sendText("swiggity swag, what\'s in the bag?") elif parsedCommand == "/worms": if passSpamCheck(): response = "hey man can I borrow your " if len(messageText) > len("/worms "): response += messageText[len("/worms "):] else: response += "worms" sendText(response) elif parsedCommand == "/shh" or parsedCommand == "/shhh": if passSpamCheck(): sendPhoto("shhh.jpg") elif parsedCommand == "/father": if (random.randint(0, 1)): sendText("You ARE the father!") else: sendText("You are NOT the father!") elif parsedCommand == "/rip": #sends "I can't believe that [name (defaults to sender's name)] is f*****g dead." if passSpamCheck(): response = "I can't believe that " if len(messageText) > len("/rip "): if (messageText[len("/rip "):] == "me"): response += currentMessage.from_user.first_name else: response += messageText[len("/rip "):] else: response += currentMessage.from_user.first_name response += " is f*****g dead." sendText(response) elif parsedCommand == "/scrub": checkingStats = False try: if currentMessage.text.lower().split()[1] == "stats": db = Base('chatStorage/scrub.pdl') #The path to the DB db.create('username', 'name', 'counter', mode="open") K = list() for user in db: K.append(user) sortedK = sorted(K, key=lambda x: int(x['counter']), reverse=True) outputString = "SCRUBBIEST LEADERBOARD:\n" for user in sortedK: pluralString = " SCRUB POINT" if not(int(user['counter']) == 1): pluralString += "S" pluralString += "\n" outputString += user['name'].upper() + ": " + str(user['counter']) + pluralString sendText(outputString) checkingStats = True except IndexError: pass if not checkingStats and ( == 169883788 or == 44961843): db = Base('chatStorage/scrub.pdl') db.create('username', 'name', 'counter', mode="open") userWasFound = False valueSuccessfullyChanged = False for user in db: if int(user['username']) == db.update(user, counter=int(user['counter']) + 1) valueSuccessfullyChanged = True userWasFound = True db.commit() if not userWasFound: db.insert(, currentMessage.reply_to_message.from_user.first_name, 1) db.commit() if valueSuccessfullyChanged or not userWasFound: sendText("Matt Gomez awarded a scrub point to " + currentMessage.reply_to_message.from_user.first_name + ".") elif not checkingStats: sendText("AdamTestBot, powered by ScrubSoft (C)") elif parsedCommand == "/hiss": checkingStats = False try: if currentMessage.text.lower().split()[1] == "stats": db = Base('chatStorage/hiss.pdl') db.create('username', 'name', 'counter', mode="open") K = list() for user in db: K.append(user) sortedK = sorted(K, key=lambda x: int(x['counter']), reverse=True) outputString = "Hiss Leaderboard:\n" for user in sortedK: pluralString = " hiss" if not(int(user['counter']) == 1): pluralString += "es" pluralString += "\n" outputString += user['name'] + ": " + str(user['counter']) + pluralString sendText(outputString) checkingStats = True except IndexError: pass if not checkingStats and ( == 122526873 or == 44961843): db = Base('chatStorage/hiss.pdl') db.create('username', 'name', 'counter', mode="open") userWasFound = False valueSuccessfullyChanged = False for user in db: if int(user['username']) == db.update(user, counter=int(user['counter']) + 1) valueSuccessfullyChanged = True userWasFound = True db.commit() if not userWasFound: db.insert(, currentMessage.reply_to_message.from_user.first_name, 1) db.commit() if valueSuccessfullyChanged or not userWasFound: sendText("Robyn hissed at " + currentMessage.reply_to_message.from_user.first_name + ".") elif parsedCommand == "/water": if (random.randint(0, 1) == 0): sendSticker("water.webp") else: sendSticker("hoboken_water.webp") #this command should go last: elif parsedCommand == "/community": #add your command to this list response = "/mom - get the camera\n" response += "/mooom (any number of \'o\'s) - call for help\n" response += "/swag - more memes\n" response += "/worms - can I borrow them?\n" response += "/shh(h) - here, be relaxed\n" response += "/father - are you the father?\n" response += "/rip (something) - I can't believe they're dead!\n" response += "/hiss stats - see how many time Robyn has hissed at people\n" response += "/scrub or /scrub stats - see who sponsors me or how many times Matt Gomez has called you a scrub\n" response += "/water - does this water look brown to you?" sendText(response) else: return False return True except Exception: print traceback.format_exc() return False
def reading_Database(path): adb = Base(path) return adb
def make_graph(): """ Make graph from data. """ year = [] lst_jungwat = [] lst_death = [] db = Base('Thai-db.pdl') make_list_year(year, db) make_list_jungwat(lst_jungwat, db) i = 0 """-----------------------------------------------""" change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace1 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 0, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace2 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(119, 136, 153)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace3 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(198, 226, 255)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace4 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(151, 255, 255)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace5 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(238, 232, 170)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace6 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 69, 19)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace7 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 133, 63)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace8 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(244, 164, 96)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace9 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 218, 185)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace10 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(238, 207, 161)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace11 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 201, 165)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace12 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 136, 120)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace13 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(132, 112, 255)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace14 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(71, 60, 139)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace15 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(72, 118, 255)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace16 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(39, 64, 139)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace17 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 0, 255)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace18 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(25, 25, 112)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace19 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(176, 224, 230)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace20 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(24, 116, 205)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace21 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 154, 205)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace22 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(74, 112, 139)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace23 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(95, 158, 160)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace24 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(150, 205, 205)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace25 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 206, 209)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace26 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 245, 255)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace27 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(102, 205, 170)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace28 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(46, 139, 87)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace29 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 139, 69)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace30 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 255, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace31 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 100, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace32 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(32, 178, 170)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace33 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 250, 154)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace34 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(107, 142, 35)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace35 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(202, 255, 112)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace36 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 246, 143)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace37 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 134, 78)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace38 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 255, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace39 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 139, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace40 = Scatter( x=[2554, 2555, 2556, 2557], y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 173, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace41 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 101, 8)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace42 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(188, 143, 143)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace43 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 193, 193)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_birth = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace44 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 92, 92)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace45 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 130, 71)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace46 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 71, 38)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace47 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 115, 85)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace48 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 133, 63)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace49 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 127, 36)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace50 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 38, 38)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace51 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 20, 147)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace52 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 10, 80)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace53 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 96, 144)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace54 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 99, 108)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace55 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(176, 48, 96)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace56 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 0, 205)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace57 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(139, 0, 139)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace58 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(186, 85, 211)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace59 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(148, 0, 211)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace60 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(128, 0, 128)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace61 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(236, 171, 83)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace62 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(192, 192, 192)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace63 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 128, 128)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace64 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(255, 204, 153)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace65 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(142, 124, 195)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace66 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 154, 205)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace67 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(238, 59, 59)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace68 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(50, 205, 50)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace69 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(34, 139, 34)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace70 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(105, 139, 34)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace71 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(205, 173, 0)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace72 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 154, 205)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace73 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(155, 205, 155)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace74 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(46, 139, 87)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace75 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(192, 255, 62)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" i += 1 lst_death = [] change_death(i, db, lst_jungwat, lst_death) trace76 = Scatter( x=year, y=lst_death, connectgaps=True, line=Line( color='rgb(95, 158, 160)', width=1 ), name=lst_jungwat[i], uid='dd3a3c' ) """-----------------------------------------------""" data = Data([trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5, trace6, trace7, trace8, trace9, trace10, trace11, trace12, trace13, trace14, trace15, trace16, trace17, trace18, trace19, trace20, trace21\ , trace22, trace23, trace24, trace25, trace26, trace27, trace28, trace29, trace30, trace31, trace32, trace33, trace34, trace35, trace36, trace37, trace38, trace39, trace40\ ,trace41, trace42, trace43, trace44, trace45, trace46, trace47, trace48, trace49, trace50, trace51, trace52, trace53, trace54, trace55, trace56, trace57, trace58, trace59\ , trace60, trace61, trace62, trace63, trace64, trace65, trace66, trace67, trace68, trace69, trace70, trace71, trace72, trace73, trace74, trace75, trace76]) layout = Layout( autosize=True, bargap=0.2, bargroupgap=0, barmode='stack', boxgap=0.3, boxgroupgap=0.3, boxmode='overlay', dragmode='zoom', font=Font( color='rgb(33, 33, 33)', family='"Old Standard TT", serif', size=12 ), height=600, hidesources=False, hovermode='x', legend=Legend( x=0.01788617886178862, y=1.0166666666666666, bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', bordercolor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', borderwidth=1, font=Font( color='rgb(33, 33, 33)', family='', size=0 ), traceorder='normal', xanchor='auto', yanchor='auto' ), margin=Margin( r=80, t=100, autoexpand=True, b=80, l=80, pad=2 ), paper_bgcolor='#fff', plot_bgcolor='#fff', separators='.,', showlegend=False, smith=False, title='The graph shows the number of death since 2548 to 2557.', titlefont=dict( color='', family='', size=0 ), width=775, xaxis=XAxis( anchor='y', autorange=True, autotick=True, domain=[0, 1], dtick='M12.000000000000002', exponentformat='e', gridcolor='#ddd', gridwidth=1, linecolor='rgb(221, 221, 221)', linewidth=1, mirror=False, nticks=15, overlaying=False, position=0, range=[1046754000000, 1378008000000], rangemode='normal', showexponent='all', showgrid=False, showline=True, showticklabels=True, tick0=946702800000, tickangle='auto', tickcolor='#000', tickfont=dict( color='', family='', size=0 ), ticklen=5, ticks='', tickwidth=1, title='<i>Year</i>', titlefont=dict( color='', family='', size=0 ), type='year', zeroline=False, zerolinecolor='#000', zerolinewidth=1 ), yaxis=YAxis( anchor='x', autorange=False, autotick=True, domain=[0, 1], dtick=100, gridcolor='#ddd', gridwidth=1, linecolor='rgb(221, 221, 221)', linewidth=1, mirror=False, nticks=0, overlaying=False, position=0, range=[0, 50000], rangemode='normal', showgrid=True, showline=True, showticklabels=True, tick0=0, tickangle='auto', tickcolor='#000', tickfont=dict( color='', family='', size=0 ), ticklen=5, ticks='', tickwidth=1, title='Number of death', titlefont=dict( color='', family='', size=0 ), type='linear', zeroline=False, zerolinecolor='#000', zerolinewidth=1 ) ) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig)