def nsharehelper(x):
    if x % 1000 == 0:
        print 'Random draw %s' % x 
    if args.matchkinship:
        ns = match_kinship_sample(affinds, fullinds, threshold=0.001)
        ns = random.sample(fullinds, naff)
    return shares(ns, shared, nmark)
def sbool(affs, shared, nmark):
    return shares(affs, shared, nmark) / float(npairs(affs))
def spairs(affs, shared, nmark):
    return shares(affs, shared, nmark)
    with open(args.kinship) as kinshf:
        for line in kinshf:
            fam, ida, idb, phi = line.strip().split()
            ida = tuple(fam, ida)
            idb = tuple(fam, idb)
            if not {ida, idb} <= fullinds:
                kinship[frozenset({ida, idb})] = float(phi)
    for a,b in combinations(fullinds, 2):
        pair = frozenset({a,b})
        if pair not in kinship:
            kinship[pair] = 0

print 'Calculating sharing from affecteds'
affshare = shares(affinds, shared, nmark)

print 'Model: %s' % args.model
print 'Calculating emperical p-values from %s draws of %s individuals' % (args.nrep, naff)
print 'Using %s processes' % args.njobs

def nsharehelper(x):
    if x % 1000 == 0:
        print 'Random draw %s' % x 
    if args.matchkinship:
        ns = match_kinship_sample(affinds, fullinds, threshold=0.001)
        ns = random.sample(fullinds, naff)
    return shares(ns, shared, nmark)

if args.njobs > 1: