Пример #1
    def pointOnPixel(self, location, zFilter=True):
        dotSize = self.uiState.parent().dotSize

        # TODO - share with below
        closestDist, closestPoint = None, None
        allPoints = self.uiState._tree.flattenPoints()
        for point in allPoints:
            if zFilter and round(point.location[2]) != round(location[2]):

            radius = dotSize
            resizeRadius = False
            if radius is None:
                radius = point.radius
                resizeRadius = (point.radius is not None)
            if radius is None:
                radius = DendritePainter.NODE_CIRCLE_DEFAULT_RADIUS
            if resizeRadius:
                radius, _ = self.imgView.fromSceneDist(radius, radius)

            # TODO - verify this always needs to happen, but not below?
            zLoc = self.zoomedLocation(location)
            zPLoc = self.zoomedLocation(point.location)
            dist = deltaSz(zLoc, zPLoc)
            if dist > radius:
            if closestDist is None or dist < closestDist:
                closestDist, closestPoint = dist, point

        return closestPoint
Пример #2
 def spatialAndTreeDist(self, p1: Point, p2: Point) -> Tuple[float, float]:
     """Given two points in the tree, return both the 3D spatial distance,
     as well as how far to travel along the tree."""
     path1, path2 = p1.pathFromRoot(), p2.pathFromRoot()
     lastMatch = 0
     while lastMatch < len(path1) and lastMatch < len(
             path2) and path1[lastMatch].id == path2[lastMatch].id:
         lastMatch += 1
     lastMatch -= 1
     path1X, path1Y, path1Z = self.worldCoordPoints(path1[lastMatch:])
     path2X, path2Y, path2Z = self.worldCoordPoints(path2[lastMatch:])
     treeDist = 0.0
     for i in range(len(path1X) - 1):
         pA = (path1X[i], path1Y[i], path1Z[i])
         pB = (path1X[i + 1], path1Y[i + 1], path1Z[i + 1])
         treeDist += util.deltaSz(pA, pB)
     for i in range(len(path2X) - 1):
         pA = (path2X[i], path2Y[i], path2Z[i])
         pB = (path2X[i + 1], path2Y[i + 1], path2Z[i + 1])
         treeDist += util.deltaSz(pA, pB)
     return self.spatialDist(p1, p2), treeDist
Пример #3
    def cumulativeWorldLengths(self) -> List[float]:
        """Calculate the length to all points along the branch.

        :returns: List of cumulative lengths, how far along the branch to get to each point."""
        pointsWithRoot = self.pointsWithParentIfExists()
        x, y, z = self._parentTree.worldCoordPoints(pointsWithRoot)
        cumulativeLength, lengths = 0.0, []
        for i in range(len(x) - 1):
            edgeDistance = util.deltaSz((x[i], y[i], z[i]),
                                        (x[i + 1], y[i + 1], z[i + 1]))
            cumulativeLength += edgeDistance
        return lengths
Пример #4
    def closestPointToWorldLocation(
            self, targetWorldLocation: Point3D) -> Optional[Point]:
        """Given a position in world space, find the point closest to it in world space.

        :param targetWorldLocation: (x, y, z) location tuple.
        :returns: Point object of point closest to the target location."""
        closestDist, closestPoint = None, None
        allPoints = self.flattenPoints()
        allX, allY, allZ = self.worldCoordPoints(allPoints)
        for point, loc in zip(allPoints, zip(allX, allY, allZ)):
            dist = util.deltaSz(targetWorldLocation, loc)
            if closestDist is None or dist < closestDist:
                closestDist, closestPoint = dist, point
        return closestPoint
Пример #5
 def punctaOnPixel(self, location, zFilter=True):
     # TODO - share with above
     closestDist, closestPoint = None, None
     if self.windowIndex < len(self.uiState._parent.puncta):
         allPoints = self.uiState._parent.puncta[self.windowIndex]
         for point in allPoints:
             if zFilter and round(point.location[2]) != round(location[2]):
             dist = deltaSz(location, point.location)
             if dist > point.radius:
             if closestDist is None or dist < closestDist:
                 closestDist, closestPoint = dist, point
     return closestPoint
Пример #6
    def closestPointTo(self,
                       targetLocation: Point3D,
                       zFilter: bool = False) -> Optional[Point]:
        """Given a position in the volume, find the point closest to it in image space.

        :param targetLocation: (x, y, z) location tuple.
        :param zFilter: If true, only items on the same zStack are considered.
        :returns: Point object of point closest to the target location."""
        closestDist, closestPoint = None, None
        for point in self.flattenPoints():
            if zFilter and round(point.location[2]) != round(
            dist = util.deltaSz(targetLocation, point.location)
            if closestDist is None or dist < closestDist:
                closestDist, closestPoint = dist, point
        return closestPoint
Пример #7
    def worldLengths(self, fromIdx: int = 0) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        """Returns world length of the branch, plus the length to the last branch point.

        :returns: (totalLength, totalLength to last branch)
        pointsWithRoot = self.pointsWithParentIfExists()[fromIdx:]
        parentRadius = 0
        if pointsWithRoot[0].isRoot() == False:
            parentRadius = pointsWithRoot[0].returnWorldRadius(
        x, y, z = self._parentTree.worldCoordPoints(pointsWithRoot)
        lastBranchPoint = _lastPointWithChildren(pointsWithRoot)
        totalLength, totalLengthToLastBranch = 0.0, 0.0
        for i in range(len(x) - 1):
            edgeDistance = util.deltaSz((x[i], y[i], z[i]),
                                        (x[i + 1], y[i + 1], z[i + 1]))
            totalLength += edgeDistance
            if i < lastBranchPoint:
                totalLengthToLastBranch += edgeDistance
        totalLength = totalLength - parentRadius
        return totalLength, totalLengthToLastBranch
Пример #8
def _averageIntensity(point: Point, image: np.ndarray, channel: int) -> float:
    x, y, z = point.location
    zAt = int(round(z))
    plane = image[channel][zAt]

    r = point.radius
    if r is None:
        r = point.radiusFromAncestors()

    # HACK - find a better way to do this?
    intensitySum = 0.0
    intensityCount = 0
    for r in range(plane.shape[0]):
        for c in range(plane.shape[1]):
            d = util.deltaSz((c + 0.5, r + 0.5, 0), (x, y, 0))
            if d <= r:
                intensitySum += 1.0 * plane[r, c]
                intensityCount += 1
    if intensityCount == 0:
        return np.nan
    return intensitySum / intensityCount / 255.0
Пример #9
def _pointNear(locA, locB):
    return util.deltaSz(locA, locB) < 1e-9
Пример #10
 def spatialDist(self, p1: Point, p2: Point) -> float:
     """Given two points in the tree, return the 3D spatial distance"""
     x, y, z = self.worldCoordPoints([p1, p2])
     p1Location = (x[0], y[0], z[0])
     p2Location = (x[1], y[1], z[1])
     return util.deltaSz(p1Location, p2Location)
Пример #11
 def movePointBoundary(self, index, location):
     localState = self._localState(index)
     current = localState.currentPuncta()
     if current is not None:
         current.radius = deltaSz(location, current.location)
Пример #12
def parseMatlabTree(fullState, saveState, removeOrphanBranches=True):
    tree = Tree()
    branchList = saveState['tree'][0]
    if branchList.shape == (1, ):
        branchList = branchList[0]

    for i in range(branchList.shape[1]):
        # HACK: Matlab uses branch index as ID:
        fullState._nextBranchID = i

        if len(branchList[0, i]) > 0:
            # Load in branch:
            branchData = branchList[0, i][0]
            branch = parseMatlabBranch(
                branchData[0].T,  # XYZ position
                branchData[2][0],  # Annotations

            # ... and remove first point as it is duplicated data from parent:
            rootPoint = branch.points[0]
            if i == 0:  # First branch is special, as first node is tree root
                tree.rootPoint = rootPoint
                tree.rootPoint.parentBranch = None
            # No branch data? Not sure what caused this in matlab...
            branch = Branch(fullState.nextBranchID())

    # For each point, hook up its child branches to it:
    for i in range(branchList.shape[1]):
        if len(branchList[0, i]) > 0:
            childListForPoints = branchList[0, i][0][1][0]  # Child index list
            for j, childListForPoint in enumerate(childListForPoints):
                for childIdx in np.nditer(childListForPoint,
                                          ['refs_ok', 'zerosize_ok']):
                    if tree.branches[childIdx - 1].parentPoint is not None:
                        oldParent = tree.branches[childIdx - 1].parentPoint
                        newParent = tree.branches[i].points[j - 1]
                        moved = deltaSz(oldParent.location, newParent.location)
                        if moved > 0.01:
                                "WARNING: Branch %d parent location has moved %f"
                                % (childIdx - 1, moved))
                                "%s to %s" %
                                (str(tree.branches[childIdx -
                                 str(tree.branches[i].points[j - 1].location)))
                            # HACK - add branch to children of parent, but keep old parent on branch
                            tree.branches[i].points[j - 1].children.append(
                                tree.branches[childIdx - 1])
                                childIdx -
                                1].reparentTo = tree.branches[i].points[j - 1]
                    tree.branches[childIdx - 1].setParentPoint(
                        tree.branches[i].points[j - 1])

    if removeOrphanBranches:
        tree.branches = [b for b in tree.branches if b.parentPoint is not None]

    tree.transform = parseTransform(saveState['info'][0])
    return tree