Пример #1
    def load(self, ecg_file) -> ECGRecord:
        if not os.path.isfile(ecg_file):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"{ecg_file} is not found")
        record = Holter(ecg_file)

        def load_ann(ann_file, annheader):
            filesize = os.path.getsize(ann_file)
            headersize = 522 + annheader.var_block_size + 4
            record.beat_anns = []
            with open(ann_file, 'rb') as f:
                f.seek(headersize - 4, os.SEEK_SET)
                first_sample = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0]
                current_sample = first_sample
                timeout = False  # was there a gap in the annotations?
                for beat in range(int((filesize - headersize) / 4)):
                    # note, the beat at first_sample isn't annotated.  so the first beat
                    # in beat_anns is actually the second beat of the recording.
                    ann = chr(np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint8, count=1)[0])
                    internal = chr(np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint8, count=1)[0])
                    toc = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16, count=1)[0]
                    current_sample += toc
                    if ann == '!':
                        timeout = True  # there was a few minutes gap in the anns; don't
                        # know how to line them up to rest of recording
                    record.beat_anns.append({'ann': ann, 'internal': internal, 'toc': toc})
                    if not timeout:
                        record.beat_anns[-1]['samp_num'] = current_sample

        ann_file = os.path.splitext(ecg_file)[0] + '.ann'
        ann_header = Holter(ann_file, check_valid=False, annfile=True)
        load_ann(ann_file, ann_header)

        time = Time.from_fs_samples(record.sr, len(record.lead[0].data))
        record_name = os.path.split(ecg_file)[1]
        record_name = ".".join(record_name.split(".")[:-1])
        new_record = ECGRecord(name=record_name, time=time)

        for leadi in record.lead:
            new_record.add_signal(Signal(leadi.data, str(leadi)))

        ecg_annotation = ECGAnnotation([ECGAnnotationSample(i["samp_num"], i["ann"]) for i in record.beat_anns])
        new_record.annotations = ecg_annotation

        new_record.info = SubjectInfo()
        new_record.info.race = record.race
        new_record.info.sex = record.sex
        new_record.info.birth_date = record.birth_date
        new_record.info.record_date = record.record_date
        new_record.info.file_date = record.file_date
        new_record.info.start_time = record.start_time
        new_record.info.pm = record.pm

        return new_record
Пример #2
    def load(self, hea_file) -> ECGRecord:
        base_path = os.path.splitext(hea_file)[0]

        def load_annotation(ann_ext):
            return wfdb.rdann(base_path, ann_ext)

        hea_file = base_path + ".hea"
        if not os.path.isfile(hea_file):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"{hea_file} is not found")

        record = wfdb.rdrecord(base_path)
        time = Time.from_fs_samples(record.fs, record.sig_len)
        new_record = ECGRecord(name=record.record_name, time=time)

        for signal, lead_name in zip(record.p_signal.T, record.sig_name):
            new_record.add_signal(Signal(signal, lead_name))
        ann = load_annotation("atr")

        ecg_annotation = ECGAnnotation([
            ECGAnnotationSample(samp, symbol)
            for samp, symbol in zip(ann.sample, ann.symbol)
        new_record.annotations = ecg_annotation
        return new_record
Пример #3
def test_inconsistent_signal_type():
    record = ECGRecord("record_100", time=Time.from_fs_samples(360, 10))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Пример #4
def test_inconsistent_signal_len():
    record = ECGRecord("record_100", time=Time.from_fs_samples(360, 10))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        record.add_signal(Signal(electrocardiogram(), "MLII"))