def v_tradecost(self, start=None, end=yesterdayobj(), vopts=None): """ visualization giving the average cost line together with netvalue line :param vopts: global option for line in pyecharts :returns: pyecharts.line """ funddata = [] costdata = [] pprice = self.aim.price[self.aim.price["date"] <= end] if start is not None: pprice = pprice[pprice["date"] >= start] for _, row in pprice.iterrows(): date = row["date"] funddata.append(row["netvalue"]) cost = 0 if (date - self.cftable.iloc[0].date).days >= 0: cost = self.unitcost(date) costdata.append(cost) line = Line() if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line.add_xaxis([ for d in]) line.add_yaxis(series_name="基金净值", y_axis=funddata, is_symbol_show=False) line.add_yaxis(series_name="持仓成本", y_axis=costdata, is_symbol_show=False) line.set_global_opts(**vopts) return line.render_notebook()
def v_netvalue(self, end=yesterdayobj(), benchmark=True, rendered=True, vopts=None): """ visulaization on netvalue curve :param end: dateobject for indicating the end date in the figure, default to yesterday :param benchmark: bool, whether include benchmark's netvalue curve, default true :param vopts: dict, options for pyecharts instead of builtin settings """ if getattr(self, "bmprice", None) is None: benchmark = False if benchmark: a, b = self.comparison(end) else: a = self.price if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line = Line() line.add_xaxis([ for d in list(]) line.add_yaxis( y_axis=list(a.netvalue),, is_symbol_show=False ) line.set_global_opts(**vopts) if benchmark: line.add_yaxis(, y_axis=list(b.netvalue), is_symbol_show=False, ) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
def v_techindex(self, end=yesterdayobj(), col=None, rendered=True, vopts=None): """ visualization on netvalue curve and specified indicators :param end: date string or obj, the end date of the figure :param col: list, list of strings for price col name, eg.['MA5','BBI'] remember generate these indicators before the visualization, these cols don't automatically generate for visualization :param vopts: dict, options for pyecharts instead of builtin settings """ partprice = self.price[self.price["date"] <= end] xdata = [ for d in list(] netvaldata = list(partprice.netvalue) if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line = Line() line.add_xaxis(xdata) line.add_yaxis(series_name="netvalue", y_axis=netvaldata, is_symbol_show=False) line.set_global_opts(**vopts) if col is not None: for ind in col: inddata = list(partprice[ind]) line.add_yaxis(series_name=ind, y_axis=inddata, is_symbol_show=False) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
def v_netvalue(self, end=yesterdayobj(), vopts=None, rendered=True): """ 起点对齐归一的,各参考基金或指数的净值比较可视化 :param end: string or object of date, the end date of the line :param vkwds: pyechart line.add() options :param vopts: dict, options for pyecharts instead of builtin settings :returns: pyecharts.charts.Line.render_notebook() """ partprice = self.totprice[self.totprice["date"] <= end] line = Line() if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line.set_global_opts(**vopts) line.add_xaxis([ for d in list(]) for fund in self.fundobjs: line.add_yaxis(, y_axis=list(partprice[fund.code]), is_symbol_show=False, ) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
def v_totvalue(self, end=yesterdayobj(), rendered=True, vopts=None): """ visualization on the total values daily change of the aim """ partp = self.price[self.price["date"] >= self.cftable.iloc[0].date] # 多基金账单时起点可能非该基金持有起点 partp = partp[partp["date"] <= end] date = [ for d in] valuedata = [ self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentvalue", 0) for d in ] line = Line() if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line.add_xaxis(date) line.add_yaxis(series_name="持仓总值", y_axis=valuedata, is_symbol_show=False) line.set_global_opts(**vopts) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
def vtradecost(self, cftable, unitcost=False, start=None, end=yesterdayobj(), rendered=True): """ visualization giving the average cost line together with netvalue line as well as buy and sell points :returns: pyecharts.line """ funddata = [] costdata = [] cashdata = [] #kahar add in order to observe the sum of the cash funddata_test = [] pprice = self.price[self.price["date"] <= end] pcftable = cftable if start is not None: pprice = pprice[pprice["date"] >= start] pcftable = pcftable[pcftable["date"] >= start] for _, row in pprice.iterrows(): date = row["date"] funddata.append(row["netvalue"]) funddata_test.append(3.2) if unitcost: cost = 0 cash = 0 if (date - self.cftable.iloc[0].date).days >= 0: cost = self.unitcost(date) cash = self.get_datecashvalue(date) costdata.append(cost) cashdata.append(cash / 1000000.0) coords = [] # pcftable = pcftable[abs(pcftable["cash"]) > threhold] for i, r in pcftable.iterrows(): coords.append( [, pprice[pprice["date"] <=].iloc[-1]["netvalue"]]) upper = lower = if upper == lower: upper = 2 * lower + 1 # avoid zero in denominator def marker_factory(x, y): buy = pcftable[pcftable["date"] <= x].iloc[-1]["cash"] if buy < 0: color = "#ff7733" else: color = "#3366ff" size = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 5 + 5 return opts.MarkPointItem( coord=[, y], itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color=color), # this nested itemstyle_opts within MarkPointItem is only supported for pyechart>1.7.1 symbol="circle", symbol_size=size, ) line = Line() line.add_xaxis([ for d in]) print("costdata", costdata) if unitcost: line.add_yaxis( series_name="持仓成本", y_axis=costdata, is_symbol_show=False, ) line.add_yaxis( series_name="持仓总额k6", y_axis=cashdata, is_symbol_show=False, ) line.add_yaxis( series_name="基金净值", y_axis=funddata, is_symbol_show=False, markpoint_opts=opts.MarkPointOpts( data=[marker_factory(*c) for c in coords], ), ) line.set_global_opts( datazoom_opts=[ opts.DataZoomOpts(is_show=True, type_="slider", range_start=50, range_end=100), opts.DataZoomOpts( is_show=True, type_="slider", orient="vertical", range_start=50, range_end=100, ), ], tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts( is_show=True, trigger="axis", trigger_on="mousemove", axis_pointer_type="cross", ), ) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
from pyecharts import options as opts import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[13]: # 折线图 line = Line() # 折线图对象 # x轴 line.add_xaxis(df.index.to_list()) # x轴数据:列表——日期 # 每个y轴 line.add_yaxis("开盘价", df['open'].round(2).to_list()) line.add_yaxis("收盘价", df['close'].round(2).to_list()) # 图标配置 line.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title='百度股票2019年'), tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(trigger='axix', axis_pointer_type='cross')) # In[15]: # 渲染数据 line.render_notebook() line.render() # In[ ]: # In[ ]:
# customMap = ( # Map() # .add("商家A", # 图例 # [list(z) for z in zip(Faker.provinces, Faker.values())], # 数据项 # "china" # 地图 # ) # .set_global_opts( # 设置全局项 # title_opts=opts.TitleOpts( # 设置标题项 # title="中国地图" # 设置标题名称 # ) # ) # ) # customMap.render("demo11.html") # 生成名为demo11的本地html文件 line = Line() line.add_xaxis([ "201{}年/{}季度".format(y, z) for y in range(4) for z in range(1, 5) ]) #设置x轴数据 line.add_yaxis("电视机销量", [ 4.80, 4.10, 6.00, 6.50, 5.80, 5.20, 6.80, 7.40, 6.00, 5.60, 7.50, 7.80, 6.30, 5.90, 8.00, 8.40 ]) #设置y轴数据 line.set_global_opts( xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts( axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(rotate=-40), ), #设置x轴标签旋转角度 yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(name="销量(单位/千台)"), #设置y轴名称 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="折线图")) #设置图表标题 line.render_notebook() #渲染图表
def v_tradecost_ktest( self, unitcost=True, start=None, end=yesterdayobj(), rendered=True ): """ visualization giving the average cost line together with netvalue line as well as buy and sell points :returns: pyecharts.line """ # funddata = [] # costdata = [] pprice = self.price[self.price["date"] <= end] pcftable = self.cftable if start is not None: pprice = pprice[pprice["date"] >= start] pcftable = pcftable[pcftable["date"] >= start] # for _, row in pprice.iterrows(): # date = row["date"] # funddata.append(row["netvalue"]) # if unitcost: # cost = 0 # if (date - self.cftable.iloc[0].date).days >= 0: # cost = self.unitcost(date) # costdata.append(cost) # coords = [] # pcftable = pcftable[abs(pcftable["cash"]) > threhold] # for i, r in pcftable.iterrows(): # coords.append([, pprice[pprice["date"] <=].iloc[-1]["netvalue"]]) def marker_factory(x, y): buy = pcftable[pcftable["date"] <= x].iloc[-1]["cash"] print("buy",buy) if buy < 0: color = "#ff7733" else: color = "#3366ff" size = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 5 + 5 print("size",size) return opts.MarkPointItem( coord=[, y], itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color=color), # this nested itemstyle_opts within MarkPointItem is only supported for pyechart>1.7.1 symbol="circle", symbol_size=size, ) def marker_factory3v(x, y): buy = pcftable[pcftable["date"] <= x].iloc[-1]["cash"] print("buy",buy) if buy < 0: color = "#ff7733" else: color = "#3366ff" # size = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 5 + 5 size = len(str(buy)) * 10 print("size",size) return opts.MarkPointItem( value = -buy, coord=[, y], itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color=color), # this nested itemstyle_opts within MarkPointItem is only supported for pyechart>1.7.1 # symbol="circle", symbol_size=size, ) coords_cash = [] # print("pcftable",pcftable) # print("pprice",pprice) #cash begin cashdata = [] valuedata = [] # partp = self.price[self.price["date"] >= self.cftable.iloc[0].date] # 多基金账单时起点可能非该基金持有起点 # partp = partp[partp["date"] <= end] # valuedata = [ # self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentvalue", 0) for d in # self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentvalue", 0) for d in # ] # print( # print("begin to cal ccost") for d in ucost = self.unitcost(d) cshare = self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentshare") if(ucost is None or cshare is None ): valuedata.append(0) cashdata.append(0) else: cashdata.append(ucost*cshare) valuedata.append(self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentvalue", 0)) # # self.unitcost(d)*self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentshare") for d in # self.unitcost(d)*self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentshare") for d in # ] #cash end # date = [ for d in] date = [ for d in] date_dict = {} for i,d in enumerate(date): date_dict[convert_date(d)]=i # print("date_dict",date_dict) # print("date",date) # print("cashdata",cashdata) # pcftable = pcftable[abs(pcftable["cash"]) > threhold] # print("print offset") offset = pcftable["date"] # print("offset",offset) offset = offset[0] offsetdate = [] coords_markvalue = [] pos = 3 for i, r in pcftable.iterrows(): # print("i,r",i,r) # print("",type( # print("convert_date(",type(convert_date( # print("date_dict[]",date_dict[convert_date(]) offset = - offset valuecoords = valuedata[date_dict[convert_date(]] cashcoords = cashdata[date_dict[convert_date(]] distance = valuecoords - cashcoords if(pos == 3): coords_markvalue.append([,cashcoords,offset]) pos =0 elif(pos == 0 ): coords_markvalue.append([,cashcoords + distance/2,offset]) pos = 1 elif(pos == 1): coords_markvalue.append([,valuecoords,offset]) pos =2 elif(pos ==2 ): coords_markvalue.append([,cashcoords,offset]) pos = 0 # if(distance>2000): # pos = 1 # coords_markvalue.append([,cashcoords + distance/2,offset]) # elif(distance<-2000): #coords_markvalue.append([,valuecoords - distance/2,offset]) # coords_markvalue.append([,valuecoords - distance/2,offset]) # else: #coords_markvalue.append([,valuecoords,offset]) # coords_markvalue.append([,cashcoords,offset]) coords_cash.append([, cashdata[date_dict[convert_date(]],offset]) coords.append([,cashdata[date_dict[convert_date(]]]) offsetdate.append(offset) offset = # offsetdate[0] = pd.Timedelta(1,unit = "D") print("coords_cash",coords_cash) print("len(coords_cash)",len(coords_cash)) # print("offsetdate",offsetdate) print("len(offsetdate)",len(offsetdate)) upper = lower = if upper == lower: upper = 2 * lower + 1 # avoid zero in denominator global previous global direction previous = 0 direction = 1 def marker_factory1v(x, y,offsetday): offset = 0 buy = pcftable[pcftable["date"] <= x].iloc[-1]["cash"] markvalue = 0 ycoor = y global direction global previous print("previous before:",previous) # loc = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 5000 + 5000 loc = len(str(buy)) * 1000 + 1000 if buy < 0: color = "#ff7733" markvalue = -buy if(offsetday < pd.Timedelta(7,unit = "D")): offset = -100 ycoor = y + loc*previous*direction previous = 1 direction =-direction else: previous = 0 else: color = "#3366ff" markvalue = -buy if(offsetday < pd.Timedelta(7,unit = "D")): ycoor = y + loc*previous*direction direction = -direction previous = 1 else: previous = 0 print("previous after",previous) # size = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 50 + 50 size = len(str(buy)) * 10 return opts.MarkPointItem(name="test", coord=[, ycoor], value = -buy, itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color=color), # this nested itemstyle_opts within MarkPointItem is only supported for pyechart>1.7.1 # symbol="circle", # symbol="rectangle", symbol_size=size, ) def marker_factory2v(x, y,offsetday): offset = 0 buy = pcftable[pcftable["date"] <= x].iloc[-1]["cash"] markvalue = 0 ycoor = y global direction global previous print("previous before:",previous) print("offsetday",offsetday) print("day", # loc = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 5000 + 5000 loc = len(str(buy)) * 100 if buy < 0: color = "#ff7733" markvalue = -buy if(offsetday < pd.Timedelta(5,unit = "D")): offset = -100 #ycoor = y + loc*previous*direction ycoor = y +loc*previous*direction previous = 1 direction =-direction else: previous = 0 else: color = "#3366ff" markvalue = -buy if(offsetday < pd.Timedelta(5,unit = "D")): #ycoor = y + loc*previous*direction ycoor = y + loc*previous*direction direction = -direction previous = 1 else: previous = 0 print("previous after",previous) # size = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 50 + 50 size = len(str(round(-buy))) * 12 return opts.MarkPointItem(name="test", coord=[, ycoor], value = -round(buy), itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color=color), # this nested itemstyle_opts within MarkPointItem is only supported for pyechart>1.7.1 # symbol="circle", # symbol="rectangle", symbol_size=size, ) # print("getting cashdata,pprice", # print("2cashdata",cashdata) # print("funddata",funddata) print("len(2chashdata)",len(cashdata)) # print("funddata",len(funddata)) # print("valuedata",valuedata) print("len(valuedata)",len(valuedata)) line = Line() #line.add_xaxis([ for d in]) line.add_xaxis(date) line.add_yaxis( series_name="持仓总值1", y_axis=valuedata, # is_symbol_show=False, # ) # y_axis=funddata, is_symbol_show=False, markpoint_opts=opts.MarkPointOpts( data=[marker_factory2v(*c) for c in coords_markvalue], ), ) line.extend_axis( yaxis = opts.AxisOpts( axislabel_opts = opts.LabelOpts(formatter="{value}%",))) print("xianjinzhi") line.add_yaxis( series_name="现金值", y_axis=cashdata, is_symbol_show=False, markpoint_opts=opts.MarkPointOpts( # data=[marker_factory(*c) for c in coords_cash], data=[marker_factory(*c) for c in coords], # symbol = "circle", # symbol_size =size, ), ) def tooltip_factory(coords): for x,y in coords: return opts.TooltipOpts( is_show=True, trigger="axis", trigger_on="mousemove", axis_pointer_type="cross", formatter = str(y) ) line.set_global_opts( datazoom_opts=[ opts.DataZoomOpts( is_show=True, type_="slider", range_start=50, range_end=100 ), opts.DataZoomOpts( is_show=True, type_="slider", orient="vertical", range_start=50, range_end=100, ), ], tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts( is_show=True, trigger="axis", # trigger_on="mousemove", trigger_on="click", axis_pointer_type="cross", # formatter = [tooltip_factory(*c) for c in coords] formatter = JsCode( """function(params){ if(params.dataIndex){ return params.dataIndex } else{ return params } } """ ) ), # tooltip_opts=tooltip_factory(coords) # tooltip_opts=tooltip_factory(coords) ) if rendered: return line.render_notebook()
def v_totcash(self, end=yesterdayobj(), rendered=True, vopts=None): """ kahar 20211215 in order to observe the profit visualization on the total values daily change of the aim """ partp = self.price[self.price["date"] >= self.cftable.iloc[0].date] # 多基金账单时起点可能非该基金持有起点 partp = partp[partp["date"] <= end] date = [ for d in] valuedata = [ self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentvalue", 0) for d in ] cashdata = [ self.unitcost(d)*self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentshare") for d in ] #print(cashdata) #mark buy sell begin pprice = self.price[self.price["date"] <= end] pcftable = self.cftable coords = [] # pcftable = pcftable[abs(pcftable["cash"]) > threhold] for i, r in pcftable.iterrows(): coords.append([, pprice[pprice["date"] <=].iloc[-1]["netvalue"]]) print("coords:",coords) upper = lower = if upper == lower: upper = 2 * lower + 1 # avoid zero in denominator def marker_factory(x, y): buy = pcftable[pcftable["date"] <= x].iloc[-1]["cash"] print("buy",buy) if buy < 0: color = "#ff7733" else: color = "#3366ff" size = (abs(buy) - lower) / (upper - lower) * 5 + 5 print("size",size) return opts.MarkPointItem( coord=[, y], itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color=color), # this nested itemstyle_opts within MarkPointItem is only supported for pyechart>1.7.1 symbol="circle", symbol_size=size, ) #mark buy sell end line = Line() line.add_xaxis(date) line.add_yaxis(series_name="持仓总值1", y_axis=valuedata, is_symbol_show=False, markpoint_opts=opts.MarkPointOpts( data=[marker_factory(*c) for c in coords], ), ) line.add_yaxis(series_name="现金值", y_axis=cashdata, is_symbol_show=False, markpoint_opts=opts.MarkPointOpts( data=[marker_factory(*c) for c in coords], ), ) # line.set_global_opts( datazoom_opts=[ opts.DataZoomOpts( is_show=True, type_="slider", range_start=50, range_end=100 ), opts.DataZoomOpts( is_show=True, type_="slider", orient="vertical", range_start=50, range_end=100, ), ], tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts( is_show=True, trigger="axis", trigger_on="mousemove", axis_pointer_type="cross", ), ) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line